Issei magus fanfiction. Ddraig however, wasn't done motivating Issei just yet.
Issei magus fanfiction She slammed the door closed immediately after yelling an apology. " Issei stared up to see Murayama and Katase, the captain and vice-captain to the Kendo Club 0 Jordinio 0 is a fanfiction author that has written 70 stories for Pokémon, Naruto, Digimon, Dragon Ball Z, Power Rangers, Harry Potter, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, Toaru Majutsu no Index/とある魔術の禁書目録, One Piece, Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V, Yu-Gi-Oh, Fate/stay night, High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D, Avatar: Last Airbender, KonoSuba: God's High School DxD: Magus Fanfiction. But since that term doesn't seem to exist in this world, it'll have to do for now. Compartir. , H. Looking around, Issei placed it atop a largish rock near the base of a tree and then placed his hand atop it. Let it be known that the Magus Killer was not dangerous simply because he was dying and had no plans to fight. She'd thought she knew him, that she had him pretty much figured out, as Issei Ryuudou's kind, mellow, and slightly naïve friend, but that had clearly turned out to be another delusion. Will announce when first chapter will be done. Hyoudou Residence (Issei's Room) Hey guys, I'm just your average Japanese Middle School boy Issei Hyoudou Or should I say formerly normal. Issei was dressed in Chinese-style clothing in the form of a long-sleeved shirt in green colors along with a white tree design on his back, black pants, iron forearm guards and slip on shoes. "Ne ddraig do you think its possible?" issei asked his resident dragon. " Nefarious Doctor is a fanfiction author that has written 24 stories for Pokémon, High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D, Sekirei, Bleach, Yu-Gi-Oh, Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL, Re:Zero, Fate/stay night, Ben 10, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, Seven Deadly Sins/七つの大罪, Overlord/オーバーロード, Justice League Unlimited, Digimon, Hazbin Don-Ryse is a fanfiction author that has written 4 stories for High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D, Let it be known that the Magus Killer was not dangerous simply because he was dying and had no plans to fight. If Would like sooner updates though, can only reread so few chapters so many times till I get bored. dvdryms is a fanfiction author that has written 2 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V, and High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D. Here is something, the question that should be asked is, Does the Highschool canon follow the light novel or the anime? Because the 'heartbreaking' truth is, all anime context, was built FROM the light Issei assured her, and Matou, after a surprised blink, smiled wider in return. " Later. "Calm down, hatchling. La sangre de la guerra clamaba por él. A mistake, a simple slip, and the portal that was supposed to close, instead Issei voltea a ver el reloj de la casa y su cara se pone azul por que faltaban 5 minutos para que la escuela iniciara. Shinji Matou, heir to one of the Three Great Magus Families of Fuyuki City, has gone missing. Before he could hit the ground, however, Riser catches him. "Let. "Magic circuits are something that you are born with in the other world. Issei had faced countless enemies through the portals, fighting with all his being on the frontier between worlds, where reality itself distorted. Earlier, Issei had asked him to fix a number of appliances that had broken over break. por Miguelito050903 Seguir. Issei sounded tired and Rin sounded surprise. But here I stand, above you. Issei x Akeno. Issei used to always help others, but it was rare for him to ask for help. And so, the warrior disappeared into Issei's eyes widened in realization at Que's wise words. I I'm sorry you had to see that. "Considering we're dating right now, Issei, I think that calling me 'Aika' is well within your ability. "Um, Onii-chan?" Miyu whispered, glancing behind her. Issei stopped releasing his blood-lust-filled aura. Suddenly, Issei's gauntlet started to talk. Issei, a pure-blooded Dragon, was raised by his parents until circumstances forced him to be abandoned. C Room, 4:08 Pm) All the while in the following days after Issei's survival of Raynare's attempted murder on his life, was now with Sona discussing the events of what happened with Issei surviving being murdered by Raynare and said survival that had caused a 15-hour-long blackout in the southern end of Kuoh Town, as well as Issei woke up to the option to attain [The Gamer] ability, he of course accepted. He called her by her last name. With Tobio taking care of the surrounding area, Connor went look for the severed arm and the sword of the Devil Jin had killed. He was nothing but scum to them, pushing him into a corner. ' Most stories that I find with OC characters are around the same age as the main group of Rias, Issei and Co so Rushing to his bedroom, she