Fivem nativesd. The model of vehicle to spawn.

  • Fivem nativesd. The appropriate vehicle type for the model info.
    instantly: . If executed on the client, this file has to be included in files in the resource manifest. Jan 12, 2023 ยท Hello, nice to hear that you want to learn to program in FiveM, the best way to find natives is by using the native reference, there you can search, sort, and read the documentation and see examples regarding all the natives. Sets a ped or an object totally invincible. alphaLevel: . Below you can find some examples on how to create these keybindings as well as the alternate keybinding syntax, which is preceded by ~! to indicate that it's an alternate key. json") OVERRIDE_VEHICLE_PEDS_CAN_STAND_ON_TOP_FLAG (Vehicle vehicle, BOOL can) GET_MAP_ZOOM_DATA_LEVEL (int index, float* zoomScale, float* zoomSpeed, float* scrollSpeed, float* tilesX, float* tilesY) Writes the specified data to a file in the specified resource. Sets the relationship between two groups. If `atGetIn` is set to true, also returns true if the ped is currently in the process of entering a vehicle (a specific stage check for `CTaskEnter FiveM Native Reference. e. true to turn the vehicle on; false to turn it off. g. GET_PED_STEALTH_MOVEMENT (Ped ped). UPDATE_NAVMESH_BLOCKING_OBJECT (Object object, float posX, float posY, float posZ, float scaleX, float scaleY, float scaleZ, float heading, int flags) This function hides various HUD (Heads-up Display) components. The appropriate vehicle type for the model info. The alpha level ranges from 0 to 255, but changes occur every 20% (every 51). re Docs GIVE_WEAPON_TO_PED (Ped ped, Hash weaponHash, int ammoCount, BOOL isHidden, BOOL bForceInHand) Gets the routing bucket for the specified player. xPos: . Using a length of `-1` will automatically detect the length assuming the data is a C string. These natives are usable in all runtimes. Runtime specific functions. This object will initially be owned by the creating script as a mission entity, and the model should be loaded al 0xF51D36185993515D (int checkpoint, float posX, float posY, float posZ, float unkX, float unkY, float unkZ) It determines what weapons caused damage: If you want to define only a specific weapon, second parameter=weapon hash code, third parameter=0 If you want to define any melee weapon, second paramet Introduction to resources Creating your first script in C# Creating your first script in JavaScript Creating your first script in Lua About native functions Fact Sheet Scripting runtimes Scripting in Lua Scripting in JavaScript Scripting in C# Natives from the CFX namespace can be found in the FiveM source. This should be called twice (once for each group). Entity to attach. Locks the doors of a specified vehicle to a defined lock state, affecting how players and NPCs can interact with the vehicle. Determines if a ped is dead. BOOL noDamage = false: damage || nodamage = true: You can use `SET_BLIP_` natives to change the blip. This is the server-side RPC native equivalent of the client native TASK_PLAY_ANIM. GET_WEAPON_OBJECT_FROM_PED ( Ped ped, BOOL p1 ) IS_ENTITY_AT_COORD (Entity entity, float xPos, float yPos, float zPos, float xSize, float ySize, float zSize, BOOL p7, BOOL p8, int p9) Introduction to resources Creating your first script in C# Creating your first script in JavaScript Creating your first script in Lua About native functions Fact Sheet Scripting runtimes Scripting in Lua Scripting in JavaScript Scripting in C# Creates a vehicle with the specified model at the specified position. p5 and p6 are unknown, but you could leave p5 = 1073741824 or 100 or even 0 (didn't see any d This is the server-side RPC native equivalent of the client native REMOVE_BLIP. 0, 0. Hi! CFX; ADD_MINIMAP_OVERLAY; ADD_REPLACE_TEXTURE; ADD_TEXT_ENTRY Immediately changes the game's weather to the specified type, which will then persist for one cycle before the game resumes its natural weather progression. re framework, which has existed in various forms since 2014, FiveM is the original community-driven and source-available GTA V multiplayer modification project. Some functions are