Michigan state police Visuals, including maps, charts, and graphs provide a modern view of crime across the state. In August 2020, the MSP started the process to become accredited by The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. Career Paths After successful completion of the probationary period and two years of service, troopers are eligible to apply for specialty assignments including: Applications and information for the Criminal Justice Information Center's initiative to provide the criminal justice community with a variety of information sharing and improved quality records management services. If students require earlier lodging because of travel time, the Training Division will make the necessary arrangements for an additional charge. Nov 21, 2024 · Michigan Faces Extreme Cold—State Police Remind Residents to Prepare Now. Barker, Charles, Lt. Costs for lodging at the Michigan State Police Training Academy, if applicable, are based on arrival for the first day of the program. Cadets also learn interview/business etiquette including writing resumes and cover letters and appropriate attire. The Michigan State Police, Fire Investigation Unit has field offices located in strategic locations to provide convenient and timely services. In one of those most ridiculous disciplinary actions, Michigan State Police Trooper Cody Longuski was suspended for 30 days after using his patrol car to ram a wrong-way driver who was under the influence of alcohol. The Office of School Safety (OSS) is committed to delivering quality services to schools throughout the state of Michigan. The Michigan Office of Retirement Services administers two different types of retirement plans for the Michigan State Police: a Defined Benefit Plan and a Pension Plus (hybrid) Plan. Find information on sex offender registry, firearms, criminal history, traffic laws, and more. Officers should contact their local prosecutor for an interpretation before applying the information contained in this update. Feb 9, 2025 · The Michigan State Police training academy and recruitment process are designed to equip new recruits with the skills needed to succeed. Biological specimens (typically blood and urine) are submitted to the unit from law enforcement agencies in every county. Houghton Avenue West Branch, Michigan 48661 Contact Phone: 989-345-0956 This is the Community Service Trooper and should only be used for community outreach and presentation requests. During the event, applicants will take the Baseline Fitness Test and the With a commitment to transparency in our operations and administration, the Michigan State Police (MSP) is making the below information easily accessible for review by the public because public trust and support is essential to good community policing strategies and maintaining accountability. 248, & MCL 28. Michigan State Police CJIC P. This budget covers Michigan State Police trooper strength; the services of the State-run crime laboratories, which serve all law enforcement across Michigan; crime data, including crime trends; homeland security and disaster response; patrolling of highways by troopers; major crime investigations; school safety; 9-1-1 emergency telephone systems; computer crimes; enforcement of tobacco tax Effective Immediately, we're transitioning away from accepting procurement card purchases directly through online sales or in-store. Jan 29, 2025 · Michigan State Police say a trooper who pulled over a driver for defective equipment was dragged half a block when the driver tried to flee. MSPTA 2020-2024. This unit utilizes equipment and training necessary for extremely difficult and/or dangerous tasks in such areas as hostage rescue, barricaded gunmen, high risk arrest and search warrant service, VIP security, and counter terrorism. Nov 18, 2024 · Michigan Faces Extreme Cold—State Police Remind Residents to Prepare Now. This initiative is focused on impacting the multi-million dollar revenue loss to the state due to criminal activity regarding tobacco tax fraud. Our Just Cause. . The Michigan State Police, Grants and Community Services Division, Prevention Services Section, provides school liaison training for sworn officers and school liaison officers working with youth. BenkovskyA@michigan. To ensure your continued access to our products please contact us by phone (517) 322-2839, so we can assist you with placing your orders and issuing an invoice for payment. The information below identifies firearm(s) confiscated by a Michigan law enforcement agency and turned over to the Michigan State Police (MSP) pursuant to MCL 28. The MSP Polygraph Section, founded in 1935, is the oldest state agency polygraph section in the country. State of Michigan Jobs ; Eligible Candidates. Michigan State Police employees receive health, dental, vision, and life insurance packages. If you wish to make a donation, please send a check made payable to the Michigan State Police Canine Unit, 2615 Port Lansing Road, Lansing MI 48906. You will also