Arts integration examples. What are the 10 Pillars of Meaningful Art Integration? 1.
Arts integration examples Video: Component Examples. Lesson seeds here at the Institute focus on authentic Arts Integration and STEAM concepts rather than lesson plans. Examples of DANCE elements posters. If you look at the elements of the arts, some natural connections might begin to immediately come to mind. Earn 1 PD hour. This section includes video clips of several Hawaii-based teaching artists each conducting professional development workshops and courses in a variety of settings, situations and places. Become a nationally-certified Arts Integration or STEAM School with this accredited program. Draw fractals: Make patterns with math and symmetry. 8. 3: Interpret the equation y=mx+b as Arts integration is a wonderful and effective strategy but you must use the fine arts appropriately for the success across content areas. Examples from five sites, across a variety of academic content areas and age levels, and with students of varying disabilities, are included in this article. Watch this video for our recommended list. and Arts Integration is at the heart of all CAPE programs. For arts integration, just concentrate on these three alternative assessment options: Dynamic Assessments, Synoptic Assessments, and Ipsative Assessments. So for example if you know you have students that are struggling with a set of vocabulary terms in your content area like a social studies unit or math, DEFINITION: What is Establishing Purpose in an arts integration PD experience?. and Arts Integration Lesson Plan (1) C o n t e n t A re a Social Studies A rt s A re a Drama L e sso n T i t l e Community Helpers G ra d e L e ve l Kindergarten D u ra t i o n 3 hours (3 l e sso n s) T e a ch e r Ms. Here are some examples that illustrate how to effectively blend artistic Module 2: Examples of Arts Integration. Key points about Arts Integration Strategies: • Strategies require that classroom time is dedicated to ONLY working through the strategy in isolation from a lesson. JOIN US FOR THE 2025 ARTS INTEGRATION & STEAM CONFERENCE Susan is getting tactical and practical. Within these lessons, you’ll also find links to STEM and Common Core Standards so you can ensure the very best and latest connections to relevant instructional strategies. FA. This collection on arts integration draws from more than a decade of the Kennedy Center’s efforts to clarify arts integration principles and implement best practices. For example, a study based on the theme Our Community might have the following core understandings: (a) PURPOSE: Why is Evaluation important to an arts integration PD experience?. Programs. As a teacher in the arts, I know it is important to have examples of both your own work and work that your students have created and/or performed in order to be considered if you are applying for jobs. In the case of dance, for example, We have all heard the term arts integration and probably assumed we know what it means. Besides helping students understand the subject better by simplifying complex concepts, it also has numerous other benefits. As an example, one theatre technique that is popular The Arts Integration Framework was funded by a grant from the Robert E. For example, let’s look at a science lesson on atoms. Arts Integration in Practice: Meet four Kennedy center teaching artists who share examples of arts integration connections they make between social studies/history and visual arts, drama, song, and puppetry. For example, “shape” in visual art is a natural connection to geometry. She’s sharing the Arts Integration Continuum and examples of each of the 5 stages of Arts Integration. For example, with the picture, I engaged students in psychology and how trauma affects the way people develop over time and, ultimately, the people Exploring critical thinking and essential questions for biblical integration in language arts and world languages. ABB, etc. Here’s some examples: Misconception #1: Give 5 specific, detailed examples of how the arts can be used to differentiate the curriculum to meet the needs of students and discuss the benefits these experiences provide. An "approach to teaching" refers to how something is taught rather than what is taught. Creates Student Buy-In When the arts are intentionally integrated into classes, students become active participants in their learning. For example, in the visual arts, teachers use line, shape, color, texture, and form to represent content. What is arts integration? Both a pedagogical method and a philosophy of education, arts integration encompasses traditional arts Arts Integration is one of the foundational pillars of educational practice at Arkansas Arts Academy. How to approach this site. Available for Grades K-12. Example of Arts Integration. This definition begins with the assertion that arts integration is larger than an activity. For those who are new to arts integration or STEAM – discover the 6 creative strategies proven to work in any classroom. So, if they can learn math through an art form that makes the learning fun, why wouldn’t you want that for them? Arts integration creates equity because the arts are naturally differentiated. One of this BIG things an arts integration specialist does is help others to understand the approach. This is Implementing an ArtsIN Framework” provides examples and explains how arts infusion and integration can be implemented in early childhood settings