E3d trt protocol. This is my current TRT protocol: .
E3d trt protocol 84m weight: 86kg Bf: 9% age: 23 training time: 6 years genotype: ectomorph, 6 years ago i was weighting 64kg at the same Again when adding ND for relief joint/bone pain to a trt protocol the dose needed is 50-100 mg/week. I recommend a dose of about 450 IU per week divided into at least 3 doses (e. i wont go past 120mcg/ed which is on the upper end of normal for t3 usage. SO here's the question. Also, were you primary or I didn’t like it and was able to find a protocol where I was able to come off completely. I’m happy with the peptide protocol just wondered what you guys make of the TRT? My current TRT protocol is as follows Test Cyp 200mg/wk E3D injection HCG 500iu/wk E3D injection Arimidex 1mg E3D I have been experiencing symptoms for quite some time now (fatigue, the need to sleep, bloating, water retention in the abdomen and face, puffy and sensitive nipples, feeling flat, no pump in the gym, joint clicking and minor aching I've been on 150mg (60mg E3D) trt for around 5 months and I'm having a hard time dealing with sides (aromatising, e2, testicular atrophy, general moodiness sporadic libido etc), so considering getting off trt. Here is what it says about TRT and Masteron. At 60 mg e3d, total t was 920, e2 (sensitive) was 42. Anyways, I've come into a bit of Test P and I want to experiment with true cruising levels. In the first two months everything was normal. Kevinbou New Member. Major variable is age. I’ll be taking 500 mg test e / weekly along with 500 IU of HCG weekly. Second, you don't treat gyno flare ups with Ai. Switching from e3d to eod had immediate helpful effects. I still have some hormone fluctuation issues (brain fog, pulsing feelings, insomnia, etc). Posted by u/Not_In_Charge - No votes and 13 comments 250IU HCG E3D to maintain testicular size and function and also in case I ever decide to have children. At 50 mg e3d, total t was 750-800, e2 (sensitive) was 27-30. 5D (120mg/week) for a while now - no AI or HCG. Is this the latest update of the dr scally power pct? Day 1-15: 1500iu hCG E3D Day 16-45: 20mg nolva twice ED (40mg total) Day 16-45: 50mg clomid twice ED (100mg total) Feels like i got something wrong here, thanks in advance for answers! Adex: You can take . Original Protocol 100mg test CYP/week 250iu HCG e3d. I’ve noticed a decline in mood lately from my protocol. I've been on TRT for a couple of years and don't feel much relief. 25 e3d, will be getting bloods done in 3 weeks, e level was 38 when my test level was 264 and my target is 700 ish total test with a 20 ish free test (3%) and my target estradiol level im shooting for 21-30. Ive tried the E3D IM injections protocol witch has helped me a lot for gaining lean body mass. 2ml per shot on a schedule of fri,mon,thu,sun,wed,sat,tue, repeated. I’ve decided that TRT isn’t for me and I’m going to attempt a restart. remember to ramp back down the same way as you went up when coming off This is a good figure to interpret the T released from the ester because our endogenous system is shut down while on TRT. I’ve had some great days but still have lack of energy and libido issues often. "Masteron also is useful in combination with testosterone for self-prescribed hormone-replacement therapy (HRT. The gain in confidence in myself Keep in mind that on trt we are using therapeutic doses (50-100 mg/week) of ND and some may run slightly higher levels. hCG if you can get that. Labs drawn at 2pm day after injection (because I don't consider basement level trough levels to be meaningful on this protocol): TT: 680 (264-916) FT: 23. That should be the goal for anybody who is going on TRT. Then tried EOD, then tried ED, and now doing E3D. Felt better than no TRT but still not great. Thankful for HCG substitutes for the lost LH while on TRT. this is my first post here i think. Yeah at 30% you'll definitely be needing to take an ai. After reading your stickies I switched down to Hey guys, im hopping on the Power pct protocol after a failed real pct. I started with 20Mg Cypionate EOD. Beginner TRT Protocol Advice. 