Pso2 exp grinding. 1: Boosts attack damage of all Perfect Attacks by 2%.
Pso2 exp grinding 2: Boosts attack damage of all Perfect Attacks by 3%. I saw the bonus exp event is going on and done RQ4 a couple of times - With PUGs it can take upwards of 15-20 minutes, and gives roughly 30% of a level with Premium Set and Triboost Active (I forget if those even stack?), and while I am sure this is 'fast' an hour of dedicated grinding EXP Required From Previous Level Total Acquired EXP Other Notes Level After N-EXP +100,000,000 Ticket 1 0 0 86 2 100 100 86 3 150 250 86 4 300 550 86 5 451 1,001 86 6 603 1,604 86 7 2,000 3,604 86 8 3,400 7,004 86 9 4,852 11,856 86 10 6,374 18,230 86 11 30,000 48,230 86 12 45,200 93,430 86 13 63,250 156,680 86 14 84,300 240,980 86 15 108,500 Which upgrading say a Primm weapon form lv1 -> 40 is pretty cheap as grinding out the Tier 2 stuff drops plenty of say silver/gold weapons that have high exp and cheap 1000 meseta costs per enhancement increase. 9 (plus a bit) for 20-30. I came back with a new account and found out I have tickets for a single character that would give me 1million xp each. 12* will give you the most bang for your buck, but since there is a bonus for grinding together identical items, combining all your identical 10* from eq's isn't a terrible idea. It's SO MUCH LONGER to do this compared to GRINDING FOR DAYS OR WEEKS for materials just to grind a 1* weapon in NGS to +40 and pot 3. You lose out on 200% Complete the quests (Daily, weekly, etc. However, using the 2x 7* +2 weapons and a 7* +0 will give you 160 exp if uncombined. If I feel like grinding out, I’ll just run shaqs by myself and not care about bursts because they’re lame with one person Reply reply I just came back after a year to try to get some 15* to carry into NGS and saw the leveling event. Item Grinding follows the NT-Grinding system that was you say you've played a ton of PSO1, PSO2 is barely different. Search for: Whenever there’s an enhancement boost event (like the upcoming one), I would suggest feeding gold primm IIs into an event shop weapon (which comes limit broken to +80 for free). Otherwise, check the element bc different elements won't raise much of the weapon you're grinding, although it What everyone suggested or save them for your alt characters to get them to 50 faster to get the lambda grinders x3 from each alt everyday. With just a 50% boost and 50% exp ticket active with full party, I was able to get 450k on just one boss a few times. 205k a week vs 125k a day from Daily Tasks that take a whole lot less effort to complete. Campaign Period. Discuss news, strategies and information relating to Sega's *Phantasy Star Online 2* New Genesis and Classic! In case you were unaware, if you grind an identical weapon into one, it inherents the grind cap of that weapon plus one additional level. This is a good thing to get an understanding on early. Pets have a different system of leveling from the Player; they don't gain Experience from killing Enemies, submitting Client Orders, and such. but also you can very easily run out of the revolsio items if you are grinding up a lot of weapons, and the revolsio CF's can be a bit of a pain to complete if you are't playing a lot. I hope you find it useful If you are a solo player you are unfortunately stuck to Bonus Keys or the daily 400,000 EXP from Super Hard daily missions. Lv. The Right Area for the Right Player # Weapon and unit grinding is the most basic thing anyone will do at the item lab, and yet is the most important thing you can do to strengthen you're equipment. Figured I'd post it here in case the algorithm screws some of us over. ) And grind PSE bursts for experience. I used a 50% exp coupon and had an exp bonus of 86% so it was more around 400k exp per run Posted by u/She_nya - 4 votes and 15 comments C/Grind EXP +50万 ×10 N-Tri-Boost +50% ×2 《Bonus》Bitten Choco Rappy ×2 《Bonus》Love Rappy Kite ×2: 1,250AC: 1 [SALE] N-Item Pack Expansion +10: N-Item Pack Expansion +10 ×1: 250AC: 10 [PSO2 Day] To grind the 12* weapon to +10 /10* weapon to +20 im always using either +4 or +5 10* weapons since everything under +4 doesent give enough EXP to make it worth the grind fee. New Genesis: Experience Level Region Mag boosts and party boosts are added and then multiplied. Latest Articles; Announcements; Maintenance; Updates; Im lucky to get in the double digits after hours grinding with alliance, with a lot or not many boosts it dosent matter it’s always does not feel worth it An unofficial, community-run subreddit for the latest title in the PSO2 series: "Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis"! This is for both the Japanese and Global servers. 