through dynamic teacher roles as artist, researcher, designer, co-constructor, and advocate to meet students’ learning needs while connecting and collaborating with diverse cultural contexts that Example: Visual Arts Integration. It is our hope that by sharing these questions, you are inspired and equipped to foster a biblical worldview within your language and reading classes. JOIN US FOR THE 2025 ARTS INTEGRATION & PURPOSE: Why is Context important to an arts integration PD experience?. CAPE teaching artists and classroom teachers collaborate to integrate music, visual arts, dance, digital media, and drama into their academic lessons in order to improve academic and social-emotional outcomes such as creativity, critical thinking, problem solving and collaboration skills. - Google Slides is used to curate and present information. Through this approach, students develop an understanding of vital concepts by engaging creatively with activities that seamlessly blend art with other subjects in the curriculum. Elements of the Arts Alignment. Arts Integration Continuum. Find out about examples of arts integration strategies that are adaptable to a wide range of curriculum areas. Here are some examples: Arts Integration improves test scores because student engagement goes up as they access the arts. Beginning: Before assigning, explain your purpose of integrating visual art with your reading content. Congratulations on downloading this free arts integration assessment kit. Exploring critical thinking and essential questions for biblical integration in language arts and world languages. At The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, Dr. Seize that moment! Stop what you are some examples: Arts Integration improves test scores because student engagement goes up as they access the arts. For example, my first year integrating the arts in my 3rd grade classroom, I knew that I wanted to integrate the arts as much as possible, but I wanted more Art integration is a teaching approach that involves the use of various art forms to teach core subjects to students. Ask students to predict what will happen to the tree each new season as you read. I really encourage you to do that because it is, it’s a great time of year to try out arts integration lessons. Here are some examples: Science: Create 3D models of ecosystems, plant and animal cells, or the solar system. Although the teaching artist may have an intuitive read of how the classroom teachers responded to the PD experience, these impressions are often subjective and lacking in actionable specifics. Content and skills are not minimized, diminished, or "watered down" in So today, we’re sharing 30 examples that you can use to start this process! These 30 questions are connected through the 7 steps of the creative process. Philosophy of Education 2. We can inter-connect arts with many subjects. Storyboards for Students. With the new school year in full swing, I’ve been thinking about some tried and true elementary art integration ideas that are great for student learning and pretty easy to do. and which groups could demonstrate some examples of positive and negative space. These items have been tested and used by our team in Need some essential questions examples for your classroom? Here are 99 that integrate the arts and include some connected lesson ideas. Click on any Activities for Art Integrated learning : Art integrated learning activities help for the holistic learning of the child. Arts education, while existing in different forms during the 19th century, gained popularity as part of John Dewey's Progressive Education Theory. Students use the See/Think/Wonder strategy to explore These free arts integration lessons are samples from The Accelerator. It uses Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work, especially in grade 3 (Elaborate on an imaginative idea) and in grade K/1 (Engage in exploration and imaginative . We have over 100 for you to use. What differentiates integration from approaches like STEAM is that integration makes art the key lens through which students explore, conceptualize, and PDF | On Jan 1, 2014, Tatiana Chemi published The Art of Arts Integration: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Guidelines e ect, see for example, Winner, 1982, pp. Studio Habits of Mind_Hetland_Winner. There are manifold reasons for the efficacy of Kennedy Center Arts Integration definition . An interdisciplinary teaching practice, Arts Integration aligns standards from content and arts Arts Integration Assessment Kit EDUCATIONCLOSET Aligning your assessments to the standards you have selected for a lesson focus provides a cohesive learning experience from beginning to end. The program, known as Changing Education Through the Arts (CETA) uses a comprehensive definition of arts integration as its foundation. MATH. Let’s look at an example of visual arts integration that also touches upon SEAL, Social-Emotional Artistic Learning: Basic assignment: Draw and illustration of a character from your story. Now that we have a good idea to start from, here’s an example of a Edutopia®, the EDU Logo™ and Lucas Education Research Logo® are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U. Changes in the 5th Edition: New chapter on arts as text, arts integration, and arts education and their place within the context of teaching and learning in multiple subject classrooms in multicultural and multilingual settings; Title I and arts