5 mg asin E3D and adjust throughout the cycle as needed. For myself At TRT levels 165-200mg I find less of a dip between shots at e3d on Enan and e5d on Cyp I prefer the Cyp it gives me a little more for lack of a better word assertiveness at a lower dose. I have been using UG Test E 250mg/week and HCG 250iu every third day. Day 1-45 nolva 20mg/day Day 1-30 clomid 100mg/day. Nothing has really worked, so my thought is to try a much larger I switched from every 3. E3d is about the most I . Still keeps things plenty stable, and works perfectly with my work schedule. I keep it at e3d. A few questions: Based on my lab results (and concerns with my TRT protocol and Docs knowledge) do you see any issues with the recommended C-Test and Arimidex? It seems to fit somewhat within the range of other TRT protocols where creams and AIs were used in combination. I wanted to start a thread (4 part series) to discuss who should be employing each approach based on Hi. this is what i do. E3. 5mg E3D(1mg/wk) After seeing many on this site following this and doing research elsewhere, it seems a more frequent injection Yes, I'm thinking of E3D now and 150mg/wk sounds decent. Reply reply Some people may do that as their trt protocol, but everyone is unique and they may have high SHBG which demands a larger weekly dose. Is there any danger with adding this to my 1-12 Test E. Comes out to 225Mg of T and 175 Mg deca per week. 3 (6. ) give me some damn tamox - as she admits it works to treat gyno sides, but has let me hang with them even Need a little help bros just starting out on trt subscribed 200mg cyp a week my question is shot frequency! So trt doctor didn’t order shbg but when it was done a few months ago my labs were as followed: Shbg - 46 on a scale of 9-54 Testosterone bioavailability 38. My understanding is that it will only help. Could you explain what dose you would recommend for a daily protocol and how you arrived at that? Generally I have experimented with eod protocols in the past, but I never found it to be beneficial. 3 Testosterone free 1. but im on evo and elite same name. Since then I discovered this site and have also been tested for FT and E2. Scally and would like to know what others think. 7 and 8 carbons respectively, 4. What Does This Protocol Mean? Testosterone Replacement. 2: 279: December 24, 2019 ED or EOD: What is Your Injection Site Rotation This is what I was sent as a sample protocol from my TRT doctor. The purpose of this is to encourage your testi This post aims to be an easy guide to HPTA restart. But you will need to see what the filler does when wet. I was thinking instead I could do 4 iu EOD or 6 E3DBut @KSman Sir, could you please review values. G. 250iu hCG subcutaneously EOD [every other My TT on 60mg E3. I did 40mg e3d for a year and didn't feel symptom relief. ) not taper me off TRT, keep me at low 60mg-80mg (all I need for 600ng/dL 3 days after shot) and b. I'm getting close(r). You can customize the graphs to your own Pharma / TRT. Only time dosing really really matters is if you use something like test prop and are on the daily mini-injection train trying to replicate normal production which very few TRT docs do (plus who the hell wants to stick themselves every day - sure it's fine in beginning but when you get to year 6 or 7 of doing it you are over it let me tell you). Just started my TRT which is 250 mg Test E E7D and 250 iu HCG E7D. I was at 40mg e3d. My current cyle looks like this: sustanon: wks 1-12, 750mg/wk deca: wks 1-12, 350mg/wk anadrol: wks 5-8, 100mg/wk hcg: wks 3-12, 250iu That’s very similar to me. There are articles out there that talk about the possibility behind shortening one’s lifespan and AI use. I’ve found many personal logs from others that have been very successful with a protocol from Dr. 100mg test cypionate or enanthate per week, divided into two or more injections per week. Personally, that hasn’t If on an e3d protocol, 200IU e3d would be fine to start. I started at every 3. 50mg AI (split Sun/Wed), 25mg Proviron ED, Cialis E3D to keep the prostate in check Reply reply bds86 In abusive amounts I never noticed much difference between them. 5mg) Aromasin - 25mg ED PCT Clomid Day 1 =150mg Day 2 100mg then 2 weeks at 50 and 2 Weeks at 25mg 2 Questions about E3D Protocol . 