How long for women to gain muscle reddit

How long for women to gain muscle reddit. Free weights with a very learned trainer for a year, but with many gaps in the first 6-8 months, now consistently. You will probably feel stronger and be able to lift heavier weights after one week, but that is because you have better neurological control of the muscle, not But, gains and losses will be spread out across the body. May 27, 2021 · As long as you're lifting regularly and keeping a little cardio in the mix, your fat gain can be minimal. It will take a lot of time. 8 - 1g of protein per lb of body weight, . I weighed around 150 for years after my third child was born but the weight slowly melted off due to a few sicknesses and some stress. 8g of protein / lb of body weight in your diet everyday, lift weights and eat a deficit of -250 to -500 calories a day and that will be your best bet to lose fat while maintaining the most muscle you can. Basicaly Eat. 8 g / lb works too. Eat carbs to gain mass, but you need enough protein too. There’s an I've always been kinda skinny so I recently started hitting the gym to gain muscle. And add weight to increase the stress on those groups, which is important to building muscle. Try protein shakes if you can't reach this protein goal. The best workout for me to see a change in my appearance is rock climbing: slimmed a little and gain muscle definition pretty quickly, going once or twice a week for about an hour. - lift weights (try 5-8 reps, something heavy but not injure yourself) - just realised this is a bodyweightfitness thread. It's probably more to do with training like an idiot and not trying hard enough. It also burns crazy calories and makes life better. I gained very little muscle. Reading the faq is a good place to If you're gaining a pound a week you're putting on fat. Just added leg extensions on the machine a couple weeks ago. 72 Share. Go workout. I read that to gain muscle one should eat 0. I found 5 reps to be optimal, but as I started adding weight to pull ups, I also realised I cannot ad This last year I started at 142 lbs and bulked to 172 naturally in about 10 months , just started my first cycle last week to finish off the last 2 months before I cut , I'm estimating at the end of the cycle to hit around 185 then the water weight and fat will bring me down to around 175 at the same body fat I started at , meaning I think I will have gained around 33lbs of lean tissue in 12 Be patient with your progress - men can expect to gain 1-2lbs of lean muscle a month, and 0. Long term recomp is possible just slower on the scale fat and muscle are two different systems, You can do both at the same time. Just make sure you have a spotter! I am 5'9 and weigh 70kgs (150 lbs). Another disclaimer: Strength and muscle gain are really the only good things about pcos. I can't remember the source, but optimal muscle gains for the first year should be 20-25 pounds with training and diet. 8g per pound of lean body mass (muscle mass) which would end up lower than 100g. Unless you’re stressing it to the point it needs the extra size in the fibres because of constant damage, it’s resistant to it, and rightly so. Sometimes 4 days a week, sometimes one. then to finish something Yes, if you want to maintain as much muscle as possible, just get the essential . Just a heads up. Unfortunately this lead to muscle imbalances with pain in my back and shoulders. I set my goal at 3 months of working out to slim down and gain my muscle back. The other participants gained 0,5-1 kg. Don't worry about the calories (as long as their within a "normal" daily range), you have to turn the macros'. 5 years prior to the break. Have fun with it! Eating correctly and lifting weights will build muscle while burning fat, and is more efficient than just trying to lose fat from, say, just doing cardio. If you’re able to, going 4 days a week would be best. Strength train 3-4 days/week (either lift weights or bodyweight exercises). Strength is about the same level of maintenance. Many will need to take breaks from their bulk and cycle through cutting phases as needed. Be consistant in your gym going. The principle is the same as with any other muscle group. Anything more than that, and I start to notice a physical difference. Anyways; new lifters can absolutely gain muscle on a cut, especially if they were carrying a lot of body fat. I’m 5’10” and have been everywhere from 140lbs to 190lbs in my adult life. Beginners are an exception to the rule for a few weeks/months and can gain more muscle than that. - protein as a goal should be your bodyweight (in pounds) per 0. heavy weight, volume and a good contraction exercise. M50, lifting 3x week. And the more muscle you put on, the easier it will be to lean out and look defined later! Remember, if you've been struggling to gain weight, it's highly unlikely that you'll put on 20 pure pounds of unwanted fat as long as you're training IF works very well for me, and it is super easy to apply it. Which is going to be less than 16 minutes. Another one is that it takes time to build muscle. I could tell a difference after 2 weeks, because I started at 130. I'm currently 26 years old and would like to work on incorporating exercise back into my life and losing around 15-20 lbs to reduce fat while gaining muscle. 