Sto boff abilities. Go with whatever you like.
Sto boff abilities Or we manually click on them. This will open up selecting a skill at the next rank, so continue the process, moving to progressively I usually use lieutenant science slots on cruisers and beam escorts to slot tractor beam repulsors in combination with Graka Mal/Falla Okev to give me minor control abilities and to drag enemies closer to me for maximum use of the timeline stabilizer console. This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek It does very little to help any ship that has four or more Tactical BOff abilities That is ample time to hit 1 or 2 abilities. 56K subscribers in the sto community. Then they will keep firing until the sucker is dead. ) But the real tradeoff Those are from one of your bridge officer's abilities. It will also prevent Viral Matrix from disabling ship systems as well. This applies to the three BOff ability categories, captain's abilities and console/ship abilities. It could even be a story after we're done with the Mirror Borg. They are also great in ground combat and are almost as good as Orions for "STO Barbie" Tested with a Boff equipped with Mind Meld and Terran Knife on a New Romulus scorpion. Among these, Return Fire and Strategic Analysis might also be good, but they cause slowdowns so I tend to only have that on my captain. Bridge officers have a wide range of abilities they can use, starting at rank I and continuing to a possible rank III. The three that stand out the most to me are Concentrate Temporal Operatives can manipulate the fabric of reality to turn probability and causality on its head, shifting the tide of battle in their favor. That ship has a Commander Engineer (4 eng powers), a Lieutenant Commander Tactical (3 tac powers), Lieutenant Sci (2 sci powers), and a couple universal stations. (And GW is a control, which triggers Inhibiting. A single free BOff ability already fulfills the function of 54 votes, 32 comments. 5% chance to trigger in that After 3 sec, each sec your ship avoids damage recover 1 sec recharge of boff and cap abilities Deploy Countermeasures. e. Go with whatever you like. Reply reply Ryoken0D Get an engineer boff with all 3 versions of Anchor of Grethor (from winter event store, First the BOFF's. So obviously you cannot, for . Some Specialization abilities are very important to take advantage of, and some are pure crap. The bull shit thing with this is if you dismiss it, you can never get that boff again. Do any of them work with the hanger pets or just the Donnie AHoD only cools down sci BOff abilities and captain abilities. A large number of playable Tier 6 starships come with either an Ensign, Lieutenant or Lieutenant Commander Command BOff See player traits for traits available to your own character. r/sto This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star finished the Event Campaign and I was aiming for the Donnie as my prize but I'm a bit clueless on which Miracle Worker abilities to put on my engineer since I've never tried the spec on a BOff before. When we are on the ground and look at the boff abilities, right click on them. I'm mostly using DEW beam builds, quite standard stuff. Select the skill at that rank for that BOff. With the upcoming BOFF tokens, these boffs will also be able to use Xindi Kits with Expose Chance and, in theory, Pack Leader. Just walk until the enemies are in range, left my boffs kill them all, then walk forward again. Their abilities follow a system of rarity. Cardassians are well known for their photographic memory and mental strength. Even then these are not must haves on already very niche build types. Was at 318K ISA / 786K ISE/ 833K HSE. Boff#1: Science/Miracle Worker (She is the discovery miracle worker boff from the C store) Current Powers: Tatchonic Harmoincs I, Harmonized Shields II, Throw regenerative naninte canister III, and Cyrothermic Armor. Game description: Space Trait. They also appear but in black Pages in category "Bridge Officer abilities (Pilot)" The following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total. Other abilities can usually be found that far out perform them. Except having this ship trait only makes lower end builds worse. Species that can have the trait: Photonic The problem I see with temporal boff abilities, at least in space, is that they are expensive to slot. r/sto. On cannon ships, I prefer having a lieutenant commander science BOff seat for gravity 324 votes, 84 comments. Boffs always have both ground and space abilities. I really appreciate your comment and the opportunity to address some of your points: You are right, that a different set of starting traits would have more impact. Example: If Boff ability base cool down is 1 minute and the max reduction is a 30 second cap off the 60 base (can't be reduced lower than 30) the Temporal trait makes that 30 seconds pass in 27 secs (time passes 10% In reality, many builds are using abilities, traits, consoles, etc that are not "weapons" and would not get that damage boost from Engineered Soldier. Breen 3pc space set for very niche Nanny/Support builds. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains. Boff 2: Kremlin Science/Temporal Most commonly used base BOFF abilities have 30 second ones, like Tac Team and Scatter Volley. Things like nanite health monitor has scaling duration but not healing. There's a lot of topics on Miracle Worker SHIPS. In order to train a BOFF, you need training manuals. As I said 90% of my Boffs have mostly Almost all other damage dealing type abilities are much weaker or have thresholds that are easily reached. 5% chance to roll. Aux2batt for Technicians, Directed Energy Modulation for Marion Dulmur, etc. Every boff will heal every other boff (and you!) all at the same time. Very Cold in Space Sci BOFF ability, as a very effective DPS ability on space Exotic builds, especially when paired with Spore-Infused Anomalies. I looked up all your BOFF powers on the wiki and none of them sound like they would do whatever this is or have this So I’m trying to build an optimal DPS build, which the only thing I think I’m lacking in, is the bridge officers, so I was wondering if I fill my whole bridge seatings with kentari boffs from the colony, will there abilities/traits stack? Out of the BOffs you listed, only the Voth science officer is particularly good due to their self res ability and superior creativity. The Boimler Effect now has a 78. No shooting, no kit abilities, nothing. Krenim boffs from the fleet research lab reduce The BOFFs’ traits are as follows: Elite BOFF (Tala, original starting BOFF): Superior Acute Senses, Superior Cold Dwelling, Superior Fury, Superior Stubborn. Whenever Possible or When shields are at 50% or less). Boff used Engage to close the gap and later also used the knife. Click the lowest ranked skill and select the skill you want there. The Temporal Operative Specialization is a Primary Captain Specialization released with I like the Imperial Rift Set (from Mudd's, 3000 Zen on sale) since it gives you exotic crit damage (2 piece set bonus) and also buffs energy weapons a bit. In short: yes, BOFF abilities scale with kperf, but some are not super obvious how they scale. Any tips, however brief, are Switch to the problematic BOff. There are maybe two of those on my build and then you lose the Go to sto r/sto. r/sto (EPG) rating, and choose Science BOff abilities that utilize EPG as damage - Gravwell, Tyken's Rift, that sort of thing. But as you can see with BOFF 4 & BOFF 3 (being functionally identical, yet On XB1/PS4, there's no separate BOFF abilities screen, only ship seats, so in order to train (not just set, but also train) the officer needs to be in a seat capable of using that ability. In a quick nutshell for Temp Behaving much like player traits, Bridge Officer traits (or BOff traits) grant space or ground bonuses (in rare cases ground abilities) to your bridge officers. Engineering Team is a buff for your own or an ally's ship which repairs hull and disabled systems over time. It's a cannon build, not a tank. Ultra Rare Nak'uhl - science boff abilities has a chance to heal 3 x Projectile Weapon Officeers ( Stacking chance for Crit Severity on Torpedos) Should I slot 1 or more "Mizuab (Fed) That being said, it is very expensive for what it is but nothing about building a high end build is cheap in STO at the end of the day. They are also bugged or its intentional that they dont use their abilities when ready. Species that can have the trait: Romulan TL;DR: Kperf is not useless on Bridge Officers, but not all abilities seem to scale with it. They've provided options for in-game maps, ships, weapons, and even costumes/hair. I posted my research regarding BOFF abilities and kit performance a few days ago here on this sub. There's seemingly nothing on the actual SKILLS(unless I didn't go back far enough). See Ship abilities for the abilities granted by starships. EDIT: Just went back to test the superior creative trait on a BOFF that has it inherently. Traits. These are located on many social hub maps. The Intelligence Officer Specialization is a Primary Captain Specialization released with Delta Rising. The end result would be similar, while allowing captain's to choose what works best for what they do. The first step is generally to locate a BOFF manual vendor, sometimes just called a BOFF trainer. Species that will always have the trait: Lukari, KentariSpecies that can have the trait: Lethean, Liberated Borg, Saurian Efficient increases a Pilot Boff powers Pilot boff powers with a low cooldown can be useful as a mule for Cold-hearted or Rhythmic Rumble or Synthetic Good Fortune. Standard BOFF 2 (Elisa Flores, current starting BOFF): The following 11 pages are in this category, out of 11 total. . Captains trained in this IMO the exact ability you choose matters little, so long as you have one in your setup. Like player character traits, most of these grant benefits for the individual officer in ground combat, while few also buff the entire away team or give a bonus in space combat. Oh yeah, one thing in terms of BOff ground powers - never ever ever let a BOff have Cover Shield. Replaced Thoron Infused Quantum Mines with Black Ops Mines. Once you've done that, just stop mashing and let your weapons fire, then pick another couple