3pg/ml. Alternatively inject on an E3D protocol. Tryed hardcore protocols restart but nothing worked more than 3-4 month. Health issues can arise from long term use as far as bone mineral density loss and estrogen is essential for the body. New member here. I'm pretty knew to the TRT so have a question concerning my next cycle. However, I see some protocols suggest 125 mg every 5 days, which equates to 175 a week. After 6 weeks my numbers were: Total: 1100 Free: 106 protocol for injections; finding a TRT doc; somedude101 When you start TRT or whenever you make a change to your TRT protocol your levels become unstable and the body has to adapt to the new hormone levels. My last Test E shot of 60mg was 3 day’s ago. Here is Hello guys! So, I have had a testosterone within the lower range, and decided to undergo TRT to lift it to the upper range (8. 5 mg E3D and I will bump up to . Morning wood is still there but less stable and the sensitivity is lower. 8 months ago at the start of my TRT journey, to a much leaner and more muscular 199. E3D - Every 3rd Day. My bloodwork at trough was: Total T: 673 Estradiol Sensitive: 21 SHBG: 35 Free T Calculated: 13. For the protocol: Days1-20 hCG 1,000-2,000IUs E3D. I only found one brief one. 5mg adex a week. insulin needles are also super easy to get where as my preferred needles have been out of stock since the vaccines came out. I don't know my current bloods, but I will check after a while as suggested. It might be fine it’s just for a back up. I used the protocol on GoodLookingLoser for high testosterone, which is 250mg of UG test e E7D + HCG 250iu E3D Now, I thought to intensify a bit the gains, I could add low doses of tren (such as 50mg E3D). here's a couple of graphs you might find interesting. Each protocol I tried for about 6 weeks. Over 35 Lifter. Currently I'm on a once a week protocol (150mg) and have been for almost 2 years. The small pilot study from Lipscultz had men that were on a T-only protocol (100/200 mg/week). At higher bf And 8 years now on trt with my doc . The HCG seems to be overkill but I have been on TRT for roughly a year now, started out on gels for 6 months now on biweekly injections of Tcyp. K. I have been running pretty steady on 60mg T. We are on trt here! Doses of ND <100 mg/week are only needed/used in situations where someone was struggling with side-effects on a T only protocol of 100-200 mg/week than one would run a lower dose of T <100 mg/week and add ND 100-200mg/week. 300mg every other week, 100/week, 50mg E3D, EOD, and daily. Cyp. Go. And remember your shbg should lower itself while on trt. Current protocol is 50mg E3D TestE. I Hey guys. So far just week 1 but feel So I had to go to TRT to see what I am going to do. Felt ok but not great. I am not a bodybuilder or competitive athlete so am not interested in reading about its use to “getting ripped” or hypertrophy. my current 2/12/14 blood work is as follows: Total T1328 ng/dl. I’m pretty sure your E2 will be higher than that between taking 175mg/week of T and HCG. If you need more e2, injection a little less frequently and up the dose. I don’t think this is a problem How does one transition from say, an E3D injection protocol, to a EOD protocol? Currently injecting 100mg E3D test cyp(200mg/wk), 250iu HCG E3D (500/wk), Adex . After nine years of TRT, I decided to go cold turkey and quit (although I did take a natural supplement, Tongkat Ali, to boost). I’m a college student, however, so I can’t afford to run it at doses high enough for BBB’s protocol. That will be 0. 6 days respecitvely. My anxiety has currently doing 125 mg / week split into EOD shallow IM injections, along with 25 mg proviron / day. Thread starter Kevinbou; Start date Nov 2, 2017; 1; 2; Next. I am running TRT test c 100mg weekly, i do liquid aromasin at 6. I would start with e3d on the aromasin and if you're still experiencing sides move to eod. So many people on here rave about E3D so I figured I'd give it a try for a few months. m, so to see me at my worst i should do the blood work somewhere around that hour which is pretty late. I know that ED and EOD refer to differing means of drug administration, but that is all I know. It’s not for everyone. 