integration (focus on student academic achievement, student engagement, school climate, and parental The collaboration was an ambitious example of what’s called arts integration. Art-integration is a cross-curricular pedagogical approach that utilizes various aspects and forms of art and culture as the basis for learning of concepts across subjects. While classroom teachers often have a wealth of experience in lesson planning, they will need opportunities to work through the new skills and considerations of creating arts-integrated Strategies are the conduit to a full-bodied arts integration lesson. . Art-integrated learning is more than just fun and engagement. ASSESSMENT TYPES & PURPOSES DIAGNOSTIC EXAMPLES Pre and post-tests Self Examples of VISUAL ARTS elements & principles posters. Here are some of the key advantages of learning through arts: 1. As educators begin the road towards arts integration, my first recommendation is this: create your own chart of big connections. It is, very simply, a process of using the arts—visual art, dance, drama and music—to enhance learning experiences across the curriculum. Active Discussion_Reflection protocols. You will assist students in creating a dance narrative as a class. JOIN US FOR THE 2025 ARTS INTEGRATION Teachers can and should start with one or two elements of the targeted art and build upon it. VISUAL ART LESSON IDEAS FOR INTEGRATION Math – Creating Strand Driving Question: How is the principle of the Golden Ratio present in works of art and In arts integration, classroom teachers often want to capture evidence of student learning in both the art form and in other content area(s). research focus was the use of drama as a learning method. The pedagogy used in arts integration is relatively new and not well understood. CONTENT. S. Classroom teachers want to know why they are learning new arts strategies, and how they will help students learn. Pat is an arts integration specialist in Anne Arundel County, MD. What’s more, teachers often carry a wisdom of practice, and benefit from the opportunity to organize and communicate that wisdom within a professional community. ; Build 3D shapes: Use craft supplies to create them. Art Integrated Project Ideas for Math. Addressing context within the design of a professional development experience supports its relevance to classroom teachers who connect learning targets Free Arts Integration Lesson Plans - Download one (or more) today! These samplings are some excellent arts-based lessons to give your program a boost. This kit includes all of the essentials you’ll need to assess any makerbased lesson. • Remember: just because you use a strategy doesn’t make it an arts integrated lesson. ️ Following your curriculum is important, but so is giving your students artistic experiences that deepen their learning. However, the Common Core Math Practices (CCMP) certainly can be! Connecting to the math practices is especially valuable in the visual arts classroom. Black Fund of the Hawaii Community Foundation. Art History – Students study the artistic accomplishments of the past and present as motivation, examples of style or technique, and as discussion topics, especially in relation Level 2: Arts Integration with Input This collaboration happens when you reach out to another teacher to share an idea and get ideas from their content area. 1. Arts integration can make an impact in so many ways, but one of the less-explored options is with social and emotional connections. For example, conflict is examined through theater and history, pattern is examined through music and math, and transformation is examined through dance and science. The Ultimate STEM to STEAM Guide. - Information for the project can be Art integrated learning is based on learning through arts and learning with arts. You will see plenty of examples soon, but first let us see the rule: ∫ u v dx = u ∫ v dx − ∫ VISUAL ART ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS EXAMPLES Creating 1. DEFINITION: What is Arts Content Focus in an arts integration PD experience?. In this module you will: Investigate Arts Integration by watching a TED talk featuring a teacher who uses Arts Integration. Students can use these Storyboards to map out the process of a math problem, enrich their writing and sequencing, identify plot, structure, and theme in a story, or to illustrate their use of the scientific method. ). Free Arts Integration Lesson Plans - Download one (or more) today! These samplings are some excellent arts-based lessons to give your program a boost. “There’s more to a portrait than you might think” says Melanie Rick Layne. Rather, arts integration is an approach to teaching that is embedded in one's daily practice. The Framework is intended to help teaching artists of any discipline design and conduct high quality professional development experiences in arts integration for classroom teachers. Annual Report. Hopefully, this chart and examples make the professional learning experiences for teachers to learn about and implement arts integration. The third strand starts with study of the arts object or experience and bridges to the nonartistic experience. It’s called arts integration. Shanthi Standards and Alignment Assessed Arts Standards In this workshop session, you’ll explore different approaches to arts integration, and consider which is the best fit for you and your colleagues. Step 1: Read aloud the book Fletcher and the Falling Leaves by Julia Rawlinson Fletcher. All you have to do is go to artsintegration. For a project on climate change, for example, teachers used aspects of the artistic process to teach science, ELA, and social studies content, while helping students build social and emotional skills like creativity, It is currently in use in hundreds, if not thousands of schools worldwide. Display examples of visual art from Google Art Project (links to the side), Integration by Parts is a special method of integration that is often useful when two functions are multiplied together, but is also helpful in other ways. This approach not only deepens understanding but also encourages creativity and collaboration among students. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What are the three main areas of the arts?, Who are examples of diverse learners? ADHD (helps students with hands on, movement) What are the 10 Pillars of Meaningful Art Integration? 1. Here are examples of biblical principles ELA teachers addressed as they Arts Integration. Here are some lessons that I co-taught with a Video: Component Examples; References; About Us; Contact Us; Arts Integration Framework. Differentiated instruction strategies aren't just for one type of student population. , as cited in Maneen, 2016). Full Library; Free 1 Hour PD; Free Lessons; Drama Susan Riley 2022-12-06T12:34:12-07:00. Participant evaluations of a PD experience can provide important feedback for the teaching artist. These assessments should not be used on a daily or even weekly basis. As a specialist, you’ll be able to debunk these myths and help people understand how to integrate the arts effectively. Then, have students fill in the blank windows with a sketch Rosalind Flynn is a Kennedy Center teaching artist who conducts arts integration workshops nationwide and online. 36. But hopefully, they can serve to provide variety and a holistic perspective to your assessment toolbox. After our conversation, I set out to find some templates and examples, and the next day These K-3 arts integration lessons have been cultivated from across a variety of content and fine arts areas to showcase high-quality, rigorous integrated instruction. Seven teachers, part of an Arts Integration Community of Practice, used rubrics to measure student learning and artistic skills. Example: A former student, now a biology teacher wrote me concerned that her Explore how the elements of shape affect both the outcome of the tangram and the composition of the visual art examples. Visual Arts PURPOSE: Why is Planning important to an arts integration PD experience?. Students can own their learning and have a vested interest in their success. 2. After reading this book you will want to sing, Brooke Nelson is an art teacher and this is her professional page which includes her resume and CV, examples of her own artwork and example of lesson plans and student work. com in the search bar, type in arts integration lessons, and you will find hundreds of free lessons available for you to try out with your students on so many different topics, K through 12. Susan Riley is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM. . Math: Design Want to see examples of arts integration in the classroom? Take a look at these real-world videos featuring some of our favorite lessons. As a part of the thrust on experiential learning, art-integrated education will be embedded in classroom transactions not only for creating joyful classrooms, but also for This book has the special sauce for making arts integration relevant to student learning and encouraging creativity though practical examples that can and will inspire you to try them out. Studio Habits of Mind_Hetland_Winner PURPOSE: Why is Evaluation important to an arts integration PD experience?. However, there may be times when a classroom teacher wants to move into arts integration to make the art strategy an even more effective tool. Explore topics and strategies to integrate the arts into your classroom. Skip to content. Transforming a School Through Arts Integration. Examples of Arts Integration. Example (history and music): Learning about the structure, and content of the blues using songs from the 1930s. What are some different ways we can share these ideas (drawing a picture, playing What is arts integration and is it effective in K-12 schools? This video shares a clear definition, and examples of the approach in action. Arts integration can offer a natural pairing for providing choice and voice to students. Common Misconceptions about Arts Integration. Big ideas are the focus of connections between an art form and another area of study. Give an example of an arts integration activity that exemplifies integration "through" the arts. What conditions, attitudes, & behaviors support creativity & innovative thinking? 2. Arts Integration Assessments. What is Arts Integration? Arts Integration packet. For example, say your students are acting a scene from a book where someone is Explore the world's largest digital toolkit for arts integration and STEAM professional development. Step 2: Read Grandfather Tang’s Story (Ann Tompert). Circle that word on the board as it is chosen from the word wall. So, if they can learn math through an art form that makes the learning fun, why wouldn’t you want that for them? 8 /1 4 Arts integration creates equity because the arts are naturally differentiated. The Habits of Mind of Creative Engagement_Booth. For each arts content area, you will find a page of essential questions, which are drawn from the National Core Arts Standards, as well as a page of integrated project seeds include an integrated content for each standard For those who are new to arts integration or STEAM – discover the 6 creative strategies proven to work in any classroom. Explore a sample lesson that uses Arts Integration and identify key details. D. Arts integration offers a variety of ways for teachers to represent content through multiple learning modalities—visual, aural, and kinesthetic—and as a result, reach a wider range of learners. 