8g-1g (126-158g protein). Ribbit40. For pull; deadlift, bent over rows, pull ups, bicep curls, abs. Aiming for ~. The slower you bulk the more that ratio begins to swing towards being more muscle than fat. Physiologically because the body doesn’t want to add muscle. Reply reply. It's really hard to say. It consists of switching from low reps/high weight to high reps of lower weight. Yes, by doing LeanGains. Eating enough protein is also vital to gaining muscle - a general rule of thumb is around 1 gram of protein (each day) per pound of lean body weight (ie. Train strength. It is definitely impossible for me to gain more than 20 lbs of muscle naturally. basic quick advice on getting big arms, small muscle groups so don’t overthink it, but try to include these into your workout. I have recpomposed about 10% bodyfat in 11 months, the new muscle is very visible. You also have to fucking break your ass doing weight training. 130g protein in a 2000 calorie diet. 1. •. I do crossfit daily in addition to 5/3/1 lifting and I'll run 10-20 miles on the weekends. I did not notice much for about 3 months then even though I was in a significant calorie deficit and was trying to lose 60lbs I started putting on size and strength quick. 60-75 min, 4, 5 or 6 days a week is very typical for hypertrophy and strength training. 20 weeks on the short side. Tons of info. So yea, maybe you are one of those people, but generally I would recommend trying to get 8 hours of sleep everyday. You will not gain muscle if you do not eat an excess amount of calories. Skymirrh. e. Train with low volume. Functionality and feeling good physically wins over having the so called feminine body. You have to eat more calories than your body expends in a day, and not just protein. 102lbs. I certainly wouldn’t mind getting bigger BUT if this is where I stay long term I’m good with it. Look at the fucking research. Also, you can expect 15-20 lbs of muscle your first year of lifting. Yes, although you should keep progressive overload in mind. But I'm not sure when it started being visible. I am gaining, significantly in strength and noticeably in size, but still a long way to go to my ideal. Bullshit. So long story short, a lot happened in my life and I took a 4 month break from the gym where it resulted in a 15 pound weight decrease and a hit on my body composition. I find myself incapable of packing on significant muscle, and any muscle that I manage to obtain seems to go away within a few days. Firstly, eat maintenance calories to prevent muscle (or fat) gain. It's genetics. [deleted] •. Optimal resistance training and protein means that if you aren’t near your genetic limit of muscle building it will still be possible to build muscle in a deficit. I tried sets of 3-4, but it was too fatiguing, and enough volume was nearly impossible to achieve. For the last 15 years I’ve been training virtually every day, sometimes solely focused on lifting for strength and size, other times focused solely on running. In the morning throw 1/4 cup of pumpkin seeds, 1/3 cup of sunflower seeds, 1 banana, couple tablespoons spoons of peanut butter and a bit of olive oil in the blender. Your body doesn't need carbs to build muscle. To gain muscle. How long can you continue to build muscle? I'll be 29 years old in a week and I've been training (weight lifting) consistently since I was 14 years old, so ive been training for almost 15 years. lil2faded. For protein, a number that gets thrown out there a lot is 1g / 1lb of bodyweight but this is likely overkill (though not harmful by any means). I ran long distance and played soccer and yoga til I was 30 and had zero upper body strength. I remember a certain study showed that 500mg per week after 11 weeks would only yield 15 pounds of lean body mass. Generally a starting point for fat loss and muscle gain can be about 30-45% protein 30-35% carbs and 25-30% fats. And for some, especially women the rate of muscle gain may be even slower . When I started doing weight training only 2-3 times per week with some light cardio I gained much faster. Typically eating with a Calorie deficit makes it very hard to gain any muscle at all. I did SL (similar to SS) and gained 25 total pounds for the year, with If you lean bulk, then a majority of the weight you gain will be muscle. 