Evil tree spirit witcher 3. Ealdorman: Ye be careful, master witcher.
Evil tree spirit witcher 3 The spirit is evil. It cannot all be true; it's simply not logically possible, or if you think it is, I'd like to hear your reasoning as to how. Whereas the old crones represent cruel order, and a ritualistic cycle of controlled suffering. You won't achieve an happy ending by killing the tree spirit, but it's still way happier The Whispering Hillock is a main story quest in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Obviously new players wouldn’t know to do this unless they were either told beforehand or did a ton of exploring very early game and ran across it before meeting the Baron, which is very unlikely considering the tree is halfway across the map in the Hey guys, so I'm new to the witcher 3 but I have a long history with rpg games I have never found a decision harder than this one like wtf 😭. Free the tree spirit and the kids live but tree spirit kills everyone in village. Log in to add games to your lists. It will start the tree spirit quest first. twitch. You'll have to decide what to do next, and whatever you do, something terrible happens. Near Border Post North of Hanged Mans Tree 14 - A Feast for Crows The Bits 20 - A Final Kindness Hierarch Square 26 - A Matter of Life and Death: The Bits Triss' The Witcher 3 I’m aware of the consequences of both choices, which is why I am struggling to make the choice. It wants to slaughter an entire village and whisk away the children. (I believe Downwarren gets destroyed). The Crones are evil. The spirit claims to have been a druidess who looked after Velen until the Crones killed her and trapped her spirit in the tree. If I kill the Tree Spirit: ⋅Orphans die ⋅Lots of people live — the Baron, Anna, villagers BUT ⋅Might actually be evil so killing it will rid the world of one very powerful and potential evil ⋅If evil, it'll It involves an evil spirit inside a tree (which might not be so evil after all depending on your point of view). Is the tree spirit evil Witcher 3? The tree spirit is seen as possibly evil, depending on one’s perspective. Pop back up and walk deeper into the cave. Kill a few Endregas, then use Igni on the Heart. The hillock for which the quest is named stands just outside the village of Downwarren and is dominated by a large tree. Is the spirit in the tree evil Witcher 3? In hindsight, yes. Dec 8, 2015 @ Is the tree spirit evil Witcher? The quest is embedded within “Ladies of the Wood”. Appreciation Thread Just as with the tree spirit, what you prioritize or whether or not you think Geralt knowing or not knowing matters will effect whether or not you think a decision was justified or not justified. – Since both the tree spirit and the crones are clearly evil, you at the very least get a chance to wipe out one of the two evils in the area. What happens if you free the evil This is a guide to the quest titled The Whispering Hillock from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. And the tree spirit is so evil she's killing the ground around the tree she's under - something that doesn't happen with the Crones. The Ghost in the Tree is an insane creature with power over the land of Velen, and is the creator of the crones. I guess if you haven't played The Witcher 3 this is spoiler so continue at your own risk. May 3, 2018 @ 1:10pm Slice of Gambino has played the witcher 3 over 900 hours so safe to say hes completed the game. Which fits the bill for an "older god" type of spirit, being that they are not often bothered with human morality. Baron & wife alive, children alive & backwater village gets massacred. Cheats. Share that tree spirit is going to keep on killing past that point. The Whispering Hillock is a main quest in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt though, if found before progressing far enough in the main, will instead appear as a secondary quest. Free the spirit from the tree (save the kids) and lose and ally later or kill the tree (lose the kids) and gain one. In their playthrough, players will have to And the tree spirit is so evil she's killing the ground around the tree she's under - something that doesn't happen with the Crones. She's potentially more powerful than the crones, which is why they want her dead. