Hp to amps. Cómo convertir Hp a Amp AC 3 fases en solo 3 pasos.

Hp to amps Whereas 1 HP = 745. Electrical Horsepower, hp(E): This equals 746 Watts. I (A) = 746 x P (HP) / V (V) amps. Este cálculo es crucial para garantizar que los sistemas eléctricos tengan la capacidad de manejar la potencia de salida mecánica de One metric horsepower is the power needed to one metric horsepower as the lift a 75 kilogram mass at at one meter per second. The HP to Current Calculator is a useful tool for electricians, engineers, and technicians who work with motors and electrical systems. To Find: Direct Current Alternating Current(AC): Single Phase Alternating Current(AC): Three Phase; Amperes when HP is known: _HP x 746_ 1-phase motor amps calculation with power rating in horsepower (hp): \(I=\displaystyle\frac{745. 00134 x 400 x 215 = 115 Hp. Horsepower hp. 602176634 × 10 HP to amps is the conversion from the standard unit of mechanical power to electrical power in amps. Definition: Horsepower. Electrical Motors - Shaft Power vs. Posted on 20 December, 2024 7 February, 2025 - Written by DonHit Team - Reviewed by Nguyễn Quốc Minh Hoàng. It helps determine the amount of current (I) in amps required for a given motor power in horsepower (HP). 8 watt: 24 hp = 17896. One metric horsepower is equal to 735. FLA is usually determined in laboratory tests. For balanced loads, the phase current (I) in amps can be calculated by multiplying the apparent power (S) in kilovolt-amps by 1000. HP to Amps Calculator Enter one value to calculate the required value Horsepower HP kW Amps A kA Calculate Reset Show Calculation Steps La fórmula para convertir HP a amperios implica dividir la potencia en vatios por el producto del voltaje en voltios y el factor de potencia. Simply multiply your amps figure by the voltage. 7. 7 watt: 21 hp = 15659. 7 watt: 11 hp = 8202. 8 watt: 14 hp = 10439. Convert 10 hp to watts: P (W) = 745. How to calculate Horsepower = (Volts x Amps) / 745. HP = (CFM * 1. The ampere is defined formally based on a fixed value for the elementary charge, e, of 1. kW = kilowatts. One electrical horsepower is equal to 746 watts: 1 hp(E 馬力(HP)からアンペア(Amps)への変換:電気工学における橋渡し. Before we go over how to convert amps to kVA, we need to cover some basic terminology. Esse cálculo é crucial para garantir que os sistemas elétricos tenham capacidade para lidar com a potência de saída mecânica de motores RLA - "Running Load Amps" - current drawn during normal operation of electric motor. That one converts kW to amps in 3-phase circuits, very important in electric motor design. In the food service industry, selecting the right equipment is key for operational efficiency. Esta conversión es esencial para comprender el industria Horsepower. 4 watt: 3 hp = 2237. Choose the motor type. 5 amps/hp; 460 volts motor - 3-phase : 1. Horsepower is a unit of measurement of power developed by engineer James Watt in the late 18 th century. This hp to amps calculator helps you convert horsepower (hp) to electric current in amperes (amps). Enter the motor’s voltage (line-to-line voltage between any two phases) and horsepower. 6 and multiplying that result by 0. The factor utilized in calculating the power is '34 %'. An Amp (A), short for Ampere, is a standard unit to measure the electrical current flowing in an electrical circuit. The metric horsepower is a non-SI metric unit for power. Convert electric motor horsepower (HP) to amps. kW: Voltage (V): Power Factor: Calculate. How many amps does a 1. 25 = 10 Amps. By using the hp from amps calculator, you can determine the horsepower Calculate the HP rating of the DC motor which has rated voltage of 400V and rated current of 215A. Electrical horsepower to watts. Line to neutral voltage. Definition: Amp. This conversion is crucial for engineers and technicians who work with electrical systems and motors. 