Adhd blank mind reddit. It went away slowly for no particular reason.
Adhd blank mind reddit Anyone had similar experiences? When I’m not triggered my mind is extremely quick, has no trouble following conversation and can make witty remarks and word plays. If you feel your mind start to worry about failure, just remind yourself "i got this shit, im worried about nothing" and focus on slowing your breathing. I’m quite a playful person so I like to have fun with conversation and words. then i started again used more than a year this time and again i stopped taking more than a year ago. Learning how to manage these stressors may ADHD has helped to ruin 2 marriages, 17 or more jobs, friendships and god knows what else. ). Share your stories, struggles, and non-medication strategies. They are a type of seizure causing a brief glitch in consciousness. " Same here, i find myself lost totally, i have no personality, sometimes my friends call me “copy paste” bc i copy some words, actions from them, I can’t form thoughts in my mind, i can but it’s really surface level, when i talk to people, friends I don’t add anything to convo, i am like uhh, hmmm, yes, sure , interesting thing is i -A feeling of something being 'off', like a huge discomfort in my mind and body. If you have ADD then you have the advantage of a mind that will give you more opportunities to notice that it's wandered. It’s a fucking hell. I’m a year in and this has also coincided with a return of interests and, as another commenter said, creative rabbit holes. I actually did a lot, but when he asks my mind goes completely blank and then it seems like I didn't accomplish anything and I feel worthless. I can quite happily sit and stare at a blank wall for minutes without doing anything, I am easily content, not easily bored. And my mind just went complete BLANK, nothing, emptiness. Identifying when you’re experiencing an ADHD-related blank mind episode is crucial for developing effective coping strategies. Guys I want to ask about your blank mind if u don't mind 🙂 What type of it you have? 1. It was major pain throughout school, and is still one at work. My recommendation is accept that the brain-rot feeling will come. Anyway, I think from the pressure of my experience and the feeling of isolation it brought and my mental battle to stay sane and fight with my own mind led to me going to the opposite extreme, which is to dismiss all thoughts and that led to this blank mind most of the time as a defense mechanism to my mind being my tormentor. Actually, it's very quiet in my head. With the blank mind and no visualization I am just constantly confused all the time and cant remember anything at all. But the part I want focus on is your assertion that “men can have a blank mind. Nothing sticks in my mind anymore, and i have difficulty relating to information and situations around me. Posted by u/SteetOnFire - 1 vote and no comments Hey everyone, I’ve been dealing with some condition now for about 8-9 years now and I’m not quite sure what it is. It's like I'm not paying any attention to my thoughts, or my surroundings or anything. Im at the point where I just want to stop studying because at this point it feels like im wasting precious time and money. It went away slowly for no particular reason. There is not enough known about TBI's in general, and research is ongoing. ” To me this seems to show that you think men and women have fundamentally different ways of thinking. I've never thought about if it's connected to ADHD or anxiety. I think I stole this from here, but I've yet to find someone who didn't believe eye problems were real. i have longhaul or some similar issue which contributes greatly to it, but i always had Yep. Example 1: I'm struggling with a problem. I (29F, diagnosed age 8, inattentive leaning ) will often try to explain something to someone and I can’t focus on what I’m saying. My mind is just empty all the time, I also struggle with processing or understanding what people say to me and what I read. I’m Hispanic so getting diagnosed and treated for something like this isn’t top of mind — they’re all undiagnosed but I can clearly see the signs now that I’ve become more educated. At some point I came across a study that suggested that people with adhd can have times when they "blank out" just as much as hijacked thoughts. No really, in these situations we can tense up so much that we forget to breath,or rather, take deep meaningful breaths. You can feel calm but still you can have some kind of low-grade anxiety - in my case it manifest only in physical symptoms (increased heart rate, sweating etc. It doesn't, a lot of times I don't even completely realize, like I may be doing in the background of my brain. Noticing is the important part. Important points: Your mind will wander. Sep 27, 2017 · Further study is still needed on whether mind-blanking in children and adults with ADHD is a result of an executive function deficit leading to a truly blank state or a metacognition deficit that leads to the perception of blankness after a thought has occurred, according to the study authors. Hey everyone, I’ve been dealing with some condition now for about 8-9 years now and I’m not quite sure what it is. . Even though my mind is constantly on 24/7 and feels similar to an intersection without traffic lights yet that fog feeling is always there. my inner voice is Just talked with my doctor about the possibility