exclusive to the scripting runtime you're using, and are not documented in the FiveM Native Reference List. ** GiveWeaponToPed - FiveM Natives @ Cfx. Function. ### MP Freemode list of components **0**: Face **1**: Mask **2**: Hair Returns the distance between two three-dimensional points, optionally ignoring the Z values. IS_ENTITY_AT_COORD (Entity entity, float xPos, float yPos, float zPos, float xSize, float ySize, float zSize, BOOL p7, BOOL p8, int p9) This native is used server side when using OneSync. This object will initially be owned by the creating script as a Parameters: entity1: . NativeDB Introduced: v323. FiveM documentation. The entity to change the alpha for. Or by entering them in the server console/through an RCON c. Bear in mind this native can only calculate the elevation when the coordinates are within the client's render distance. GET_PED_SWEAT (Ped ped) Introduction to resources Creating your first script in C# Creating your first script in JavaScript Creating your first script in Lua About native functions Fact Sheet Scripting runtimes Scripting in Lua Scripting in JavaScript Scripting in C# Parameters: modelHash: . This has to be called every frame, e. You might want to check if the entity exists before with [DOES_ENTITY_EXIST](#\_0x7239B21A38F536BA). Registered commands can be executed by entering them in the client console (this works for client side and server side registered commands). The Z coordinate, ground level. The backing function for TriggerClientEvent. This is different to boneID, use 'GET_PED_BONE_INDEX' to get the index from the ID. SET_WATER_QUAD_ALPHA ( int waterQuad, int a0, int a1, int a2, int a3 ) SET_WATER_QUAD_BOUNDS ( int waterQuad, int minX, int minY, int maxX, int maxY ) Registers a key mapping for the current resource. here. Example: CONTROLS::DISABLE_CONTROL_ACTION(2, 19, true) disables the switching UI from appearing both when using a keyboard and Xbox 360 controller. NativeDB Added Parameter 6: BOOL p5 GetGroundZFor_3dCoord - FiveM Natives @ Cfx. ๐Ÿ“š Look at the ๐Ÿž native reference to find functions to use. entity2: . 0-1. Documentation for FiveM can be found here. TASK_PLAY_ANIM_ADVANCED (Ped ped, char* animDict, char* animName, float posX, float posY, float posZ, float rotX, float rotY, float rotZ, float animEnterSpeed, float animExitSpeed, int duration, Any flag, float animTime, Any p14, Any p15) **This is the server-side RPC native equivalent of the client native [SET_ENTITY_HEADING](?\_0x8E2530AA8ADA980E). in a Wait(0) loop. Parameters: * type - Th GET_PED_SPECIFIC_TASK_TYPE (Ped ped, int index). yPos: . ** SetEntityHeading - FiveM Natives @ Cfx. Refer to their docs for more PLAY_SOUND_FROM_COORD (int soundId, char* audioName, float x, float y, float z, char* audioRef, BOOL isNetwork, int range, BOOL p8) Returns an int Vehicle Classes: 0: Compacts 1: Sedans 2: SUVs 3: Coupes 4: Muscle 5: Sports Classics 6: Sports 7: Super 8: Motorcycles 9: Off-road 10: Industrial 11 Calculates the distance between two points in 3D space. ๐Ÿง Get started developing assets for FiveM using our ๐Ÿงฐ Cfx. GET_PED_SWEAT (Ped ped) Has 8 params in the latest patches. This command should be used when done using a specific model hash in script. ### MP Freemode list of components **0**: Face **1**: Mask **2**: Hair * Sets the armor of the specified ped. use the index for attaching to specific bones. value: . GetEntityCoords - FiveM Natives @ Cfx. TASK_DRIVE_BY (Ped driverPed, Ped targetPed, Vehicle targetVehicle, float targetX, float targetY, float targetZ, float distanceToShoot, int pedAccuracy, BOOL p8, Hash firingPattern) FiveM Native Reference. plateText: . The output submix. alive: . Note that this entity handle will change after using commands such as SET_PLAYER_MODEL. 20/03/17 : Attention, checkpoints are already handled by the game itself, so you must not loop it like markers. Consider using this faster native instead: SYSTEM::VDIST - DVIST always takes in consideration the 3D coordinates. The direction of the check matters with for example Only works for vehicle and peds. NETWORK_ADD_ENTITY_ANGLED_AREA (float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float width) (float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float Creates a camera with the specified cam name, You can use `SET_CAM_` natives to manipulate the camera. **This is the server-side RPC native equival NativeDB Introduced: v323 **This is the server-side RPC native equivalent of the client native [SET_ENTITY_ROTATION](?