Low stress jobs reddit. Lower stress nursing jobs, basically my title says it all.


org Low stress idk but low human contact. My job is pretty low stress and low pressure, but it took me 12 years of busting my ass and dealing with tons of stress and pressure to get here. I work at large tech company and got my degree in electrical and computer engineering. What are low stress jobs? Low Stress: Again as long as you've accepted that it's horrible and you're just gonna do it, it becomes easy. Towards the beginning of nursing school I posted a question on a nursing Facebook page asking if there were any nursing jobs that were low stress. To become a reputable writer, you need to work your way up from the bottom of the food chain. There's a learning curve and you have to actually be willing to put in the work to be successful. I started out on Rover. Please exclude government jobs from the list and mention only those outside of the government. I'm looking to get back in to defense contracting for just these reasons. It's not a binary choice between financial security and mental and physical health, or low pay versus high pay with incredible stress. Well, low stress jobs? Janitor, stock room or back room type of jobs where you aren't interacting with the public and there is are no big deadlines. The most stressful part time jobs I've ever had were as a barista - it was mostly the customer service part and needing to be fast. Doggy daycare attendant, Dog walker, Pet sitter, Dog grooming, anything animal related lol, Overnight stocker, Librarian, Baker, Dishwasher, Line cook, Janitor, Warehouse worker, Fast food but request you only work in the back, Overnight hotel receptionist (nobody is awake then), Laundry aide at a hotel or Which jobs have you guys had/know of that are low in stress? I'm not unrealistic I know there's mistakes that can happen in any job and every job has some level of stress, but just wanted some ideas. We occasionally have high-profile projects (those associated with COVID research) or high-stress projects (anything that touches sensitive data like PHI or PCI), but outside of those special cases, we are never expected to work more than 40 hours to deliver on time. As a programmer, I've been in laid back roles and then other stressful roles where everyone seems so demanding and you end up trying to beg your boss to let you off the hook when you're trying to log off right before going on vacation. One big secret I think I found out, is higher paying jobs and higher skill jobs are actually less stressful and easier on average. Eventually I took the dive and jumped ship out of government contract work to Silicon Valley cloud work and the confidence Iv gained has been amazing. 250k/month. Rover was pretty awesome! I got paid $500 dollars to stay at someone’s house for a weekend. 5 hours/day so I have a lot of free time left. TL. At my last job we moved our release date back by over 2 months and no one cared. I work in a dialysis clinic every M, W, F, with the same patients every week. In its annual report, CareerCast considered 11 stress factors when ranking the jobs. Internal-facing jobs at large corporations, in general, can be as low or high stress as you let them. What I’m wanting to ask is if there are some positions available to entry level people with master’s degrees and 4 years lab experience or even companies with cultures that are relatively low stress. I really look back fondly on those days. I also work full time in a specialty clinic in an area of medicine that has a lot of psych/trauma overlap. I didn't need any special skills really. Menu icon A vertical stack of three evenly spaced We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I am currently a procurement specialist at my family company (small). Jan 12, 2024 · Do you feel emotionally detached or burned out at work? Suffering anxiety in your job and seeking a change of environment? Here are 25 low-stress jobs to consider. You could meditate to that. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Occupational Information Network (O*NET). Ugh. When you get your PE do lots of research on companies. I worked a four day week last week (an anomaly haha) and so had three days off and my God the difference it made - physically, mentally. I worked in a hospital many years before switching to this in early 2022. Anyone can cut up lettuce in the back of a fast food restaurant, so that job gets paid “anyone” money. 701K subscribers in the nursing community. Plus, burnout is real (and occurs in every profession, from the most mundane jobs to the most high stress jobs, for different reasons). You also have to spend money to make money, which can be daunting when you're just getting started. Family offices. Some lifeguard gigs are better than others and it always depends on location and the company/government agency in charge of policy. Low stress lab animal jobs exist, but at least with my interests (like surgery for example), they don’t pay well. I care about it while i am there, to an extent because I don't care to make my work my life passion or cause a lot of stress in my life. You are expected to work until you finish your paperwork, so sometimes that means working a few hours past your time, but that doesn't bother me because the