75 Strategies Toolkit. Further, it relates the child to the real world We can surely further discuss these all activities with examples. The program presents three instructional models for integrating the arts: independent With the right tools, collaborative planning can be quick and support a robust arts integration or STEAM effort. Before that let’s discuss the benefits of art integrated learning. The goal of arts integration, as defined by the Kennedy Center, is to “meet evolving objectives” in both the art form and another subject area (Silverstein & Layne, 2010). Just opening this up will help you take control of your assessment plan and make it a natural part of the learning process. When it is well done, this approach, known as infusion or balanced integration, spends equal time and attention on the integrating domains. ; Make creative Arts Integration. Arts Pedagogy. This definition helps over 400 teachers in the program know exactly what arts integration is and how it differs Detailed explanations of how arts integration across the K–8 curriculum contributes to student learning, accompanied by rich examples of public school teachers integrating visual arts, music, drama, and dance with subject matter, including English, We know that music for arts integration and STEAM can often be a barrier for teachers who feel as though they are not able to use music themselves. Students who engage in arts-based activities have been See more Edutopia's flagship series highlights practices and case studies from K-12 schools and districts that are improving the way students learn. Accreditation Information. The Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM found more astounding results, such as a 10 percent rise in student achievement. Here are some examples that illustrate how to effectively blend artistic methodologies with academic content. They also found that when the arts are intentionally integrated, students become more active participants in their learning and can work through problem-solving and innovate new solutions. Having been a mentor teacher and instructional Naturally Connected Standards. Collaborative Planning 4. Simply choose whichever Storyboard you need for your subject area. Integration in Latin means "to make whole". View the accompan Not all math concepts are readily (or literally) visible in fine art examples. Tuning Planning and preparing arts integration lessons, assignments, assessments and materials; Developing an arts integration budget; Creating and delivering professional development and online resources; Recruiting and supporting arts integration efforts in the school or district; Curriculum mapping standards across multiple content areas and the arts And if you're using arts enhancement, how do you move to arts integration? Skip to content. Students illustrate the parts of an atom: the nucleus, electron shell, protons, neutrons, and electrons. Her Ph. 1. The first publication that describes a seamless interplay between the arts and other subjects (arts integration) taught in American schools was Leon Winslow's The Integrated Edutopia®, the EDU Logo™ and Lucas Education Research Logo® are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U. Here are my suggestions for laying a foundation of your arts repertoire-- Arts Integration 101! Click here to discover ways about this lesson. Art Literacy 3. While Base Ten blocks are not a traditional medium for visual arts, the way we use them in this activity addresses the National Core Arts Standards. I engaged students in deep analysis. Arts Integration: Promising Approach to Improving Early Learning. Enhance student engagement and creativity through arts integration. Arts integration can manifest in various ways across different subjects. Have students choose a temporal word to indicate the beginning of their dance. Get access to K-12 lesson plans, curriculum, educator professional development and more! Arts integration is an example of concept-based teaching. Arts Integration. 0 ART INTEGRATION Art Integration is a method of teaching through and with the arts that establishes connections between various art forms and other subjects (Burnaford et al. Honolulu Theatre for Youth (HTY) produces professional theatre and drama education programs that make a The main thrust of arts integration is to provide effective and multi-sensory ways of making classroom units come alive. Learning about Great Depression. As you read the story, students can try to figure out the next animal by using the clues given in the reading. Arts integration is related to arts education in schools. This helps them meet learning objectives in both fields of <a title="6 Five Reasons to Use Arts Integration Strategies . Every teacher has an approach to teaching, whether or not they are aware For these reasons, professional development in arts integration that includes opportunities for teachers to participate in engaging arts-integrated learning experiences, to develop their confidence as artists through hands-on art making, and to experience examples of arts-integrated classrooms and student work, can provide classroom teachers An example of arts integration is after rigorous instruction in dance and science, students demonstrate their understanding of the rotation of the planets and of the elements of dance by choreographing a performance piece informed by science study. 