\_0x8524A8B0171D5E0 SetEntityRotation - FiveM Natives @ Cfx. The text to set the plate to, 8 chars maximum Creates a ped (biped character, pedestrian, actor) with the specified model at the specified position and heading. See [GET_ENTITY_COORDS](#\_0x3FEF770D40960D5A) for client side. (0. Fix a given vehicle. Introduction to resources Creating your first script in C# Creating your first script in JavaScript Creating your first script in Lua About native functions Fact Sheet Scripting runtimes Scripting in Lua Scripting in JavaScript Scripting in C# Draws a rectangle on the screen. This object will initially be owned by the creating script as a m Gets a value indicating whether the specified ped is in the specified vehicle. boneIndex: . If you make loops try to go for the highest (acceptable) Wait(). There's a lot of intricacies involved in calling natives properly - for a full reference, see the special section for this - but we'll start simple for now. See the related cookbook post for more information. If false, moves the object towards the specified X, Y and Z coordinates with the specified X, Y and Z speed. This ped will initially be owned by the creating script as a mission entity, and the IS_ENTITY_AT_COORD (Entity entity, float xPos, float yPos, float zPos, float xSize, float ySize, float zSize, BOOL p7, BOOL p8, int p9) About native functions. Peds will not ragdoll on explosions and the tazer animation won't apply either. 0 is the right edge of the screen) -y: The relative Y poi Delete the specified entity, and invalidate the passed handle (i. Parameters: vehicle: . The vehicle must be a mission entity to delete, so call this before deleting: SET_ENTITY_AS_MISSION_ENTITY(vehicle, true, true); eg how to use: SET_ENTITY_AS_MISSION_ENTITY(v Applies an Item from a PedDecorationCollection to a ped. The vehicle to set the plate for. These include tattoos and shirt decals. . **This is the server-side RPC native equivalent of the client native [CLEAR_PED_TASKS](?\_0xE1EF3C1216AFF2CD). **This is the server-side RPC native equivalent of the client native [ADD_BLIP_FOR_COORD](?\_0x5A039B AddBlipForCoord - FiveM Natives @ Cfx. You can still change the entity position using [`SET_ENTITY_COORDS`](#\_0x06843DA7060A026B). collection - PedDecorationCollection filename hash overlay - Item name hash Example: Entry inside " Creates an object (prop) with the specified model at the specified position, offset on the Z axis by the radius of the object's model. It doesn't take any kind of damage. if true, the vehicle will be set to the state immediately; otherwise, the current driver will physically turn on or off the engine. outputSubmixId: . Control values and meaning. The vehicle to start or stop the engine on. GET_PED_SPECIFIC_TASK_TYPE (Ped ped, int index). Applies an Item from a PedDecorationCollection to a ped. re Docs enum ePedBoneId : uint16_t { SKEL_ROOT = 0x0, SKEL_Pelvis = 0x2E28, SKEL_L_Thigh = 0xE39F, SKEL_L_Calf = 0xF9BB, SKEL_L_Foot = 0x3779, SKEL_L_Toe0 = 0x83C, EO_L_Foot cpp // Potential names and hash collisions included as comments enum ePedConfigFlags { \_0x67D1A445 = 0, \_0xC63DE95E = 1, CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_NoCriticalHits = 2, CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_DrownsInWater = 3 Offset values are relative to the entity. For example, if you’re checking if a player still has a certain permission you can easily loop it over ~10-30 seconds without any issues (depending on the situation). If the entity is a vehicle it will return 0-1000 If the entity is a ped it will return 0-200 If the entity is an object it will return 0 GTA V Natives Documentation. The input submix. re Docs Building upon years of development on the Cfx. \ Make sure to call [RENDER_SCRIPT_CAMS](#\_0x07E5B515DB0636FC) once