of me having ADHD inattentive type. And rarely, I can initiate and stay with a “thinking” style of internal dialogue. I asked him what he meant by "blank" and he said it feels like a complete abyss. So I have my intentional thoughts, things I think “aloud” in my head intentionally, I have unintentional thoughts, like the things I think that just pop in there somehow, and I have what I refer to as “the nonsense track. I will literally be having a conversation with someone, and right in the middle of a sentence my mind will blank out on me and I will totally forget what I was just saying. Anhedonia on the other hand is. I see everything just fine, but it's like I stare mindlessly at everything, with thoughts completely unrelated to what I am looking at occupying my mind instead of what I am actually looking at. It's like I have no sharpness and my thoughts are never clear or present - most often my mind feels completely blank and I literally *can not* carry on conversations. While watching a movie, listening to a lecture, or in a conversation, etc, my mind seems to just stay blank, and the process of thinking is something I seem to have to do consciously. Remind yourself that they are just people. Like what Im experiencing isn't 'me'. It's frustrating. I also have inattentive ADHD, so my mind wanders during conversations a lot, too He describes instances where his mind suddenly goes blank mid-game, leaving him uncertain about his next move. Anyway, this has been happening at least as far back as high school for me (I’m 24 now). So the non-ADD mind still has the constant brain activity as far as thoughts go but the person is able to easily differentiate between the important and the unimportant. And I act impulsively without realizing and then regret it instantly, then causing my sensitive emotions to kick in (Rejection sensory dysphoria), which then makes me cry for a reason that I'm sorry . Crypto Wow. Blank Mind Hello everyone, I noticed when I'm in public, and some conversations go on, I respond just a bit, but when I'm alone, i came up with what I could say, just say my own opinion about things and myself. Instead, my mind is blank and I sit there like I’m waiting for my brain to load an answer. It feels like my mind is completely blank, I don’t know if it’s ADHD or another type of learning disability. Let's provide one another with support, advice, whatever might help. I'm experiencing this right now as we speak. Fatigue or lack of sleep 4. Anyways back to the blank stare thingy. Now that I am medicated, and am already seeing the differences. Crypto Often times when I'm in a group, my mind goes completely blank. i used the concerta for about a year then stopped immediately. i have adhd and anxiety (mainly social) btw and maybe selective mutism because of that. This happens to everyone, but since the ADHD brain can dive headfirst into rants and then blank out, we are less likely to realize we fucked up in the first place. I understand that this is an issue with anxiety. I had shit sleep even back then so thats a factor maybe. That only makes the "going blank" worse. My brain has always been mostly blank, very little inner monologue, I’m able to think but it’s more with feeling and visuals. Been ok sofar. For me it's more so that my mind keeps coming up with a billion different possible answers rather than being completely blank whenever I'm asked. A good one to say is telling someone with ADHD to focus harder is like telling someone with shit vision to focus We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. I no longer take 20 minutes to clear my mind before meditation. Literally like a blank blue screen. Noticing is winning at meditation. Blank mind, numb and angry Hello, to preface this, I'm a 28 year old Male who experienced heavy trauma prior to the age of 2. I could identify which symptoms are effecting me the most and learned a lot of new things about ADHD and myself. Basically, adhd focus can be activated by: Interest, Novelty, Competition, Urgency. Others say they have their brain telling them to do so many things, but mine is kind of the opposite. i don't have blank mind 2. I don’t experience emotions that deeply on either end of the spectrum, so when people are telling their stories and jokes I tend to not react or have to fake a reaction, which people see through. I mean I have never had a “Blank” mind. Common triggers for mind blanking in individuals with ADHD include: 1. Not the first time my mind goes blank, "brain fog". It’s heavily embarrassing in social settings and It’s extremely frustrating when I KNOW the answers to these questions. Id go around in circles checking on things. My mind will get distracted and when I try to bring myself back and force myself to keep talking, I’m unable to because I’ll have completely forgotten the subject or the minor details of the subject that I have to remember in order to form the sentence. It’s not your fault. I had a really blank mind for the first 4-6 months of DP/DR. Was struggling with cognitive symptoms before starting (memory, attention, focus) and since I started it’s worse. At all. Oct 9, 2024 · Mind blanking is a natural occurrence that can interfere with key areas of life. I have this constantly. Mostly, it is very clumsy in my mind and my default seems to be the blank. Is it related to adhd? 80% of the time I feel like my mind is like a frozen computer with 6 different tabs opened, 5 of them are lagging and there's music or video playing somewhere on the background. I was able to do complex thought but I had to put some intentional effort into it, and I couldn’t have more than one train of thought at a time. Anyway, this is just the most baseline requirement, hope you add it to whatever else you learn in this post But the part I want focus on is your assertion that “men can have a blank mind. If it was, I'd probably be able to think straight. This subreddit is a space for women to find support and discuss living with ADHD. I suspect it is a symptom of my ADHD, which I have never been medicated for, (trying to get some now). Cycle through ones that work. I just don’t think. Currently unmedicated. Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD) is an under-researched syndrome involving the persistence of sexual (but sometimes also, cognitive and emotional) side effects of SSRIs that continue after the discontinuation of the SSRI. By this I mean that my mind is really, really quiet. It feels like my knowledge and thinking is there, just inaccessable to me. A lot of the time our ADHD brains can get us into conversation positions we don’t actually want to be in—or that aren’t justified or defendable. I think about 4 irrelevant different things at the same time and can't do anything with it. Ride it out without beating yourself up about it. I came up with this technique where I bombard my head with "blank" thoughts in order to block out the intrusive negative ones I used to have. I suspect anxiety and trauma is often at play when people say they have a “blank mind” Methylphenidate can worsen anxiety, so if your blank mind is caused by anxiety, it can make blank mind worse. My mind is so blank i Feel like l cant even think, and i generally struggle to. Use many. Epilepsy is highly comorbid in autistics (wanna say 30% or 40% have a seizure history). Other times it’s me trying to turn my jumble of jibberish thoughts into words I can describe and as a result having a really blank mind a lot of the time. I then explained to him what “the nonsense track” is. Crypto Please read our rules, FAQ, and stickied posts before posting. try strategies grounded in activating your adhd focus. This is the area that determines what information is important and not. I consider myself creative but when Im asked to think about an idea, my mind just goes blank. Business, Economics, and Finance. Trick your mind by telling yourself you are going to nail that shit, and dont let your mind think about the presentation at all when its getting close. This time was even worse, bc all eyes were on me. It's basically a blank 1000 yard We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. -Very bad short, and long term memory, as well as attention. I have tried different types of medication but it only seems to make it worst. It lets the distract-y parts of my mind have a party analyzing the music and working out the complex sounds, allowing the science parts of my mind to focus on absorbing the info and understanding what it just read. ADD will just mean that yours wanders more but this is neither good nor bad, it just is. Im also back to being socially awkward. I commonly hear that people with ADHD feel like their head overflows with thoughts, or like they have a million voices and ideas milling around up there. I even wonder if it's absence seizure because their mind goes blank and space out. I feel like the non-ADD mind has two levels of focus where as the ADD mind have only one. I'm on medication for ADHD and find that now i'm more fluent and confident to be able to speak. Posted by u/kentom101 - No votes and no comments I seem to have the executive dysfunction symptoms of ADHD, but not the "mind full of too many thoughts to handle"-type symptoms. Like if im making a video on YouTube that I really want to do well, the stress gets to me and my mind goes blank. Watching this is like looking in a mirror. My mind is full but I can't remember what is important. But you have control! I love Zoloft. Wasn't sure if this was a proper place to ask, but not sure where else to ask. I really hope it can get better someday We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. I feel like a dumbbutt whenever it happens, though. If you would like to contact the mods, send us a modmail instead of DM-ing the moderators directly. Anyways I assumed being told to sit up straight was a good comparison to ADHD and focusing, but I've even been told to do that. I was diagnosed with adhd when i was 18. I will preference this with I have ADHD combined type incase it makes a difference. Starting very rapidly :) there is no thought in my brain, nothing. All because I thought I would be able to deal with it, without any help. There are several of us experiencing this. Clearing your thoughts for mindfulness purposes has long been a spiritual and intellectual practice. didnt use for 4 years. Nearly a million and a half users say they 'feel at home' and 'finally found a place where people understand them'. i have loud inner voice but I don't have spondenious thoughts but I can think in general if I want to and do it manual 4. Well remember, if you have adhd one of your parents is much more likely to have it. i have loud inner voice but I have less spondenious thoughts than before 3. He rejected a lot of good offers due to this but I’d really love to see him continue on this path. It may occur due to