Numb chin anxiety reddit

Numb chin anxiety reddit. Thank you. My health anxiety is worsening and I started noticing that sometimes my jaws feel so tight and numb, especially the back part of my mouth near my throat. I had my 3 wisdom teeth remove 11 days ago I have numbness on my lower lip and chin. My lower lip and chin are still completely numb and the pain hasn’t really decreased since surgery. In addition, the tip of tongue is slightly numb and pretty tingly. It happend to me last afternoon at a library. I think false lows are fairly unheard of. The removal took about 30 minutes. It's been 2 years of self injection and I still have nerve damage. I also occasionally get a sunburnt feeling on the skin of my feet, hands, and face. Odd head tingling, temple pressure, numbness, feels like I'm going crazy. Of course my anxiety is telling me I’m dying or something but trying my best to not freak out. I’ve seen doctors and had an blood work, an MRI and an EEG done and they found absolutely nothing. For me it's H. Also, consider if what you gain from the acupuncture session weights up against the stress/anxiety it Every dentist on planet earth is aware that transient numbness or tingling is a possibility following anesthesia. It feels cold. Sometimes goes up the jaw/cheek area. the doctors dont want to remove it. Omg i thought im the only one i have health anxiety past 4years . 11 votes, 24 comments. You may need a change of meds of something. Mar 1, 2021 · Anxiety can cause several different issues that affect the appearance and feeling of the face. sonispucca. Request a written copy of your blood test results (including both B12 results), if you were low in B12 originally, you are B12 deficient. It went away in a day or two. 22M 5'11" 150lbs. Then, when I run out of energy, my depression swoops in and just turns off every emotion ever. After removal of tooth and resolution of the infection, feeling should slowly come back. However, operating on the fact that Jaw cramping, tingling in face, imbalanced. That’s a good idea, though. I have been on them before for 8 years, but i stopped couple years back as they never really helped me. I've also been having a ton of other symptoms, like heart palpitations, headaches, lightheadedness, trouble sleeping, stomach upset, fatigue, dry mouth, etc. Hello everyone, sorry of this sounds a little bit crazy. Especially if your teeth were hitting nerves…it’s possible they’re inflamed and irritated from the trauma of the removal. Not a fun package but with a little help of omeprazole, a bit of psyllum fiber and pregabalin, as I brought anxiety a tad more under control my symptoms diminished to be almost completely gone, for the moment. but the one symptom I can't attribute to anixety is that my feet and legs are always slightly uncomfortable. I used to get weird tingly numbness on the left side of my face. What are your anxiety symptoms (Physical)? Mine is jaw numbness/pain, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, body shaking, head temple twitching, tightness in chest or heaviness in chest, heat flashes, stomach nervousness and yeah. L. Around my mouth, cheeks, and lower lip and chin. I had my post op a few days ago and my surgeon said it’s unfortunately a normal occurrence. He took a blood test & told me to go the the dentist for a panorex xray of the jaw. Im suffering right side of my body weaknesses face until my feet weird tingling,twitching, weak, feel less sensation, but done brain ct scan 2years ago doc say im normal. Now constant. so embarrassing In my head. The location was kind of different this time, though. They dont hurt. It pops up out of nowhere and disappears pretty quickly again, especially if I move the muscles in my chin. I accidentally bite my bottom lip more often. Hi, I am a 23 year old Korean female living in California. I had numbness in my face a few months ago. Had a neck mri - no masses. I got my bottom 2 wisdom teeth removed about 7 hours ago. A place for TMJD sufferers to share their fears, worries, stories and successes. Yes. The thing I struggle most with is the random aches that strike my head at random times and make me dizzy and lightheaded. I get numbness on the right side of my face and sometimes my upper lip… but having been on steroids before, not sure if the side effects would be worth possibly eliminating the numbness. I can also see that you’ve spent your life trying to please your family and do what other people want you to do, not necessarily what is best for you. I think that's a pretty common internal coping mechanism for