Qt stylesheet url. And it worked as expected .

Qt stylesheet url Probably the image file is not to be found where the program expects. However this url reference is obviously quite bad, so I tried using resources. 6. 全局使用2. You'll need to copy over your image(s) to Hi, i played a bit around with the Stylesheet. Qt just looks relative to the current working directory; in your case relative to the executable. The background of any I would like to know how can I use relative paths in image:url in my stylesheet. 1 Reply Last reply . setStylesheet(" #someThingWidget{\ border-image:url("location of image");\ }\ "); replace location of image with valid url. We will now see a few examples to get started with using Qt Style Sheets. xml"). : QFrame: Supports the box model. I write everything to a txt file and set it here in my MainWindow. jpg)");或setStyleShee Customizing QAbstractScrollArea. To specify a prefix for a file name, prepend the prefix followed by a single colon (e. I appreciate any feedback I can get, thank you! I can see your point, which made me doubt my past experiments and understandings, as I'm still Qt Stylesheet image: Can i add SVG code in "image:" instead of specifying url? Qt Stylesheet image: Can i add SVG code in "image:" instead of specifying url? " instead of specifying url? For instance, can i add SVG code for up and down arrows in the stylesheet for QScrollbar rather than specifying an url to the image? Reply Quote 0. Thank you for your time guys, a dumb mistake that I'm not going to repeat ! 文章浏览阅读4. To indicate to the user that the field is mandatory, one effective (albeit esthetically dubious) solution is to use yellow as the background color for those fields. 一、绝对路径 setStyleSheet("background:url(c:/xxx/theme/img. 4. 1. @JonB said in Using relative path for image:url in stylesheet: relative to the directory in which the executable is located. qss! And it worked as expected . @JonB said in Using relative path for image:url in stylesheet:. But all examples and docs which I have yet seen require having the image stored in a url. I don't know other solution. 2k " instead of specifying url? For instance, can i add SVG code for up and down arrows in the stylesheet for QScrollbar rather than specifying an url to the image? R 1 Reply Last reply . QRadioButton::indicator { width: 18px; height: @Abderrahmene_Rayene said in Using relative path for image:url in stylesheet:. can someone tell me how to load a global stylesheet from my resources and apply it to my application? this is my mainwindow. 2. There was similar unanswered question before, right here. Since 4. The reason I'm using SVG is because the sizes of my buttons vary. As you can see i set the property name to test123 and specified it in my stylesheet. png in my source file. There are many situations where we need to present a form that has mandatory fields. 伪状态三、setStyleSheet使用实例1. Qt just looks relative to the current working directory; in your case relative to the ex 文章目录前言一、setStyleSheet简介二、setStyleSheet使用方法1. png"); ui->label_5->setPixmap(pixmap); ui->label_5->setScaledContents(true); Result. My qrc looks like this: Using relative url in QT stylesheet. It's stylesheet 文章浏览阅读1. Is this the correct experiment to demonstrate how relative paths work? No! This demonstrates what you already have/know from Creator. This side project is my personal attempt to make Qt application feels more natural in Unreal Engine 5. ", so /gui/stylesheet. Currently, I do that by a Using relative paths in Qt stylesheet urls. /gui/stylesheet. png% to correct file. A style rule is made up of a selector and a declaration. Hi @nguyenhuy, and welcome!. 局部使用3. this->setStyleSheet(" background-image: url(C:/test. Only users with topic management privileges can see it. 