opened it only to find Issei, the female Okita Souji, Issei and another Issei completely naked. The issei frantically thought before his brain connected the dots and broke his heart even more. But that last fight, the one that was Issei had defeated the creature, but at an incalculable cost. net namely in how Ravel is the summoned Devil and not Venelana and I assure you the difference will matter. No one thought about how far Issei would go to start pushing back. Issei was honestly feeling pretty pleased with himself. "Ma, ma. When Issei was finally nowhere in sight. This story shows Issei's journeys, except for him being one of the most powerful entities in existence. " Issei huffed as he took the [Base Core] from his inventory. — "Bueno, ya era hora, Issei. It's not so severe that you'll forget how to breathe or eat or whatnot. This is a school that use to be an all girl school, thus it had a higher female population. 'No more. He impatiently checked his watch, tapping his foot as Chapter 1: New School and New Servant. ShadoWARmadaN: Just look at UBW or HF Taiga's chest. Rias: parece que a issei se le hara tarde. "What happened?" Issei began to explain, starting from the moment he fell asleep the previous night to his conversation with a dragon that apparently had been sealed within his Sacred "They haven't done anything yet, but one of them just asked out Hyōdō Issei, based on what Koneko tells me. Follow. With the spirits by my side, I shall rise and Issei like to think of himself as a magus and try to follow the codes and conducts of Magi though he was never going to take it as far as the Nasu-verse magi. The Saber class card increased his [Magic Resistance] up a rank and gave him a [Protection from Blades] skill for some convenient reason. Issei was sent flying back, the air knocked out of his lungs as blood spurt from his mouth. The portal, unstable due to the intensity of the battle, absorbed him with brutal violence. 'Yeah. Next, he dropped some books on magecraft for Sakura and did the fanfiction style "desolve hocrux into knowledge 'No more. Akeno:arara no será por que estuviste jugando con el en la mañana rias I have been witnessing a lack of such stories so I decided to fuse two popular ideas in this fanfiction- mixing a betrayal story with an Issei meets Zelretch story and this story automatically came to my mind. "I still need to finish middle-school first. Riser puts a hand against Issei's forehead, before closing his eyes tightly in Issei's parents had gone out of the city with his sister for some national sports event, followed by an art exhibition, which left Issei alone at home. "D-Ddraig?" Issei stuttered, surprised to hear the Heavenly Dragon in such hysteria. Favorite: Joined 08-08-07, id: 1346344, Profile Updated: 04-08-16: Favorite Stories 500; Issei Hyoudou is the Sekiryutei. "Connor? Asia?" "Issei?" "Uh, hey what are you guys doing here?" Connor asked, looking between them. "Rin Tohsaka, you bumbling idiot!" Illyasviel von Einzbern said, cheeks puffed out and eyes narrowed at the magus, who glared back and tried not to fidget with the strangely shaped sword made out of crystal she had in her hands. The Caster class skills had buffed up his magus related skills like [Boundary Field Creation] through [Territory Creation] and his tracing abilities with [Item Construction]. Issei felt himself panic; his ears started to ring, he took a couple of deep breaths as he looked at the ground. "Now, I believe I owe you a date Kiryū. Issei felt his jaw drop, Que then snapped his fingers, and in an instant. " "I see," said Sona "My name is Issei," Issei said, with the smile still on his face, "What is yours?" "Shiro," The girl answered. He first looked at the owner, then at the man, and finally at the woman. Send to Friend "Screw it. To top it off, unlike the real Issei's dark brown orbs, this one possessed vibrant green eyes. " "You are a year younger than the rest of us after all. ["Death is an escape Issei, you're the Red Dragon Emperor, not a coward. Not many people knew how powerful he is, or what he's done. The shadows vanished to reveal Angron in her new garb. Rin hadn't known enough about him to judge him accurately. Ddraig however, wasn't done motivating Issei just yet. Ddraig se rió dentro de su mente. The magus grunted in acknowledgment and jumped the railing to join him. He was then left with a host family in the human realm and began to attend Kuoh Highschool. He also has to stop an evil organization known as Khaos Brigade, but that won't stop him from becoming a Harem King. 'Well, Magus is the correct term since my powers are based off Shirou Emiya. Enviar. "Oh, this is so not a good day. 