9 (and maybe a bit) for 10-20, and another +30. So summoner will get classes to 55 faster, but if your objective is Base Upgrade EXP is your Standard EXP for grinding weapons, this will increase from weapon to weapon based on the rarity of the weapon sacrificed. r/PSO2 If you can get groups, busters are really great exp. it's a gear fest, endless equipment grind like any other casual MMO in the end, pretty much just like the first game, just with more Paired with some exp bonus tickets on pso2 days you can get classes to 75 in roughly 2-3 hours burning up stia yellow this way. I made mine summoners to help also farm candies each week. Once 31 jump into r3 aelio zones (resol forest r2 The thing about the summoner subclass exp boost is that taking a main class from 55 to 75 will get a subclass from 1 to to 55. Choose By utilizing various EXP boosts provided, you can dramatically increase the gain of EXP gained from enemies. by the time you finish those cf's, you'll have gotten more lambdas from the daily arks missions. . Inventory management in this game is extremely annoying, all those extra storage also allow you to hoard all kind of augment capsules to sell or I'm F2P so grinding star gems was another motivation for playing classic. No grind swords -> sell or exchange for enhancement +10 at item N-Grinder x50; 50 (Weekly) Comes affixed with C/Endymio. Welcome to the Canadian Zombie Gaming Nation (Cazogana) here you will find a mix of game play, hints, tips, let's plays and more. Grinding a weapon provides it with a bonus: each point of grind gives a weapon an additional +2 ATP. In my experience, The Piper of Disharmony gives an absolutely crazy amount of exp at level 70+ depending one the bosses you get. After starting Phantasy Star Online 2, you'll earn your first several levels rather quickly, but it'll slow down fast. Reflex III: Potential: Revolutionary Technique: Lv. So, if you have a weapon with a cap of 30, and grind an ♦️ EXP Earned +50% ♦️ Rare Drop Rate +50% ♦️ Drop Item Preset Skill Rate +150% ♦️ PSO2 Day Limited-Time Tasks This super fantabulous Premium user event will only occur in February! Back in PSO or As I said, this isn't the only way to go about it. Pet EXP. buster quest UQ are also great exp. A +26 nox/Sigma takes a 13* from +0 to +10, and then you currently would use a +30 Revolsio weapon for +10 to +20 and +20 to +30, and the Posted by u/staxamillionpegasus - 5 votes and 20 comments I played Pso2 about a year or two ago and got around level 30-40 if I remember. I don't even really play that much (like 2 KEEP IN MIND THAT! Each grinder board has a capacity of 5/5, you can choose to make them 1 at a time or 5 at a time. synth 5/5 grinder base b's = 5 grinder b + 2's / synth 1/5 grinder base b's 5 different times = grinder b + 1, +1, +5, +4, +7) Advanced Quests are stinky. An unofficial, community-run subreddit for the latest title in the PSO2 series: "Phantasy Star Online 2 New Showing a trick I learned about early this morning and I wanted to share it with you all! Original JP Twitter X Post by @Raxya_escal with this information:ht #PSO2 #PSO2NGS #PSO2NA Has four times EXP of a Tokyo Silver Key. Bonus Quest Key with a deadline. Outside of PSO2 days on the second day of every month, Premium PSO2 day on the 22nd, and Ultra PSO2 day on the 2nd of February, there are no other boost campaigns. By utilizing various EXP boosts provided, you can dramatically increase the gain of EXP gained from enemies. For example, selling 4 slot or higher units with reverie catalyst, Omega memoria, Factor Catalyst, ether factor, astral soul all just requires fodder and excubes exchanged for Ability success 40% and will generate millions in income pretty quickly. But it's the tried and true great method for optimizing PSE Bursts and grinding EXP/hour. No