work is fast-paced enough so No computer science job is low-stress 100% of the time. Even in easy-going work environments, there may be occasional trial-by-fire moments. I'm also aware that low stress often means the jobs are boring/low paid - but I guess I'm trying to find something with a good balance. But many office jobs just depend on the company. Please mention a comprehensive list of all such good careers that are out there in accounting. These factors included whether or not the job called for extensive travel, meeting the Ideally, tech writing is a low stress job. For myself retail would be incredibly low stress, I know that others might disagree but personally I'd find it a breeze compared to my current job. So look for jobs you want to do and people you like doing things with. Well paid low stress jobs are rare, finding one with a low barrier to entry is all but impossible, if somebody is going to pay you a ton for a non stress job, it isn’t going to be easy to get, otherwise the glut of people willing would’ve already pushed the wages down. Public secor, non-tech giants, banks If you are burned out, take some time off, you have a lot of savings. Stress about money and no life. We could usually get those prepped in the ~30 days before trial. You often have to deal with the public, and you have a middle manager breathing down your neck (with a Director breathing down theirs). It was lots of fun, super low stress, and decent hours. Dozens of people commented saying that I am not fit to be a nurse, there is no low-stress job, stress comes with being a nurse, and I don't know how you'll survive nursing school if you want low stress. Once you're in post-grad, working as a casual teaching assistant (which can involve tutoring and/or marking) and/or research assistant is par for the course – pretty much all postgraduate students get work like that. Park in the middle of nowhere is probably chill, issuing tickets to angry people all day is stressful. Its low stress, low clinical decision making, and low drama. Pros: job security, can get a job anywhere Cons: repetitive (it is like factory work/fast food kitchen), can be stressful especially with clinicians yelling at you, short staffed, low wages (but some regions like California pay well), little career growth If you do opt this route, don’t ever tell anyone you have your doctorate. Waiter at fine dining restaurant MTA employee (with fraudulent overtime hours, of course) Low stress, routine jobs? My "cush" job during rotations was outpatient OBGYN. These are arguably very stressful jobs on their own but totally different from the stress of an acute care setting if that really isn’t your thing. Also, one small piece of advice… take time completely off before you start. A job that I heard would meet this requirement is a Database Admin. I don't have an issue with working and going to work, I just don't know what kind of job to have. My first job out of college was working with at-risk youth at a high school and that job came with so much emotional stress that it wrecked my mental health. I've had to remind people of that over the years. I’m looking to get out of sales. However, pay sucked and the PTO was not super generous. I did 4+ years servicedesk before moving to a network/cloud admin job(the thing with network is when it’s up, there is really not a lot to do. 4. Others say ENT / sleep medicine / or allergy specialists may be low stress and rather routine. Obviously some simpler jobs can be done in 3 days and bigger jobs may take the 5 days, there could be the odd hold up due to something unforeseen but I'm glad I'm not having to do jobs in a day or 2 like when I first left the school. You can get into a skilled labor such as welding, plumbing, laying tile, landscaping and things like that and make over 50k per year, give or take depending on your area. You won’t be able to deal. I’m a PM in central IT for a large university with associated healthcare system. Night shift but flexible, basta I bill my hours and finish deadlines then all good. I always imagined myself advancing to a distinguished role with some influence (and the side effect of wealth) but I’ve come to realise that I don’t care for climbing the career ladder or going above and beyond to reach some lofty ambitions and rather I just want a job that’s relatively low stress and low responsibility, which doesn’t bleed into my personal life, and pays just enough “Low stress” jobs like installing sprinkling systems can be awful if you have a terrible manager. I did not like engineering in college and I hate my job now, but I feel like I’ve dug myself into a hole that I can never escape. Jun 24, 2021 · Choosing a job when you have anxiety can be tricky. AskEngineers is a forum for questions about the technologies, standards, and processes used to design & build these systems, as well as for questions about the engineering profession and its many disciplines. You’ll be outside – getting fresh air is great for your mood. Department of Labor database detailing job specifics of nearly 1,000 different roles. Even in-demand skills that are low on one type of stress will probably have high work loads and need people skills etc. What jobs are suited for someone who can’t operate well under stress, gets irritate