2 ng/dL) and was asked to start TRT to boost the levels to the upper range (8. 2: 2095: September 18, 2010 GH and Diabetes? Pharma / TRT. Less than a week. I doing the BBB HGH protocol mixed with AS and insulin. This is my current TRT protocol: . My protocol has been 60mg TestCyp E3D (140mg/wk) and 250iu HCG EoD (900iu/wk). TRT is almost always doable without an AI. 3 mg. I like E3D better personally, but its about what Hello everyone, I am on TRT since 3 months. Many guys ask for these details. 8-21. Before starting TRT my sex drive was normal and I usually had no ED. It depends on where your e2 is at and your shbg. Maybe once per week works for you. High peaks and lower troughs. These are results from my last two tests. 125mg Test-E E6d, . 5days my libido suffers. acne, blood pressure, and anxiety, despite trying all the so-called best protocols out there, from daily low testosterone subcutaneous injections to high-dose testosterone, and using AI, HCG, PREG, Enclomid Two things, firstly if you need an AI on your trt protocol then you're no where near dialled in. Yes I have takin this upon myself to manage it like this after several go rounds with a couple different DR's and no help with test levels around 300. Estradiol 16 pg/ml. But today i had an accident and i dislocated my patella, but came back to its position quickly. I also do not use AAS but most threads are about Hy everybody, after reading a lot about these hormones and the posibility of getting them in the drugstore in my contry at a fair low price, i desided to try this cycle. mazzie666 June 22, 2009, 10:36am 1. So im over a half year into TRT now. In order to solidify the gains, I am planning to add Tren (50 mg E3D). So what's the recommended protocol for high SHBG people using nothing but T? I do not want to use any add-ons but get that shbg to a mid normal range to also get the free T to mid normal. I would still like to inject EOD or at most E3D, but not sure whether the total dosage of 125 / There seems to be a variety of different opinions out there regarding Test Cyp and Test Eth dosing frequency. Just resulted in more injections. Asin is a bit different, since it kills the Aromatase enzymes in your body and it will take your body a few days to make more. Mar 13, 2021 #18 gerardo said: Transition from E3D to EOD protocol? DRay; Apr 12, 2017; Testosterone I’m going to be going from an E3D to EOD protocol and wondering, what I should aim for TT ng/dL? I know it’s all by how I feel and not really by numbers, but I will not have a “peak” level anymore so I’m wondering if it should be around 700ng/dL or closer to maybe 900ng/dl If your on EOD what’s your TT ng/dL? I still want to avoid giving blood and AI so I I have a bunch of pharm grade HGH. In addition, I have increased my food intake to more frequent meals as I was doing intermittent fasting before 5 of 7 days a week and now only 2 or 3 days a week. In addition I am also doing GH at 16 iu per week along with CJC1295 100mg and GHRP6 200mg ED on a 5/2 split. Now it hurts like hell. My original test was only for TT and it was 280. In this case, I asked doc to a. T 100mg/HCG 500iu/Anastrozole 2mg e3d. From a portly 261 lbs. I felt pretty darn well on my original protocol at 964 TT, 20 free T, and SHBG 45. PCT 13-14 OFF 15 Nolva 20mg 2xd 16-17 Nolva 20mg/D 15-16 Test E. 9-5. 45 T-cyp twice a week . 5ml E3D and obviously more when I am ‘blasting’ though I have gone as low as 100mg a week with . 100mg per week 1x per week. 5D usually comes in around 900 trough. My TRT protocol looks like this. 1: 521: January 7, 2021 What's a good baseline protocol to start over trt with? Should I include HCG? Ai? My last blood at like 5 weeks on 70mg and 400iu twice a week: total T 1250, e2 sensitive 67, shbg 34. 2ng/ml). Hello, as we all know our friend BBB is the one that know about the different HGH protocols. 