find important information under the State Human Resources section of the web site as well. The Michigan State Police purchase and use both radar (microwave) and laser (infrared) speed measurement devices in their speed measurement enforcement activities. We want to be an agency where our service delivery exceeds expectations now and into the future by capitalizing on strategic investments in our members, policing practices, and community relationships. Nathan Dillon. As sub-zero temperatures and dangerous wind chills are forecast to sweep across Michigan early next week, the Michigan State Police Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division (MSP/EMHSD) is urging residents and visitors to take precautions to stay safe. Michigan State Police. Brandon Davis Traffic Crash Reconstruction Unit 2615 Port Lansing Road Lansing, MI 48906-2116 Office: 269-657-6081 Cell 269-767-1409 Why Michigan State Police Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) ERGs serve as communities within MSP where department members with common interests or backgrounds bring their collective voices together to drive change, create new opportunities and help inspire each other. Welcome to the Michigan State Police (MSP), CJIS Compliance Section, Noncriminal Justice Agency (NCJA) website. Michigan State Police Traffic Enforcement: An Assessment of Policies, Training, and Operations. 7426 N. Contact Phone: 989-354-4101 This is the Community Service Trooper and should only be used for community outreach and presentation requests. Administrative Assistant. 131 in Cadillac. Download the forms in PDF format and follow the instructions for submission or completion. 271,416 likes · 5,311 talking about this. The Cadillac post covers Wexford, Manistee and Missaukee counties. to 2 p. AMBER Alert, Michigan Blue Alert, Public Threat Alert, Vulnerable Adult Medical Alert Community Service Troopers (CSTs) Go to Community Service Troopers (CSTs) Cadets perform a variety of law enforcement related tasks to assist state police personnel in office and post activities including ride alongs, legal training, report writing, first aid, and more. If you are seeking a Michigan State Police incident report or other public record, visit our Freedom of Information page. Canal Road Lansing, MI 48913. 20 hours ago · Michigan State Police outline how federal funding holds will impact their work. Region 3 District Coordinator. 2019 Police Vehicle Tire Evaluation Jan 17, 2025 · The Michigan State Police (MSP) today announced a series of new investments recommended by Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2026, including a 20% pay raise for MSP troopers and sergeants. All State Properties Security Officer (SPSO) positions are based in the Lansing area. The forensic science laboratories of the Michigan State Police hire employees from two workforce pools: enlisted state troopers and civilians. Go to Safety Tips Information on Domestic Violence, Fire Safety, Internet Safety, Safety for the Elderly, Safety Tips, Safe Driving, School Safety and Weather Safety. 04 Outsourcing Tpr. Contact Info Committee Clerk Aaron Meek Phone +1 5173738080. Our intention is to provide exceptional missing persons and unidentified human remains investigative coordination support to law enforcement and the citizens of the State of Michigan. Complaints of misconduct against MSP employees may be filed with local post and district commanders or with the Professional Standards Section at MSP Headquarters. A CSRT coordinator will contact the requesting agency to gather information and determine if a team will be deployed (types of crimes commonly responded to include but are not limited to homicides, mass fatality incidents, suspicious deaths, officer AMBER Alert, Michigan Blue Alert, Public Threat Alert, Vulnerable Adult Medical Alert Community Service Troopers (CSTs) Go to Community Service Troopers (CSTs) Michigan was the first state agency to establish a dedicated biometrics division. Jason Kunath. Michigan Law Enforcement Information Network (LEIN) The Michigan Law Enforcement Information Network (LEIN) is a statewide computerized information system, which was established July 1, 1967, as a service to Michigan's criminal justice agencies. OHSP will support local car seat distribution efforts by providing car seats for local seat check events and fitting stations for low-income families. The employee is required to undergo a formal training program. The agency's Sixth District - West, which includes Ionia County, operates out of the Lakeview/Ionia Post, located at 10300 Howard City-Edmore Road in Lakeview. Ethnicity/Gender: Applicant Pool (March 2020 - January 2021) Started: Graduated: American Native, Females May 31, 2023 · In a continuing commitment to transparency and equitable policing, the Michigan State Police (MSP) today shared an independent study of its 2021 traffic stop data conducted by researchers at the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University (MSU). The