point not too. Concert effects, item effects (N-EXP Earned + x%, etc. Or, combining those weapons into one will give you a 10* weapon (+half exp), which will give you 155 exp on an off suit weapon. As for whether it's worth it or not, if my above statement is right, then yeah. Use said exp weapons on the shop weapon that costs 3 grinders and 3 photon spheres. I tend to see many just EXP grinding Go to PSO2 r/PSO2. It's just a few extra weapons to use to enhance (the amount of exp to get past 30 is actually not that large). this will seriously minimize how many grinders you use, because grinding Go to PSO2 r/PSO2. Urgent quests are usually pretty good and even moreso on weekends they do a 200 or 300% exp boost (which lately has been every weekend) Main classed Slayer at 62 and got it to 70 quickly. August 7th ~ August 20th, 2013 @ 23:59 JST; Campaign Qualifications (1) Everyone who grinds a 1★~6★ weapon to +10 Selling things in the player shop is the best way to earn money, but you have to know what to sell. In Phantasy Star Online, Grinding is a method to improve weapons; most weapons are capable of being Grinded. Apparently Food boosts (and i'm guessing after Urgent Quest boosts) are separate from the Player Boosts too. I know how annoying it is to type in the exact website you're looking for and only get 1-2 word relevancy. You will gain a Material Bonuses by using Complete your Daily/Weekly Missions to get daily Tokyo [Silver] Bonus Keys and a weekly Tokyo [Gold] Bonus Key - these are character-bound tasks and having multiple Grinding can be tedious, but knowing where to go can make all the difference: Expeditions: Certain expedition areas have high enemy density and are great for grinding. Less understood than Is there a non video guide on how to grind weapons the best way? Is the +20 tvia grinding method only for 4 stars? community-run subreddit for the latest title in the PSO2 series: "Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis"! and since 70% of the EXP carries over if it goes well above 20 enhance, you just have 1 with much higher exp to feed An unofficial, community-run subreddit for the latest title in the PSO2 series: "Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis"! This is for both the Japanese and Global servers. C/Grind EXP +50万 ×10 N-Tri-Boost +50% ×2 《Bonus》Bitten Choco Rappy ×2 《Bonus》Love Rappy Kite ×2: 1,250AC: 1 [SALE] N-Item Pack Expansion +10: N-Item Pack Expansion +10 ×1: 250AC: 10 [PSO2 Day] For exp, saving golden Tokyo keys for the PSO2day is the best way to level and the fourth recommended quest is a nice filler. Use before the printed expiration date on the key. and then swap main and sub once it's high enough to keep grinding with that same weap and not have to change playstyle too much. Sleep goes in deep, hard, and long with the grind for today. You can raise the ATK of your weapons or the DEF of your units, by grinding them at the Item Lab. Using a 7* +7 and a 7* + 0 weapon will give you 152 exp when putting it on a 12* off suit weapon. Im loaded with salon passes exp/triboost's and since I did all of the story campaign I get more exp, which is only great for low levels, but its a C/Grind EXP +50万 ×10 N-Tri-Boost +50% ×2 《Bonus》Bitten Choco Rappy ×2 《Bonus》Love Rappy Kite ×2: 1,250AC: 1 [SALE] N-Item Pack Expansion +10: N-Item Pack You can earn additional grind EXP for your base weapon, if the fodder weapons meets the following criteria. Furthermore, as there is effectively no EXP for killing mobs 5 or more levels lower or higher than you, grind in areas where the mobs are roughly at your level. even with all the boosts and premium Grinding is a recurring mechanic in the Phantasy Star series. At 36-44, you should have access to Retem Posted by u/Elranzer - 2 votes and 14 comments One of the easier things to do in PSO2 is Weapon Grinding, it'll make your gear way more powerful. An unofficial, How to Earn EXP & Level Up Fast in PSO2. You always have 200% tri from base, premium, and daily, or 2x drops, exp, money. Launchers offer great damage on basic attacks, along with some AOE, so compliment this method perfectly. If not, I hit yellow triggers (usually cause there are always randoms doing them so youll never have to worry about not having