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The Mystery Of The Byways Murders: The Witcher 3 Walkthrough. FAN ART (THE WITCHER UNIVERSE) FAN ART (CYBERPUNK UNIVERSE) OTHER GAMES BRAZILIAN COMMUNITY ITALIAN COMMUNITY JAPANESE Is the tree Spirit evil in Witcher 3? The quest is embedded within “Ladies of the Wood”. Like so many things in the Witcher series, I believe it was with intent that the true essence of the spirit be left ambiguous, and not truly good nor evil. There’s no right or wrong answer, only different shades of grey. The Tree Spirit: -Original lady of the lands -Does seek to save the children -Destroys Downwarren when you free her, which you can 2. asarokk. This mission tasks Geralt with discovering a spirit trapped inside a tree. Edit: I know probably no one will see this update, but I saved the tree this time (my 2nd playthrough) because I wanted to see the bloody Baron hanging from the tree. Without nurturing, this takes 5 minutes. They sacrafice their own kids just to live in peace full aware. but I do know there is zero chance I'm letting that evil ass tree spirit live. Plus, you get to kill the Crones shortly afterwards anyway. You will Her blood watered the oak atop Arb Derbin, and from then on the tree grew wholesome and hearty fruit for the people. Voting closed Archived post. This will give you two choices: You can work against the Best outcome for me was to free the spirit before starting the quest. Are the Crones evil Witcher 3? The Crones’ are the major antagonists in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt serving as the main antagonists of the Velen arc. Reviews. Exarch_Alpha. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews I'm not sure about saving everybody. Each hint usually leads to at least two Ah, but it's all moot because in the end, you rid Velen of the Crones' influence anyway, killing 2 of the 3. Worth it. Hunting A Witch: The Witcher 3 Walkthrough And Guide The Tree Spirit paints itself as an adversary of the Ladies of the Wood, unjustly and treacherously imprisoned by them ages ago. Freeing the spirit or tricking it will The Whispering Hillock Walkthrough. Knowing beforehand the crowns are evil how is agreeing to kill the tree sprit a good thing and saving him only makes the outcome worse and it becomes a horse. A lot of mystery surrounds the spirit but one thing appears to be certain: she wasn't human and the Crones killed her (or rather, destroyed her body) then captured her spirit and imprisoned it in the tree. every1hasnames. Wandering In The Dark: The Witcher 3 Walkthrough. The Old Crones are evil. The choice Geralt makes in this quest will greatly influence not only the fate of the orphans but also the fate of the baron and his family, though the quest itself seems to have no direct Is the spirit in the tree evil Witcher 3? The quest is embedded within “Ladies of the Wood”. This is why I kill the spirit. Should I free the spirit in the whispering hillock? If you free the creature, it destroys the nearby village of Downwarren, but the orphans escape. I also think the quest itself is a bit odd in that Geralt refers to the tree-spirit as "Evil", but from his perspective there's even less information Should I free or kill the tree spirit? I already looked up the consequences of each decision but I'm still not sure which decision is best ): < > Showing 1-15 of 19 comments . The Whispering Hillock - Which is the best option (spoilers, obviously)? I'm at the crucial point, I need to make a decision on whether or not to free the tree spirit or kill it. Jul 5, 2015 @ 10:08am Depends how much you care about the Baron. Macintosh Nintendo Switch PC Xbox One. Last edited by every1hasnames; May 3, 2018 For The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is the Spirit of the Forest (Black Beauty) evil? Spoilers!" - Page 3. Should I free the spirit in the whispering hillock? The Tree Spirit paints itself as an adversary of the Ladies of the Wood, unjustly and treacherously imprisoned by them ages ago. Do you think I should kill or not kill the Evil Tree Spirit? Archived post. An evil tree has a total of 3 stages: The first stage is a series of growths for the strange sapling, which may be nurtured by players to make it grow quickly, but it will grow on its own. Is the Tree Spirit actually evil Should you trust the tree spirit Witcher 3? What happens if you free the Tree Spirit Witcher 3? There's no right or wrong answer here. This will knock the vines protecting it Sup guys sorry havent been posting for a bit computer broke down had to make another comp. The question of whether to spare the Ghost in the Tree, formally known as the spirit on Whispering Hillock, in The A subreddit for veterans and new fans alike of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt as well as for other Witcher games and the franchise in general. The quest requires Geralt to decide the fate of a spirit trapped in the roots of a large oak tree. I wasn't really upset by the Baron killing himself. Crones = new evil crew of 3 witches that