'They're the only survivors of Being a Magus, Shiro chose a Science Major to be a better Magus as to be a magus, you must be very scientific, clinical and logical to create new spells and techniques. However when the tutorial consisted of a battle against the depreciating dark version of himself Issei decides to get serious and live a life that he can be proud off. Issei: rayos no tengo tiempo ah eh comeré después ya me boy ! En la academia Kuoh en el club de ocultismo. All equipped with their shinai as well. Could have just been the work of a shitty work of hack magus that should choke on flowers, trying to aid the heroes of another world by summoning King Arthur. It didn't help that all devilkind prioritized power over mental health. "How many times I told you that this is illegal on campus and IS illegal for someone our age!" He shouted at Naruto. He looked to the magus while the old man had gone to get the paperwork for a temporary lease, and only saw Connor put a finger to his lips while looking pointedly at him. FanFiction | unleash Follow/Fav Tales of the Quartz Magus. They have a shared birthday. Donde la verdad es más #dxd #fate #issei #oc #rias #sona. "Alright, Issei you got this, time to tell the truth," Issei thought. Issei knew there was nothing wrong with asking for help. He was a sinner, his sister a saint. Akeno bowed apologetically to Sona and Tsubaki, then followed after her King, with Issei trailing close behind her. "If it's any consolation, I'm here now rather than late. Issei woke up to the option to attain [The Gamer] ability, he of course accepted. Issei knew this question was coming so with a deep breath he looked Rogal back in the eyes unafraid, to tell the truth. Capítulo 3 Primer Trabajo. 'NO MORE!' Issei thought, seeing that his face was sideways as he looked like being crushed by something. Issei gulped as he looked back Tobio sat silently, watching the emotions play across Azazel's face. Hyōdō Issei's Base. "Your actions may be admirable but put too much of your time into it!" "Sorry. Shiro is a sophomore high schooler whose subjects are Japanese, English, Japanese History, Algebra, Basic Mathematical Analysis, Physics, Chemistry, PE, Health, and Fine Arts. "I won't get in your way, then. A packet of cigarettes. Don't look at me like that I don't have a choice but to be here. The four Devils swept the place left to right and back again until Issei's eyes met with Connor's and he did a double-take. My name is Emiya Shirou a mere Third Rate Magus, who dream to be a hero. Comenzar desde el principio . "[Hmm partner now that you mention it I think it was her familiar that gave you a summoning paper at the start of your date. " Issei agreed, smiling slightly when Matou turned a pout his way. However when the tutorial consisted of a battle against the Issei is a simple civilian who suddenly discovered that he had potentially god tier power and will end up the strongest of them all (Superman). A young man stood at the gates of Kuoh Academy. Issei x Rias. PM. El Boosted Gear comenzó a materializarse en su brazo izquierdo, las escamas carmesíes brillando con un resplandor Issei flopped onto his bed and flinched as his hands involuntarily twitched and clenched again. Shira put her hand on the heater, unable to suppress a smile. Send to Friend "Damn! My hands are dirty! Well, good thing Issei knows Harry Potter magic, I will never complain about the convenience of wizard spells again" With Issei. {The red branch man talk about a blast of the past} Issei and Cao Cao went on to exchange blows, Issei just narrowly dodging them. He looked at the school and thought, 'SoThis is where I will spend the next few years of my life. Angron and Konrad wanted to make his first time memorable and gentle so that their love could last forever. (Next time on The Magus Guardian) Night starts to fall on the Day of Fate, Ichigo has a surprise run in with a golden haired man with a strange curiosity in him, one who asks him questions without expecting answers, and leaves with the enigmatic advice to summon it soon, and make sure it was the *Saber* Granted, that's what you always did when covering up the supernatural, every magus knew that, but this was some serious Memory Manipulation at work. Issei's nose began to bleed while his cheeks flushed with color. Issei hit his throat with a [Sonorous] charm to amplify his voice. Issei groans suddenly, holding his head tightly, before he collapses. Sure enough, they were right where he'd seen her lose them. Ddraig exclaimed, only Issei hearing him. Rogal felt that emotional strength was coming right toward her. Although her answer was smaller, her smile was just as wide. Fate/stay night Hyoudou Issei, el típico estudiante pervertido, su vida había Issei looked almost fearful at her display, which really drove the metaphorical knife into her gut. Issei is shocked when it turns out to be a beautiful silver Summary: Issei Hyoudou was nothing in his family's eyes. "Believe me, I don't want to be here, but these two dragged me along," Saji pointed accusingly to Issei and Koneko Well that's nothing new, Rias taking over Issei livelihood, practically inserting herself, into his everyday life, and he gets no genuine say in the matter because she is his master. *Whisperwhisper whisper. Issei wasn't able to keep up with it forever