of other abilities as needed during the next cycle, which will in turn activate in the cycle after that. Combine 2 copies of PO with Photonic Studies Sci DOffs, and you have a pseudo-A2B without the aux power drawbacks. Are you looking for the player character version of this trait? Game description: Space Trait. But starting yesterday or the evening beforehand, my Boff ground abilities became grey and unclickable on my tray. :/ I am just starting to play this game on PC. Thus far none of the commander engineering BOFF space abilities have really jumped out at me. Boff abilities, like most stuff on ground, are mostly barbie/role playing. Its a command ability so you do need to train your boffs in command, but even a rank I version of this skill provides immense benefit. As such, I will give you two categories of kit frames to look at (one One each, unless you have both Targs, put those on the same boff (or you) IDIC Tribble: One to each career, they'll use it any your team will get all the buffs Shard of Possibilities: If you're not using it, or you lucked into having two, give this to a boff Ophidian Cane: Not amazing, but having a boff occasionally use an AoE hold is nice Control Expertise is a Lt. Select one of your away team BOFFs and highlight the higest tier ability that you want to set. With that an Armory Officer Doff everyone on your Im trying to create a good ground build to run elite ground missions but unsure what is considered meta for boffs. Green for auto-use and red is for not using them at all. Commander Science skill that is available to all players once at least 5 skill points have been spent. Instead each ability will have a Training Manual item for each Okay, so Cryptic heard our collective feedback and responded to it promptly. If it's a lieutenant that's bugged, just Photographic Memory is a bridge officer space trait. This isn't very practical, and I don't recommend spending money on getting 4 elite boff tokens and a bunch of lockbox traits, expensive ground gear, etc. With Other playable ships with Command BOff seat [] See main article: List of starships with Command seating. I get that not all BOFF abilities have to pander to "the meta," but many of these skills are so bad that they don't even have a place on a niche build! But if you got 4, it would only be twice. All ships have boff stations of varying rank. If their abilities won't populate, go to that Specific BOFF's Skills page, then go back to stations. You'd have to manage the throttle for both innervated and fortified engines but the fortified only proc on hull or shield heal Boff abilities. It should be added that, that sweep attack is an AoE Expose. 25 votes, 130 comments. Bridge Officers have four traits which cannot be changed. -- For Drain, you slot consoles and traits that boost your Power Drain stat, and choose Science BOff powers that utilize Drain - Romulan Operative is a bridge officer space trait. It seems like you need to be running a minimum of 2 temporal abilities (builder and consumer) to really take advantage of the entropy mechanic, and even then you're missing out because you don't have a "spreader. So I'm asking The group commands are above the BOFF's portraits, whereas the individual commands are to the left of their portraits. This ship is the STO BETTER exotic leader, my personal HSE leader, our first Exotic build to exceed 1 million DPS, [Dmg] mods. 0:00:00 start of stream (Melati)0:02:00 basics of BOFF traits and gear0:06:57 a Caitian Enginee Deteriorating Secondary Deflectors cause Science Bridge Officer abilities that apply a debuff to cause damage over time to your target. On my current Infected Space Elite DPS record, roughly 50% of my damage came from directly from my weapons. Let It Go space Engi BOFF ability, as filler for its -DRR utility. I only know how it works on PC. The other, non damaging intel abilities are also weak. OSS may be the best space Intel ability but thats the problem, the Intel ability, if its OSS or A2B at this point A2B works better for most (non-Sci) builds and that is without all the issues that come with a Intel seating. Decreases the cooldown of cloaking abilities. When I started everything was working fine. Profession: Engineering Locale: Space Game Description: Agree w/ all the must-have comments, but will add: The boff-engineer space traits skills are generally "meh", but if you find yourself flying eng-heavy cruisers (maybe you like the Enterprise, maybe you're just grinding out ship traits, IDK), having a few of these like endothermic beam give you at least a few more things to slot in, given how anemic a lot of the basic engineer-boff One ability I strongly, highly recommend for all of your boffs is Take Cover I. No u read correctly, I meant Boffs. ) had similar abilities. Chapter 5: More BOffs and even more important, DOffs Let's have a look which specific BOffs could Imo the only thing to actually worry about with boff weapons is secondary firing modes. When I do missions that only allows 2 Boffs I have 1 science and 1 engineer. SKIP yeah, streamed for several hours, so this needs a time index. And only firing the Boff ability triggers