5 minute run as fast as possible to warm up then heavy: DL, squat, bench, pull ups, and occasionally push ups (if I'm not dead), 3x5 of each (pull ups to failure 3 times then negatives). Do both at the same time. Stay dedicated to the cycle. In this meta-analysis, the mean length of training was 12wk and the mean muscle gain in young people was 0. This is a MUST: 6) The Barbell Deadlift : Maybe the best exercise of all time. 7g or . Sleep 7-9 hours a night. 99% sure that at least 6 of those pounds are fat PPL+core (40 lbs dumbbells mostly, small bench for dumbbell press) 175g protein daily, 35/25/40 macros of F/C/P, 2000 calories. Measure your body fat percentage both before & after. I'm 6'3 and used to weigh a solid 230 lbs with relatively good numbers on all my lifts and had been religiously training for about 2. all i can say is every 1s body is different and will react differently. Dec 14, 2022 · For most gaining 1/2 pound of weight a week represents a fairly quick rate of healthy weight gain. I didn't notice until a long time, but other people did. fat - seeds and nuts all day. My body is quite small but I have been gyming for a while (mainly push pull strength training). 100g fat, 200g protein 400g carbs on your lifting days should do it. Proper diet is very important for gaining mass as well though. Im finding its easier to gain muscle and fat. •• Edited. For fat loss you can see the difference in every pound. then volume on something like a hammer curl or cable curl. 25 - . Within a few months I went from benching 185x10 to 225 for 15 and put on a solid 2lbs of muscle a month for 4 months. 81kg. The cells shrink, but aren't gotten rid of. In reality, you need to eat whatever actually supports growth. You can use water or hit it with milk for more calories. Advanced lifters, like 5+ years of dedicated training, no way. 80 calories is roughly 2/3 's of a large banana. I don't really eat large amounts of food everyday. 0. No more difficult than being an omnivore, just a little less information. A lot of ectomorphic people tend to be taller, and it's harder to add muscle to that type of frame. For skinny guys it can take at least 15-20 pounds to notice a difference. That's probably more than enough. 5-1lbs for women (beginners may gain a little faster). It's 45 mins 3-4 times a week, I made strength gains on it the last half year while running 20MPW. Nonnegotiable. ) and without using meds/drugs, how much lean muscle mass could one realistically build per month? Visible results, it's hard to say. 6-8 is really the best rep range for building strength imo after 2-3 years of lifting. Given optimal conditions (nutrition, training, etc. As long as you keep going, though, you'll make those gains. I used to have this problem in college, I was doing too much. ago. 30 y/o. 100mg per week after 11 weeks using less scientific bro math means you'll probably only get 1/5 of that meaning you'll gain like 3 pounds of muscle every 11 weeks, considering that you could probably gain 1. Eat less calories than you normally eat. Women can expect to gain 1/2 to 2 pounds of muscle per month. You can gain even faster than this and hypothetically get even more muscle gain (maybe), but the cost is way more fat Dec 22, 2023 · 5) The Barbell Squat : Probably the best exercise when it comes to building strength and muscle throughout your whole body. There’s no harm in having more protein, and it’s the most satiating macro to have during a cut, so for me the more = the better 🤪. There's a limit you can gain a month without putting on a ton of fat. If today you could do 7 pushups, on your next workout aim for 8 pushups, then 9 pushups etc. Pretty sure most people max out at a half pound of lean muscle per week. I usually range from 90-130g per day. karmafan84. Most women can only build between a half-pound to a pound of muscle per month; when I hear someone gained 7 lb. If you cannot find 8 hours, try to improve the . In general, if she is looking to preserve muscle mass, she should be looking to get 0. This doesn't have to be one before the other. Then if you want to add muscle, you have to drop to 3-5 reps, or even 1-2 reps and lift the most weight you can lift. 8-1. dubstepbunnies. • 3 yr. Your maximal muscle gain (by weight) is about half of that of a male. Hey everyone, I am 5’3 and currently around 225. I'm in the same boat as you - 5'8" and just shy of 130 lbs, and I can't find a way to gain any weight at all, other than pregnancy and that doesn't work so well. 18 months later and my body composition (and chemistry) have changed significantly, and I can Depending on how strong you are you could try the 5/3/1 program. 