Kusto decimal places. 85 as my result, not 2.

Kusto decimal places So basically anything beyond 6 decimals should be truncated. 0), decimal(0. When I try to convert the byte value into megabyte, I can't seem to get KQL to add the desired precision of 2 places. 083334. 40 instead. Actually it does more, as it works on various data types (like dates and times) and it can round values to an arbitrary “bin” size. The issue is that I want 2. How can I format this output to just display the it like 11. To specify a decimal literal, use one of the following syntax options: Learn how to use the round () function to round the number to the specified precision. 0 MB". How do I get this value to correctly reflect a precision of 2? EDIT 1: format_bytes(RequestBodySize, 2) returns "4 MB I was running some Kusto queries, and at some point I needed to limit floats to only have a certain number of decimals. To specify a decimal literal, use one of the following syntax options: All, I've created a KQL query that outputs a value like "11. 85 as my result, not 2. Arithmetic operations Arithmetic operations involving decimal values are significantly slower than operations on real data type. 1), and decimal(1e5) are all literals of type decimal. 0833349999 to be 0. 4030237198". How could I do this? round() or bin() doesn't work. 4 or 11. The bin function can do exactly that. Learn how to use the todecimal () function to convert the input expression to a decimal number representation. The decimal data type represents a 128-bit wide, decimal number. 40 instead The decimal data type represents a 128-bit wide, decimal number. decimal(1. There are several special literal forms: decimal(null): This is the null value. If your use case doesn't require very high precision, we recommend using real. Arithmetic operations involving decimal values are significantly slower than operations on real data type. I want 0. Tried: RequestBodySize = strcat(round(RequestBodySize / 1000 / 1000, 2), ' MB') but this results in "4.