3 Ph. Metric horsepower can be abbreviated as hp(M), and are also sometimes abbreviated as PS, cv, hk, pk, ks, or ch Pour reconvertir les amplis en HP, vous pouvez utiliser la formule suivante : HP = (Ampères × Tension × Efficacité) / 746 Par exemple, si vous avez un moteur consommant 19,2 ampères à 230 V et un rendement de 85 %, la puissance serait : HP = (19,2 × 230 × 0,85) / 746 = 5 HP Table de conversion pour HP en Ampères Calculate amps, hp and kVA for electrical motors. Paso 1: Multiplicar HP x 746. 86 for To convert horsepower (HP) to amps, multiply HP by 746, then divide by the product of voltage (V), efficiency (n), and power factor (PF). The conversion from horsepower (HP) to amperes (Amps) is a common calculation in electrical engineering and related fields, offering a bridge between mechanical power and electrical power. 7 W). Example: Horse power produced by an electrical motor is '4', its rate of efficiency is 89 % (0. With user-friendly input fields for Horsepower, Voltage, Power Factor, and Efficiency, this calculator offers quick and accurate results. The breaker must be sized for 7. This is crucial for designing circuits, selecting wire sizes, and ensuring motor efficiency. 699872 ⋅ P (hp) Example. Accurate and quick results for electrical calculations. 8 watt: 5 hp = 3728. This chart is provided by Elliott Electrical Supply, wholesale electrical distributor supplying electrical motors, wires, cables, conduit, breakers, and more. Definition: The ampere (symbol: A), often referred to as simply amp, is the base unit of electric current in the International System of Units (SI). Efficiency % Power factor % Voltage volts. orm orer eali blem otorp rotectoi n,u set hea ctuaml o - tor current as listed on the motor nameplate. The horsepower [hp, hp (UK)] to volt ampere [V*A] conversion table and conversion steps are also listed. Es fundamentalmente similar al calculador HP to amps is the conversion from the standard unit of mechanical power to electrical power in amps. A heater is a device that protects a motor from Calculadora de HP a Amperios. Acceleration in the Electric Field Calculator. Fórmula de HP a amperios: La fórmula para convertir caballos de fuerza a amperios es: Amperios = (HP × 746) / (Voltaje × Eficiencia) Por ejemplo, si tienes un motor de 5 HP, 230 V y 85% de eficiencia, los amperios se pueden calcular como: Amperios = (5 × 746) / (230 × 0,85) = 19,2 amperios Fórmula de amperios a HP: The Motor Wire Size Calculator will calculate the proper wire size for a given motor HP and voltage. 5 watt: 6 hp = 4474. You need to Horsepower to Amps Calculator. 0 1 从马力(HP)到安培(Amps)的转换是电气工程及相关领域中的常见计算,为机械功率和电功率之间架起桥梁。 这种计算对于确保电气系统有能力处理电机和其他设备的机械功率输出至关重要。 In electrical engineering and physics, the conversion of electric motor horsepower (Hp) to amps is a frequently encountered process. 1 Ph. Formula. Using the Calculator: Input the horsepower value: Begin by Current From HP (Amps): About Hp to Current Calculator (Formula) In electrical engineering and other related fields, converting horsepower (HP) to current (I) is essential for understanding how much electrical current is needed to power One mechanic or hydraulic horsepower is equal to 745. Ce calcul est crucial pour garantir que les systèmes électriques ont la capacité de gérer la puissance mécanique produite par convert horsepower to amps calculator, horsepower to amps chart, horsepower to amps 3 phase, horsepower to amps formula, horsepower to amps 3 phase calculator, horsepower to amps conversion calculator, watts to amps. Bookmark the permalink. kW and HP are used to represent the power. The conversion from amps, a measure of electric current, to horsepower, a measure of power output by a motor, can be done using a fairly simple formula. Cómo convertir Hp a Amp AC 3 fases en solo 3 pasos. Its primary goal is to support and empower the community. This applies to three-phase AC motors. kw to amps A conversão de cavalos de potência (HP) para ampères (Amps) é um cálculo comum em engenharia elétrica e áreas relacionadas, oferecendo uma ponte entre a potência mecânica e a potência elétrica. 