4 Activities for Music and Reading Integration. Example of Strategy Cheat Arts Integration: Promising Approach to Improving Early Learning. Don’t miss this week’s free Bringing the arts into core curricula raises student achievement and improves student engagement. Templates. This helps to narrow down which set of questions would be most beneficial. Arts integration is the product of arts-based inquiry. Builds Critical Thinking Skills Students construct personal meaning through arts For those who are new to arts integration or STEAM – discover the 6 creative strategies proven to work in any classroom. After reviewing the sight words “I” and “see,” kindergarten arts students write about where they have seen primary colors. Then, we skip around the room. State PD Acceptance. Full Library; Free 1 Hour PD; Free Lessons; TOPICS / CURRICULUM / ALL LESSONS. Flynn is the head of the Master of Arts in Theatre Education (MATE) degree program. Benefits of art integrated LEARNINg : Art education helps to develop 3 main Arts Integration. Discover what arts integration is, examples of the approach in action, and a clear sequence for using it in schools. Art Integration is a NCERT initiative based on the recommendation of NCF-2005, “Education through For those who are new to arts integration or STEAM – discover the 6 creative strategies proven to work in any classroom. Art Production – Students learn skills and techniques in order to produce personal, original artwork. used the See/Think/Wonder thinking routine using Darwin’s drawings to create a connection between science and For those who are new to arts integration or STEAM – discover the 6 creative strategies proven to work in any classroom. Finally, we crawl quickly. Arts Integration Lesson Plan (# 1) Content Area Technology Arts Area Dance Lesson Title Dance Genre Compare and Contrast Presentation - An example of Energy is Fluid or Restrained movement. , Integrating "through" the arts is the highest level of arts integration. JOIN US FOR THE 2025 ARTS INTEGRATION & STEAM CONFERENCE And I got even more excited as I started to read through it because this is a really good example of a strong arts integration lesson. The strategies a teaching artist introduces to classroom teachers do not merely supply them with arts-based ways of accessing other For example, the narrative may be:First, we hop onone foot. This can be challenging to accomplish with a single assessment task, so the teaching artist might encourage combining multiple forms of assessment through a “Say-Do-Write” framework (see Resources ). In examples of effective integration, the integrity of each subject area or skill is maintained. Arts Integration: What is Really Happening. Overall, research has found We're putting 2 online lessons to the test using the Arts Integration Look-For Checklist to help find the differences. Introduction. They’re a perfect way for you to get started with arts integration and STEAM, or to enhance a program you already have in place. An interdisciplinary approach can help elementary students deepen their Another arts integration lesson that helps students practice their writing is creating a sentence with a simple sentence frame. PDF | On Feb 4, 2019, Joyce Ann Miller and others published Arts in Education: The Impact of the Arts Integration Program and Lessons Learned | Find, read and cite all the research you need on For those who are new to arts integration or STEAM – discover the 6 creative strategies proven to work in any classroom. What is Art Integration? Benefits of Art Integration; Strategies for Implementing Art Integration; Examples of Art Integration in the Classroom; Challenges of Art Integration; Examples of Arts Integration. Integration incorporates the plan, implementation, and assessment of a lesson or unit with multiple priorities. This tools will help you determine what kind of assessment you need. ; Design a mandala: Use math to draw symmetrical circles. Providing time and support for planning gives classroom teachers guided practice in applying new learning. examples of companies and/or people who are currently working in that position and what a typical product or day might look like. It’s my hope that these examples will help to spark your own ideas for ways to connect with students at a deeper level. 252-264). A research-based, curricular teaching strategy that provides connective pathways in the lessons to reach multiple learners a s well as empower educators in their professional growth. Below, find featured downloads, and dive into real-world examples of arts integration Art-integrated projects cover a wide range of topics, allowing students to explore subjects creatively. This lesson brings learning objectives from the classroom and the art room together. Step 2: Using chart paper to document their answers, ask students to describe how each season looks and feels. hskz zuksz ipwevk mcz fkhmg hgegvyl wruyjo lqldf uftj xytcj dcianss utk axcui djsy aiqu