the camera is created, or thi Freezes or unfreezes an entity preventing its coordinates to change by the player if set to `true`. SET_WATER_QUAD_TYPE ( int waterQuad, int type ) SET_WAVE_QUAD_AMPLITUDE ( int waveQuad, float amplitude ) Creates an object (prop) with the specified model at the specified position, offset on the Z axis by the radius of the object's model. **Note:** This native is not supported in Parameters: entity: . Creates an object (prop) with the specified model centered at the specified position. Unused by the game, potentially used by debug builds of GTA in order to assert whether or not an entity was alive. If the vehicle's engine's broken then you cannot fix it with this native. This ped will initially be owned by the creating script as a mission entity, and the cpp // Potential names and hash collisions included as comments enum ePedConfigFlags { _0x67D1A445 = 0, _0xC63DE95E = 1, CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_NoCriticalHits = 2, CPED_CONFIG_FLAG_DrownsInWater = 3, C SET_ENTITY_ROTATION (Entity entity, float pitch, float roll, float yaw, int rotationOrder, BOOL bDeadCheck) Sets the coordinates (world position) for a specified entity, offset by the radius of the entity on the Z axis. BOOL isInvisible = If the explosion is invisible or not. In order to wait an asi script use "static void WAIT(DWORD time);" f Parameters: vehicle: . com Determines the name of the street which is the closest to the given coordinates. OVERRIDE_VEHICLE_PEDS_CAN_STAND_ON_TOP_FLAG ( Vehicle vehicle, BOOL can ) PERFORM_HTTP_REQUEST_INTERNAL ( char* requestData, int requestDataLength ) Creates a vehicle with the specified model at the specified position. GET_INTERIOR_AT_COORDS, X, Y, Z) 0xCD74233600C4EA6B ( BOOL toggle ) 0xD1942374085C8469 ( Any p0 ) SET_PED_HEAD_BLEND_DATA (Ped ped, int shapeFirstID, int shapeSecondID, int shapeThirdID, int skinFirstID, int skinSecondID, int skinThirdID, float shapeMix, float skinMix, float thirdMix, BOOL isParent) health >= 0 male ped ~= 100 - 200 female ped ~= 0 - 100 NativeDB Added Parameter 3: int p2 APPLY_FORCE_TO_ENTITY (Entity entity, int forceType, float x, float y, float z, float offX, float offY, float offZ, int boneIndex, BOOL isDirectionRel, BOOL ignoreUpVec, BOOL isForceRel, BOOL p12, BOOL p13) This native is used to set component variation on a ped. collection - PedDecorationCollection filename hash overlay - Item name hash Example: Entry inside " GIVE_WEAPON_TO_PED **This is the server-side RPC native equivalent of the client native [GIVE_WEAPON_TO_PED](?\_0xBF0FD6E56C964FCB). The entity to change coordinates for. enum eVehicleModType { VMT_SPOILER = 0, VMT_BUMPER_F = 1, VMT_BUMPER_R = 2, VMT_SKIRT =. x,y,z - the coordinates of the street streetName - returns a hash to the name of the street the coords are on crossing Refer to the FiveM Native Reference, where you can see syntax per language, a description, and examples for each native. The X coordinate. NativeDB Added Parameter 9: BOOL noDamage BOOL isAudible = If explosion makes a sound. Hi! CFX; ADD_MINIMAP_OVERLAY; ADD_REPLACE_TEXTURE; ADD_TEXT_ENTRY Ids 0 - Head 1 - Beard 2 - Hair 3 - Torso 4 - Legs 5 - Hands 6 - Foot 7 - Scarfs/Neck Accessories 8 - Accessories 1 9 - Accessories 2 10- Decals 11 - Auxiliary parts for torso This native is used to set component variation on a ped. re Docs FiveM Docs / Native Reference DRAW_RECT_ROTATED (float x, float y, float width, float height, float rotation, int r, int g, int b, int a) Fades the screen in. Components, drawables and textures IDs are related to the ped model. So a simple raycast which if it collides with any of the given colliderTypes returns false. amount: A value between 0 and 100 indicating the value to set the Ped's armor to. If you use this for a ped and you wan Deletes a vehicle. Parameters: * pos - coordinate where the spotlight is located * dir - the direction vector the spotlight should aim at from its current position * r,g,b - color of the spotlight * distance - Creates a checkpoint. Example: local data = LoadResourceFile("devtools", "data. CREATE_FAKE_MP_GAMER_TAG (Ped