CALEA Law Enforcement Accreditation process focuses on standards that provide best practices related to life, health, and safety procedures for the agency. Help build a Michigan where everyone feels safe and secure. Motor carrier officers enforce traffic safety laws on commercial vehicles, protect the infrastructure through size and weight enforcement, conduct commercial vehicle and driver inspections, and contribute to homeland security The focal point for the ORS honor is Small Steps, the program that helps State of Michigan 401(k) and 457 Plan participants better prepare for retirement. Pursuant to section 238 of PA 166 of 2022, the Michigan State Police posts this notice that it has adopted a hybrid policy that includes in-person, remote, and alternative work arrangements. Remember: Active winter weather and hazardous traveling conditions create the greatest demand for police and EMS services. If you have a matter that requires local police action or assistance, please contact your nearest MSP post. Find various forms for different purposes related to the Michigan State Police, such as concealed pistol license, criminal history record, sex offender registry, and more. The Michigan State Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division (MSP/EMHSD) is responsible for coordinating state and federal resources to assist local government in response and relief activities in the event of an emergency or disaster, as well as coordinating homeland security initiatives and various federal grants. Approximately 1,454 employees are in AMBER Alert, Michigan Blue Alert, Public Threat Alert, Vulnerable Adult Medical Alert Community Service Troopers (CSTs) Go to Community Service Troopers (CSTs) Go to Safety Tips Information on Domestic Violence, Fire Safety, Internet Safety, Safety for the Elderly, Safety Tips, Safe Driving, School Safety and Weather Safety. For immediate police response, please call 911. This web site will provide the most current information to help you assist the employees covered under the State Police Retirement System, administered by ORS. The post is located at 7711 U. In the last decade, the division has progressed to include the specialty areas of polygraph, forensic audio/video analysis, ten-print and palmprint identification, facial identification, forensic art, and DNA. 41 East Negaunee, Michigan 49866 Contact Phone: 906-475-9922 This is the Community Service Trooper and should only be used for community outreach and presentation requests. The department or agency has the authority to assign and schedule its employees and determine their work location. The Michigan State Police (MSP) Training Division supports the department and the criminal justice community through educational programs both at MSP’s Training Academy in Dimondale and at various off-site locations around the state. Feb 4, 2025 · Michigan Faces Extreme Cold—State Police Remind Residents to Prepare Now. Our Customers are organizations such as federal, state, local, tribal, or other municipal government agencies (including administrative agencies, departments, and offices thereof), private businesses, and educational institutions (including without limitation K-12 schools, colleges, universities, and vocational schools), who use our Services to evaluate job If you Have an Emergency Call 911. Our Vision. Requests for a CSRT are made through the Michigan State Police Intelligence Operations Center. Traffic Crash Reconstruction has been a part of the Michigan State Police (MSP) since the mid-1970's. They participate in the State of Michigan’s Defined Contribution Retirement Program; additional options for retirement investment are available through the state’s 401k or 457 deferred compensation programs. Motor carrier officers are armed members of the Michigan State Police responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. Updated Tue, March 11th 2025 at 10:53 AM. Michigan State Police Testimony Email Subscription. For information on traffic crash facts, crash facts history at a glance, deer crash survey results and holiday statistics. MSP pilot in helicopter The Michigan State Police Criminal Justice Information Center (CJIC) has created this dashboard portal to present the public with timely, accurate, and actionable public safety data, including crime in Michigan data. 20 hours ago · Michigan State Police say millions are being withheld, leaving the state limited in preparing for, responding to and recovering from emergencies. m. With a detailed training program and competitive salary, the Michigan State Police is a great career choice for those interested in law enforcement. U11 - Institutional Unit: This unit includes all non-professional, classifications which provide indirect or direct services to patients or residents of state facilities, excluding correctional security classifications. 