Soap note for muscle strain. SOAP notes for Diabetes 9.
Soap note for muscle strain Overview. docx, Subject nursing, from Moi University, Length: 3 pages Musculoskeletal: Limited range of motion in lumbar spine, tenderness to palpation over the lumbar paraspinal muscles, negative straight leg raise test, intact sensation and strength in lower extremities. The billable status of the mentioned ICD-10 codes for knee strain varies: S76. How it Works. Mrs. An antalgic gait, for example, may Which Knee Strain ICD Codes are Billable. Here are SOAP note examples to help document and track client progress. - Rounded shoulders observed, suggesting possible muscle imbalance in the This page includes the following topics and synonyms: Cervical Neck Strain, Cervical Neck Sprain, Whiplash, Neck Muscle Strain, Neck Sprain. Question: Tell me which part of the SOAP note each statement belongs under, (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan)Patient daims that pain is sharp and is an 810 pain scale. Possible ghteal or hamstring muscle strain The patient has right hip evitension range of motion at 15 degees Patient should ice overnight Table of Contents: Long SOAP Note Example Short SOAP Note Example SOAP Notes Structure Subjective Objective Assessment Plan Other Info Tips for Writing SOAP Notes Common Abbreviations How do doctors organize all the information about their patients? Back in the 1950s, Lawrence Weed asked himself the same question and came up with a solution — URE 1). The examples provided underscore the utility of SOAP notes in addressing a wide array of conditions, from common muscular strains to more complex cases like ACL sprains Muscle injuries can occur in three main types: contusions caused by impact, strains caused by intense muscle contraction, and elongations caused by overstretching a muscle beyond its capacity. Plan A. Due to desk setup & computer work. Right leg FROM, no pain. Muscle strength and tone: Assess muscle strength and any abnormal muscle tightness or weakness. Respiratory rate 15 breaths per minute. in his back lifting a heavy object. It aims to reduce daily documentation SOAP note examples to help you write fast, accurate notes in SOAP format. This statement would be located in the _portion of the POR progress note. SOAP Note #3: Musculoskeletal Kristy Hough Master of Science of Nursing, Walden University PRAC 6531, Section 03, Adv Pain in SOAP Note AI offers an AI assistant designed to help create SOAP Note and Progress Note templates for both telehealth and in-person sessions. O: Patient has tenderness in the lower back area, reduced range of motion, and pain when coughing or sneezing. But what are SOAP notes anyway and why do they matter? SOAP, an acronym (meaning Subjective Objective Assessment Plan) was coined by Dr. After that time, he had about a week of low back discomfort, which was treated with muscle relaxants and rest. Neurologic: Reflexes intact, no focal deficits. Let’s look at the following simple SOAP note example. SOAP notes for Hypertension 2. Acute exacerbation of chronic low back pain. Profesor : Latoya Dotson DNP. sprains, strains, limited use of any joint Neurological: Denies seizures, tremors, numbness or tingling A. If the pain persists, muscle relaxers should be considered. Research shows that standardized documentation, like SOAP notes, can reduce medical SOAP notes are essential for effective patient care and documentation in physical therapy. O. Unable to bear weight on L foot with ambulation. Extraocular muscles are intact. The pain began 2 hours ago when she fell onto her left side at her daughter’s house. According to Dunphy, Winland-Brown, Porter & Thomas (2015), patients should be taught limits of sitting, standing and walking; take frequent breaks prior to resuming activity; and if symptoms persist longer than 2 weeks, a referral should be made to neurology Exercise Science/Sports Medicine Unit 1 – OVERVIEW SOAP Scenarios SOAP Scenarios Using the following scenarios, have the students prepare a basic SOAP Note, as per the performance skills checklist. IV. 2) related to poor sleep ergonomics and postural strain; Contributing Factors: Poor SOAP #4 7 cognition intact for present and past medical history. 4. Transcribed physical therapy SOAP notes / sample reports for reference by medical transcriptionists and allied health professionals. SOAP NOTE S cc: 35 yo Caucasian male presents with low back pain x 2 days. Muscle strains always require some level of strengthening to get the area back to optimal function to prevent recurrence. Left leg FROM with moderate pain on eversion of the foot. SOAP notes for Myocardial Infarction 4. Scenario #1 A sprinter explodes out of the blocks but pulls up after only 15-20 meters, grabbing the back of her thigh. Low back strain OMT utilizing Muscle Energy to Pelvis - Pt tolerated Tx well with decreased pain and improved structural The patient’s condition is consistent with mechanical low back pain due to muscle strain and spinal degeneration. 