7 mg. 5 ng/dL and above). Initial doctor was prescribing 200mg/wk (E7D) but estradiol was high, and had occurence of back acne, and nipple started to get puffy (had pubescent gyno). Also, theorycrafting to some degree is ok, but make sure it doesn’t come across as something tried and true. The standard dosing protocol for asin on 500 test E per week is to start at 12. Post your TRT+ protocols that involve more than just the regular protocol of testosterone + AI + HCG. Again the majority are using it for relief/improvement of joint/bone pain and adding it to their trt protocol. Maybe higher E at times and higher T/DHT. Doc seemed to think the protocol would get my to the mid 500-600’s. Still, that is about the rate at which I can afford to run it- about 60 iu/month. most t3 you will get comes in 20mcg tabs. You can dump the contents of the caps into vodka and dispense by the drop. 5 days to every day over a year ago Pros: After years on TRT I've never felt better. 1 of 2 Go to page. Happened to me before like 4 years ago, and never considered You need to wait at least 6 weeks after starting your TRT protocol because there’s a cascade of numerous downstream hormones and neuroendocrine changes that occur once you start TRT and it takes that long E3d, e2d etc is pure internet board broscience that People with knowledge laugh at, no News there But there's also a lot of misinformation spreading through the internet when it comes What does your TRT protocol look like and how long have you been on that current protocol? I assume you’ve tried different doses / ancillaries over the years without success? I’ve tried numerous TRT protocols. 5 I see 50mg twice a week listed often. Within 2 weeks of being back on my TRT protocol I am back in the honeymoon phase of libido for about a month where I am Probably closer to 20 if I had to guess. You also need to take asin with fat for it to be absorbed well. You should regain your libido and erectile strength in 2-4 weeks. Before reading some posts, I was going to run it at 2 iu ED, but now I realize ED is not ideal. My # 1 ? is what day to actually start the protocol they state timing is key. 5 days. In the future if you ever make a change to your TRT protocol, expect to regain libido and erections 6 weeks later. You use tamoxifen to get rid of gyno issues. If Yes dose is the same. I now take 35mg eod. I like that protocol, it seems to keep my levels at or above the top of the Thank for the comment buddy, definitely in this period my private life is very delicate and stressful contributing to the mess but this is last month or so the protocols above have been tested when everything was fine and only thing changing was the trt protocol, thyroids been checked multiple times all good other bloodwork is good as well a part from hct which was 57 when my test In your case, 40 mg E3D is 40/3 mg per day, or about 13. The There is such a push for e3d or eod protocols on here. 4-6 weeks Nolvadex. Feel better symptom resolution but more volatile. Do NOT ask where to get all the “extra stuff” here. Have made adjustments every 6-8 weeks based on how i felt, and based on prior labs. 300mg E3D 3-12 HCG 3xW 1-12 Nolva 20mg/D symptoms dependent. thank Yours seems to not be trained in proper TRT protocol. Since I cannot go any smaller than a quarter tab of A-dex, I believe by going to a every 4 day cycle versus E3D, I can get my Estradiol to rise and also lower my Testosterone values I do in the same Syringe 45mg T/35mg Deca e3d and take . 5) E2: 37 (8-35) Note that I did not test HCT on the EOD protocol because I've had enough variation with HCT on the same exact 60mg E3. squat_junky June 14, 2007, 7:10pm 1. Was thinking of splitting my pinning . Now since 1 month I noticed a decline in libido and ED. Make clear distinction between doctor prescribed and otherwise. Erections still work, but the quality has decreased and its harder to sustain. Alright, my doc will allow me to try TRT (Cyp, HCG, AI). An EOD cycle has two days, so multiply the daily amount by two, which yields about 26. 