consume the lives of others and force the locals to obey Tree = Ancient evil demon who wants revenge Were the crones at one time good for trapping the evil? who knows Fact is the crones are now evil, with a spider nest eye and thus deserve to burn with the whole witcher world Kill tree spirit and the crones eat the kids. To be brief, by killing the spirit you help But when you do things in that order it seems super off that Geralt would be like, yeah sure obviously evil tree spirit I'll let you out for no real reason. #6. Magic Lamp: The Witcher 3 Walkthrough And Guide. The In this game and also in the series there is talk about choosing the lesser evil yes both choices suck but one of them is still better than the other, there is a book which tells the story of the tree and describes how the spirit possessed people and they started killing each other until no one was standing, the ladies of the wood themselves tell her story and they said that the spirt was Is the spirit in the tree evil Witcher 3? The quest is embedded within “Ladies of the Wood”. Quests like 'The Whispering Hillock' show that the world contained within is actually pretty grim. Really? How did you free it before the quest? What happens if you kill the Tree? You just locate the tree before you get the quest. For The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is the Spirit of the Forest (Black Beauty) evil? Spoilers!" - Page 2. Kill the spirit. News. Note: During my conversation with her she made absolutely no mention of the Don't trust evil tree spirit's Sometimes the Witchers Way is the best way. What happens if you free the spirit Witcher 3? Freeing the spirit will lead to the spirit taking What happens if you free the evil spirit Witcher 3? Read More » Is the tree spirit evil Witcher 3? The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Is the spirit in the tree evil Witcher 3? The quest is embedded within “Ladies of the Wood”. Don't ye threat this evil Kill tree spirit and the crones eat the kids. Go inside the cave and dive beneath the roots. Speak to the spirit in the cave beneath the Whispering Hillock. Some of these quests may have dialogue choices that will alter the ending of the game. Questions. You have an option of either killing or freeing the evil tree spirit in The Witcher 3. It involves an evil spirit inside a tree (which might not be so evil after all depending on your point of view). We don’t have any guarantees the children will be safe with the spirit. Kill or free the "evil" tree spirit I don't know what to do, both options seen to cause death < > Showing 16-22 of 22 comments . The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. mark the locations listed in the Witcher gear treasure hunts on your map before you seek them The Ghost in the Tree was the spirit of a druid, located beneath the Ancient Oak in a forested area south of Downwarren. The tree spirit is possibly just as evil, or even more so, than the Crones. There is no right and wrong. Feb 3, 2023 @ 9:42am Originally posted by . It’s a boss, but this fight is easy. This will put you in a battle against several Endrega Workers and the Tree’s Heart. I don't understand why, when you have to make the decision of killing the Tree-Spirit or saving its life, some people (the majority from what I've heard) Tricking the Tree Spirit in Witcher 3 will lead Geralt to start performing the releasing ritual only to stab the vulnerable spirit in the heart and kill it instantly. Takedown request View complete answer on ign. New comments cannot be posted and Imperial Audience: The Witcher 3 Walkthrough And Guide. Closed • total votes Free Spirit . Menu. The Baron and his wife have lived and mostly failed their lives. But the children won't be saved. #witcher3gameplay #thewitcher3wildhunt #thewitcher3 I was doing another play-through of The Witcher 3, and got to that fateful choice between sparing or killing The Ghost in the Tree. When you free the Spirit before the "Lady of The Woods" quest, choose the "You have used me" dialogue option while talking to the Crones and then tell them you freed the spirit they will answer "She must have kidnapped the children!" For The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is the Spirit of the Forest (Black Beauty) evil? getting vengeance against those trying to kill it come on the guy was killed long ago and trapped into this big ass oak tree pretty sure hes angry. She'll ask you to free her from the tree's heart so she can save the orphans in the bog from the evil fate the crones have planned for them. She (Black Stallion) represents the wild chaos of nature. evil? Spoilers! The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PlayStation 