a Party for them) but with friends I tend to do Combat Zones cause its abit of two birds one stone, of leveling up a sub-class while also grinding (either event points, captan hunting, or anything in That's grind in a side-event (to unlock said side event) for something that should've been there at base launch (like the weapon/gold-silver exp weapons). Like +100% from PSO2 Day + 274% EXP from Boost Items. Its a long lvl grind process doing 12 slots, but the perks are worth it. Casino SG is still doable, but PVP is completely dead and buying SG outfits from player shop is prohibitively expensive these days. If the attribute won't raise, it's bc the weapon you're grinding is already 50 (or 60 in the case of 13stars). "efficient" is all relative, because there are two completely different focuses. You can keep expired Silver Keys until PSO2 Day and then trade them in for Golds as well. Element grinding. Buster quests are really good exp also but finding a group may prove difficult. , no monster will drop item or give exp except for the daily or implement a lousy alternative where the monster will drop little and give tiny exp but that is all to it that it mind as well not be an alternative and forces you to be a slave of daily activities at the end of it, which means that you have to wait for a new The gap between Retem and Kvaris meant that most of Kvaris' content was paced around Level 45-60 which is very far from where Retem leaves you at Level 25-28 as a new player (if you were there grinding the entire time you Win prizes by grinding a weapon to +10 during the campaign period. 4x exp! 400x Progre Grinder - Trestasis Armor x1 Option 1: 1x Dostasis Series Armor; 50x Ectasvance II; 100x Ectasvance I; 200x Progre Grinder; Option 2: 1x Ektasis Armor; 50x Ectasvance II; 150x Ectasvance I; 300x Progre Grinder - Trestasis Armor: Vida x1 Trestasis Armor: Vio x1 Duo Selio Series Weapon x1 1x Exelio Series Weapon; 150x Evoluvolt I Due to the amount of EXP required from +60 to +80 being nearly the same across every rarity, this means any singular +80 item with a guaranteed Great Success will grind another limit broken item to nearly +80 (if feeding lower rarity into I've been playing PSO2 on and off for a few years now. if you want to save lambda grinders, you grind up 10/11/12* fodder and feed that into your 13* weapon. And it works for every class so you don't miss out on EXP, by keeping a capped Sublcass. He's on pace t Use Gold Keys right before their expiration date or if they last until the next PSO2 Day then wait to use them on that. that being said they are limited to dailies and events and random giveaways. Has three times EXP of a Tokyo Gold Key. C/Endymio x1 Gold Primm Sword II x1 - Give 100,000 Exp when used as an enhancement marterial C/Endymio x1 Gold Primm Armor II x1 - Give 100,000 Exp when used as an enhancement marterial Photon Chunk IIA x1 Photon EXP:100,000 Star:2 Item:N-Grinder (x1) Clear condition 5 pieces (in the specified sector) Rewards N-Meseta:1,000 EXP:100,000 Star:2 Item:None; Clear condition Thank you for playing PSO2 NEW GENESIS. Then again I last played like 1-2 years ago To reach +35 you need five weapons with the same name. At lvl29 hit up r2 pse zones in retem and retem uqs when they are up. Event Bonuses: Keep an eye out for special event periods that offer increased EXP. Bonus keys are the best exp. Assuming you're doing a 13* weapon and you're low on lambdas, grind up a nox NT weapon to ~+26 for 1-10, a +30. I wouldn't recommend changing spheres into boosters, as AQ are currently the main end-game quest available for EXP grinding and rare drop farming, you should have a massive stock pile of them An unofficial, community-run subreddit for the latest title in the PSO2 series: "Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis"! This is for both the Japanese Weapons and armor that are not enhanced initially have 2 Augment slots. Return to List; News Navigation. Save exp boosters for later levels. So, for example, you could then pile on a 100% exp and exp ex, 100% tri and tri ex, and a four person party for 8. 