easily, has zero tolerance for everything, average intelligence, has experience for a hand sorter at manufacturing companies but hates that field and wants to change their paths. I stick/cannulate patient 1 at 0500, patient 2 at 0515, patient 3 at 0530, and patient 4 at 0545. I don’t love using that software, but I can see why my company bought it. Government jobs are very consistent, recession-resistant, fairly low stress, and offer okay pay and benefits. I'd say it's low stress Main Job as a tech consultant. Hence I want to find another full-time job in finance that very not stressful so that I can still finish my procurement job. I just switched to industry from public accounting for 3. Anyone thinking the same about phased early retirement where you work low stress lower salary jobs once you are mostly financially secure? I'm looking for suggestions for second careers that could meet these definitions. Lots of different roles available that may fit your background, from business analyst to graphic designer to instructional designer and HR rep. I'm a jack-of-all-trades systems admin for a small-ish company that has a really good culture for employee wellness. It’s not always low stress but everyone in the office works flexible hours and gets paid well. Agreed. : Stress and anxiety is causing performance issues at work and potentially being fired. I have a low stress IT job. know almost every IT job out there is going to come with stress. Jan 25, 2023 · 23 Low-Stress Jobs for People Who Have Anxiety 1. Others hate jobs with long stretches of downtime; they'd rather be busy. This is a tall order I know. I am thinking about getting a part-time job to supplement my income. I averagely work 1. A community intended to provide a place for users wanting to ask questions, create discussions, post job listings or put themselves out there for hiring, all related to the UK and jobs within the UK. Or something like IP or compliance for a company. The people are very chill and the work load is low. The stress tends to be more isolated to specific events in a file, so it can be easier to be manage. Does anyone have suggestions on what jobs would be low-stress and doesn't require too much mental/physical energy? In the past two years, I've worked as a professional dog-walker for around 8 months which I loved but was way too exhausting, and had a bumper cars journey with a software engineering program at college (completed one semester, took a break, tried for the next semester but withdrew). Most “low stress nursing jobs” require a good bit of experience. Engineers apply the knowledge of math & science to design and manufacture maintainable systems used to solve specific problems. Yes, you do have to empty trash cans, clean restrooms and vacuum ect. . Some low-paying jobs can be very stressful because you have no sick days or flexibility, or simply a horrible boss. You’ll be walking – exer We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Specifically earning $34,000 a year puts you in the top 1% of household incomes in the world. 10 Low-Stress, High-Paying Jobs. The problem is that this job is only 2 days per month. High tech, finance, REITs, hospitality, and similar: high stress. I sat in an empty office, listened to recordings of people telling stories, and typed it all up. Big Pharma jobs are typically low stress. A certain percentage of the population will just stress themselves out no matter what their profession is. Just spent the last 3 years after graduation bouncing around doing tax, industry, and gigs. Don’t. If my current job is less stressful I’d plan to stay long term. Any job that pays well, is secure, and is low-stress is not going to be underrated. You can disappear in a sea of mediocrity for years working 4 hrs a day and making low six figures. The following is a list of low-stress jobs that offer competitive salaries. I'm personally looking into some medical imaging degrees. Apr 4, 2024 · 1 – Dog Walker . I myself have been a custodian for a public school for about 6 years now and I do find the job to be low stress. Easy/low stress jobs, 40 hours a week, 50k+ in income preferred but not necessary. I mostly use Python to clean up data in Salesforce, deduplicate leads, automate excel tasks, and I use a no-code platform to build pipelines. Of course it will depend on one's personality, the nature of the company, colleagues, commute time, industry trends, world events etc but generally speaking which jobs are easy - even mind numbing - and relatively stress free whilst still paying enough that you can stay afloat and maybe splurge or save a bit. It is way less stressful. You can find dozens of low-stress dev jobs. Kind of depends on how flexible you are. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The idea of a low-stress job often brings images of modest pay, but this doesn’t always have to be the case. Because it is an indirect sale and you're not actually facilitating a transaction, the accountability is watered down. Dont' risk your health. Quarterlies and tax time can be busy but it isn't some major shock and you are told you will be working more during this time well in advance. Median Salary: $29,530 Of all the low stress jobs, working as a dog walker is probably the most relaxing. Not asking this intending to be offensive and I am by not implying that nursing an easy job. If you don't want that much stress, consider a government job that's mostly 9-5. You can get super invested and try to climb the corporate ladder or you can chill, gain experience, and have a cozy job for however long. I was always under the impression while in college that accountants had low stress, low unemployment, introvert friendly, remote friendly, six figure potential type job. I’m looking to switch from sales and never look back. They do not get harder. Jun 18, 2024 · 14 Low-Stress Jobs . We are chronically short staffed with big patient loads. I’m an electrician, the job has is moments where there’s a deadline, something isn’t working, or someone effed up, but on a daily basis I’m usually just installing conduit, pulling wires, splicing wires, or installing devices. I was wondering if anyone was aware of certifications (in the US) a person could take to obtain a low-stress job. The vast majority of your time is spent playing in an unfinished, unpolished pre alpha stage where you run into walls, pressing every combination of button on every segment of every wall in every level, everyday, all day, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week if you're lucky hoping you can find bugs to report to the dev team. You do everything from answering phones, accounting, scheduling meetings, correspondence, reports, data entry sometimes picking up orders, whatever. I consider my job low stress at least compared to previous jobs. Archived post. Writer. I am thinking about making a career change to a more relaxed job, preferably still in data science, but it seems all the jobs I see / scope out are pretty intense. If you are concerned by stress it's not about the profession it's about the company. Well the majority of the time it is pretty stress-free, you walk in and you do your job and go home at 5. Industry was good. The stress load was so low and I enjoyed meeting and talking to people in my community. Tax was hell. Librarian. Though I just need some low stress jobs because as a cashier, it's super stressful, and my sensitivity to sound doesn't help one bit. Just know how to count money and use the software system and stuff. A production system goes down during peak hours, a key customer makes a big stink about an issue they are having, a missed requirement is discovered late in the project, etc. There's no stress in swinging an axe 16 hours a day. Most jobs in general just have stress especially in the higher ranks that comes with more stress and responsibility. I'm willing to do long hours every week if I'm just able to get any. Every job has some kind of stress. Certainly the stress levels at many boutique and mid-sized firms will be much more manageable. Then I worked as a cake decorator in a grocery store and quite liked that, except I got criticism that I didn’t work at a fast enough pace. There are some people who crave pressure and fast-paced environments, but I’d wager that most people don’t. Theres something about having to go into work for five days. I also make significantly less bonus money than I would if I had stayed in my old PM career track, at least $30K less per year than I would be making if I had stayed a project manager. May 12, 2023 · A Reddit user asked for advice on how to find a $100,000 job that wasn't too stressful and it went viral, with thousands chiming in with examples. We break down what to consider, occupations options, and tips for finding extra support. BUT I do agree that working in government agencies CAN pay relatively well for the complexity of work, but it really depends on the skill you enter with, I know my friend in marketing is getting less than 4. You should look in to defense contracting super chill. Family medicine might be considered "low stress" but many are high volume (which then leads to stress). People who cannot or don't want to engage deeply in work may find fast-paced jobs stressful. S. It largely depends on the park because the really popular ones get lots of shit heads thinking they can do whatever they want out in the woods. What you find stressful depends entirely on your personality and who you work with. I imagine that forestry work is pretty laid back for the most part, and nice environment to work in. If you want a low stress IT job, help desk and desktop support will be your best bet or anything entry level with low responsibilities these jobs usually have good hours but come with low pay. There are a variety of tips and tricks that you can use to increase your stress tolerance. The more people who can/will do your job, the less your job will pay. See full list on lifehack. Admin jobs are definitely not stress free. However, my current job won't give me hours and pays horribly. The most low-stress part time job I ever had was doing transcription. Very less part is customer facing and very low accountability. Hi there. To be honest with you, I don't think you realize how many issues/headaches making a decent amount solves. Maybe try postpartum. I've been a data scientist for about 5 years now. Average Annual Salary: $60,800; Typical Education Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in library studies or relevant field; Unsurprisingly, librarians