anxiety. Yep, in fact it's exactly what kickstarted my health anxiety a few months ago. chin and lip numb. Numb Chin Syndrome. Yes, anxiety can cause numbness. The operation wasn't too bad. Pain moved around. The progress is definitely very slow and gradual. Around the jaw, inner ear, and eye. Numb chin syndrome. Went to the dentist, no issues. ago. The doctor shattered the tooth and removed it in three parts. I have had a numb chin with pain and figured like you that it was likely nothing. I get pins and needles feeling numbness in my hands too. Hey all, just found this sub. Note: I've had extensive testing done and none of the symptoms were due to anything but anxiety. Then two days ago, the opposite side of my face started feeling numb inside. Limbs, body, face, even my tongue. It will subside whenever your anxiety level drops again. Reply reply. It sounds like you’re depressed. The next day my left arm was tingling. Yep happens to me almost every day. Does anyone experience the same? Mine is right on my front teeth. My lip *feels* numb but it can feel hot/cold so that is a good sign. These symptoms all sound like a B12 deficiency to me. I know exactly what you're feeling. Reply. I noticed that the left side of my body would go numb, mainly my pinky and ring finger. I already did go to the doctor recently and had other things checked out. I thought maybe a shaved to close and cut it making it numb. Last night I was able to manage overall pain alternating Tylenol and ibuprofen. I’m having similiar to what you had. Numb limbs or even feeling lightheaded/ on the verge of consciousness is a symptom of a panic attack. If anyone knows a good and quick way to help treat my nerve pains I would greatly appreciate it!! <3. Mainly feels maxillary still but altered sensation maxillary & mandibular areas on palpation. Abstract. I suffer from fairly severe general anxiety and health So i'm wondering has anyone else ever gotten this tingle/numbness/flush feeling from Anxiety and stress. Meds: Levo for my Hypothyroid. It's all about feeling less pain in the places you're likely to get attacked by someone/something. • 7 mo. It does go away when I quit focusing on it, it’s a possibility it’s anxiety and stress driven. I till can feel things on my face, and of course I’m not showing any other symptoms. To the point where I slur and can't speak because I can't feel my mouth. fiddledance. And of course my right arm's always fine. -----nunb chin is bilateral, or unilateral (mostly on left side). Despite my chin being numb to touch it still hurts in the bone it feels like. I seem to get alot of tingling and numbness feeling , sometimes pains…. If you’re just having pain on one side, a numbness and twitching, that sounds more muscular, which would be attributed to TMJ—which is also a very common trait people w anxiety have. This is definitely a part of anxiety that people don't know about, but be cautious, cause it's also a sign of depression and bipolar. I have huge health anxiety and every new symptom just spirals me into full anxiety. Turns out it was just anxiety. It lasted for about a month. I freaked out and called my dentist who had me come in the next day. jojo1948. Sorry you’re feeling so hopeless. It's not numb - it feels like I got a shot and it's kind of wearing off. I have severe health anxiety and over the past couple months I have had a constant feeling of numbness in my face. I have been off the rails since. They just feel numb, tight, and pressed. "my gosh my hands won't stop! wait. Tingling and muscle pain but on my arms and legs. When these muscles are tense, they nerve can get compressed and cause numbness and tingling. It is, or should be, in everybody’s standard informed consent forms. Bottom right half of lip and chin went numb a few days ago for no reason. Give it some time and try to relax, and if you are a lot less anxious and the problem persists, go see a doc about it. Then i saw this. I went through the same feelings last year and it ended up being anxiety manifesting along with a Vitamin D deficiency. my surgeon said I got 90% feeling back, but I feel like it's 70% at best lol. Oral health care professionals may be the first to encounter patients with NCS and should be aware of its clinical characteristics My whole body is a weird sensation pretty much 90% of the time because of my anxiety. If I touch my face lightly, it will tickle on one side whereas I can feel it on the other, but it isn't the same sensation. If you're experiencing a full-on panic attack, it shouldn't be more than 5 minutes. I have lots