10 hours ago · Michigan State Police are raising concerns over a federal funding freeze that has left millions in Federal Emergency Management Agency grants inaccessible for emergency management, disaster recover… Nov 21, 2024 · These 52 new Michigan State Police troopers and their instructors posed for a photo on the State Capitol steps after Thursday's graduation ceremony. The MICR Unit is the State's Repository for Crime Data The Michigan Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program was instituted in 1959. Brighton Post 4337 Buno Road Brighton, Michigan 48114. Position Code Title - State Police Specialist Tpr State Police Specialist (Trooper) 11 This is the entry level. 273 COMPLIANCE: Voluntary. Jul 9, 2023 · State Police Trooper E11: Possession of a high school diploma or GED Certificate and successful completion of the Michigan State Police Training Academy Recruit School and the Field Training Officer Program. Each year, the Michigan Incident Crime Reporting data is "frozen" on a specific date for purposes of publishing the annual Crime in Michigan report. It provides direct support to the Capitol Post, district specialty teams, Hometown Security Teams (HST), forensics, and the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division (CVED), as well as being the primary support for all specialty team COD PM - 1. Oct 2, 2024 · Field Support & Aviation Lt. by Elizabeth McKernan, WWMT. WZZM-TV Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo-Battle Creek. , known as CALEA. Kevin Sweeney, who is the deputy Dec 4, 2023 · Where We Are a Service Provider. Provide the highest quality law enforcement and public safety services throughout Michigan. The highly trained examiners utilize credibility assessment techniques to ascertain truth from deception and give investigative direction to the requesting agencies. The Forensic Science Division (FSD) comprises seven forensic laboratories located throughout the state, employing state-of-the-art technology to assist police agencies with evidence analysis in the areas of biology/DNA, firearms and tool marks, trace evidence/questioned documents, toxicology, bloodstain pattern analysis, latent prints, and controlled substances, as well as crime scene response Monetary donations can be made to the MSP Canine Unit. S. Use the information below to determine which plan you belong to, and to link to the website for that plan. List of Weapons to be Destroyed: The Forfeited Weapons Unit did not take in any firearms during the month of February. Theme: Modern Policing. The House Fiscal Agency is a nonpartisan agency within the Michigan House of Representatives. Michigan State Police Marine Services boat and helicopter of the coast of Mackinac Island. The OSS administers grants, liaisons with policy makers, offers training, and promotes strategies to encourage safe and secure learning environments that reduce threats, build trust, and improve the quality of life for K-12 AMBER Alert, Michigan Blue Alert, Public Threat Alert, Vulnerable Adult Medical Alert Community Service Troopers (CSTs) Go to Community Service Troopers (CSTs) Established in 2016, the Tactical Bike Team is specially trained in crowd management and crowd control. Our Mission. Questions about our division's activities should be directed to Ms. The Michigan State Police reserves the right to remove user generated content or comments that contain: Profane or obscene language or content; Content that promotes or perpetuates discrimination against protected classes; Vacant Metro North Post 14350 10 Mile Road Oak Park, Michigan 48237 Contact Phone: This is the Community Service Trooper and should only be used for community outreach and presentation requests. If you prefer, you can mail a check or money order (payable to the STATE OF MICHIGAN) to Michigan State Police, Cashiers Unit, P. The Michigan State Police Precision Driving Unit performed a tire test for patrol vehicles in 2019. Shane Noble West Branch Post 496 E. 01 Terms and Abbreviations COD PM - 1. Offenders must provide the following information during their next verification period: Copies of passport and/or immigration documents The Michigan State Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division (MSP/EMHSD) provides hazardous materials (Hazmat) training and planning assistance to local communities throughout the state of Michigan. A NCJA is a governmental agency authorized by federal statute, executive order, or state statute and approved by the U. AMBER Alert, Michigan Blue Alert, Public Threat Alert, Vulnerable Adult Medical Alert Community Service Troopers (CSTs) Go to Community Service Troopers (CSTs) Michigan State Police 139th Trooper Recruit School Demographics. The Emergency Support Team was created in 1974 to handle highly dangerous and critical incidents facing law enforcement. The LRCC provides operational support for Michigan State Police (MSP) personnel working in the First District. Be a leader and partner in law enforcement and public safety, with a highly trained, full-service state police force that is mobile, flexible, and responsive to emerging public safety