have one of the least stressful My wife was a paralegal for years. You can also pick up a MLS and become a law librarian. I would suggest the switch. Try not to let your mental Not at all! I worked super hard at Uni, both in my undergard (to get into post-grad) and in post-grad. When there are easy/low stress jobs available, the list of applicants for the job is a mile long. There are jobs in most industries that fit the bill, though the amount in each field is going to vary wildly, but I'm not sure there's a career path out there that fits all of the criteria you've listed across I’ve come to realise that I don’t care for climbing the career ladder or going above and beyond to reach some lofty ambitions rather I just want a job that’s relatively low stress and low responsibility, which doesn’t bleed into my personal life, and pays just enough that I can afford to feed the wolf at the door and perhaps buy a new instrument and have a bit of a holiday every 3 High paying is relative and low stress is subjective. I like the math, the work, and the field itself, and feel good about my competency there. My costing job in a small industrial facility was also a horror show. Think about it. Dealing with the data cleaning/automation stuff is not stressful at all. I’d pick something you’d enjoy tolerably well, it’s all work after all, then try and find a good culture fit. Side Gig, almost the same as my main job but part time lang. I work 2 WFH Jobs. Am I right? If not, what would be my other options. I'm a nurse but work in a medspa. its very stressful brother, unless you were being sarcastic. The key is to figure out what stresses you and avoid that. years 0-4 post grad work in consulting high stress job learn as much as you can. I am a Data Analyst and my current role is very low stress. I realize, that stress can mean different things to different people. I would choose $100k remote job that is less stressful/good work life balance over an interesting job I think. There was also stress in litigation, but we didn't have round-the-clock madness over trials. I am trying to find a job that has least stress, regular 9-5 hours, and the highest paying out of all. That’s why people fail upwards. There’s no such thing as a low stress job, just different types of stress. 14 votes, 35 comments. There is hardly any stress in defense contracting . Every time I got a raise or switched to a higher paying job things got easier and easier. I can't say every BA job is low stress, but a lot of the job involves mundane tasks such as approving PO's for funds approval and reprogramming/tracking funds, and typical customer service stuff like meetings and getting needs. DR. I feel like it wasn't high stress at all. A lot of jobs/industries have shifted to having their employees work remotely from home during the pandemic. it's too much. Jun 25, 2024 · How we chose these low-stress jobs. "High stress" jobs can be low stress for the right person and low stress jobs can make some people want to put a bullet in their head from boredom. I make post-op calls with one other nurse for patients from two days prior till the first patients for the day start coming out of the OR, usually about 9:30. Jun 13, 2017 · You don’t have to be an HSP or an introvert to want a job with low stress. It’s not always super stressful, but high stress periods are a common occurrence. I only book 1 job a week now so I know ive got the whole week if i need it. I have a bachelor degree in finance. Compare it with jobs like that of police docs nurses teachers or even waiters and delivery guys. As a gov lab animal vet, I love my job, but there are long stretches where I question if the stress is worth it. I can fully understand, what you are talking about. Introverts probably will find retail and sales jobs stressful. My hospital job is very busy, high stress, super acute--but I don't have to take work home and my schedule is 3-11s so I don't care if I work a little late. If you get into the trades, you can exchange mental stress for physical stress. It is very low stress job. You just swing and step and swing and step. I could get paid way more if I dove back into a higher position like I used to have, but I'd rather not make that tradeoff. You really never know how stressful a job can be until you start working there. Startup: high stress. Never again. There’s very little that I can think of that 50-70k is easily obtainable out the gate in a low stress environment. Very small company where the founder/CEO is clueless: high stress. Hi, I (24F) have super bad anxiety, especially social anxiety. Welcome to r/WorkersStrikeBack, a leftist, anti-capitalist, socialist subreddit that is dedicated to support worker strikes, protests and unions all over the world, address the obvious problems related to an average worker's workplace, offer advice to a fellow worker struggling with their workplace problems and mock or satirize any kind of anti-worker sentiment. 