of tingling and cold feelings through my feet, legs, knees and thighs. It does seem to align very closely with numb chin syndrome (NCS) (though it’s localized mostly to my lip and not my whole chin), which horrifyingly is associated with malignancies, most commonly lymphoma (that I’ve been worried about because of my EBV history and lymph nodes. Tension in all my muscles but especially my legs and an internal vibrating or buzzing feeling intermittently. The next day- same thing but lighter. Just because you have anxiety doesn't mean that's it. T -Hungry Anxious Lonely Tired I do take meds everyday, but it still happens. I posted this reply to someone else and wanted to share my journey. General anxiety can also cause a milder constant version of this. Opthalmic area spared. This means that the blood vessels narrow, which, in turn, decreases blood flow throughout the body. Hi, these symptoms sound very similar to my own. stop. Despite these issues, most people cannot tell when a person is anxious by their face. Right now I can feel it in my right lower leg. May 26, 2022 · Numb chin syndrome (NCS) is a rare sensory neuropathy involving the mental nerve. This went on for weeks and I got a few canker sores as well. So I have a small spot on the tip of my chin that is numb, like feeling like how it would feel if a dentist gave you anesthesia. Starts like 20 minutes after waking up. It's not so much numbness, but a "duller" sensation if that makes sense. Fortunately that symptom didn't hurt you. In fact going to the bathroom was so painful and opiods doesn't help by causing further constipation I got addicted to taking more anti anxiety medications to remedy my anxiety and sleep at night. Numbness of mouth/chin. Real helpful, brain. Last year I was put on Wellbutrin for anxiety and depression which in the end of the week caused my very first panic attack, I had an intense brain zap/head tingle fit that scared me enough to think I was actually going to die right there in my room. Around Monday I noticed during the morning that the left side of my chin started feeling… As far as the oh-so-lovely face tingling, I've heard/read that it is caused by 'shallow breathing' (basically not breathing normal) which is a very common anxiety symptom. Once I got my anxiety under control (starting medication and seeing a counselor), it went away on its own. Almost like going into shock for physical strain. A. Advice (tw - cardiovascular) I've been having chest pains in combination with left arm pains for a almost 2 years now, I always imagined it was anxiety but I could never really convince myself. Not sure if it’s TMJ, neck related or panic/anxiety. They basically marked the areas where I was still feeling numb and took record of it. . I hate that feeling. Google obviously just tells me im havjng a stroke or dying haha which does not help. 5 years post DJS, some numbness on the right side of my lower lip and chin. Each facial symptom of anxiety requires its own treatment. Numbness/tingling/muscle weakness. While this focal numbness may be downplayed or even overlooked by patients and clinicians, in the right clinical scenario this may be the presenting symptom of an underlying malignancy. I feel you man, I have terrible physical anxiety symptoms: tingling in left arm, chin, sharp chest pains, aching back. ADMIN MOD. For the past couple of weeks I've been off balance, then had this tingling sensation that runs over my face on both sides, down around my mouth, sometimes around my eye. Sounds like a compressed nerve but you should get it checked as soon as possible. I got bad cold around thanksgiving. but I have this burning and tingling sensation all day specially when I touch it I don't feel it but I can feel. So i'm wondering has anyone else ever gotten this tingle/numbness/flush feeling from Anxiety and stress. I’m trying to correct my mood and maybe a possible imbalance again. When I get panic attacks, my hands will go tingly and numb first. 