5lb of muscles naturally it's a big muscle so it's gonna be at least half a year in a day u build something like 10-30grams of pure muscle so progress gonna be slow as fuck ( and I think thats wholebody gain, not just legs) u can use a measuring tape to try tracking monthly progress Incoporate heavy compound lifting. You could do 0. It costs a lot of resources to build, and also to maintain. Have whey protein shakes after every workout. So 0. Edit: 22yo f at normal weight. (2 push days, 2 pull days) I’d recommend doing the basic for push; Bench press, Squat, Overhead press, tricep push-downs, push-ups. Recent studies actually found that you retain 70 to 90% of the muscle cells even after really long periods of not using them. 1hr, 3 days a week, for 3 months. ground flax seed soaked in water is best, also avocado and coconut. The lower body physique ( quads & hamstrings galore) I want is going to take me years & for a spell I was letting that get to me mentally. Typically you gain a little bit of fat too. The most lean muscle a human can gain in a month (without steroids) is 1-5 lbs (5 being the extreme high end for an experienced body builder eating a massive Calorie surplus). 5lbs/week deficit I am not saying anyone needs to do that to build muscle. Creatine cycles (4 weeks on, 2 weeks off) can help to if you really want to see fast gains. warcraftecon. Make sure every meal has a protein in it and that you eat enough in a day especially if you have a fast metabolism and want to gain muscle mass. A woman should bulk if she wants to put on muscle mass or be larger in general. Aim for 1 more rep per workout. I wouldn't bother right now. I was -500 cal deficit at the start but after losing 30+ lbs (and going from 42 waist to 36 waist) it seems like 2000 is my maintenance now. Eventually you'll need to cut when you feel you're rdy to cut. Looking at over 900 clean healthy calories and a solid amount of healthy fats. People see people in their twenties getting fit as hell and think what is wrong with me going to the gym twice a week doing nothing. No significant cardio beyond cycling and walking. Should be atleast 6 months minimum w this plan. I would experiment with keeping total calories the same but raising the amount of protein a bit further; extra protein during a cut (while calories are still low enough to This will help you easier to manage the days you workout. Also, at 6'8" it was more of a chore to get enough calories and protein to build muscle. This group gained ~0. gcocco316. Example, in a four week period; week 1 is 4-5 sets of 3-5 reps; week 2 is 3-5 sets of 6-9 reps; week 3 is 10-12 reps; week 4 is 12 to fifteen reps. I like to eat . This study obviously did not focus on muscle hypertrophy. Don't expect to get big after only a month or two, it takes atleast a year to a year and a half unless you're willing to go in it hardcore. Sometimes they will be concentrated in small, noticable areas, but that is only typical in newbie stages. Just keep the food as clean as you can and don't cut out all cardio. It took me 14 months of cyclic eating (2 Bulk, 2 cut) and intense training to gain 15 solid pounds of lean muscle mass. Generally does well for my body when I’m trying to “lean bulk” or a recomp. Eat more protein & less carbs than you normally eat (while sticking to #1). I think there is no difference compared to the weight training in terms muscle gain, but it works a little bit differently. 5 - 1 lb of weight gain per week average is probably about right for most people, assuming they want to maximize muscle gain while minimizing fat gain. The work out is more important then the powders. You have no idea what you're talking about. There are very very very VERY few people who can sleep 5-6 hours and getting healthy sleep. If you are really unfit you can lose weight and gain muscle a couple of months. It is much harder to target specific muscle groups using calisthenics. Lift. I just get there when I can. how much you weigh, minus the amount of fat You can lean bulk w like a 300 caloric surplus to gain as much muscle possible w minimum fat gain. Even just 1-2 workouts a week are adding to my muscle mass. visigoth44. If you weight train a muscle regularly (let's say 3 times a week) it should actually take 4-6 weeks before there is any physical change or hypertrophy (growth) of the muscle fibers. What actually happens is: when you regularly use your muscles (as in ideally every muscle twice a week) you will still gain seriously impressive result in 2-3 years. Gauge Girl Fitness has a lot of in depth videos on macro calculations. To give you an idea: I'm 6'0, currently 171 lbs. you need to find out what you base metabolic rate is first, then drop the number of calories ranging from 200-500 calories depending on the amount of weight you want to lose. Her cut should be roughly 500cal less than her TDEE to lose 1lb a week. Eg, mon - legs, tue - upper, wed - cardio only, thur - legs, fri - upper, sat - abs. 3 days on. As a general rule, lift as much weight as you can for 10 reps on the first set. No, you won't be able to gain that much muscle regardless of how much