ped, char* username, BOOL crewIsPrivate, BOOL crewIsRockstar, char* crewName, int crewRank) This is the server-side RPC native equivalent of the client native TASK_GO_STRAIGHT_TO_COORD. ** Aug 3, 2019 ยท I never used the native yet, but I’ll give you some advice. CREATE_VEHICLE (Hash modelHash, float x, float y, float z, float heading, BOOL isNetwork, BOOL netMissionEntity) Releases the script ownership assigned by REQUEST_MODEL. Reads the contents of a text file in a specified resource. duration: The time the fade should take, in milliseconds. Example for VB. Contribute to HadesLab/fivem-natives development by creating an account on GitHub. zPos: . The entity to get the coordinates from. ped: The Ped to set the armor of. This native sets the entity's alpha level. GTA V Natives Documentation. usi GET_VEHICLE_EXTRA_COLOURS (Vehicle vehicle, int* pearlescentColor, int* wheelColor) Returns the entity handle for the local player ped. _GET_PED_WEAPON_LIVERY_COLOR (Ped ped, Hash weaponHash, Hash camoComponentHash) Parameters: submixId: . re Docs FiveM Docs / Native Reference PLAY_PED_AMBIENT_SPEECH_WITH_VOICE_NATIVE (Ped ped, char* speechName, char* voiceName, char* speechParam, BOOL p4) The entity will move towards the target until time is over (duration) or get in target's range (distance). START_PLAYBACK_RECORDED_VEHICLE_USING_AI (Vehicle vehicle, int recording, char* script, float speed, int drivingStyle) SET_ENTITY_COORDS (Entity entity, float xPos, float yPos, float zPos, BOOL alive, BOOL deadFlag, BOOL ragdollFlag, BOOL clearArea) Seat indices range from -1 to [`GET_VEHICLE_MAX_NUMBER_OF_PASSENGERS`](#\_0xA7C4F2C6E744A550) minus one. ๐Ÿคฏ Already experienced with development? Check out the ๐Ÿงพ fact sheet to get some quick info. Returns the handle of the checkpoint. If useZ is false, only the 2D plane (X-Y) will be considered for calculating the distance. -x: The relative X point of the center of the rectangle. meta`) for the specified vehicle model. Parameters: entity: . NativeDB Introduced: v323 cpp enum eVehicleLockState { VEHICLELOCK_NO Draws a marker with the specified appearance at the target location. Contrary to what the name might suggest, it does not always detect when a ped is in the 'dying' phase (transitioning to death). isMission - if true doesn't return mission objects This is the server-side RPC native equivalent of the client native SET_PED_TO_RAGDOLL. Stop animations and other tasks created by scripts. Contribute to citizenfx/natives development by creating an account on GitHub. GET_VEHICLE_EXTRA_COLOURS (Vehicle vehicle, int* pearlescentColor, int* wheelColor) Creates a ped (biped character, pedestrian, actor) with the specified model at the specified position and heading. SET_MINIMAP_OVERLAY_DISPLAY ( int miniMap, float x, float y, float xScale, float yScale, float alpha ) SET_MODEL_HEADLIGHT_CONFIGURATION ( Hash modelHash, float ratePerSecond, float headlightRotation, BOOL invertRotation ) GET_PED_HEAD_OVERLAY_DATA (Ped ped, int index, int* overlayValue, int* colourType, int* firstColour, int* secondColour, float* overlayOpacity) Dec 18, 2019 ยท This article is under development. The model of vehicle to spawn. usin SET_PED_HEAD_BLEND_DATA (Ped ped, int shapeFirstID, int shapeSecondID, int shapeThirdID, int skinFirstID, int skinSecondID, int skinThirdID, float shapeMix, float skinMix, float thirdMix, BOOL isParent) Returns whether the specified ped is in any vehicle. See full list on github. The third parameter, `thisFrame`, decides whether the collision is to be cpp // eVehicleModType values modified to conform to script native reorganization (see 0x140D25327 in 1604). Use 0 for the master game submix. re Docs Calling this function disables collision between two entities. SET_INTERIOR_ROOM_EXTENTS (int interiorId, int roomIndex, float bbMinX, float bbMinY, float bbMinZ, float bbMaxX, float bbMaxY, float bbMaxZ) Not specifying any bit will lead to the native always returning 'false', and for example specifying '4 | 2' will check for any weapon except fists and melee weapons. The importance of the order for entity1 and entity2 is unclear. 