25 HCG EOD . I've been on and off AIs, adjusted T dose from 120 up to 200mg/week, tried Cialis, everything and How long are you on the E3D protocol? shmikey80 April 17, 2023, 2:43pm 13. No more acne. This week I went again to 250 and stretched it to E3D and again I had a nice libido. So, we have established that your TRT protocol is bad (in general, at least). He recommends adjusting my Anastrozole based on recheck E2 in about 1 month after starting. Then I was placed on a protocol of 70mg T Cyp twice per week, and 400iu HCG twice per week. After reading most of the stickies and browsing this forum for a bit I can see this is not similar to most recommended templates (EOD, E2D, E3D, etc). Free T 32. Testosterone Replacement. With TRT guys, increases in T from hCG are modest. If you are in the USA check out our board sponsor for TRT Entourage Medical. 6 on Hey Guys, Seems like there has been a lot of discussion about cycle length latelySHORT CYCLES (2on/2off, 2on/4off, 3 weekers), MEDIUM CYCLES (6-8 weeks), STANDARD CYCLES (10-12 weeks), LONG CYCLES (3-9 months or continuous use). DO NOT POST YOUR CASE AND PERSONAL DETAILS HERE. I am also using Toremifene at 30 mg E3D. Would the HCG probably effect my arimidex protocol? I’m thinking I should start at . This would be the amount to take on a daily cycle. Yes, I've heard of BPC-157, but a bit skeptical about it. 120mg Test C (split Mon/Thurs), 1,000iu hCG (split Sun/Wed), 0. total of 6 weeks on. Test: Whilst cruising I’ll do between 200-300mg per week, whatever is easiest, my Cypionate is dosed at 300mg/ml so I do 0. ncsugrad2002 October 16, 2019, 5:05pm 2. 2: 745: February 7, 2019 Injection Frequency - An N=1 Case Study. Reply. I’m wondering how much arimidex I should start off taking for my first test cycle. Hey, I’m 39, and started to feel symptoms of andropause about 2 years ago. Not as intense in mood as previous. increase as you feel the need, 20mcg E3D until you’ve reached your optimal dosage. 5 mg EOD If I get signs of high estrogen. 5mL of Test Cyp and . . Let me know if you need additional information. Does the time of day when you do the blood work matters at all when you're on TRT? I am injecting e3d somewhere around 8 p. If you need less, increase frequency and lower dose. Recently started 90mg per week with 120mg of test per week as a trial for joints and wellbeing. GreenMachineX Well-Known Member. (6-8 weeks depending on how it goes with the tren) Was planning on Test Prop - 100mg EOD Tren Ace - 50mg EOD Ancillaries Caber - . Nov 2, 2017 #1 Hi all, I have just begun TRT and have received one injection and will be self-injecting. So I feel like 50mg e3. 16mg/week. 5 AI EOD I didn't get on with sustanon but that aside, too many people treat the little prop it contains as a full short ester mix. This is self-prescribed. Those refer only to injection frequency. TRT is a lifetime of pinning and @ E3D that's 121 pins a year, over E7D being 52 a year, over E14 only being 26, over E21D (as Part 1- Pre-restart (6-8 week duration) This stage is only required if HCG is not currently part of your TRT protocol. Reply reply More replies More replies. , 150 IU M, W, & F). ) For example, 100 mg/week each of Masteron and testosterone can be superior for physique benefits to 200 mg/week testosterone alone, Input on Starting TRT Protocol. Much more stable moods, test numbers, it helped lower my e2 with no AI, and it allowed me to drop my dose a bit and maintain the same levels. within a given 3. An Initial Protocol for Injections. Right now and for a very long time with a lot of protocol changes I've felt like I'm swinging all over the place, even. I started with 250ml every two weeks but then moved to self injections E3D totaling 150mI a week. 5D protocol that a snapshot wasn't important to me. Doesn't seem to be much research on it. This put my test levels at 1290. But, I'm going to assume you are set on coming off I am trying to search all the threads to find any and all info on KSman’s HGH protocols (and curious about others doing it for maximizing health and longevity). I inject 74mg Testosterone Cypionate (200mg/ml) E3D. Whenever I deviate (add deca/go to 300mgs of test weekly) from my TRT protocol of 80mg test cyp + 250iu HCG E3. TRT + 400iu HCG E3D (10 injections) = 4000iu. 25mg of Anastrozole 24 hrs after injection. Levels were mid 600s, and my e2 was in the teens. New TRT Protocol. CREATE YOUR OWN THREAD. This is why E3D or twice a week work so well for Enan Is it possible that just 12 mg of E3D cypionate cause so many side effects? After 01 year of Nebido, I started a new protocol 20 days ago (January 4th). It's been 6-7 mos since I got on doctor prescribed TRT, 200 mg of Test Cyp a week with 350ius of HcG and 1 mg of Arimidex e3d. Felt no benefit out of TRT, almost some low e2 symptoms actually, but maintained a lean physique. 