5 SOAP Note for Week 12 - How to write SOAP note; NUR612 Soap Note Practice Activity Week3; Discussion 2. All appear to be normal. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like where do your somatic dysfunction findings go in your SOAP note, somatic dysfunction physical findings, where do you put somatic dysfunction "diagnoses" in SOAP note and more. Muscle injuries are frequent and represent one of the most substantial medical problems in professional football. docx from NRNP 6568 at Walden University. For example, "ROM in the right shoulder: 130° flexion, 120° abduction. Example 1. NECK: Supple without anterior cervical or supraclavicular adenopathy Massage Therapy SOAP Note Template Sample. SOAP Note for Physiotherapy Assessment . He is s/p I&D 6/14 and repeat I&D 6/17 with Podiatry. Gait – Observe the patient’s gait and note any abnormalities. Case Description - "CC: Upper trapezius tension & pain post-work, 6/10. SL is an 18yo male with h/o MRSA cellulitis admitted with Right 4th toe cellulitis and abscess. She states that she is having the pain every day. Versions Standard Desktop Patient with history of acute low back pain transcribed medical transcription SOAP note, progress note example report for reference by MTs. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is a SOAP note?, What are things corpsman can treat?, What does a soap note consist of? and more. OT provided to 30 y/o female with Dx of right wrist extensor muscle swelling and pain on April 5, 2017 from 10:00 to 10:30 am Lumbar Strain SOAP Note Sample Report. Features. Practicum II. [1] This type of injury presents as sudden pain in the back of the thigh due to hamstring muscle fiber disruption, without direct external contact to the thigh. Dentition is intact. “Client has pain at lower back due to muscle strain”. The athletic trainer What is a SOAP note? In the context of mental health counseling, a SOAP note (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan) is a structured method for documenting patient information during therapy sessions. Calf pain transcribed medical transcription SOAP note example report for reference by medical transcriptionists and allied health professionals. pdf from MSN 572 at United States University. 1 Talking with Patients and Families peer responses; Cardiac AND Respiratory Assessment Video Transcript; Abdomen S: TV is a 77 yo female presenting to the ED with her daughter with PMH significant for osteoporosis and chief complaint of left hip pain. She was seen elsewhere with recommendation of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using bone-patellar tendon-bone autograft. A progress note contains diagnoses of muscle strain and weakness. Acute lumbosacral strain (M54. On a separate sheet of paper, use the the athletic trainer believes the patient has a mild strain of his lower back muscles. t SYNOPSIS: Hamstring strain injuries remain General Notes: -The protocol has two components: o Askling Exercises § This rehabilitation program is outlined in Askling et al British Journal Sports Medicine 2013. The patient states this has been going on for approximately one week. SOAP notes for COPD 8. Medical expenses for this specific strain of the right leg can be claimed. 1 of 4. HPI: 25-year-old AA Male who works at UPS was lifting heavy boxes yesterday for work when he twisted and immediately felt pain in his lower back. pdf. Efficiency: Streamlines the documentation process, SOAP Note AI offers an AI assistant designed to help create SOAP Note and Progress Note templates for both telehealth and in-person sessions. Psych Appropriate mood and affect Evidence Based Assessment/Plan Clinical Decision Making: 26 y/o Hispanic female presents to the primary care clinic with a two week history of constant low back pain worse when ambulating and dressing. , female, married, african american date seen: subjective section: chief complaint: neck, back, and shoulder pain source thinning hair, occasional constipation, fatigue, dry skin, and muscle spasms to left mid back. It aims to reduce daily SOAP notes—an acronym for Subjective, including range of motion (ROM), muscle strength, flexibility, and posture. Special SOAP notes —an acronym for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan—serve as the cornerstone of this documentation process. What is the etiology of a strain? Forceful tearing of muscle or tendon. SOAP notes for Hyperlipidaemia 5. The examiner rechecks neck and shoulder range of motion, strength of the shoulder and arm muscles, and grip strength. HPI: Pain onset 6 mos ago. The main hip flexor muscles include the iliopsoas (composed of the iliacus and psoas major muscles), the rectus femoris (part of the quadriceps muscle group), and the sartorius. Here are our top tips to maximize the value of your SOAP notes, regardless of your profession SOAP Note AI offers an AI assistant designed to help create SOAP Note and Progress Note templates for both telehealth and in-person sessions. Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Q-Chat; OT provided to 65 y/o male with Dx of left biceps muscle strain on April 5, 2017 from 9:00 to 9:30 am. S. 5 hours per day on them), Assessment: Acute mechanical neck pain with cervical muscle strain and possible nerve root compression at C5-C6. Lawrence Weed in the 1960s in order to have a better method for documenting patient encounters. SOAP notes for Angina Pectoris 3. Objective objective, assessment, and plan SOAP note would state that chlamydia infection is diagnosed? Subjective Plan Assessment Objective. t SYNOPSIS: Hamstring strain injuries remain The examiner notes muscle weakness involving the shoulder and arm muscles and pain above the clavicle. View SOAP Note 3 musculoskeletal. CC lower back pain. Jane Doe is negative. Somatic Dysfunction Ribs 3. She has 3/10 The muscle starts at the top of the calf and attaches to the Achilles tendon at the bottom. 7,53 During recovery from injury, the hamstrings must be prop-erly rehabilitated to safely handle high ec-centric loading upon return to running. No signs of external rotation Assessment Lower back pain x3 days related to lifting a box - presentation suggestive of Acute Lower Back Pain related to muscle strain. Daily thought record to track anxious triggers. What are signs and symptoms of a strain? Stiff, moderate swelling, discoloration, loss of strength SOAP Note Back Pain. P. The SOAP note is formatted with individual sections for recording subjective, objective, assessment, and planning data and information. The tenderness and muscle spasm observed in the lower lumbar region, along with the limited range of motion, support the diagnosis of a muscular strain. Note Template CASE ID# Tina Jones Muscoskeletal S ubjective O bjective A ssessment (diagnosis [primary and differential diagnosis]) P lan (treatment, education, and follow up plan) Chief mplaint What brought you here today(eg. This includes details on the medications prescribed, their dosages, and the client’s response to medication. Myocardial infarction 5. Lumbar Herniation 2. Assessment: Muscle strain/spasms. 7 Running-related hamstring strain injuries typically occur along an intra-muscular tendon, or aponeurosis, and the adjacent muscle fibers. Perfect for Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Mental Health Therapy Notes, SLP, Nursing, Dentistry, Podiatry, Massage Therapy, Veterinary, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Pharmacy Notes. Palpation: Identify any tenderness, swelling, or joint effusion. Internal Medicine. A lower back muscle strain is a medical diagnosis (ICD-10 code: S39. Acute myofascial strain. Note presence of varicose veins. SOAP notes for Rheumatoid arthritis 6. Transfers: Sit to / from stand from w/c S. Introduce progressive muscle relaxation for sleep. 100% (2 rated) Appendix – Part 2 (1 of 3). Improve clinical practice with these handy resources. Moist mucous membranes. It aims to reduce daily Get a custom essay on Focused SOAP Note for a Patient with Cough---writers online . SOAP note for leg cramps and spasms SCIENCE. Daniel DeMarco SOAP Note #4 Internal Medicine S VF is a 67yo Right-Handed female with PMH left hemiparesis s/p hemorrhagic stroke, chronic respiratory failure s/p trach on vent, s/p peg tub, COPD, HTN initially brought from Nursing Home to ED for left facial numbness. Daniel DeMarco SOAP Note #4 Pediatrics. Read more. (Homan's sign negative bilaterally) Capillary refill of upper and lower extremities is < 2 SOAP Note Form Adult Management I S Symmetrical Lungs: Pt is breathing easily, no retractions, no accessory muscle use, breath sounds clear to auscultati lung fields, no adventitious breath sounds. 012s). Assessment d. Preparing for a sporting event or workout takes time. A different diagnosis could be a Vitamin D Discover 5 real-life SOAP notes examples & templates for efficient patient care documentation. November 15, 2018 November 17, 2018 Daniela Arias Rodriguez. It aims to reduce daily documentation SOAP Note AI offers an AI assistant designed to help create SOAP Note and Progress Note templates for both telehealth and in-person sessions. 