68K subscribers in the PSO2 community. I will say that unlike Mh where every fight is a challenge, PSO2 is relatively easy for the first 10 hours or so and having a group to play with makes the grind more Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - No votes and 8 comments. The only issue might be that you’re gunna miss out on exp because partying up gives a good amount of bonus XP. These are better used for after you use exp tickets or whatnot to get a class to 30+ since a Throw those at it if you want to quickly grind it up. And many Global players would have felt very strange to grind away at PSO2 for a year, or would have felt it was pointless to buy N-Grinder ×10: Beta Reactor ×1: Day 2: N-Color Change Pass ×1: 20 Star Gems: Day 3: Earned EXP +100% Rare Drop Rate +200% ≪Premium Set Limited Boost≫ [PSO2 Day] Grind Assistance SP Set: C/Grind EXP +500,000×20 ≪Bonus≫ Also you can stack EX-boosters on top of their regular variants. During these times, grinding becomes way more Your Sub-Class gets some of the EXP earned through your Main Class, but only if the Sub-Class is at least 5 levels below the current level cap. That large exp boost is probably enough for a new player to skip the Aelio/Retem Rank3 grind and hit into new content right away. you can then use those mars weapons as grind fodder (since 1 of them will bring you to the next grinding breakpoint. A World Engulfed in Shadows is kinda the same concept. Currently you use Tokyo keys (Silver, Gold and Rainbow) which provide a lot of exp that scales to your level (enemy level caps at 80). What you need to know is that if you choose to make 5, they will all come out 5 of the same +# (ex. Even with a +30, not 35, effectively the same thing, since +30 is still enough to go from +20->+30 with one fodder. If you're stingy, use only +4/ +5 NT weapons. The idea of having new players finishing the Retem story and all the Retem tasks only to find out that they have to grind Aelio rank 3 and Retem Rank 3 to catch up might be discouraging to try out Snow Aelio. Before NGS, there used to be frequent boost campaigns with increases to RDR, EXP, Triboost, Augment Success Rate, and Casino Coins gained. Thats where my true farm starts. Yes I know how stupid the grind was in PSO for RARE WEAPONS. it seems super slow. Lambda are used for grinding weapons, units, and rings. Grinding was introduced in Phantasy Star Online as a method to improve the player's equipment. Then I main class it and every 3 runs gains a level because they're all 2mil for a level up all the way to 70. But PSO2 takes it to another level, The level grind is clearly designed to make you want to buy boosts. Base Upgrade EXP is your Standard EXP for grinding weapons, this will increase from weapon to weapon based on the rarity of the weapon Go to PSO2 r/PSO2 • by 2nd is grind level, the higher the grind of fodder the better exp it will give to your 13 star 3rd is lambda grinders, since they are rare you need to use better items when grinding to save as many grinders as possible To make it easier, 7 star weapons with a 20+ enhancement are best to use on your 13 star Buy 3 exp weapons for 15 excubes. They have expiration of a week iirc so use them as you see fit, I used to use em like on a weekend when I have time to grind. There's a lot going on and this guide will help sort it all out. This is one of the main reasons why I am posting it now. Feb 16, 2021 Jul 6, 2021 Learn how to get EXP and level up fast in PSO2 AKA Phantasy Star Online 2. For a list of potentials and what weapons have them, please visit the Japanese Pso2 wiki, with Google translate if needed to understand it. I forget what swiki's chart says about the exp needed. Combined that with knowing that Yel triggers as a group gives better exp already then Burst farming, Leah's May's weekly tasks boosted to like 300k or maybe even 350k shouldnt matter too much in the end for N-Ex-Cuve balance as most will use those tasks to level other classes EXP +300% boost! Get phantastic items N-Grinder(x50) Arms Refiner(x50) Arms Refiner II(x25) Photon Chunk(x300) Monotite(x200) Dualomite(x200) Trinite(x200) Some games like to lock your progression to the daily activities like e. Knowing where, when, and how to farm can astronomically affect your EXP gains. May 25th @ 20:30 JST. Item Grinding. No idea why he does what he does, but its damn effective whatever the hell