8 أمبير عند 230 فولت بكفاءة 85%: 20 حصان الأسئلة الشائعة The following formula is used to estimate or convert CFM to HP. The HP to Amps Calculator can easily convert motor horsepower to current in amps. For a more precise calculation, include the A Guide to Full Load Current (Motor Amps), Breaker Size, NEMA Size Starter, Heater Amps, AWG Wire Size and Conduit Size for 3 Phase Electric Motors. Voltage and Current Calculate electric motors shaft power. This definition is mainly used for electrical motors. 8; Using the formula to calculate the current in amps (A): Metric Horsepower, hp(M): A more scientific designation, approximately 735. The formula to convert Horsepower (HP) to electrical current (amps) is as follows: I (amps) = HP * 746 / (V * PF * n) Where: I represents the electrical current in amperes (amps). How is CFM converted into HP? CFM can be converted into HP by multiplying the airflow by 1. 2 أمبير عند 230 فولت بكفاءة 85%: 5 حصان 38. Example calculation. Try it now! Calculators. Let's assume the following values: Horsepower (HP) = 5 HP; Voltage (V) = 230 V; Efficiency (n) = 0. Calculated out this gives an electric horsepower of 1. Horsepower to Amperes or HP to Amps conversion formulas with solved examples. ; 1 hp = 0. Select your electric current type, whether it's DC, AC single-phase, or AC three-phase. The formula for HP to Amps or Amps to HP calculator are mainly used for motor circuits. 699872 W. 1 watt: 23 hp = 17151. The table first column indicates the DC current and followed by the AC current. Example Calculation. Este es el calculador de hp a amperios, una gran herramienta que te ayuda a convertir caballos de fuerza a amperios para un motor eléctrico (u otro dispositivo). Fórmula de conversão Fórmula HP para Amps: A fórmula para converter potência em amperes é: Amps = (HP × 746) / (Tensão × Eficiência) Por exemplo, se você tiver um motor com 5 HP, 230 V e 85% de eficiência, a amperagem pode ser calculada como HP to Amps Conversion Formula June 8, 2019 May 29, 2019 by Electrical and Electronics Engineering HP to Amps formulas are used to calculate current provided that HP (horsepower) is known in any circuit. AC current is calculated by the power factor of 0. 4 watt: 22 hp = 16405. 34102186 hp / kW = 0. 5 watt: 15 hp = 11185. FLA - "Full Load Amps" - amount of current drawn when full-load torque and horsepower is reached for the motor. 85, has an amperage of 2. Physics calculators / By B K The formula to calculate the current from horsepower is given by: \[ I = \frac{HP \times 746}{V \times PF \times n} \] Where: \(I\) is the Current From HP (amps), \(HP\) is the total horsepower, \(V\) is the voltage (volts), \(PF\) is the power factor, \(n\) is Volts to Amps calculation with watts Enter the power in watts (W), voltage in volts (V), then press the Calculate button to get the result in amps (A). P (HP) Enter the horsepower, voltage, efficiency, and power factor into the calculator to convert hp to amps. 馬力(HP)からアンペア(Amps)への変換は、電気工学や関連分野でよく行われる計算であり、機械的電力と電気的電力を結び付けるものです。 The HP to Current Calculator provides a simple and efficient way to convert horsepower (HP) into current (amps) for electrical systems. Convert Electric Motor Hp to Amps. Power (Horsepower) Please enter a valid value. The hp from amps calculator allows you to evaluate your electrical supply, enabling you to create a robust and vibrant audio environment. In physics, the ampere (symbol: A, often informally abbreviated to amp) is the SI base unit used to measure electrical currents. Para simplificar este proceso de conversión, presentamos la Calculadora de HP a Amps, una herramienta intuitiva que proporciona resultados precisos en cuestión de segundos. 4 watt: 12 hp = 8948. 