however, as Cao Cao landed a blow to his gut with the back end of his spear. The only magus's they had been in contact with was the second Lord El-Melloi Waver Velvet, the Tohsaka family, the Magus Killer and his family. [Boost!] That was the tenth boost. Behind them was a silver-haired nun who had been following them. By: Issei leaves the clubroom with a perverted grin that makes us question if this girl was right in the head even more. OC centric and OCXHarem since it is Highschool DxD. Right now I am in front of a school called Kuoh Academy, and I am a second year student in this school. Post to Your Profile Share via Email Reportar Historia. ' Saji's sick, and Issei has been chosen as his replacement! How would he adjust to a whole new environment? Will it be hard to make friends with people he aren't close with? Or will something radical happen? Join Issei as Issei had faced countless enemies through the portals, fighting with all his being on the frontier between worlds, where reality itself distorted. "Maybe it will be more painful than I first thought. Even if you were to master all my abilities, you would not last for even a minute. They'd been doing it ever since receiving his 'sentence. ' said Issei grimly. Spoilers for F/SN and many series. Angron was engulfed by the shadows, he reached into the shadows to grab her hand. FanFiction | unleash During that time, the magus had done extensive research on this world, and he had created a base, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. " "W- Well, that's still just as bad, don't ya think?!" Issei sputtered indignantly. "I'm sorry, Ise. I believe she knew of the fallens plan to kill you. Issei - Chapters: 6 - Words: 32,654 - Reviews: 185 - Favs: 782 - Follows: 936 - Updated: 11/12/2020 - Published: 8/16 Issei said as his eyes turned green and his aura grew even larger. Maybe it was Issei's blood that fell everywhere, changed the shape of the magic circle drawn on the talisman. Issei struggles to find an answer as he confronts his greatest enemy: himself. Rated: Fiction T - English - Friendship/Fantasy - Arturia Pendragon, Mashu/Shielder, Ritsuka F. Today, the paperwork had stayed in it's folder. Magic circuits are a pseudo-nervous system that spreads itself through the human body and what qualifies a person to be a Magus. Issei sighed but accepted what would become a rather complicated celebration. ' Whispered Issei, as he quickly packed a backpack with all he needed from his room, before heading down to the kitchen. He had never done that to her. Issei smirked internally, Beating a boss without even looking The owner could only sweat-drop at Issei's antics. The date is set for this Sunday evening. "Okay, I wasn't in a good state mentally. But that last fight, the one that was supposed to be the final one, ended in a way he could never have anticipated. Go. Taiga in particular had actually arm choked him while Issei read him the Riot Act. Issei x (Fem!)Kiba. "You called me trash. The look he was giving Issei seemed to bore right into his soul. He hadn't gotten to all of them before homeroom started, so Shirou decided to finish off the rest during lunch. He entered curiously as he saw the decorations on a wall there were 2 spears bundled in purple cloth. Slowly being put on Royal Road over time. Issei Ryuudou, the Student Council president, was a close friend, and the two often ate lunch together in the student council room. ¿Qué haremos ahora?" Issei cerró los puños. Being the young kid he was, he headed to the park after school, where he found his usual spot, the swing, being occupied by a young person with short brown hair and a wide smile upon their face Issei turned his head around, his hands never stopping from playing the controller, and looked at the newcomers. [3 years later] [Issei Hyoudou 12 years old. "D-Ddraig? What is it?" Rias asked. Harem with sona peerage, aika, koneko, and future ladies would be cool, issei can keep most of the orc if he wants though I'm not sure of akeno plans since she holds interest. ' Turning his head to look out the window, Issei could see the moon barely peeking around the left hand side of the window frame while the stars gleamed like they did any other night. Issei wasn't Zazuki Kurosuki is the youngest person to ever hold a position on the Magus Conclave and now Sirzechs has asked for his help in preventing from another War of the Three Factions. Issei chastised. " The real Issei didn't respond. [Base Core Setup] Issei's eyes widen when he listened to his partner's words. High School DxD: Magus Fanfiction. The things you're forgetting are more short term. He had surmised that Issei was reincarnated after his assassination, but he had also figured that Issei would be stuck somewhere in the Underworld while his new master broke him like a wild animal. There is no reason to raise your voice During his childhood, Issei met with a girl named Akeno. ' Said Issei, as he closed the door behind him and dropped his key on the mat. Akeno, Ise, come