5 years. We provide free health insurance, iPhones, trucks, gas, repairs and maintenance on vehicles, and hefty annual bonuses to our guys in the field and in office so our retention is really good which helps keep stress low. Only gets busy when we have new customer and needs to do some builds). I make like $85k now but honestly it’s not worth the stress. There's a big sales component along with technical skills, knowledge base and client service. The biggest thing to watch out for in those settings are dangerous patient loads, but you overall deal with more stable, less compromised patients - Lots of dementia, COPD’rs I know it can’t be done remotely so this might be shitty advice, but get into the trades. Even jobs in fast food are stressful. Anyone can learn to unclog toilets pretty quickly, but very few want to deal with other humans’ actual shit, so that job gets paid “skilled anyone” money. There’s tech and other fields that can blow that out the water but working as an engineer for a municipality is a super easy hiring process (unlike tech) with predictable work weeks and as low stress for the dollar you can get. The ocean is more demanding but stillwater facilities like bays, lakes and pools have the potential to be very low stress. I work for a big medical device company. I’m a 1st year nursing student and would like to go to a low stress nursing specialty and would like some advice from experienced RNs. I wouldn’t say my job is usually seen as low stress, but I’ve made it as low stress as I can. Also, I am now able to work remote and am being paid more. Physicists (62) Business Intelligence Analysts (63) Civil Engineers (69) Nuclear Engineers (70) Preventive Medicine Physicians Yeah, it was stressful and they worked their asses off. Well stress does not come from the work, it's either created in your own head or by crappy work environment. Jobs get easier and less stressful the more you make. O*NET is a free, online U. Probably could do fine with minimum $30k a Please mention career tracks; that is a track where all the jobs in the job ladder have a good worklife and work-family balance. Sometimes the job itself may seem simple but it's the staff and the culture that make it stressful. Do you think you’d be better suited for the regular 9-5 sort of job if you didn’t have as much in-person interaction? I work in the life insurance industry, but it’s a pretty standard operations job similar to many other industries. Now, these don’t really require an MBA since the easiest jobs by definition don’t require you to use your brain. Someone that's asking for a low stress job probably doesn't have a law degree. Three of my four government roles have been absolute shit shows. Instead of looking for “low stress” roles, my advice would be to look for ways to increase your stress tolerance. Not stress free but on the lower end of stress when it comes to jobs I’ve worked. I’d rather make less and not deal with the stress. 5k despite 6 years of work experience and two job switches. I also have very little work experience due to struggling with my physical and mental health over the past few years. Doctors office is low stress but low pay. Maybe not quite low stress but probably lower than litigation. I was making a list of the things I'd like out of a job and lists of jobs that might fit what I am looking for. In short, I don't necessarily recommend taking a pay cut at what you think is a less stressful job. But just in general, open your imagination to all the different parts of companies that exist besides the lab, if you're trying to optimize for pay and/or stress (obv easier to find roles that optimize more for one or the other). I am 1 year out of undergrad working in a tech job that has turned out to be very high stress and not a good fit for me. Jan 1, 2024 · Generally, the work is data-driven and straightforward, making it a low-stress job with little social interactivity or over-stimulating situations. Because you don’t know anything. I do medically categorized beauty services. I'd say budget is very straightforward compared to something like contracting and other fields I've been involved in. Most stressful job I ever had. One was pretty low stress and I enjoyed the work (grants accounting) but the others were and are terrible for having very high workloads, very low pay, very low staffing levels and even lower morale. Is a step down in job duties/pay grade within the company better than finding a low paying job elsewhere? I’m a 34 year old guy who works in the insurance industry as a commercial underwriter. Lifeguard can be extremely low stress depending on where you're working. And before the position is publicly listed, there is already a preferred applicant (the decision has been made before the public listing) and the public listing is just to satisfy HR or corporate requirements. It’s a lot of prioritization and learning to do your job efficiently(ie it’s busy!), but usually it isn’t high acuity. Basic Overview: Writing isn’t for those who want a fast-paced career. I'm 4 months into being a new grad nurse on a pretty heavy heme/Onc floor and while I do feel like I grasped the basics I just feel the constant stress of work eating away at me. Preferably work from home OP were you able to find a new job? Like piiitt91 said, custodian jobs are very low stress. To find these low-stress careers, we looked to the U. People are built different, what you find stressful I may not. Finding a career that utilizes your skills and provides the flexibility of working at home can help you develop a healthy work-life balance. Bust your ass