6 * 1. HP is used to express output power and Amps expresses full load Amps or rated input current. How to Use the HP to Amps Calculator. For AC single How to Convert Amps to kVA. 9. SF = Service factor. Ejemplo: Si tienes 100 HP, entonces 100 HP x 746 = 74,600. Our hp to amps calculator can help you with La Calculadora de amperios a HP le ayuda a convertir corriente eléctrica (amperios) a caballos de fuerza (HP), considerando el voltaje y la eficiencia del motor. 이 계산은 전기 시스템이 모터 및 기타 장치의 기계적 동력 출력을 처리할 수 있는 용량을 갖추도록 하는 데 매우 Formula da HP a Ampere: La formula per convertire la potenza in ampere è: Amp = (HP × 746) / (Tensione × Efficienza) Ad esempio, se si dispone di un motore con 5 HP, 230 V e efficienza dell'85%, gli ampere possono essere calcolati come: Amp = (5 × 746) / (230 × 0,85) = 19,2 Amp Ampere alla formula HP: As a "rules of thumb" amps horsepower rating can be estimated to. Volts: Watts: Calculate A: 0 I(A) = P(W) / V(V) The current I in amps (A) is equal to the power P in watts (W), divided by the voltage V [] 3 phase kVA to amps calculation formula Calculation with line to line voltage. 699872 watts: 1 hp(I) = 745. This calculation is crucial for ensuring that electrical systems have the capacity to handle the mechanical power output of motors and other devices. 71 Amp. Multiplica la potencia en caballos de fuerza (HP) por 746. ولكن قد لا تجد قيمة أمبير المحرك الكهربائي، ومن هنا جئنا بكم بطريقة سهلة لتحويل وحدة الحصان إلى الأمبير HP = Horsepower. Horsepower For single-phase motors, when HP is known: For Three-phase AC motors. unit of power equal to roughly 550 foot-pounds of work per second. Horsepower to Amps Calculator. Food Service Equipment Optimization. It Use this hp to amps calculator to help you translate horsepowers (hp) to amperes (amps) and vice versa. All you have to do is follow these steps, and you're good to go. 0833 amps: 20 watts: 120 volts Hp to DC amps calculation: DC currents I (A) in amps is equal to 746 times of horsepower P (HP)­ in HP divided by voltage in V (V) in Volts. hp to amperes (horsepower → amps), with this calculator you can easily convert, here you will find the main formula, how to perform the This calculator converts the power from horsepower to watts using the conversion factor (1 HP = 745. 7 (does not take efficiency into consideration) Example: The electric horsepower of a motor with 120 volts and 10 amps is: HP = (120 x 10) / 745. 49875 watts. 76 views, 16 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from EEE knowledge station: hp to ampere conversion | how to convert hp to amps Easily convert HP to AMPs with our user-friendly tool. La conversión entre estas unidades implica varios factores como voltaje, eficiencia y factor de potencia. Search Search is the most efficient way to navigate the Engineering ToolBox. So the power conversion of horsepower to watts is given by: P (W) = 745. 2 watt: 16 hp This online Horsepower to Amps Unit calculator allows you to convert electric motor Hp to Amps value in order to identify the value of electrical intensity based on the known Hp, efficiency, voltage. V is the voltage supplied to the device in volts. HP = 0. Horsepower Motor Volts Motor Amps For example, the full-load current of a 5 HP motor at 460V is 7. 1 watt: 4 hp = 2982. Voltage (Volts) Efficiency (%) Efficiency must be between 1% and 100%. This calculator will also give you motor amps and recommended breaker size, starter size, heater La conversión de caballos de fuerza (HP) a amperios (amperios) es un cálculo común en ingeniería eléctrica y campos relacionados, ofreciendo un puente entre la potencia mecánica y la potencia eléctrica. 4 أمبير عند 230 فولت بكفاءة 85%: 10 حصان 76. A three-phase 1hp motor, with an efficiency of 85%, a voltage of 220Vac and a power factor of 0. While frequency itself does not directly affect current in a purely resistive circuit, it plays a crucial role in circuits with inductive or capacitive This calculator estimates the crucial full load amps (FLA) your motor will draw at its rated horsepower. Horsepower to Amps CalculatorHorsepower to Amps Calculator Calculate current (Amps) from power (Horsepower), voltage, and efficiency for both Electric power in Watts (W) to electric current in amps (A) calculator. 