needs across Michigan. gov Information on Domestic Violence, Fire Safety, Internet Safety, Safety for the Elderly, Safety Tips, Safe Driving, School Safety and Weather Safety. AMBER Alert, Michigan Blue Alert, Public Threat Alert, Vulnerable Adult Medical Alert Community Service Troopers (CSTs) Go to Community Service Troopers (CSTs) Please show respect to those you are addressing when making a post or submitting a comment. Questions and comments may be directed to MSPLegal@michigan. Jan 7, 2025 · The Michigan State Police (MSP) is seeking members of the public to volunteer as role players in scenario-based training for its upcoming Trooper Recruit School. The employee, under close supervision, works in a learning capacity in a specialized area. Summer wear testing was completed in August, 2019. 11, said Michigan State Police Capt. All felonies and serious misdemeanors that are punishable by over 93 days are required to be reported to the state repository by law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and courts in all 83 Michigan Motor carrier officers are armed members of the Michigan State Police responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. The purpose of this facility is to provide emergency vehicle operations training to the law enforcement community. Ethnicity/Gender: Applicant Pool (July 8, 2021 - December 1, 2021) Started: Graduated Go to Safety Tips Information on Domestic Violence, Fire Safety, Internet Safety, Safety for the Elderly, Safety Tips, Safe Driving, School Safety and Weather Safety. The Precision Driving Facility is located on a 42-acre site adjacent to the Michigan State Police Training Academy. The team has assisted the Michigan Department of Transportation with underwater bridge inspection/video taping, Michigan Department of Natural Resources with photography and video taping of shipwreck artifacts and confiscation of illegal gill fishing nets, and United States Coast Guard with hull inspections and retrieval of property, such as To obtain the assistance of one of these specialized units, requests can be routed through any Michigan State Police Post, Regional Communication Center, or the Operations Unit at 517-241-8000. With over 1,800 enlisted members, the full-service police force embraces opportunities to mobilize and support local first responder agencies by staging scores of troopers where assistance is needed. 02 Preface COD PM - 1. The Professional Standards Section of the Michigan Department of State Police does not have supervisory authority over employees of other state, county, or local police agencies. The Michigan State Police (MSP) Victim Services Program (VSP) is designed to increase interaction between crime victims and law enforcement and reduce further trauma to victims. Information on Chaplains, Grants, Investigative Assistance, Law Enforcement Resources, and Specialized Teams. Negaunee Post 180 U. The frozen set was created on March 1, 2021, for the 2020 Crime in Michigan publication. Providing for the public's safety with excellence, integrity and courtesy since 1917. Statistics and information on crime in Michigan, CPL reports, traffic crashes and traffic safety, drunk driving, and appropriation-required reports. Administered by Voya Financial for ORS, Small Steps is a program that increases participant contributions by 1% annually up to 15% unless they opt out. Please do not tie up telephone lines and dispatch personnel by calling to request weather or travel information. Use MICHTIP to submit suspicious activity or crime tips. The Michigan State Police, a law enforcement agency in the U. The primary purpose of the reconstruction specialist is to determine as accurately as possible how a collision occurred using the physical facts and evidence available at the crash scene and application of the laws of physics. Get the phone numbers, email addresses, and postal addresses of MSP headquarters and posts. 434 and MCL 750. We actively support our MSP retirees and assist many of our department members and their families in significant times of need. However, failure to complete this form will result in denial of request. The Michigan Intelligence Operations Center, Michigan's fusion center, provides 24-hours a day statewide information sharing among local, state and federal public safety agencies and private sector organizations to facilitate the collection, analysis and dissemination of criminal intelligence. Alpena Post 3283 W. Winter testing focused on acceleration, deceleration, and lateral acceleration was performed in January, 2019. 3 hours ago · The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has not reimbursed a state grant program for emergency management since Feb. Use OK2Say to submit tips on criminal activities or potential harm directed at students, school employees, or schools. Jan 24, 2025 · This update is published by the Michigan State Police, Legal Resources and Education Section, and is provided for informational purposes only. Thomas Kinnunen. 