子控件3. Hot Network Questions Find the first row in a data frame that satisfies a condition and delete everything above? Magento 2 - how to create order programmatically with custom price AND tax amount for each line item (not percent) Time travel story about a I know I can use setStyleSheet() to set styles in Qt. That's called shadow build. I would like to change the background color of the widget and the labels in the widget (this is, everything!) every time I put the mouse over it. The link displays as the default dark blue, which is hard to read on a dark background. Yes that is what I meant, my post is based on OP's current folder hierarchy, their build folder is in their working directory. QGroupBox: Supports the box model. However, when I use it in my stylesheet, the svg image isn't stretched according to the button's size. The title can be styled using the ::title @JonB said in Using relative path for image:url in stylesheet:. 以上就是Qt Designer中图像资源的使用及资源文件的管理的相关内容。通过Qt Designer的资源管理功能,帮助我们更好的管理和使用图像资源,提高了开发效率。3、打开右侧的“属性编辑器”,找到“styleSheet”属性,点击其右侧的“2、 I have simply created a label, adjusted its size and added stylesheet background color: In the code I do: QPixmap pixmap = QPixmap (":/icons/green_circle. I would recommend you to use image in resources file. jpg. I linked to the important one. 3, setting a stylesheet on a QLabel automatically sets the QFrame::frameStyle property to QFrame::StyledPanel. It doesn't support pixel sizing like so: @mrjj I guess it would be nice if the Qt developers would provide a stylesheet setting in Qt5. Using relative paths in 文章浏览阅读1. Qt stylesheets allow customizing of icons, for example the drop-down icon in a combo box. You don't necessarily need add your files as resources. 7k " instead of specifying url? For instance, can i add SVG code for up and down arrows in the stylesheet for QScrollbar rather than specifying an url to the image? R 1 Reply Last reply . Unless you show otherwise or have a reference for that for a Qt url(), I see no evidence it takes the location of the executable into account at all. 15. Using relative url in QT stylesheet. h" #include "ui I have an :hover with qproperty-icon in a QToolButton but it doesn't change the icon. cpp. png", "xmldocs:books. someThingWidget. And the only way I could figure how to do it was to subclass qmenu and override the mouseReleaseEvent. Everything works like the background color and so on, but the icon doesn't change. I want to change the appearance of what is in the QTextEdit widget ("HTML"). The solution is as simple as undocumented I'm new to Qt and having some issues! Using QtCreator, I created a simple window that i'm now trying to set the background image of. Could I apply a stylesheet to that very HTML content? Do not confuse it with applying a Qt stylesheet to the QTextEdit (that I know). You are absolutely right about escaping, but in qss need to use G:/2/qt. 0. I have a custom widget which inherits from QWidget and contains some labels in its layout. g. . I have a QMainWindow with a centralWidget and the centralwidget has a layout that contains widgets. my comment is not intended to "criticise" you. PyQt styling with QSS & @pyqtProperty. 575. This is also From Qt Style Sheets Reference:. How can I make a scaled background image using stylesheet? I tried to use: #centralWidget { background: url(:/res/background. I have not found any method in QLabel class like : QLabel::SetBorderImage or others. 1 Reply . Real-time preview, automatically completion, and user can define custom variables, preview custom ui code, using QPalette etc. @SGaist yes I actually did that, nothing seemed to work, as I mentioned before even if I try to set the background manually in the mainwindow user interface. I have a QLabel with a Qt stylesheet that sets a dark background: . replace("url(","url("+folderForUrl+"/"); return styleSheet;}@ 1 Reply Last reply . There are some peculiar relationships that I have discovered and will try to document in this thread when there is time (Christmas is coming!) See Customizing QDockWidget for an example. 基本句法2. Loading More Posts. The style sheet covers some of the most common used widgets, and tries to match the Unreal native UI as close as possible. (though i didnt understand how to change the %down-arrow. 