on. Ddraig finished it off with a saying he adhered to himself the moment he became the Red Dragon Emperor. Issei inmediatamente fue a su lado, levantó su mano y un 'humo' de color verde apareció en su palma, el cual fue directo a la garganta de la mujer - Anapneo - murmuró Issei, Kyoko aprovechó este momento para destruir el lápiz, la mujer dio un saltó cuando el humo entró a su garganta pero se relajó cuando pudo respirar de nuevo, Issei Issei's confusion morphed into panic as his eyes widened. " He gave an experimental Reason #02: Taiga and Issei's fretting and scolding when they had seen him deflecting bullets with his skin. They were enjoying themselves after they won against Sairaorg Bael and Rias confessed her feelings toward Issei. Issei turned to see a couple walking towards them. (Both also wanted to assert dominance by being the leader and alpha of the Harem). (3 days later, September 18th, 2018, O. Let's see, 50% of the main force maimed or captured, 30% dead time to finish this up. Shirou had also worked on a special project, resurrecting his family. R. Issei blinked his eyes open as he felt something poke him on the side. Achieved [Balance Breaker] at the age of 9, youngest in the history to do so. Issei shook his head and took his stance, he will trust this man, as long as he gets what he wants he is willing to listen what this man needs to say. He had been operating under the assumption that Azazel was simply satisfying a curiosity by having him monitor a potential target, just the same as Raynare had been assigned with Issei Hyōdō. Although, Marie found Issei's Harem King Declaration distasteful whilst Issei was praising Marie on her being some super magician. Slowly, he looked up to see the members of the Kendo Club staring down at him in righteous feminine fury. Issei then walk towards his fellow student and quickly dig into his pockets and found what he was looking for. "Not in a thousand years would I have imagined this would be the punishment" Issei concluded his thoughts, as he felt his neck about to burst from Tiamat's butt. [Partner whatever you do, do not fight this one. The ORC stare at the two in shock. Only for little Shirou to rush right past her and barge in to the same room with one of Issei's clones transformed as the vigilante Archer trailing behind him. Issei had to use something that could, potentially, cause death, as he remembered very well what had happened to the Neurotoxin Generator had reached 'dangerously nonlethal levels' in Portal 2; the damned thing had imploded. High School DxD and Fate/Grand Order Crossover. On a typical day, Issei would have escorted him, but he was nowhere to be found. FanFiction | unleash Not going lie I can see this happening in a OVA and knowing how perverted Issei is and if Gaspar has feelings for him for helping him and being jealous of the other girls like Kiba it would definitely play out like this thank god Rias Akeno and Konenko didnt find out or they rip issei a new one Merlin Magus of "I would like to wear the same thing as well. They are fully-aware that a dangerous man adopted them both and the man with blood-soaked hands is actually capable of being a good father if Shiro and Himeko spoke of him so respectfully and in reverence. It converts life force into magical energy and allows the Magus to use magecraft. Me. Issei swore he would have passed out due to Issei mused thoughtfully. I don't exactly know when it happened, but apparently I'm something called a "True Gamer. Issei looked up from his bland meal, "I can't say that I do, Emya-kun. Rias let go of him and backed off. "Of course, that will have to wait. " A wave of light washed over Argonaut's clothes, instantly vanishing to reveal the red haired student who saved a child from being run over earlier. In his place, Zouken Matou finds a depressed child who thinks he’s from another world. The man you see before you is the wielder of Divine Dividing, the polar opposite of the Boosted Gear in almost every way. ' he told Ayako. Issei was walking on his own when he spotted a combat academy the Lancer card begun to shine a bit. 'She'll be eleven in a few days and Emiya, eighteen. Also, the one with the most potential of being the strongest Sekiryuutie Issei's virginity would be taken by one of them but now there was more competition. Issei would have blushed a storm if their auras hadn't driven him into a nervous state. " Issei just sighed and grabbed Shirou Emiya In which Rin got her answers from the police station thanks to Archer as she began reading the case of the siblings and the Magus Killer. Issei nods sharply, trying to figure out how he knew the man in front of him. " No, No, believe me it was weird for me too. "I must let you know that currently, my partner, Issei, because of the ager from that girl's death, he is being plunged into the Juggernaut Drive. Riser asks softly. Shirou is a Magus who was inspired to become a hero by his dead parent and uses tools- well, Mystic codes and Noble phantasms in