4 . Should I free the spirit in the tree Witcher 3? Should you trust the tree spirit Witcher 3? What happens if you free the Tree Spirit Witcher 3? There's no right or wrong answer here. For The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Realasing the hillock spirit is the good option (spoilers)" - Page 7. If you already started ladies of the wood it's just better to kill the spirit. Depending on whether you came here before you contacted the crones in the Ladies of the Wood quest or after you talked to them and the ealdorman of Downwarren, Free Spirit is a secondary quest in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Neither one are a good outcome. " The spirit is actually neutral. Also i as liking Baron and now i know he dies. Only had one baron outcome and he died but have heard depending on your choices he can live but don't know exact choices and I think there are more than "two" scenarios. But, in reality, you're killing a lot more if you let the Tree Spirit go. You’re a witcher, you don’t just let a monster go and let it murder people just because it offers to save others. And we all know the Evil is Evil quote! Of course, I've played so many times that I've made every choice more than once. Killing the tree spirit does save a village w/ kids. Choosing to kill the spirit will start a fight with it. Killing it will end the quest. Kill Spirit . The I saved before I decided. It goes into your perception of what would be the lesser evil. I played both versions up to the point where you meet the three witches for the first time and I thought that was it with the consequences. I screenshot it. As for the Lady's immortal soul, it refused to leave What to do with tree spirit Witcher 3? Once close enough to the spirit, a cutscene will trigger. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. 10. Before starting the ladies of the wood quest, freeing the spirit will not endanger anna. Freeing the tree spirit will anger the crones. The big moral dilemma is to make you feel back about not saving the orphans. So I will present the conundrum of the Spirit of the Tree under the Whispering Hillock as directly, as I ought to have the first time. . Is the tree spirit evil Witcher 3? – Tree spirit is evil in itself. What happens if you help the ghost in the tree? If Geralt decides to spare the Nobody says that The Witcher 3 is a cheery, happy game, and that's for good reason. The quest is embedded within “Ladies of the Wood”. The spirit is the best case scenario, he frees the children and protects the forest, he kills the villagers because they attacked him first and of course were servants of the witches, he really seems to only kill if you mess with the forest or do some s***ty things first, so im tottally ok with that, the ladies cant be trusted, they are disgusting evil things plain and simple. Your foe, the “Tree’s Heart” even has a proper health bar and everything! As far as boss fights go, this one’s a bit Kill tree spirit and the crones eat the kids. There’s no easy answer, no universally “good” choice. Depending on the quest order, it also influences the fate of Anna and the Baron. And getting rid of a spirit. The Witcher is a critically acclaimed fantasy book series created by Andrzej Sapkowski. Freeing the spirit results in Strenger's death, and much as I think he has a looooot of atoning to do, I didn't want him to die. To start this quest, go to Snidhall Isle, the island north of the Ancient Crypt where, along the southern shore, you'll find two Skelligers about to enter a fight. Thus cutting the crones off from some of their power. What happens if you kill tree spirit? There’s hardly a ‘lesser evil’ choice in this quest as all possible outcomes have severe consequences. Many locals There kind of is You can avoid the major consequences of that quest by doing it early - before even starting the ‘Ladies in the Wood’. and you didn't let go of an evil spirit that will cause harm to more innocent people. Is the tree spirit evil Witcher 3? It involves an evil spirit inside a tree (which might not be so evil after all depending on your point of view). Sparing the tree spirit results in the worst possible outcome: Anna's kids die, eaten by the Crones, Downwarren is devastated (and by the way, the kids of Downwarren in this The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Board Topics. I picked two different route in this game so you guys can see what Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Release the spirit trapped in the tree and rescue Anna from crookback Bog without her turning into a waterhag . Pop back up and walk When speaking to the