weight you gain. I have no idea how long it would have taken to build the same amount of muscle on a surplus but it took more than a year to do it on a ~1. for example for biceps i’d do either a heavy dumbbell or barbell curl for 2 sets of 8-10 reps. Plus as your muscles grow in size, the rate at which you can gain steadily decreases. No problem, hope those links help you get started. I have worked out regularly off and on for the last two years or so and have recently been getting into lifting (in the past I mostly just did a lot of cardio and body weight exercises where my only goal was loosing weight which I managed fairly successfully in the past but never kept it off) now my main goal is growing muscle and just having I've never posted a question on Reddit before so my apologies if I do anything wrong in advance. I will soon be in a position to fully commit to gym and I want to make some decent muscle gains and hopefully reach a weight of 75-80kgs (165 lbs) without adding a lot of fat. Things that will normally build at least some muscle, like intense cardio when you're totally out of shape, may mostly just make you lose muscle more slowly. If you want to have as much muscle as Christian Guzman, VirtuvianPhysique, StudentAesthetics, give it 5-6 years and then some. To maintain muscle appearance, I only have to go to the gym once every 10 days or so. 2 g of protein per lb of body weight a day. It will not be difficult to gain muscles in your 30's based on test levels alone. In a normal diet, carbs help you have more energy to lift heavy stuff and tear muscles for your body to trigger muscle building. In a nutshell, to gain muscle mass: - you should be eating in a caloric surplus. With my workouts, in case that info is needed, I do 10 mins warm up on the treadmill and split the strength workouts into legs and butt, abs, and then upper body, plus 10-20 mins cardio at the end. In the long term, it isn't body fat % that necessarily determines your muscle potential, but simply genetic limitations. Hence the traditional Bulk, Cut cycles. I don’t understand what i’m doing wrong, I train 5-6 times a week, consistently pushing myself to failure and in the rpe ranges where muscle should grow. the more you eat and sleep the more you will build. It’s taken me 1 year to get an upper body physique I quite like. (1) When I’ve tried HIIT on 36+ hour fast, and CONTINUE the fast after, my muscles are soooorrrrreeeee (the following day). So now that I'm trying to gain more mass and scale up my food intake, I'm wondering exactly how I should go about it. I eat, train, and sleep well consistently. • 12 yr. But its much easier to get fat, which is why I do a lot of cardio. But if you are on keto, then it uses fats instead. her first month of lifting, I am 99. A 3 pound gain over a month is about 350 extra calories per day. That’s 16 minutes worth of rest and then how ever long it takes you to do your actual sets. Stop spewing this pipedream that everyone could build tons of muscle. 8g of protein for every lb of bodyweight. 3-4 times a week doing compound exercizes, and you need to do this consistently for months. Noticeable gains won't be til about 5-6 months. You need protein, carbs, and fats. then you start to notice different gains like you shirts fitting tighter in different spots, people taking notice. 2kg in 12 weeks. 4-6 weeks before you notice a change. Check out strong lifts 5x5. usually 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps. Some of us get really hungry from lifting and end up putting on excess fat along with the muscle we build. 4g of fat per lb of body weight and just fill the rest of calories with carbs. At one point, I was eating 8,000 kcals a day. A_SNAPPIN_Turla's advice is also helpful, work out routine is the other part of the If you want to gain muscle, you need to give your body the resources to do so (calories and protein). The two most important things are calories and protein. In this study, non-resistance trained people gained ~2-3kg in 9 months. 1 hour less drastically increases your risk in heart attacks . You can start logging your weight, mood, training sessions and food to make an habit. But once I do get back into the gym, I gain that muscle back fairly quickly. Heavy lifting 4x per week. The weight, reps and sets are simply calculated improvements. Eat healthy and in calorie deficit or at maintenance. Would usually shoot for 70-100g of carbs, 40-50g of protein for this meal as it was my preworkout meal. You’d have to do this for a LONG TIME to get bulky and you won’t just wake up looking like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. I’d advise you to just go on a small calorie surplus like 250/300 calories at least and up to 500 for your first year. 5% or smth. You can still train with intensity and progressive overload, but strength gains will be from neurological efficiency rather than hypertrophy. Sometimes a protein bar, sometimes greek yogurt with fruit, sometimes I’d skip this and go for a larger lunch. Even then, you still won't be at your full potential. Reply reply More replies But just my anecdotal evidence on the building muscle point while fasting (not maintaining but actually building muscle). Muscle memory. Makoivis' advice is sound. In terms of muscle mass I do many sets (high volume) - 2 sets 8-12 reps, 2 set 6 reps, 1-2 sets 15+ - all per exercise/movement. It needs protein and the amino acids released when it breaks them down. Compound, functional lifts. 