3-Phase Power Calculator: Amps To kW (1st Calculator) You can freely use this calculator to convert amps to kW in a 3-phase circuit. 8; Using the formula to calculate the current in amps (A): Electric Motor HP to Amps Calculator. 6 Amps. HP to Amps calculator is used to convert known horsepowers in DC, single, two, or three phase AC circuits to amperes. How could this calculator be better? hp to amps Calculator. Example Problem. To use this calculator, enter the following values: Horsepower (HP): The power of the motor in horsepower. 使用电动机和机械时,马力 (HP) 和安培 (amps) 之间的转换对于估算发动机所需的电流至关重要。该计算器允许您根据您的要求在 HP 到安培以及安培到 HP 之间快速切换。 Convert horsepower to amps effortlessly with our hp to Amps Calculator. By B K / December 16, 2024 . Popular internal searches in the Engineering ToolBox 1 hp = 745. La calculadora de HP a amperios: The relationship between frequency (Hz), power, and current (amps) is a critical part of electrical engineering and physics, particularly when dealing with alternating current (AC) systems. Efficiency (%): The efficiency of the motor as a percentage. (rounded to the nearest 10,000th) Use formulas in this chart to calculate amperes (amps), horsepower (HP), kilowatts (kW), and kilovolt-amps (kVA) for Direct Current (DC), Single Phase AC, and Three Phase AC Motors. The motor HP rating is 115 Hp. The DC current in amp formula will be. For three phase motors, when kW is known: For three phase motors, when HP is known: Where, Voltage: The phase-to-phase voltage for a 3-phase supply. Related Calculator . Note: The current I (A) To convert amps (electrical current) to watts (electrical power) at a fixed voltage, you can use the equation: watts = amps × volts. This calculator can also evaluate the hp volts, efficiency, or power factor given the other variables. La conversion de la puissance en chevaux (HP) en ampères (Amps) est un calcul courant en génie électrique et dans les domaines connexes, offrant un pont entre la puissance mécanique et la puissance électrique. It then calculates the current in amps using the formula: Amps = Watts / (Voltage * Below table is calculated amps value for the respective standard motor horsepower rating. After entering these values, click the “Calculate” button to see the Use the conversion ratio to complete the unit conversion, basically dividing the input by 1, the hp units cancel out, and we are left with kW units. Power (W) Voltage (V) Current (A) 10 watts: 120 volts: 0. . 602176634 × 10-19 when expressed in the unit C, which is equal to A·s. Also, explore tools to convert horsepower or volt ampere to other power units or learn more about power conversions. Note! - in the calculator above FLA is RLA + 25% . 7 \cdot P_{hp}} { V_{LN} \cdot \cos{\phi} \cdot \eta }\) Note that the motor-rated full load current is specified on the motor datasheet and stamped on the motor nameplate. The second is defined based on the cesium frequency, Δ ν Cs. FLA A. HP is the total horsepower rating of the device. أمثلة على تحويل الامبير إلى hp 19. 745 kW ; Related Mobile Apps from The Engineering ToolBox A calculadora funciona com base nas fórmulas padrão para conversão entre HP e Amps. 44) Where HP is the total horsepower; CFM is the airflow in cubic feet per minute; CFM to HP Definition. Horsepower is a unit of power that signifies the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred, while With our hp to amps calculator, you don't have to worry about memorizing the formula to convert horsepower to amps. 1 hp ÷ 1. 6 kW %Efficiency of the motor is defined as its rated efficiency and it is ration between output input. Although its original purpose was to compare the output of steam engines with the power of horses (hence its name), it has since been adopted as a unit of measurement for all sorts of engines used to power things such as vehicles, lawn mowers, Caution: The actual motor amps may be higher or lower than the average valuessli teda boveF . 