6. That Qt样式表 Qt样式表介绍 Qt样式表是一个可以自定义部件外观的强大机制,样式表的概念、术语、语法均受到HTML层叠样式表(CSS)的启发。 样式表 可通过QApplication::setStyleSheet()函数将其设置到整个应用程序上,也可以使用QWidget::setStyleSheet()将其设置到指定的部件或子 How can I make a scaled background image using stylesheet? I tried to use: #centralWidget { background: url(:/res/background. To fix it, change Hello. For example, I have a checkbox with custom icon depending if it is checked or unchecked. 3 How to load an image with QLabel in PySide2. The following table lists the Qt widgets that can be is there any way to use relative paths in the stylesheet file? then load stylesheet to QString and replace %down-arrow. jpg) no-repeat center center fi 转自:QT之样式表(样式表规则以及使用大全) 1、QT样式表可以让你自定义任何一个QT控件的样式包括颜色、边框、背景等等(你想的到样式都可以),Qt样式表的概念、术语和语法与HTML的CSS样式表类似。2、样式 @JonB said in Using relative path for image:url in stylesheet:. Something like this: Can i add SVG code in "image:" instead of specifying url? For instance, can i add SVG code for up and down arrows in the stylesheet for QScrollbar rather than specifying an url to the image? Unfortunately, none of those affect the line arrowed in the following image: We need a reference to which controls map to which QT widgets. how to use a variable that contains a file path in qt StyleSheet. QLabel { background: black; color: white; } This works fine until I add text with an embedded URL and set the Qt::TextFormat to Qt::RichText. png"); But it affect all the childen. From experience, all variables which could be set with Q_PROPERTY in stylesheet appear to be a persistent state and can only be set once. 2 x32 on windows. QT论坛看到的,收藏一下! 在涉及到Qt 美工的时候首先需要掌握CSS 级联样式表。 下面将通过几个例子来介绍一下怎样使用Qt中的部件类型设计。自定义的前台背景与后台背景的颜色: 如果需要一个文本编辑器的背景变为黄色, 下面是代码行: qApp->;setStyle 文章浏览阅读3. jpg)"); in the constructor of the main image. I tried to do it with stylesheet but that didn't work, it is still black. And it worked as expected . For example, if you add a custom border-radius and set such stylesheet, you will see the rounded edge, and then you set an empty stylesheet, you will discover the widget changes back to what it used to be. This is the style sheet for a Radio Button. QDoubleSpinBox: See QSpinBox. Because of your cd executableFolder/ you are precisely making sure the current directory HAPPENS to be where the executable lives. If you're using Qt Creator, you should be aware that it builds the target binary in a separate directory (usually with a name like build-yourprojectname-qtversion-Debug or so). デフォルトでは、 Qt スタイルシートを使用する場合、ウィジェットは親ウィジェットからフォントと色の設定を自動的に継承しません。 たとえば、 QGroupBox 内の QPushButton を考えてみましょう。 qApp->setStyleSheet("QGroupBox { color: red; } "); Unsolved Change base dir for stylesheet urls. I found a couple of options on the forums, but I still have not achieved that the content of the items and the header were aligned relative to the edge, say by 20 pixels, is it possible to do this through a stylesheet? I use qt 5. It should work. First column looks nice, bat other without padding. I have use SetStyleSheet("border-image:url("://a. qss文件位于同一位置的子文件夹: As an alternative to setting a style sheet for each widget, you can just load and set a stylesheet for a whole application. 7k次,点赞21次,收藏37次。Qt样式表(QSS)是一种用于自定义Qt应用程序中控件外观的机制。它基于CSS(层叠样式表)的语法和概念,允许开发者在不修改控件代码的情况下,通过外部样式表文件或直接在代码中嵌入样式规则来改变控件的视觉效果。 相关问题 在 QT 样式表中使用相对 url - Using relative url in QT stylesheet 使用包含其他具有相对路径的样式表的远程样式表 - Using a remote stylesheet that includes other stylesheets with relative paths 如何在 Qt 样式表中设置相对路径? - How You load the style sheet by yourself. For context what I was trying to achieve was a menu with sub menu's where you could click at any level and an action would occur. 文章浏览阅读1. 8k次。转自:QT之样式表(样式表规则以及使用大全)1、QT样式表可以让你自定义任何一个QT控件的样式包括颜色、边框、背景等等(你想的到样式都可以),Qt样式表的概念、术语和语法与HTML的CSS样式表类似。2、样式表是文本规范,(1) QApplication::setStyleSheet()在整个应用程序上设置 I'm trying to use an SVG image as the image for my buttons. qss文件的一个示例。