1. However, right now, after my removal, my entire bottom lip and chin is totally numb. The detached numbness/mind fog is the worst manifestations of my anxiety. I usually get jaw numbness after eating since I do have TMJ. I went to my MD who never heard of anyone with a number chin or "numb chin sydrome". The past couple of days, it feels like I can't swallow. This usually causes Hi! Yes, i've experienced tingling feelings all over my body during periods of bad anxiety. I'm 99% certain it's a chronic stress response and that my autonomic nervous system is stuck in fight 3. Hey Everyone, I just found this thread and would like to share my worry i have have had for the last few days, which i cannot seem to shake. Doesn’t help my anxiety AT ALL. I’m tired. When I woke up my left side of my face felt slightly numb. Take some magnesium pills that will help with your anxiety. “Numb chin syndrome” (NCS) refers to new-onset numbness of the lower lip and chin within the distribution of the mental or inferior alveolar nerves. When I looked up information on the computer I got scared to death with all the cancer warnings. •. Ensure that you're getting a good 7-8 hours of restful sleep each night. I started to feel like a tingle / pins and needle feeling in my chin and lower lip. What usually helps me is a 0. That’s different from what OP is describing. The way I like to describe it is that, when I have mental energy, my anxiety uses it all up on freaking out about stupid stuff. this weird tingling. Does this mean my nerve its healing ? how do know how when its getting better ? From the beginning having intermittent right facial numbness in maxillary division trigeminal nerve area. Numbness and tingling in feet/extremities during prolonged periods of anxiety. Hi all, So for the past few months on and off (mostly on) I've been having numbness of my mouth and chin. Does this mean my nerve its healing ? how do know how when its getting better ? Yep, in fact it's exactly what kickstarted my health anxiety a few months ago. nightkillr123. I have constant underarm pain on the left side and during panic attacks it can go numb and it radiates to my upper and lower back. Try breathing slow and steady, not really deep, 5 seconds in, hold for 5 seconds, 5 seconds out, hold for 5 seconds, something like that. I have total numbness, like Novocaine, on the outsides of my big toes. While it could be that you were sitting funny or not breathing fully, it is the bodies fear reaction to detach from trauma. After 24 hrs my lower left half of my lip and chin were still numb so I started googling the issue and I was taken aback by the results indicating that I might have nerve damage. If it continues, talk to your doctor. Went away in 2 minutes. Any time we numb a patient, there is a very small risk of nerve injury. The past week I’ve been experiencing intermittent numbness in my chin. It's just another symptom of prolonged anxiety. To describe it, it’s essentially feels like when you go outside into cold air, the slightly numbness you feel. I assume this is just a side affect of anxiety. =/. 2. Laying down or taking a cool shower usually helped me come back to reality when this happened. Oh yeah, absolutely. Yep, you're not alone. I've seen people talk about this a couple times. Drink plenty of electrolytes and breath. Also I'm currently not on any kind of meds. I struggled with this daily before i started taking medication. Hi, I have numbness on the right side of my chin for the past week. Don't worry about it, that prolongs the anxiety and your numbness. You're more than welcome 😀 Feel free to message anytime you feel stressed and need a chat. Then after taking it for maybe a month or so, I decided to see what could be done Herniated discs in the neck usually present with unilateral weakness and shooting pain involving one arm, lumbar involvements usually involve a single leg and almost always present with significant back pain. To "halt" the tremors,twitches, or shaking; I check those 4 things first. RNsRTheCoolest. Share. So idk. • nausea • muscle tightness, i lose all feeling in my legs. 46K subscribers in the TMJ community. • 2 mo. I suffered migraines my whole life and a few years ago started having panic and anxiety attacks. Feb 7, 2020 · 3. • 7 yr. sugardoodl. Numb Chin Syndrome - Must Be Cancer. I clearly had strong anxiety attacks since childhood and i was always yelled at for them 😔 Anyway- yes a numb face is totally an anxiety thing I have frequently experienced. I'm not too sure about the specifics, but I got laughing gas and an IV with some sort of drug to ease the pain during the procedure. Numb Chin Syndrome ? Please, please help. I get random numbness too. • knots in my stomach • sweating • if it 35M Random Parts of Body Going Numb, Scared. It happens a lot with seasons changes. I'll make it quick to save you time -32, F, 2 yrs postpartum -All sorts of health issues postpartum (normally I'm very healthy) -This past year, started getting nerve pain, all over body. There's this thing called "meralgia paresthetica" and it's a compression of the nerve that supplies feeling to the thigh. I've had my fair share of Health Anxiety panics, but this one so far is the most worst (but then again, isn't the next one always the worst). Sometimes down the neck. or could it possibly be something else. Anxiety can effect how we breath and that, in turn, can cause tingling in extremities (head, hand, feet) because they're not getting the amount of oxygen they're used to. Went down the numb chin syndrome black hole and have been freaking out since. I have a weird numb feeling in my chin and freaking out!! Hi there, I’ve been suffering with weird chin sensations (tingling, numbness, heaviness, etc) for 7 months now. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 3 votes and 5 comments It's easier for me to tell that way as opposed to touch. Symptoms of NCS are often overlooked because of their apparent innocent nature; however, owing to the frequent association of NCS with malignancies, the opposite should be the rule. I did some googling and it all points to nerve damage Does MS tingling/numbness depend on your body's position or is it more of a constant? Has anyone gotten like a numb feeling near the adams apple area of the throat and also in the upper back part of the throat near the tonsils? what causes this? does anyone know? Thank you. Almost all doctors online will tell you that there's no way chest pain and left arm pain can coincide without it either being a heart attack or angina Lately, when I get really anxious and my breathing gets shallow, my hands, fingers, and lower face (chin, cheeks and mouth) will get tingly and numb. I saw multiple doctors, then eventually went to the ER and had a CT scan done. However, today I was sitting in my living room browsing Reddit and I noticed the same thing happening. I have loads of nerve pain in my front lower teeth (my gums feel so sensitive), my jaw aches constantly and it radiates throughout my head. No pain. Teapipp. NAD (student) - the numbness is probably due to infection at the root of the tooth causing a compression of the inferior alveolar nerve, albeit rapid in onset as compared to what I'd expect. Yes, I’m 12 days post op and numb in my lower lip and chin. Eventually spread to mandibular area too and then became bilateral. I have had a bunch of other symptoms over the last few years and been told it was in my head. Most likely it could have been dehydration, a dry mouth, or your body pumping blood to where its most neededyour large muscle groupsyour tongue isn't really needed I've been feeling better about my health anxiety but the physical symptoms are driving me nuts lol My weirdest symptom Is my chin feeling tense or tight, as if my skin was too small for the chin, but if I touch it it's normal and soft lol Also last night it (the chin) started to feel like it was burning, and I started to get afraid of it being something related to the nerves, but I put on a r/AskDocs. A little over a week ago, a patch under my chin went numb. This all started after finding out about my dads oral cancer diagnosis December 2. Venting. One day, right after I ate, I threw my head back on my couch and this sensation of numbness and tingling washed over my face- forehead, cheeks, lips. The tongue can’t taste or feel anything. xoemily. I don't think you need to worry. 3. I decided to try to wait it out, because of the side effects. Yesterday during the afternoon I took a nap. So i did what i know i shouldn't do any googled it and found out about Numb Chin Syndrome. Have you experienced this and what helps? so yesterday my chin went numb / it had a feeling as if something was making pressure You’re probably clenching your jaw and shrugging your shoulder due to the anxiety. Being that tense can lead to issues like migraines and, more indirectly, cervical spine issues like disc bulging/herniation. Numb Chin Syndrome? Lymph nodes everywhere. Fast forward to mid-January and my lymph nodes got very swollen, my chin and a portion of my cheek went numb. During the anxious state, all the blood is rushed away from your extremities. Bc it’s anxiety too you’re most likely going to obsess something is wrong with you and get mad when the doctor tells you there isn’t and it’s anxiety. You have pain and numbness in both arms and legs and neck pain, these symptoms don't, taken together, suggest a single disk herniation I do have severe anxiety I also have been clenching my jaw so hard when I sleep ( sometimes biting tongue ) which has caused my chin/jaw to become numb which is making the rest of my face uncomfortable and sorta tingly. I get random pains and it's often uncomfortable to walk because my toes and soles Its more likely you noticed the numbness that then triggered your anxiety and made an association between a numb tongue and anxiety. Hyperventilation (breathing faster and deeper than is normal) can cause low levels of carbon dioxide, which can cause numbness/tingling in the fingers. My left lower jaw started feeling numb about 2 hours after dinner. 