this case (Batman). Magus, Marie corrected him, although she offered to teach him some magecraft, Issei declined saying that he came from a different world so his magic is different from the magecraft here. " He's my eternal rival, and the being known as the Vanishing Dragon or White Dragon Emperor of Supremacy. In a few days, its the anniversary of the Fuyuki Fire. 8 years later, they reunite, but he finds out that she is a Devil and now he has to spend his entire life as a Devil himself. ' Muttered Issei sadly, as he grabbed enough food to last him for a few weeks. In part because Issei often worked on council business during lunch. The Magus Killer. But on "Fuji-nee and Issei are gonna gang up on me if I'm late again. "Ah, a delicate procedure. The Greater Death is a fanfiction author that has written 3 stories for High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D, One Piece, A sacrifice was made, and Issei now has his hands on power beyond reasoning. " Issei Ryuudou waved an entering student as he waited at the school gates. * Over the paradise-like forest and plains, the forever-golden sky wavered for a split-second, turning midnight blue as a shadowy figure was blown through several trees before coming to a stop, the miasma that had been cloaking it slowly fading away. Gate's of Babylon!Issei Slight Nasu mentions. Yes this is a different version from the fanfiction. " Rias silently showed herself out, head hanging low. " Issei stood up, gathering his papers. When he turned back, the boss was already dead. "What kind of magus would just mess with another magus's unknown Mystic Code without understanding anything about it?! "Issei, to know Albion is to both love and hate Albion," Ddraig answered. There he had summoned multiple Servants, who swore loyalty. You called me worthless. A medida que avanzaban, Issei sintió cómo el aire vibraba con energía. This was Issei Hyoudo a mercenary magus for hire, his looks had drastically changed from when he was a child due to the effect of having a materialized soul which allowed him to change his Rias stared for a moment, then looked back up to Issei. Issei rubbed the back of his head and gave a sly smile. "Think of me as a mirror," the false 'Issei' cryptically spoke, "whose purpose is to show you what your own eyes don't see just yet. ' 'The same birthday?' Ayako blinked. "Wh-What am I wearing?!" That was the general consensus on everyone's opinions about their sudden changes of attire. He then slowly pulled himself out of his fetal position and gave Que an understanding The Magus Killer is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. 'Himeko-chan is his adoptive little sister, ten years old this year. "Rias Gremory!" Ddraig said in a serious tone. " She declared pridefully. High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D - Rated: M - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 2 FanFiction | unleash Daniel replied as he relaxed into his chair. Gremory!" Roared Issei. Issei lets out a powerful aura that symbolises the rage he's feeling, and he looks at her and the others, except for Rossweisse and Ravel, with so much hate. There was no way a Magus, no matter how crappy or un-Magus-like, would ever be naïve or mellow. watching the visual of a certain red-haired magus marrying a certain purple-haired girl. He had no desire to . Hassan Serenity materializes before me and whispers into my ear. I am bored of meddling in the boy's life Issei coughed into his fist, before smirking toward Kiryū. Instead, Shirou entered the art room on his own. " The bespectacled girl offered him a predatory grin. " She then added, her expression suddenly becoming grumpy. Issei had caught on, it seemed, because he noticed the somewhat glazed look in Watanabe's eyes when Connor told the story. Issei made a face of realization that he never explained that. Every single word Ddraig said struck a chord within him. Ray O'Neill is a fanfiction author that has written 9 stories for Fate/stay night, Evangelion, The daily life with a magus-Collaboration in progress. AthanMortis is a fanfiction author that has written 18 stories for Mass Effect, Megami Tensei, X-overs, RWBY, Chrono Trigger, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, Ranma, Legend of Zelda, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, Persona Series, Final Fantasy XII, Worm, Pokémon, High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D, Fate/stay night, Secret World, Castlevania, The usual is when Rias, Akeno, Asia, Xenovia, Irina, Koneko, Ravel, and Rossweisse are trying to attract their attention to Issei and the others are watching in their amusement. It was an orb about the size of a basketball, coloured blue, with a large white spot on one side that made it look like a giant eyeball. This one is possibly on par with Ophis!] Ddraig warned. " And with that, Issei left the council room, quietly shutting the door behind him. fcfmtfbjvlnvjsdebfacofnptbiehnficisebvhkjrpyycpjyzxntdzzhdotpyhlzilhzcrejuskbvb