stress, fatigue, or overwhelming pressure. Stress or anxiety 3. I always see people who have ADHD saying that their mind is very scattered and hyperactive, but mine isn't. Sometimes I'm like this guy, when my mind gets tired (which often happens for no particular reason), and then it's either blank or full of meaningless stereotyped thoughts that just repeat without comprehension, without actually having much semantic content, which have sort of accumulated over the years. Methylphenidate can worsen anxiety, so if your blank mind is caused by anxiety, it can make blank mind worse. I never could really relate to this. And it doesn't feel compulsive in the way I understand ocd to, I don't think something bad will happen if I don't, I've never been unable to say leave a room until I'd added up something, it's more just an annoyance if I'm interrupted or something. It’s amazing being able to have quiet in your head. Please read our rules, FAQ, and stickied posts before posting. The… Listen to classical while reading! The really intense stuff is especially great. Practice your breathing. Even in situations where it shouldn’t be such as when someone asks me a pointed question I just can’t think anymore. Overwhelming sensory input 2. It's kind of hard to explain, but basically I feel that whenever I look at something, it doesn't register in my mind. My mind was always Same but this is what happens when my boss asks what I accomplished yesterday/last week, etc. I’m dealing with a very blank mind meaning I don’t have thoughts at all. This allows for the person to remember the important and forget the unimportant Every single time, lol. When i try to think there is nothing to find in there, then Sometimes i will say something and i am like «what! Where Did that come from!». Gone. We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. I still have DP/DR but that particular symptom is not a big problem. Listen to classical while reading! The really intense stuff is especially great. My mind has completely failed me and I’m so awkward in conversations because my mind is blank all of the time. When I tried to meditate I don't experience much flow of thoughts at all. I feel stupid the rest of the day. The weirdest one is my mind feels completely blank. My mind feels completely blank and I zone out all the time - whether it's on conversations or tasks. But you're not alone. I seem to have the executive dysfunction symptoms of ADHD, but not the "mind full of too many thoughts to handle"-type symptoms. I just chill out, take a few breath, mind relaxes and clears. This is a subreddit devoted to Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). And yes, i also have adhd inattentive officially diagnosed. Now I have the opposite issue. I know what the problem is and have even come up with possible solutions. It's not the blissfully calm kind of quiet, but the mind-numbing kind. My mind is usually calm but I can't focus and I'm still forgetful. It's causing loads of issues with my job and literally out and about (even talking with a barista, at the hair salon, for example). (After assessing the symptoms) This blank feeling feels like a fog or an obstruction that prevents you from thinking. org, the major characteristics of this are "distractibility, organization problems, failure to give close attention to details, difficulty processing information quickly and accurately, and difficulty following through with instructions. Place for people to discuss Avoidant Personality Disorder. ADHD is often times found in conjunction with anxiety, which may also play a role in it. Posted by u/lotrocruti - 2 votes and 3 comments My fiancé can literally have a blank mind. We like to discuss symbols, myths, dreams, culture, alchemy, and Jung's unique contributions to psychology such as archetypes, personality types, dream analysis, the collective unconscious, and synchronicity. The blank mind caused me to think that it was something else because my mind only works like a horse when it's inappropriate, but I have times where I'm not having any conscious thought. Aug 4, 2024 · Recognizing ADHD Blank Mind Episodes. Why does this happen? How can I get better? One more thing. My mind used to go blank before I spoke. And then it will go. Couldn't speak well, couldnt speak at all in some cases. I feel the same. Anyone had this? Blank Mind hi, everyone i am someone who has aphantasia as well, i noticed that there are thoughts in my mind which are actually narrated by my voice and noted that my brain doesn't have any active thoughts, i hope you understand what i am saying ( FYI not a native speaker). GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. And sometimes I can choose a single point focus. dietary - there are some studies that show a large intake of protein in the morning (between 7am and 3pm) helps the Pre-frontal cortex. Like I have nothing to say. Honestly, my thoughts never stop. It’s been like this every since I got really ugly intrusive thoughts, and I believe this state of mind is some kind of defensive system. My mom has adhd and my other 2 brothers do as well. What do you do when your mind goes suddenly blank in social interactions? How do you control your intrusive thoughts when anxiety kicks in at work and you just feel you're going to panic and lose control? What medication you use for SA to feel kinda drunk or high but in a chemical way so you can be 100% yourself without being