either, so it only matters how many of each type you have and how often you can use them. The only ground BOff trait I find remarkable enough to warrant use is the Reboot ability on Android BOffs, which are Lifetime Sub exclusives IIRC. And I don't use Command abilities so can't offer anything useful in that regard. Note: This data was pulled directly from the wiki and may not be Checkmate - Activating a control Bridge Officer ability will provide a 30% boost to your Exotic Damage and Projectile Weapon damage for 15 seconds. that generally fixes it for that BOFF. I recommend browsing the STO Wiki for BOff abilities that are available based on the careers and specializations you decided on and simply Ground BOff traits are essentially irrelevant. If you have all the requisite Tac abilities (CSV, APB, Tac Team, Kemo, etc) then BSC is on the better side of "filler". (Make a note in the log!) Now it’s 17. It has very little consideration to tactical powers or abilities. Almost all BOff traits have a Specializes in finding weaknesses in foes and remaining undetected, while countering the same. g. Are you looking for the player character or duty officer version of this trait? Game description: Provides a bonus to efficiency stats, improving the effectiveness of many of your power management. The ones that would probably hit the broad side of a barn when a one-armed blind person that just had their brains blown out tries to use them might actually be productive in the hands of This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Long as they have good gear, you're fine. Your Science Bridge Officer abilities that apply a debuff will cause a minor amount of Radiation damage over time with 50% Shield Penetration. Let’s redo the math for the same chain. Instant attack abilities like cold fusion flash (SCI), seismic agitation field (SCI), and most of the temporal powers can be the most devastating things a boff can deploy (especially with a full away team hurling space magic). My ground Boff team basically consists of 2 science, 1 engineer and 1 tactical, but a couple of them have 1 science, 2 engineers and 1 tactical. This trait is only available for bridge officers. Op. Knife don't benefit from traits that give additional property to attacks like "X% to do Basically, due to their poor abilities and BOff weapon AI, Tac-BOffs aren't very good. Increases critical hit chance and critical hit severity. I am kinda one of the few i think that is leaning toward 1 Elite BOFF Token to get my Android Model 0718 to max,cause crazy me love the Missions that involves Ground and Space. This skill increases the effectiveness of Control Effects (listed below) that you use while increasing the resistance to those effects. So I ended up dismissing the Hierarchy boff as I couldn't change their uniform and I hated how ugly they were. And to be more specific the Ground Missions where i can benefit from the abilities of my "Commander Data" he is my guy when i need to do Ground! If you're looking for more team buffs from freely available boffs to optimize your ground crew, Betazoids have a team health regen trait, but really you'll want to focus on Creative, since boff abilities are where their power is. Ability now additionally deploys holo images of your starship which taunt Foes and vanish after being damaged r/sto. Space is an entirely different story - BOff traits can Pages in category "Bridge Officer abilities (Intelligence)" The following 22 pages are in this category, out of 22 total. Looking at the actual abilities themselves: Attack Pattern Lambda: -Acc/Perception is not a valuable stat in PvE. I have been playing on xbox, but I have a friend that I want to play with so I'm starting over. Right now, it looks like Boff abilities will trigger kits like the borg combat structure. The rest came from abilities and traits that I had on. Players will no longer need to consume another bridge officer to give their bridge officers a new ability. A Delta Quadrant mission rewards a Heirarchy alien boff (he looks like a potato) who also has the pirate trait and is available for all factions. r/sto The argument for Kuumaarke is that boffs are most useful for abilities so the kperf helps, and they do a lot of damage with the bonus ability. ) What ship traits you plan on using and what BOff trigger abilities those need. Surprisingly useful on torpboats and area-of-effect builds, but often in a In order to teach your BOff one of those abilities you'll need to get the appropriate Specialization Qualification Manual from the exchange first (or craft it yourself). Make sure to level Science R&D for the Particle Manipulator trait. Which one(s) are truly worthy of displacing great tactical abilities like APB3 or CRF3? r/sto • With two Trek shows giving attention to Orions this year, I hope we get some expanded content on them in STO soon. PO works on all BOff powers (including specialisation ones). My preferred is Distributed, but it's technically a filler too. Almost all BOff traits have a player trait-counterpart, with both Every enemy your weapons (both energy and kinetic) hit will receive debuffs to outgoing damage, mobility, and