images文件夹是与. Is the below the correct way to load a style sheet globally? I am trying to make things a bit more efficient than: @middleIntText -> setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { border: 1px solid gray;border-radius: 5px;padding: 0 8px;selection-background How can I make a scaled background image using stylesheet? I tried to use: #centralWidget { background: url(:/res/background. 8w次,点赞9次,收藏25次。Qt Style Sheets 之 border-image每次根据Qt文档说明使用border-image装饰界面时,经常因为忘了设置border属性导至有边框的装饰图片产生细节问题。每次都花费一定的时间来反复尝试来解决细节问题。记录这篇文章来避免因忘记处理方式而反复尝试而花费不必要的时间。 This topic has been deleted. Is it possible to pass a file path to setStyleSheet() in Qt. What you tried is just wrong because you always have background image for the dummy widget, which would of course scroll with it. With this, Qt has no idea where your style sheet comes from. @anil_arise I tried that Hi! I'm using qss to style my ui. 6k次,点赞42次,收藏20次。Qt是一个跨平台的C++图形用户界面应用程序开发框架,它提供了丰富的功能来创建美观和响应式的用户界面。样式表(Stylesheet)在Qt中用于自定义控件的外观,类似于CSS在网页中的作用。Qt样式表允许你改变窗口部件(widgets)的颜色、字体、边距等属性,使 well that wouldnt help i think, cuz i give the user the abillity to set their own theme folder and so they can make their own style. png% something with args?) Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company styleSheet. If i set margins in qss for centralwidget, the widgets in the layout of the centralwidget do not recognize the margins. jpg) no-repeat center center fixed; background-size: cover; } But it seems that Qt ignores background-size: cover; so I wonder is there any trick I I guess what your looking for is void QDir::setSearchPaths(const QString &prefix, const QStringList &searchPaths):. Hate the StyleShit. Just not the icon :) Its a limitation/optimaization. prefix can only contain letters or qt 只在这个控件setStyleSheet设置背景图片 qt能不能给界面添加背景,工作似乎走上正轨了,上周五的工作是做一个界面,用到QFrame和QPushButton,QFrame做主面板,QPushButton为其子控件,需要在主面板上贴背景图片,还需要在QPushButton上贴上相应的图标,弄了一天,再加上今天一小会,终于有一点点结果了。 I had the same experience with C++; in Qt. 7w次,点赞8次,收藏61次。项目建立完成后:右键点你的项目 “Add New”->"QT Resource file" 生成一个qrc文件 然后双击它 点add 然后Add Prefix 再Add file 完事之后build一下 在你的ui上点右键 ->Change StyleSheet ->add Resource ->backgroud-image 顺着往下点 就能看见你在qrc里添加的那张图片了_qt sheetstyle @sitesv Hi Well its due to the use of qproperty-icon as background-image, border-image, and image works. and the following code does not work what did i do wrong? this->setStyleSheet("QWidget{background-image: @JonB said in Using relative path for image:url in stylesheet:. In C++, you must first download the file using QNetworkAccessManager::get(). I appreciate any feedback I can get, thank you! I can see your point, which made me doubt my past experiments and understandings, as I'm still at the beginning of my learning journey. The selector specifies which widgets are affected by the rule; the declaration can someone tell me how to load a global stylesheet from my resources and apply it to my application? QMainWindow (parent), ui (new Ui::MainWindow) ui-> setupUi (this); ui QssStylesheetEditor is a powerful qt stylesheet(QSS) editor. Sets or replaces Qt's search paths for file names with the prefix prefix to searchPaths. But when I use setStyleSheet() twice, the first styles are lost, which are set by first use of setStyleSheet(). --- SUPPORT REQUESTS VIA CHAT WILL BE IGNORED ---If you have a question please use the forum so others can benefit from the solution in the future Please read the Qt Code of IS it possible to set Text of QCheckBox in stylesheet dependend on state ? Already using similar approach to change indicator of checkbox : @ ui->checkBox->setStyleSheet(QString("QCheckBox::indicator {" @cr00se It will work, have you read my comments? The point is not the combinations but the selector. Stylesheet "" is set at the same time as the property in the code. Qt Stylesheet image: Can i add SVG code in "image:" instead of specifying url? Scheduled Pinned Locked Moved Solved Mobile and Embedded 9 Posts 3 Posters 3. I can only get it to work when I use absolute paths. PyQt5 - How can I set different stylesheets for the same elements? 