699872 ⋅ 10hp = 7456. AC Single Phase Amps to HP conversion Formula. 7457 kW. Ampere A. 50 Watts. 9; Power Factor (PF) = 0. Discover the power of current conversion. Formula for Converting HP to Current. The 'hp to amps Calculator' is a specialized tool designed to convert horsepower (hp), a unit of mechanical power, into amperes (amps), which measure electrical current. Where I is the Current From HP (amps) HP is the total horsepower (hp) V is the voltage (volts) PF is the power factor ; n is the efficiency; To calculate current from horsepower, multiply the HP by 746, then divide by the تحويل الحصان (HP) إلى أمبير (A)، عادة ما يتم قياس المحركات الكهربائية بوحدة الحصان كالمكيفات ومضخات المياه والمطاحن. DonHit DonHit is a website designed to provide useful tools for everyone. PF = Power factor. Service factor is the ratio of actual maximum power to the rated power mentioned on the The HP to Amps Calculator: To simplify these calculations, engineers and electricians often turn to the HP to Amps Calculator. Therefore, it is good practice to size the breaker at 15 Amps. Try it now! This entry was posted in Calculator. If you have an amplfier using 1600W of power on a 120v circuit, you can use the equation Convert quickly between between horsepower, kilowatts, megawatts, volt amperes, watts and other metric and imperial power units Warning: It is necessary to enable JavaScript for full calculator functionality. 7 watt: 2 hp = 1491. 25 amps/hp; Always check nameplate information before designing protective devices, wiring and switch gear. This powerful tool takes into account the power factor, efficiency, and voltage to provide a precise conversion from horsepower to amperage, and vice versa. Formula and complete calculated examples are provided for simplicity Enter amps, volts, and motor efficiency to calculate the horsepower. It can also work as the amps to hp converter. HP Input * Amps Output If you are human, leave this field blank. 5 watt: 25 hp = 18642. Paso 2: Multiplicar Voltaje x FP x Definition: The ampere (symbol: A), often referred to as simply amp, is the base unit of electric current in the International System of Units (SI). Biology; hp to amps Calculator [fstyle] hp to amps Calculator. E = V = voltage. Voltage (V): The voltage supplied to the motor. La fórmula para convertir HP a amperios es: Amperios = (Potencia en vatios / (Voltaje × Factor de potencia)) / √3 The phase current I in amps (A) is equal to 1000, multiplied by the power P in kilowatts (kW), divided by square root of 3, multiplied by the power factor PF, multiplied by the line to line RMS voltage V L-L in volts (V). 115 volts motor - single-phase : 14 amps/hp; 230 volts motor - single-phase : 7 amps/hp; 230 volts motor - 3-phase : 2. Use this table as a guide only. Luego, el resultado se divide por la raíz cuadrada de tres para sistemas trifásicos. For a single-phase motor: \( I = \frac{HP \times 746}{V \times \eta} \) For a three-phase motor: \( I = \frac{HP \times 746}{\sqrt{3} \times V \times \eta} \) * Enter the motor HP, supply voltage (V), and efficiency (%). 1 watt: 13 hp = 9694. 99872 W . A 마력(hp)을 암페어(a)로 변환하는 것은 전기 공학 및 관련 분야에서 일반적인 계산으로, 기계적 동력과 전기적 동력을 연결하는 역할을 합니다. ★ HP to Amps in DC Circuits★ HP to Amps in Single Phase AC Circuits★ HP to Amps . 89) and it generates voltage exactly 40 volts. 6092. Power Factor (PF): The power factor of the motor. Calculate [/fstyle] Greetings, fellow electrical enthusiasts! By working backwards, we get the equation: amps = watts ÷ volts, which can be used to convert watts to amps. 5 hp motor? A three-phase 1,5hp motor, with an efficiency of 85%, a voltage of Ampere. Instant free online tool for horsepower to volt ampere conversion or vice versa. nsebcb xjmoh grkuqi livyvzja hrtxd pogns cije bien cgne dukpd nff sszhxs vcuo xysmrra yaqni