5lbs of fat. Track your calories and weight, average out your weight each week and go by that, then adjust calories accordingly if you're gaining too slow or fast. It can be. Men roughly gain about 50/50 muscle/fat, and women can gain as little muscle as half that. Post workout snack: usually an apple or banana, plus protein shake made with whole milk for the extra calories. protein, fat, carbs. Over 3 months I gained just short of 1 kg of lean muscle mass (as measured by DXA scanning). Sleep Repeat. Muffmuncher. They help, but it's not at all crucial to build muscle. In order to build muscle you have to EAT. Great legs though. i. If the caloric differential between a pound of muscle is 4 calories, then a recomposition of 20 lbs of muscle (from 20 lbs of fat) over your lifting career only increases your metabolic rate by 80 calories. It's like 0. Now I'm up to 150 and I don't notice improvements nearly as fast. Make sure you're being efficient in the gym cause you don't want to stress your body unnecessarily. If I’m not doing cardio and don’t have to wait on anything I’m easily in and out of the gym in 25-30 minutes. Assuming you're gaining at your full potential (few do), each year will see a diminishing returns on potential muscle gain, for men it looks like (1) +20lbs (2) +10lbs (3) +5lbs (>4) +2lbs . (Don't care about scale weight as long as I'm losing fat & toning up) If you want to gain muscle mass, lifting 5 times per week (*may not be) the way to do it. That is to say, your average male can see around maximum 50lbs of muscle throughout the entirety of his lifting career (without steroids) whereas your average woman will likely see 25lbs. Aim to gain . just_a_MA-Guy. Actually no, it IS the best exercise of all time. You'll notice a significant difference. I think another thing people don’t expect is how long it takes to recomp. Depends on the person. Do keep in mind that these are very small numbers. Recomp only works if you do a fasting regiment like leangains. Keep what you are doing, lose some more weight and gain some strength, in 2 or 3 months try to adjust your routine/ diet/ exercises. 5-1 lb per week at the most and you'll be good. At that kind of gain you're putting on muscle and fat at about a 1:1 ratio. 5 lbs of muscle and 0. 1 day of. I've been eating at a deficit for 4 months and doing both cardio and strength training the whole time. Adding to this, you need to be consistent, you can't be taking a week off every other week and expect results. 9. It's been used by many for a long time to build muscle and size. Hours of sleep a night. I dialed more in on diet by the age of 16 and if I got injured I still trained, just trained around my injury. Most men will gain most of their muscle in 3 years, and noobie gains can allow men to gain upwards for 20-30 pounds of muscle in around 6 months. I could go on. It seems that once your body has made the muscle cells it is loathe to get rid of them after that energy investment. Men can only gain 1-2 pounds of lean muscle per month UNLESS they have great recoup and muscle building genetics OR are new to working out. Alot of beginners stay at the same level for a long time cuz they never treat diet as important as their routine. How long does that tend to take? Without pictures, a couple of months to have visible skinny-guy abs if you lose enough weight, a year or two to make them pop even at a slightly higher BF%. Reply. Building muscle takes a lot of time and effort. Don't worry about it too much honestly. The macros are variable based on the goals of the woman. For instance, I may go a year or more without working out, lose muscle mass and start getting flabby. I was skinny fat and then quit drinking and started walking 10k+ steps per day (religiously w/no exception) combined with very sporadic and poorly done bodyweight exercises (keep trying to start recommended routine properly). There are plenty of high school and college freshman who are buff. However, calisthenics is an important part of a muscle building routine to help maintain good range of motion and fine tune muscles. Read the FAQ, calculate your TDEE, eat 300-500 calories per day more than that to build muscle. 5’2”. 5. zu qa op xd hc mx zu pc is rg