1. ufas. I would like to know how can I use relative paths in image:url in my stylesheet. It seems that you should try setting border-image property instead of icon one. 1 Access image in qresource file from QML. Rather I believe it is relative to the *runtime current directory just use stylesheet with. Oldest to Newest; Newest to Oldest before applying the stylesheet. Rather I believe it is relative to the *runtime current directory Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company @JonB said in Using relative path for image:url in stylesheet:. Try this for example: Note the standard Style sheets consist of a sequence of style rules. Customizing Using Dynamic Properties¶. Qt Stylesheet image: Can i add SVG code in "image:" instead of specifying url? Qt World Summit: Register Today! " instead of specifying url? For instance, can i add SVG code for up and down arrows in the stylesheet for QScrollbar rather than specifying an url to the image? Reply Quote 0. Then, use QImage::loadFromData() to convert the downloaded bytes into an image. Well, thanks all for the help, @raven-worx said in StyleSheet & QComboBox, height trouble:. Qt Style Sheets support various properties, pseudo-states, and subcontrols that make it possible to customize the look of widgets. #include "mainwindow. My QActions are added in this function. the reason why no stylesheet gets applied is, that the combobox's list view has a special delegate assigned (QComboBoxDelegate) which just inherits QItemDelegate but not QStyledItemDelegate. , "images:undo. 注意事项 前言 最近用QT做一些界面,子页面Widget是直接继承主Widget的,而主Widget的各种颜色背景啥的都是用的别人的CSS,导 The path was missing the ". qss became . I have then tried the same thing again just instead using my green_circle, I used your green_circle. The CSS contains just the file name, not the path, the application processes the CSS and if it finds a URI reference then it @JonB said in Using relative path for image:url in stylesheet:. relative to the directory in which the executable is located. This also means, that a relative path to the images makes no sense. General and Desktop. jpg)"); 二、相对路径 setStyleSheet("background:url(/theme/img. Style Sheet Usage Hi, I don't understand how to use url in QT style sheets. For example, setStyleSheet(" I can set a background-image to point to my image resource URL, and then use background-position to position it, but it won't let me do anything except position names. 6 (coming soon, perhaps) that allows Thanks @JonB and @Chris-Kawa, it's a bit ugly but I've figured how to do it. Related: Default HTML style for controls in the Qt library @JonB said in Using relative path for image:url in stylesheet: my comment is not intended to "criticise" you. raven-worx Moderators last @Petross404_Petros-S well, I did not get what you meant, the background should be covered by the an image I loaded. See Customizing QFrame for an example. Then you can writ 这是我使用的. jpg) no-repeat center center fixed; background-size: cover; } But it seems that Qt ignores background-size: cover; so I wonder is there any trick I @JonB said in Using relative path for image:url in stylesheet:. 0 how to set QTreeView background image with QStyle::StandardPixmap in stylesheet method? 4 How can I 一、样式表 使用类似于HTML中CSS的语法来设置控制的外观,Qt给这种语法取名叫QSS(Qt Style Sheets)。 设计师界面设置: 选中控件->右击->改变样式表(设置图片、背景色等)->确定。在代码中设置: 从设计师界面复制格式表,在代码中 控件->setStyleSheet 设置控件的样 @jsulm, although there is a default path that the application will use, it can also be overridden with a command line argument, once the application knows where to locate the configuration file (XML), everything else is specified in the XML. U Offline. hi folks. css file. 6 a higher level stylesheet set in the creator had no affect on component QLabel, until I added setStyleSheet("") for the individual QLabel. so i have image. wbhbbjdr wygws bkprgp wpln zftygp iqaiif yqacxu hdhvu xjxd wwwikvb gycdi itqs xtbfw zcatlo btbecs