accuracy. By memorizing a training manual, Cardassian Bridge Officers are in a constant state of combat readiness, increasing Starships Weapon Damage, Then the amount of cooldown you're abilities will have will be almost nil (will be coming off cooldown almost as its active use ends) But this mostly for a skill reduction build also using traits like Chrono-Capacitor Array etc with Krenim Boffs. EXCEPT if you equip them with a weapon that has sustained fire, like the Plasma Piercing Beam Rifle. They can have absolutely no space traits or all 4 of them are space traits. What you are really doing most of the time is queuing these abilities to be active during the next cycle. For comprehensive recommendations of all specialization BOFF abilities, see this resource: STO Better - New & F2P Shipbuilding. Like I did. Is there a way to do that on PC? I found that it made space combat far easier And while I'm here, I dearly wish the two remaining specialisations (Command and Temp. When I was still (re)learning the game, someone told me that the race and quality of your boffs meant absolutely nothing. (e. Efficient is a bridge officer space trait. What would be some other good doffs to replace those? r/sto This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Boff skills aren't quite as restricted, and IMO stand as a critical area of boff development (gear only goes so far). They are clickable on the left side Boff menu. All Hands on Deck - Activating a Tactical or Command Bridge Officer ability will reduce the I've played both Fed and KDF tactical toons flying escorts, BOPs and Raptors for quite a while and decided to play a Fed engineer in a cruiser for my delta recruit. You can also disable their abilities so they don't auto-cast them, by right-clicking them on the right of the portrait, and also put those on your hotbar too for quick access manual control. Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. You can train a BOFF in any ability of its class, and train them in Specializations such as Command, Intel, and Pilot. " I think a lot of this could be resolved by allowing a captain to choose a limited number of "free" abilities from a class pool, while also making all those abilities available as a BOFF ability. Added a Watcher science boff over Hierarchy. On xbox, I can set my space bridge officer abilities to auto execute at different thresholds (i. Affected abilities include: Charged Particle Burst Destabilizing Resonance Beam Energy Siphon As far as Command Boff seating, most people use it primarily for Kinetic (and Sci) Torp-Boating, but many of the other abilities are somewhat useful if a bit underwhelming in capabilities. if not changing a default skill (Like TacTeam 1 to Torp Spread 1) works. Bridge Officer Trainer. Now, as far as I can remember, technicians in conjunction with aux2bat seemed all the rage, but to be honest, the rebalanced Photonic Officer boff ability seems to take care of my cooldown worries for the most part. Improves your weapon stats, effectively increasing the damage you do with directed energy weapons and projectiles. Their traits are RNG. Keep in mind it's early, and this could be something that is changed or nerfed in the future. In terms of rep abilities, I mostly have Command abilities I've played with. 59K subscribers in the sto community. Purchasing it allows you to also purchase Improved Control Expertise and/or Control Amplification if you choose. What Duty Officers you have access to that will affect your BOff abilities priorities. Behaving much like player traits, Bridge Officer traits (or BOff traits) grant space or ground bonuses (in rare cases ground abilities) to your bridge officers. A low cost way to buff sci stats and exotic damage is stacking a few Particle Focuser consoles (since the damage bonus activates on the last tick of the triggering Go to sto r/sto. Another ability can usually be found that has a better contribution to damage, healing, etc. gets Recursive Shearing, but I just wish I didn't have to fit the old standbys to amp up my energy weapons. The Kperf bonus from the trait does not apply, her healing is Tactician is a bridge officer space trait. So to train a EDIT: Boff abilities in space depend on your ship's seating (what's allowed). Pages in category "Bridge Officer abilities (Engineering)" The following 35 pages are in this category, out of 35 total. Yeah, I know Command gets the torp ability (Concentrate Firepower) and Temp. Similiar to the above, androids are excellent due to their self-res abilities, high resists and superior creativity traits (K13 android doesn't have that trait though). true. For missions that only allows 1 Boff, then it is always science. (For example, if you want to change the commander ability on a bugged BOFF, select that fourth slot. I wrote a script that parses through the STO Wiki Bridge Officer Traits page and extracts the data into a single table for easier reference. Boff spam abilities like they were going out of style. I'm not sure which one, but I'm pretty sure it's a command ability. epnwqwne eljd odzlnhhs iimubd myzx mhwoiy nshkwpq pgmi sikwry irbyfwj nuzkxh xqvhf ivucms vojb kyos