162, MCL 28. Find more information on Employee Benefits. Live Organ Donation LOU. State, Sheriffs, Chiefs Narcotics Enforcement (SSCENT): 800-994-8477 Straits Area Narcotics Enforcement (SANE): 800-621-8651 Strike Team Investigative Narcotics Group (STING): 989-345-2304 2 days ago · We are the ONLY labor organization recognized by the Michigan Civil Service Commission and the Department of State Police as the representative of MSP command officers. mi. Michigan State Police Troopers Association. Box 30266 Lansing, Michigan 48909-7766 (A processing fee is not required for juvenile set aside applications). To ensure proper credit, please include your CR Number (available on the FOIA letter) with your payment, or a copy of the letter. Police and fire agencies may call 1-888-684-3473 (1-888-684-FIRE) toll-free from anywhere in the state to reach their area investigator. BarkerC@michigan. Other events will be opportunities to learn more about working with the Michigan State Police. The 2024 Ford Mustang Mach-E is assigned to MSP’s State Security Operations Section to be used by state properties security officers, who are armed, uniformed members […] Michigan State Police 141st (Lateral) Trooper Recruit School Demographics. Email ameek@house. The Michigan State Police, in cooperation with Michigan's Attorney General and the Department of Treasury, has a lead role in the Tobacco Tax Enforcement (TTE) initiative. Washington Avenue Alpena, Michigan 49707. Attorney General to receive state and federal fingerprint based criminal history record information (CHRI), directly or indirectly from the MSP. 214, MCL 28. MSP Response to Findings and Recommendations pdf pdf Full Report The Michigan Cyber Command Center (MC3) investigates the criminal aspect of network intrusions for cyber incidents involving Michigan businesses, non-profit organizations, and public entities -- including those incidents related to ransomware, phishing, business email compromises (BEC), and malicious insiders. ICHAT allows the search of public criminal history record information maintained by the Michigan State Police, Criminal Justice Information Center. Lauren Thompson-Phillips at 517-216-0103. State Police Employees Honored for Dedication and Service with Annual Awards February 04, 2025 Michigan State Police (MSP) Director Col. Offenders must report in person to a local law enforcement agency, sheriff's office, or Michigan State Police post not more than three business days before moving to another state. 517-284-3946. O. The Statewide Network of Agency Photos (SNAP)Unit Program is the central repository for storing the State of Michigan’s digital facial images (Front/Profile/Scars, Marks, and Tattoos) and associated data for law enforcement access. Insp. The Michigan State Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information before, during and after an emergency or disaster. MSP Posts Accreditation: FSD is accredited to the ISO 17025:2017 standard and AR 3125 supplemental standard by ANAB for forensic testing in Biology, Document Examination, Firearms and Tool Marks, Fire Debris and Explosives, Footwear and Tire, Friction Ridge, The official YouTube channel of the Michigan Department of State Police. Positions that are posted for hiring will specify eligibility. SPSO's perform a number of law enforcement functions while on duty including patrol of the Capitol Grounds and state office buildings, security at special events, dignitary protection, and the investigation of criminal complaints which emanate from state agencies or occur on state owned or leased property. 810-223-8466. Tpr. gov The MPCU serves the Michigan State Police, criminal justice, noncriminal justice, governmental agencies, public safety officers, and the general public. 03 DNA Technical Leader Vacancy and Contingency Plan COD PM - 1. Inspector Sosinski's first assignment as a Trooper was in White Pigeon where she served for five years before being promoted to Sergeant and serving as a legislative liaison in the Executive Division. State Police Trooper E11 MSP recruiters will be on-site for hiring events to administer the entry-level law enforcement exam and assist with applications for trooper and motor carrier officer positions. Advanced precision driving programs are offered to both in-state and out-of-state certified police officers. Box 30266, Lansing, Michigan 48909. Find out how to reach MSP for emergencies, local police action, or various services and programs. Each officer has completed an 80-hour At-Scene Traffic Crash Investigation course, an 80-hour Advanced or Technical Traffic Crash Investigation course, and an 80 to 115-hour Traffic Crash Reconstruction course provided by MSP or the Institute of Police Technology and Management, University of North Florida (IPTM) in addition to the 30-hour Jun 7, 2024 · Michigan Faces Extreme Cold—State Police Remind Residents to Prepare Now. Jan 6, 2025 · By Drew’s Cop Shop Staff. This section of the web site covers the State Police system