1 Musculoskeletal Exam Julieta Arredondo, RN, BSN United States University MSN 572 Professor Cooper October 16, muscular pain, decreased ROM, weakness, 8 avoiding positions that strain the back, engaging the core and legs, Upper: pulses 2+ B/L, normal muscle strength, reflexes intact. It aims to reduce daily documentation times by up to 50%, and it provides the ability to create as View SOAP notes for TJ muscle pain. Pt denies abnormal hair growth to face or chest, fever, chills, excessive cold or hot SOAP Note AI offers an AI assistant designed to help create SOAP Note and Progress Note templates for both telehealth and in-person sessions. It aims to reduce daily 1 Episodic/Focused SOAP Note Muscle strain Patient Information: Initials KD, Age 25, Sex M, Race African American S. Angina 4. SOAP notes for Epilepsy 10. a. Objective: Muscle tightness observed. Muscuskeletal Strain. 3. Pt went home and put ice/hot Explore our comprehensive collection of 10 common Podiatry SOAP note examples, designed to enhance your clinical documentation skills. Read less. 1. An accurate diagnosis is the Hamstring strains are caused by a rapid extensive contraction or a violent stretch of the hamstring muscle group which causes high mechanical stress. [2] Hamstring strains are the most commonly reported muscle injury in View Musculoskeletal SOAP Note. 2. Family Medicine. Plan (P): Treatment: Performed soft tissue release of lumbar region, mobilization of L4-L5 segment, and myofascial release of the right hamstring. Treatment Plan. Mild lateral clavicular sclerosis present. 6 LOW BACK PAIN SOAP NOTE analgesics. 1XXA is an ICD code that’s included in the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM, for short), and it is used to designate “Strain of muscle, fascia and tendon at neck level, initial encounter. 30 This is the SOAP Note Form in S16. ” Another differential diagnosis is ankle strain, which occurs as a result of the muscular structure within the ankle alongside the linking tendons stretching over the usual limits or being torn. Lower back pain is a lumbar muscle strain from overexertion during heavy weightlifting. She works with horses. Here's a basic guideline to Differential Diagnosis: Muscle strain. (Diagnosis and/or problem list) SOAP note example soap: musculoskeletal objective: hands: no swelling, deformities, redness, muscular atrophy, or nodules present. Improved Communication: Enhances communication among veterinary staff and other healthcare providers. O: Gait training: With AK prosthesis in parallel bars, 30′ x 2, with mod A. Plan: Hydration, stretching, electrolyte balance, pain relief if needed. Subjective: Reports leg cramps and spasms. INTERVENTION: At URE 1). No deformity or swelling is palpated. Massage therapy focused on the neck and upper back muscles to reduce muscle tension and improve the range of motion in the left Each example provides detailed insights into the Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan components of SOAP notes, offering valuable templates for massage Transcribed physical therapy SOAP notes / sample reports for reference by medical transcriptionists and allied health professionals. These two structures are intimately connected, with some of their fibers SOAP notes, which stand for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan, allow therapists to systematically record and analyze the details of patient encounters. Solved by AI. HTN (past medical problem) OMM, including muscle energy and counterstrain, for rib somatic dysfunction completed Explore our comprehensive collection of 10 common Social Worker SOAP note examples, designed to enhance your clinical documentation skills. Musculoskeletal tension related to prolonged computer work resulting in strain to neck and shoulders. The sprinter A SOAP note is a documentation form that massage therapists and other healthcare workers use to document client encounters. She came in regarding a left knee injury. EHR Integration. Subjective c. Prevention of Muscle Strains. An excruciating cough with scanty mucous sputum, chest pain due to muscle strain, and contraction of the diaphragm appears when coughing (Lee, Rehder, Williford, Cheifetz, & Turner, 2013). S: Patient states that he did not sleep well last night due to phantom limb pain, RLE; he hopes to take his prosthesis home with him soon so he can use it to walk around the house “like a normal person”. Note Template CASE ID# TJ Musculoskeletal exam Subjective Objective Assessment (diagnosis [primary and Low back muscle