0 is the left edge of the screen, 1. This vehicle will initially be owned by the creating script as a mission entity, and the model should be loaded already (e. , the in/out argument). Routing buckets are also known as 'dimensions' or 'virtual worlds' in past echoes, however they are population-aware. There's a list of markers on the FiveM documentation site. Can be one of automobile, bike, boat, heli, plane Last param determines if its relative to the Entity _ATTACH_CAM_TO_VEHICLE_BONE (Cam cam, Vehicle vehicle, int boneIndex, BOOL relativeRotation, float rotX, float rotY, float rotZ, float offX, float offY, float offZ, BOOL fixedDirection) APPLY_FORCE_TO_ENTITY (Entity entity, int forceType, float x, float y, float z, float offX, float offY, float offZ, int boneIndex, BOOL isDirectionRel, BOOL ignoreUpVec, BOOL isForceRel, BOOL p12, BOOL p13) Pauses execution of the current script, please note this behavior is only seen when called from one of the game script files(ysc). Call(Of Integer)(Hash. The Y coordinate. Relationship types: 0 = Companion 1 = Respect 2 = Like 3 = Neutral 4 = Dislike 5 = Hate 25 Get the local entity handle of the given network id Through this native you can get back the entity that you previously converted to netid with [NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity](#\_0x9E35DAB6) or with NetworkGetEntityFromNetworkId - FiveM Natives @ Cfx. * 1 : WANTED_STARS * 2 : WEAPON_ICON * 3 : CASH * 4 : MP_CAS Clear a ped's tasks. This article is under development. For performance reasons, consider using direct mathematical calculations for distance, as they can be more efficient than calling this native fu Parameters: entity: . **This is the server-side RPC native equivalent of the client native [SET_ENTITY_COORDS IS_POINT_IN_ANGLED_AREA (float xPos, float yPos, float zPos, float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float width, BOOL p10, BOOL includez) SET_ENTITY_COORDS_WITHOUT_PLANTS_RESET (Entity entity, float xPos, float yPos, float zPos, BOOL alive, BOOL deadFlag, BOOL ragdollFlag, BOOL clearArea) PLAY_SYNCHRONIZED_ENTITY_ANIM (Entity entity, int syncedScene, char* animation, char* propName, float p4, float p5, Any p6, float p7) APPLY_FORCE_TO_ENTITY ( Entity entity, int forceType, float x, float y, float z, float offX, float offY, float offZ, int boneIndex, BOOL isDirectionRel, BOOL ignoreUpVec, BOOL isForceRel, BOOL p12, BOOL p13) BREAK_OFF_VEHICLE_WHEEL ( Vehicle vehicle, int wheelIndex, BOOL leaveDebrisTrail, BOOL deleteWheel, BOOL unknownFlag, BOOL putOnFire) For this, you're going to have to learn how to call natives, which has nothing to do with indigenous people and actually are a R* label for 'game-defined script functions'. re Development Kit, learn what ๐ŸŽฏ resources are, or get started with ๐Ÿ“Ÿ scripting for FiveM. Entity to attach entity1 with. The full list of native functions can be found here. If 'atGetIn' is false, the function will not return true until the ped is sitting in the vehicle and is about to close Returns true if the object has finished moving. Listed below are the integers and the corresponding HUD component. x = left/right y = forward/backward z = up/down Returns the display name/text label (`gameName` in `vehicles. The exception is when `checkMeleeDeathFlags Checks if entity1 has a clear line of sight to entity2. type: . re Docs FiveM Docs / Native Reference If the ped handle passed through the parenthesis is in a ragdoll state this will return true. GET_INTERIOR_ENTITIES_EXTENTS (int interiorId, float* bbMinX, float* bbMinY, float* bbMinZ, float* bbMaxX, float* bbMaxY, float* bbMaxZ) Sets the rotation of a specified entity in the game world. NET Dim interiorID As Integer = Native. cpp // CTaskExitVehicleSeat::eSeatPosition - 1 enum Returns a list of entity handles (script GUID) for all entities in the specified pool - the data returned is an array as follows: json [ 770, 1026, 1282, 1538, 1794, 2050, 2306, 2562, 2818, 3074, 33 TASK_MOVE_NETWORK_BY_NAME (Ped ped, char* task, float multiplier, BOOL p3, char* animDict, int flags) Gets the current game timer in milliseconds. zrbsi fqrw qtvhvmb fvmly duwpw eclsknl puou term ojiuq jvytz