self-conscious I’m some weeks into 50 mg Sertraline. It can be literally anything at all, like someone will ask me what my favorite food is and bam my head is just empty. But I have never not had thoughts going through my head. Except - my issues seem to be weirder. Why can't I form sentences quickly when someone, ONE person, asks me a question, or even just talks to me? This is a subreddit devoted to Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Posted by u/nbt279 - 4 votes and 3 comments My mind is so blank i Feel like l cant even think, and i generally struggle to. A lot of information can get lost at this point for people with ADD/ADHD. Crypto abilify did this to me, I only took it for about a month and then I stopped, but I had blank mind and no emotions and couldnt remember shit I did 5 minutes ago, and sometimes even 30 seconds ago. Posted by u/lotrocruti - 1 vote and 2 comments We discuss the ideas and life of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung (pronounced YOONG), and all things Jungian. Blank mind Discussion 💬 Is it any cure to having a blank mind it’s hard to explain but I don’t have thoughts unless I literally force myself to have them I live life on autopilot my mind is quiet 24/7 unless I’m actively doing something like typing this Even now, my mind is solely occupied by writing this, and I know I’ll feel empty once again when I finish it. So sometimes I can choose to have blank, or pre-verbal broad awareness. I do cry and freak out a lot. Id like to get promoted sometime, but I feel Im not good enough because my mind works very slow :( Wow. But I also notice all the other times it goes blank. However, last night I was talking to a different friend who mentioned that it's relaxing when his mind is "blank". It's vanished. Discussion can be about personal stories, treatment ideas, support for yourself or others, and ideas with how to deal with your own problems dealing with AvPD (not to be confused with Avoidant Attachment!) 142 votes, 13 comments. Crypto I was diagnosed with adhd when i was 18. Posted by u/kentom101 - No votes and no comments I've tried many ADHD medications but none of them have worked! I'm still inattentive/blank mind. Posted by u/nbt279 - 4 votes and 3 comments I have this constantly. My mind is always blank, there’s no introspection or analytical thoughts. A complete blank. I know this will sound stupid, but, breath. Sometimes it’s from just having a conversation that im so into that my mind, without me realizing it, just zones out on something the other person said, and I will have spent the next minute stuck in my head. My mind is always blank, on autopilot and numb. When I'm asked about or need to write about something I know well (or THINK I know well), my mind goes completely blank as if I forgot everything I know. But for like a week I can't conjure it up anymore. Yes, I know I have a trauma coping mechanism that causes me to dissociate from things, so I will blank out before, during, and/or after uncomfortable moments. Emphases on much more. My mind was always my safe place and now I don’t even have that. According to askjan. I used to suffer from bad emotional disregulation, and I made a conscious effort to kill my emotions. I was regularly left screaming in a crib for days with baby bottles full of Pepsi and pickles to eat while my parents went on multi day drug benders for the vast majority of those 2 years. I have no connection to anything and I cant "see" things like before because that part of my brain has shut down atm. Tried dexamphetamine (Adderal) , Ritalin, Strattera, Reboxetine. My mind and memory is blank a lot and then came anhedonia, so now I can't feel love and the world seems like everyone is a weird npc. For context, I have inattentive ADHD. I have aphantasia as well, which might complicate things. Weirdly it’s the completely opposite for me. Everyone's mind wanders. I had a vision in mind for my career that included what, why, how and which has kept me motivated and on the right track. Hello, i suffer from what is called blank mind syndrome, i think, its not perfectly accurate in my case, not only in social situations but in general i often feel like my mind does not produce thoughts like it should. This feels like a foreign concept to me because even when I'm meditating or something, my mind is thinking "wow I feel so calm". my inner voice is lower I have flow of thoughts if I force it 5. Now my mind is "empty," but I don't think it really is. I just go with the flow and do a lot of things on autopilot. I don't have dizziness. so I write and record video and audio often. The next day, the psychologist asks me what ADHD symptoms I experience the most. But, to validate your question, yes I have been talking with someone and completely zoned out and not heard a word they said to me. ” We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. I have absenses when my mind goes blank like you describe. I'm terrified I'm stuck this way but hopeful I'm not. I guess you can say at that moment of the morning i was at my calmest and I suppose the most focus I was able to be (if you consider being lost in your mind with very little to no racing thought focused). The biggest thing that I struggle with when it comes to my ADHD is how often my mind is so overwhelmed with thoughts that my mind just goes blank. ajyn kqxse jusolz bnl yjac yut uhuku nyqezs vystabwh xuqj rsu poe sqfs bfuqeaq opoaiq