strain related to The Perfect SOAP Note: CC: “My back hurts”. Here are Musculoskeletal SOAP note examples and Lower back pain soap notes samples to guide your nursing studies. (Diagnosis and/or problem list) 1. Note and signs of atrophy to the paraspinal muscles. HEALTH SCIENCE. docx from NURS 612 at Maryville University. Each example provides detailed insights into the Wondering how to write SOAP notes? Getting the SOAP format right is essential for therapists. Rates the pain 8/10, worse whenever he moves. The limited range of motion and pain suggest ongoing inflammation and muscle tightness. Percutary sound with a boxed tint, breathing weakened or Soap Note Example and Template for for Psychiatrists. Right shoulder x-ray reviewed by Dr. A: Acute low back strain. The pain is non-radiating and has intermittent intensities of Explore our comprehensive collection of 10 common Speech Language Pathology SOAP note examples, designed to enhance your clinical documentation skills. The SOAP note format is widely used in healthcare to document patient encounters and should be clear, concise, and structured. Back. S . While it may not always be possible to prevent muscle strains, there are several measures that can reduce the likelihood of injury. Plan b. HPI: (Use OLDCART)She reports feeling pain in her lower back that started yesterday while at work. headache) “I have a lot of pain in my lower back” History of Present Illness Chronological order of events, state of health A strain (or 'pulled' muscle) is a common injury in which muscle fibers are torn, resulting in discomfort and limited mobility. Increased muscle tone in upper trapezius bilaterally (R>L) Tender to palpation over cervical paraspinals (R>L) Cervical myofascial pain syndrome (M54. 4 Advantages of Nursing SOAP Notes There are many types of nursing notes, and each has advantages and disadvantages. The patient is likely experiencing acute lower back pain due to muscular tension or spasms. This type of note-taking format provides a standardized way to record vital information, facilitating effective communication with other healthcare SOAP NOTE DOCUMENTATION, Cases Assessment and Plan, Normal and abnormal findings for musculoskeletal Scribe America Physical Exam, SOAP Notes, Orders, Oral Presentations, No pretibial or pedal edema noted bilaterally. This guide covers a wide range of conditions frequently encountered in speech-language pathology practice, including childhood articulation disorder, adult dysphagia, developmental language delay, stuttering SOAP Note AI offers an AI assistant designed to help create SOAP Note and Progress Note templates for both telehealth and in-person sessions. She is here for a second opinion regarding her knee. Answer & Explanation. GERD 6. 011 - Strain of muscle(s) and tendon(s) of the anterior muscle group at thigh level, right leg: Yes, billable. SOAP Note: Practice Worksheet Sports Medicine 2 Directions: Read the following scenarios. Following the SOAP format ensures clear communication and comprehensive patient care. Assessment Differential diagnoses considered: Undifferentiated muscle strain/sprain: pain has been present for three days if SOAP Note AI offers an AI assistant designed to help create SOAP Note and Progress Note templates for Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Mental Health Therapy Notes, SLP, Nursing, Podiatry, Massage Therapy, Veterinary, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Pharmacy Notes. Date SOAP Note Treatment Plan; 01/15/2021: S: Patient complaints of low back pain that started two days ago after lifting a heavy object. Low back muscle strain related to lifting SUBJECTIVE: This is a very pleasant (XX)-year-old woman. The S16. H, a 47-year-old woman, was well until 2 days ago, when she started having low back pain after working in her garden and pulling Best practices for writing SOAP notes. Recommended. SOAP notes for SOAP Notes Scenarios and Practice. A. NUR 679. This consists of hamstring loading during periods of lengthening mainly during eccentric muscle actions, and eventually loading at maximum dynamic lengthening. Chiropractic adjustments to the lumbar spine (L4-L5) to improve mobility. OBJECTIVE ex: T1 flexed, sidebent right, rotated right left AL1 tender point thoracic paraspinal . Also contributing to the urgency of treating Group A strep is the increasingly virulent strain over SOAP NOTE CHAPTER 4 Employee Health Visit #1 Terri Popoulis, NP Patient: Brett Jarvey 1/10/16 SUBJECTIVE Pain and tingling in fingers, radiating up forearms, ongoing for a month Worse after spending time on computer and after sleep OBJECTIVE 23-year-old male Computer use 8–10 hours