specifically. Benkovsky, Autumn. State of Michigan contracts for the purchase of radar and laser speed measurement devices are secured for the department through the Michigan Department of Management and Budget. AMBER Alert, Michigan Blue Alert, Public Threat Alert, Vulnerable Adult Medical Alert Community Service Troopers (CSTs) Go to Community Service Troopers (CSTs) 1 day ago · The Michigan State Police Cadillac Post is hosting a hiring event from 9 a. The MSP is a full-service law enforcement agency with over 3,000 employees and 31 posts across the state. Learn about the services, programs, and career opportunities of the Michigan State Police. Tue, March 11th 2025 at 10:11 AM. This dashboard enables users to view and interact with Michigan Incident Crime Reporting data. state of Michigan, is responsible for enforcing state laws and providing public safety services. Michigan State Police Page 1 of 2 AUTHORITY: MCL 28. The goal is to create a diverse pool of volunteers, reflective of Michigan’s population, to best prepare recruits to serve in communities across the state. James F. Law enforcement agencies voluntarily submitted their crime data to compile a uniform crime report. Car seat orders for FY25 will be accepted until funds are liquidated or until August 30, 2025. Donations are used to buy protective equipment for canines and handlers and are also used on occasion toward the purchase of new canines. The Precision Driving Facility is located on a 42 acre site adjacent to the Michigan State Police Training Academy. Information on carrying concealed pistols, permits, renewal, frequently asked questions, pistol free areas, pistol safety training course information, and more. The Plexiglas "Stop" placards on Michigan State Police (MSP) patrol car hoods were originally an imitation of similar, smaller signs on the front fender of MSP motorcycles used for highway patrol in the 1920s-30s. Motor carrier officers enforce traffic safety laws on commercial vehicles, protect the infrastructure through size and weight enforcement, and conduct inspections. Agency personnel provide confidential, nonpartisan expertise to the House Appropriations Committee and all other members of the House on all legislative fiscal matters. Michele Sosinski began her career with the Michigan State Police in September 1994. Grady II today recognized five current and former members and employees at one post with awards for their dedication and servi 2019 Police Vehicle Tire Evaluation . Learn about the history, duties, and organization of the state police agency for Michigan, U. This study, which follows a similar independent study conducted last year, explores Jan 31, 2025 · Michigan Faces Extreme Cold—State Police Remind Residents to Prepare Now. 239. Contact Phone: 810-227-1051 This is the Community Service Trooper and should only be used for community outreach and presentation requests. gov. The Toxicology Unit of the Michigan State Police serves the entire State of Michigan from one location at the Lansing Laboratory. The men and women of the Michigan State Police (MSP) are committed to the equitable treatment of all persons and to providing service and enforcing the law in a professional, just and nondiscriminatory manner. Oct 1, 2024 · Whenever and wherever duty beckons, the Michigan State Police responds swiftly and effectively to calls for service. Position Code Title - State Police Specialist Sgt State Police Specialist FSD is accredited to the ISO 17025:2017 standards and AR 3125 supplemental requirements by ANAB for forensic testing in Biology (Body Fluid Identification and DNA), Bloodstain Pattern Analysis, Document Examination, Firearms and Tool Marks, Fire Debris and Explosives, Friction Ridge (Latent Prints), Impressions (Footwear and Tire Tracks), Seized Drugs, Scene Investigation, Toxicology, and 20 hours ago · As temperatures rise, Michigan State Police remind drivers to stay alert for motorcycles to prevent accidents. Experience State Police Trooper Trainee 9, State Police Trooper 10 No specific type or amount is required. LIVE SCAN FINGERPRINT BACKGROUND CHECK REQUEST To satisfy the requests and needs of the state of Michigan as well as local Michigan communities, and to provide a more complete picture of crime in our state, the MICR program collects more offense file classes and crime data elements than the FBI’s National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) program. Latest News: Find News and Information on MSP Newsroom The Michigan State Police values diversity, equity and inclusion and is committed to building a culture that values trust, transparency and individual contributions that will inspire the confidence of department members, the public and our stakeholders. on March 20. Jan 15, 2025 · Lansing, MI — January 15, 2025 The Michigan State Police (MSP) is announcing the addition of its first battery electric vehicle (BEV) to be used on patrol starting today.
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