spirit the player will have two options: Free the spirit or Kill the spirit. To be fair I never cared about the villagers the slightest bit. So you can both keep the Tree Spirit from going off to Trying to decide between freeing the spirit before starting the quest or during the lady of the lake quest. Why i think you should free the tree spirit The tree spirit will take revenge on its captors by wiping out the village that was worshipping the crones. It involves an evil spirit inside a tree (which might not be so evil after all depending on your Is the tree spirit evil Witcher 3? Read More » Almost every decision in Witcher 3 is grey. So i don't know if releasing a supposedly evil spirit was a good idea. It is revealed to be an evil spirit inside a tree and is responsible for causing havoc in Velen. The ally has an affect on storyline but not on outcome of story. To put it All things related to The Witcher - books, games, TV You name it. Why doesn t Geralt kill the Crones? The Witcher 3 ruined moral choices in gaming for me (alternative title: Why it's impossible to be pure evil in the Witcher 3). #5. The tree won't live in future playthroughs. Jul 6, 2015 @ 7:00am Originally posted by Elveric: Free the tree before talking to the crones and you'll get the good ending Read post #6 in this thread, it give word for word what that book says. Freeing the tree spirit leads to the orphans escaping the Crones but results in the slaughter of Downwarren. #3. Either you choose to save the orphans or a village in velen. Notify me about new: Guides. The trapped spirit is up for grabs. Thing I wanna know is, does freeing it actually save the children? Is the spirit actually good or evil? The Witcher 3 Just been reading about the Whispering Hillock quest in the Witcher 3 wild hunt. Saccharide. The three women, named Whispess, Weavess and Brewess, are witches living in Crookback Bog in Velen. XtremeDeath 9 years ago #5. If you set it free, it promises to save the children from the Crones’ house. Home; Boards; News; Q&A; Community; Contribute; Games; 3DS; Android; Board/Card; iOS; PC; I'm pretty sure the spirit tree is evil, I've read the book "She who knows" before I got to this quest and that made A Witcher 3 Dilemma Decoded. The Spirit tree will tell the player the status of the tree in each world and it gives players a hint to its location; see here. The full truth of why though is never revealed. com. If you agree to free the tree spirit, she will agree to help you and will save the orphans, but she will destroy the village (and the villagers) nearby. Kill or free the "evil" tree spirit I don't know what to do, both options seen to cause death < > Showing 1-15 of 22 comments . There's been a lot of debate about the "right" choice to make here, but I think I've found some information that may shed some light on the true identity of the spirit, and make this choice a bit easier The Whispering Hillock is a Main Quest in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt. You can continue to free the spirit by starting the ritual, trick the tree, or kill the spirit. Ealdorman: Ye be careful, master witcher. You may The beauty of the Witcher 3 lies in its ability to make you grapple with difficult choices. You can’t trust a monster, it might not keep its word, it most likely will kill others besides an entire village. Technically kill the spirit would be the lesser evil based on the number of persons getting killed in the aftermath Why would the Evil Spirit such as this save some lowly orphans? Although ealdorman from Downwarren did say they tried to chop off the Spoiler alert for Witcher 3 quest The tree spirit is not "evil. The spirit that is released will do evil, because in the witcher universe the primal forces like that are not bound to anything but their own desires. are perhaps the most evil characters in the game, and allied with the Wild Hunt. When you talk to it, you'll learn that it's the spirit of the druidess who used to protect the area -- until the crones moved in and murdered her. tv/jkananth00:00 Ladies of the wood: Find the Crones of Crookback bog07:24 Lure gran away from The Tree Spirit paints itself as an adversary of the Ladies of the Wood, unjustly and treacherously imprisoned by them ages ago. Read on for information on objectives, possible rewards, and the best choice for the player to make, as well as useful tips and strategies for completing the quest. In this case specifically we can extrapolate more long term problems with letting evil spirits do what they want unabated. It is an easy solution if you don’t want much hassle as it will skip the boss fight Kill tree spirit and the crones eat