for 8 hours, go home, forget about anything work related, then go do it again tomorrow. Out of what you've tried so far in life, what kind of things have been the least stressful? You can use that as a starting point. Any recommendations on a job/career that requires a bachelors degree (or doesn’t) but is pretty low stress. I would say the fact that you can't handle the intense pressure of BigLaw doesn't mean you need a "low-stress" job. I also did pet sitting. I find my daily/sprint work pretty low stress, and at the end of the day we get to see measured data on how many lives we've helped. If you want lower stress, L&D isn’t it. I have a couple of things that are making me unsure of what to do, first I need it to be low stress, I have anxiety & I won't last if it's a stressful environment. You may like dermatology if you can handle procedures. No i wasnt. Very large companies with multiple divisions / departments where you can "hide". If you have a previous expertise in another field you could look to combine that with nursing to find something chill but most of your nursing education will come from your first job or a graduate nursing program. This probably varies, the higher pay low stress jobs probably require more expertise than a bachelor's. Hop companies halfway through for a 20% raise. Maybe something in public policy or regulatory for the government. Something to consider. I think the answer to this question is going to be a lot more individualized than just what's low-stress for Aspergers, since I have seen quite a few people here say that customer service jobs are low stress since the conversations are scripted, and just as many say We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It’s like building a muscle. The hardest most stressful jobs I’ve ever had have been the lowest paid ones. Apr 21, 2024 · There are many reasons you may search for low-stress at-home jobs, including increasing your free time, reducing transportation costs and accommodating health restrictions. I work for myself but I have a little extra time & want to make some more $ if possible. We are documenting software so that people can more easily use it. Stuff moves at a pretty slow pace as there are dependencies across different teams (sometimes countries). Low stress: Medium size established company, non-high tech. But I'm not sure what would be particularly low stress. Lower stress nursing jobs, basically my title says it all. I am not interested in med/surge, ER, and ICU as a career. “Family cultures” are super low stress, low work ethic companies. Maybe a production line job if you have a very specific task you can focus on and just that. We are not fighting in a war or performing emergency heart surgery. Some work in a pod model as well, where you can really jerk off all day. The salary seems easy to clear with your experience and credentials, especially in such an expensive area. Sure! My clock in time varies depending on the case schedule for the day, but usually around 8am. I don't ever see myself getting passionate about a job or really caring about my work. There’s a number of choices that have good money and low stress, but as you can imagine, they’re not easy to get. I loved the job security, but there was this constant anxiety that I was only employed because I had a clearance and certs. If you are ambitious in the first 2-3 years of your career then you can quite literally never need to worry about financial issues for the rest of your life. Of course this job isn't free of stress, just like any job isn't free of stress. Some higher-paying jobs are interesting and fulfilling, while still offering good work/life Ideas: In-house compliance roles (some are "JD preferred" which is less pay but theoretically have less stress and responsibilities) An attorney role in a government organization that offers something like a 9-5 schedule (many government attorney roles offer great schedules - never long hours - but getting one of such jobs can be very difficult depending on its salary, location, benefits I’m wondering what low-stress jobs exist for people who love doing new and different things every day? If it helps, I absolutely love reading, writing, history, natural sciences (but have a humanities degree)I’ve considered going into teaching at a private high school but have lurked on the teacher subreddit and seen many complaints Apr 18, 2024 · A low-stress high-pay job is a role that offers above-average compensation without requiring large time or emotional commitments from employees and few high-stress situations. Make sure to read the rules before posting to ensure your post is helpful and doesn't get removed. Pay and benefits may be basic but definitely enough to live on. And earning little money can be stressful as well. Here is the secret sauce: you can get better job with the same low stress and downtime but MORE money. Plus the work life balance is great. Making > 6-figure salary: high stress. They pay well and seem reasonably low stress but it involves dealing with crabby patients all day. Even though these jobs might be challenging, they typically offer highly skilled individuals opportunities to complete specific tasks on a more relaxed timeline. dkqe rmg jnjair ocwqxy pbwizg aciv dvgddvxw xyusub zpp hpmfz