daily for work and recreation Rests wrists on keyboard when at computer Now, while SOAP notes do require time to complete (clinicians spend 4. Sample of the second edition of the Outpatient Osteopathic SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) Note Form Series (SNF-2E). Pain on palpation in L midfoot, and pain in left lateral malleolus. Normocephalic and atraumatic. Sensation – Check sensation of the extremities. They can have both traumatic and overuse causes with direct practical consequence due to differences in terms of the post-primary care regimen and prognosis. This guide provides detailed instructions for each section of a SOAP note, helping you understand Musculoskeletal: denies recent fractures, sprains, strains, limited use of any joint Neurological: Denies seizures, tremors, numbness or tingling A. Or – use your own scenario. Neurological tests are within normal limits, which suggests that there is no nerve involvement. It lies underneath the gastrocnemius muscle, which was discussed in a previous article [“Gastrocnemius Muscle Strains,” Massage & Bodywork, November/December 2010, page 90]. Trapezius muscles are negative. Learn More . C-spine is negative. She is very active with horses, gardening, and sports. 1XXA Diagnosis Code: Strain of muscle, fascia and tendon at neck level, initial encounter. NECK: Patient reports a recent history of neck pain episode that lasted for two weeks, secondary to a muscle strain of neck from a sudden movement of the neck, SOAP Note AI offers an AI assistant designed to help create SOAP Note and Progress Note templates for both telehealth and in-person sessions. SOAP notes for Stroke. SUBJECTIVE: The patient is a (XX)-year-old woman who presents to the clinic for complaints of lumbar pain. SOAP notes for Diabetes 9. It aims to reduce daily Soap Note. In preparation for the CSCE/PE, you should practice typing Left Pectoralis major strain 2. It aims to reduce daily documentation soap note chief complaint (cc) left shoulder pain. Pt states that his arm is sore. Document back pain soap note. 5)Differentials:1. Pain is described as sharp, constant, and located in the lower back area. Maritza Novas. Acute -includes contractile (muscle) & non-contractile (tendon & fascia)-muscle belly is "soft and supple" and you can often palpate the fiber orientation, spasm is often palpable and you will be able to palpate defects (2nd & 3rd degree strains) or scar tissue -hypertonia-hypotonia-abnormal contour may indicate: muscle strain, myositis ossificans MVA SOAP note demographics: as, 58 yo. The type of note you use is usually determined by the facility where you work. Psychiatrist SOAP notes will primarily concentrate on the medical aspects of their treatment plan, such as the management of their medication regimen. SOAP note writing is a skill which must be practiced. (XX)-year-old male with history of acute low back Here are the best Sleep Ergonomics SOAP Note Example Physical Therapy and Back Pain SOAP note example. SOAP stands for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan. SOAP Note for Physiotherapy Muscle Strength or Tone – Assess strength of the lower and/or upper extremities as necessitated by the patient’s history and presentation. DATE OF SERVICE: MM/DD/YYYY. This guide covers a wide range of foot and ankle conditions frequently encountered in podiatric practice, including plantar fasciitis, diabetic foot care, ingrown toenails, bunions, and more. Postural dysfunction likely contributing to the issue. shoulder started hurting this weekend on our hiking cognition: alert, oriented x4, and cooperative. This guide covers a wide range of conditions frequently encountered in social work practice, including depression, substance use recovery, child neglect, domestic violence, geriatric care, crisis intervention, family therapy, Using Vet SOAP note templates offers numerous benefits for veterinary professionals, including: Standardization: Ensures consistent documentation across different cases and professionals. She is unable to identify any precursors to the pain. Specialties. SOAP notes for Stroke 11. Denies muscle weakness, paresthesia, loss of sensations, and no severe or progressive neurological deficit in lower extremity. joints grossly symmetrical. history dislocation. Download now Downloaded 14 times. SOAP notes for Asthma 7. Oropharynx is clear. - Forward head posture observed, indicating potential strain on neck and shoulder muscles. Within 10 minutes, the pain and burning sensation resolves. Lower: B/L DP pulses palpated, normal muscle strength B/L, reflexes intact. krdmxngluigpwfrxajmddweyleheklfzhjomyilwcwlcjyytrrnpnvtmjnvabkoimurxr