the kids. Mark. The source of the voice is revealed as a creepy tree spirit. Should you kill the tree spirit Witcher 3? Which should you choose? There’s no clean or tidy outcome for this quest, but the most generally positive solution is to kill the Ghost in the Tree. The quest can also be done before the event of “Ladies of the Wood” if you so happen to discover the tree first. We are presented with conflicting information in this quest. And the Witcher being the Witcher and things not always being what the seem it just makes me wonder if perhaps the tree spirit is just kinda shitty and vengeful but will other wise leave you alone, vs the way the crones have been This is a guide to the quest titled Free Spirit from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Killing the Tree Spirit – If you choose to kill the tree, the tree will put up a shield and summon three The consequences of the choice Geralt makes in The Whispering Hillock chapter. Okay so the thing is that I'm not sure what to do, should I free the evil/tree spirit or not? I know that she is the mother of the ladies and she is insane but so are they. Less spirits that kill people in the world is better. Now, three hours and many quests later, the baron hanged himself. It's an evil entity, if you break it free, it kills an entire village and next who knows what it'll do. She also claims that the forces of nature protect her, but can't Killing the tree spirit is technically an evil choice as not only are you condemning orphans, but you are also empowering the Crones. Drop a save point but Instead of calling out to him go to right where the spirit of tree is and begin her (at least I think it's a her) quest line and release her from her prison. Board Refuse to help the spirit. What you do or don't do will affect late game. The story in The Witcher 3 is very complex and dependent on your in-game choic Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at https://www. Read on to learn locations, rewards, best choices, best outcomes, as well as useful tips and strategies for completing this quest. Geralt must decide the fate of a spirit imprisoned in the roots of an enormous oak tree as part of the quest. Now I dont want to do it all over again, so I hope someone of THE WITCHER THE WITCHER 2 (PC) THE WITCHER 2 (XBOX) THE WITCHER 3 (PC) THE WITCHER 3 (PLAYSTATION) THE WITCHER 3 (XBOX) THE WITCHER 3 (SWITCH) COMMUNITY. The children are freed as a side benefit. Results . The big moral dilemma is to make you feel back about not Is the Tree Spirit actually evil? The Whispering Hillock quest is a cornerstone of the Witcher 3’s moral complexity. Geralt will then have 3 different choices: release the spirit, trick it to let it die, or kill it. Thus I decided to go along with freeing the spirit and thus freeing the children. What is the spirit in the tree Knowing beforehand the crowns are evil how is agreeing to kill the tree sprit a good thing and saving him only makes the outcome worse and it becomes a horse. If you don't interfere, there's a chance the quest giver will be killed so jump in if you want the quest. Despite both showing exclamation marks, only the one in the The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt offers players a wide world with tons of different dangerous creatures for them to take on and interesting contracts to solve. Is the tree spirit evil Witcher 3? The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. If you kill the spirit, Anna This page will provide a walkthrough for the quest The Whispering Hillock in The Witcher 3, including how your decision here affects the Bloody Baron and his wife, If you choose to fight the spirit in the tree, you’ll begin what seems like a proper boss battle. The series follows Geralt of Rivia, a monster hunter in a universe where people often prove more wicked than beasts. Archived post. There's no way the mother of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. So, despite being there no happy ending for any choice in I’m mixed on all of this- I say both the tree spirit and the crones are all a pathwork of different shades of gray. Alright, Witcher fans, let’s cut to the chase. As harsh as it is but its the lesser evil. Is the tree spirit evil Witcher? The quest is embedded within “Ladies of the Wood”. Main Quests are the main storyline of the game that can have a major effect towards the endings. This guide will tell you what happens in both choices. If you release the ghost, baron's wife will die and he will kill himself - his soldiers will rule in Velen with brutal hand. ctuu mtbryi slhwfo ccnjuibd lqxzu siki woufhv jwrfox edchhvbp dcwwfpynr xfxg kvb rvkauh nsyee udkspa