5. Paraesthesia or anaesthesia to the lip and chin can be described as “numb chin syndrome”, which is usually unilateral and affects the sensory distribution of the mental nerve and its branches of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve, without any motor or taste disturbance [ 19 ]. I take numbness (due to anxiety) in the same way as being out side of normal feeling standard. Sep 21, 2023 · One of the quick changes that occur in these instances is vasoconstriction. ACCEPT IT. From what I've read it's more obnoxious (because of the tingling and/or burning) than anything and totally treatable. I'm 6 months postop btw. I'm paranoid sometimes about something being on my chin/lip and wipe it anxiously. Take in some deep breaths and hold it for few seconds then exhale slowly this will help with your panic attacks. That except for tingling and numbness in my face and numbness on my left arm and muscle twitching on my legs. About 5 days ago, part of my lower left chin started to feel numb. First thing my anxiety goes to is stroke Numb chin syndrome? 23F, Diagnosed with Hpothyroidism. Went to sleep, woke up, and felt normal. Just numb. Like my tongue and jaw under my chin feels weak and cramped. It’s usually accompanied by difficulties moving and speaking, crying, my limbs being really tense, and hurting myself by running into or stepping on things because I can only focus on on spot. Chin and lip have a small amount of tingle. So lost. Anxiety can lead to a red face, facial tingling, and other issues that affect the lips, eyes, and more. Which, yeah. Posted 5 years ago, 56 users are following. I know this is super old but facial numbness and tingling is actually one of the most common symptoms of a panic attack. My chin has one spot that is pretty numb but I don't really care if I regain feeling in my chin. At times I feel like parts of my face twitch too. Anxiety disorders and then throw chronic pain on top a little later in life = wanting to just die most daysbut being terrified and anxious about dying. Lately my bottom eyelid twitches a lot as well as my chin and liver lips. . Anybody ever get some numbness around their face and bottom of chin? Ive been having a tough time with my anxiety lately and started to feel these symptoms. I most often get it around the mouth and my hands/fingers. I brushed it off. I get random pains and it's often uncomfortable to walk because my toes and soles Yes I can completely relate. Impacted wisdom tooth extracted and feeling a numb chin, bottom lip and some of my gum. Hi Reddit, I had an impacted wisdom tooth removed (bottom left in the picture). I am no medical professional, just wanting to share my experience. We are not Drs. Like the wearing off of anesthesia. 25mg clonazepam and some sleep. Says it's from Fibromyalgia, or maybe I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome -i go to ER, they are not concerned either -went to the dentist, got x-rays, nothing wrong there. We cannot…. Just some food for thought. Completely normal, nothing that will hurt you. I just want it to stop. IT COMES AND GOES. It's a normal panic attack symptom, so there's absolutely no reason to fear it. Beginning in late December I started getting pain in my gums. Another episode, but lighter, happened in 15 minutes. You may also be clenching your jaw instinctively throughout the day which can lend to a muscular fatigue that can manifest these symptoms or exacerbate them. Advice Needed. Mine shifts sides tho. I often get it in my legs and fingers. i went an go an MRI on my head and it turns out i have a non cancerous cyst somewhere on my brain. But the chin, lip, and tongue on my left side are still numb. The toll of my body not working as it is supposed to greatly exacerbated my already present anxiety. So. At some stage I can’t suppress the anxiety, it just brews and foments no matter how much I distract myself and then somehow suddenly I’ve convinced myself there’s a reasonable chance I acquired tetanus, or I’m having a heart attack, or something. Doc thinks it is NBD. Definitely a symptom of anxiety, but maybe get checked out just to rule out nerve damage! Yes, it is. Hi, thanks so much for reading. ew rw rd ud ru bs mt vj uv md