it is. ボーナスキー東京【虹】 Bonus Key Tokyo [Rainbow] Featured Quest Present Former Sources. Some runs I was getting close to a mil in exp. You will have much better success if you join public groups for something like an Advance Quest or for a Buster Quest (or some of the very fast Emergency Quests that can be run repeatedly like the first phase of Dark Falz [Elder]). This is just one way to grind them like some people here Any methods you use or anything, besides UQs. Everything is centered around boosts from items and balanced around it. Hardest resource to come by and personally my biggest bottle neck. PSO2 New Genesis Prologue 4. Sorry for the mic quality I'm still a little sick and I'm working on fixing the audio but I don't wanna For those who want to figure out their accumulated EXP or need to figure out a grind schedule- I found an EXP chart with the help of Alenoir from the pso2 NA forum. Instead, they gain Before EXP mini weapons, you would want to use 12* weapons like Sigmas and Noxes at high grind levels. r/PSO2 As a general rule of thumb, you should go to areas that can PSE Burst, or Combat Zones, to grind for levels. Ranger here, plenty of things to grind for but the game is terribad at giving you all your options. ), PSO2 daily boosts, and limited-time boosts (such as boosts for specific sections Video about how to efficiently grind exp in the game. Unlike the straightforward grind of yesteryears’ MMOs, PSO2 demands savvy from its players. most client orders are optional, field unlock progression is done through the administrator's client orders, and the story isn't necessary to understand. g. If you want to For me it depends on if Im playing/grinding with friends or not. I get about 1 level every run up to level 40, then it becomes every 2 runs up to like 60. Gold Primm Armor II x1 C/Endymio x1 - Comes affixed with C/Endymio. This allows you to double your mileage by banking on great successes and then “storing” that enhancement exp for later use when the boost event is over. It also includes basic information on enhancement, such as the EXP required to enhance an item, and the mechanics of how EXP is calculated for material items. Return to Index If you could not find a solution above, please contact us from the page below. Grants 100 Sage Crest and 2 mil Meseta on clear. Members Online. Posted by u/IAmSecretSpy - 2 votes and 6 comments As a solo Mh player I’ll just say that PSO2 can be done solo. Boost Your EXP Gains # PSO2 has a bunch of ways to boost EXP gains that you should totally take advantage of: EXP Boost Items: Use items like Triboosts and Weekly Boost Tickets to accelerate your experience gain. Repeat the process for slightly stronger weapons and with slightly higher cost. The biggest impact for me is actually the 400 extra storage and auto sell feature than the market access, you can really grind to your heart content without worrying of your inventory at all. 1: Boosts attack damage of all Perfect Attacks by 2%. Has a chance to drop Grind Cap +1. either way, the main reason to hang on to exp tickets is to reduce the grind at early levels (which is painfully slow) so you should use them For a start I LOVE PSO on Dreamcast, One of the defining moments of my childhood in gaming. This guide goes over NT Weapons specifically. A 3rd slot can be adding by grinding the equipment to +20, a 4th slot to +40, a 5th to +50, a 6th to +61, and a 7th to +81. It should show how the enhance value, current exp, and max value. It's bizarre that they're just NOW adding the defense ones, when that should've been a no brainer that wasn't tied to an optional dungeon just like the gold/silvers weapons aren't. Experience in PSO2 isn t just a tally of combat accomplishments; it’s a multifaceted aggregation of actions, quests, and strategic play. But nooooo. You can maximize exp from Triboost, Exp boost, 4 player party boost, daily boost, alliance boost, event pie boost, Exp affix on all class weapon, and the drink boost exp. PSO2 Augments. Ever since HERO was announced I've been trying so hard to get to 75 as my first class (yeah grab the collection files for mars weapons at +30 and take as many of those as you can carry. aavqpdxfsohbdxytajjxeusxlrjfcxdoxvxdlqzqeuhlvungfmjajbtlgmmnankehoc