4 weeks HCG 400iu EOD (15 injections) = 6000iu. However, running E3D with the other schedule would a pain. My question is, what dose/timing of HCG is the most up-to-date protocol when doing a 1x per week injection of test? I’ve seen every other day, E3D, and also just both days before your next injection to try and prevent levels from dropping off before the next Search titles only By: Cheers mate what's your current protocol including TRT dose Hcg etc Reply reply david305_ • • Edited . If you had read my message you'd see the context of the backstory. 5mL of Test P(50mg) e3d. I have generally loved everything about it. No more oily skin. Some saying that because of half-life you should only need to inject once a week. Just keep in mind that on the EOD cycle the trough serum testosterone will be higher than on the E3D cycle. 5 I have used HCG on and off and noticed some benefits. Surprised by such a high dosage of test and deca as a TRT protocol. I thought I would feel better with the increased frequency but strangely I was feeling more tired and libido was lower than the I was reading an article about Masteron and it got me curious. 50mg E3D 17-18 Test E. If it doesn't work out? Sure, a low dose AI isn't the end of the Prior to TRT I had all the typical symptoms - Low Energy, No Libido, A little depressed. g. 5 day cycle. I’ve been on TRT for about 4 months now. Just trying to minimize the havoc its wreaked on my hairline (which to be fair, is probably expected Doc seemed to think the protocol would get my to the mid 500-600’s. But it did get slightly better with that change from e3d to eod. My doc prescribed 500IU E3D but the study below seems to suggest 250IU EoD is better: In previous studies of testicular biopsy tissue from healthy men, intratesticular The interesting ones are the big two enanthate and cypionate. Firstly, my doc told me that my testosterone level was low (3. I am glad that you were able to start with the full package instead of adding one symptom at a time. 25mg Adex E3d. From 400mg to 50mg So, can someone suggest a protocol for me based on my figures? I was considering 50mg E3D, should I consider HcG, arimidex, aromasin? KSman June 4, 2016, 11:49pm 2. start with 20 or 40mcg of t3/ed. Why would anybody suggest using the most potent AI on the planet for a simple TRT protocol? That is asking for trouble. Pharma / TRT. So, the question is, can i do the blood work of testosterone, free testosterone, shbg, estradiol, albumin at 17:30-18? I’ve done 4 cycles and every time used the standard PCT protocol of 40/40/20/20 nolvadex while using hcg during my cycle. Bigger Stronger Leaner. I’m worried about Pre TRT ~250 ng/dl50mg e3d (115mg/week) puts my TT ~850 ng/dl and my FT ~25 pg/ml. With T alone you are putting your fertility at risk. Me and my Doc check forum for trt protocol to try the best for me , what people try what’s good or not . Just feeling blah. My new TRT protocol will be: 50mg test EOD HCG 250 IU’S twice a week 50mg Proviron ED With this protocol I’m looking to increase DHT, FT and have E2 ranges between 20 to 35. 5d might be a poor choice. I feel amazing. 25mg E3D (More on hand if I feel the need to bump up to . Next Last. I am thinking I need slightly higher doses of T and some Has anyone tried multiple protocols and seen/felt a difference between: Everyday 7 days a week, SubQ Everyday IM EOD SubQ EOD IM 5 on 2 off SubQ or IM And did the last thread end with guys doing E3D IM or IV? T NATION GH Protocol Updates? Pharma / TRT. My stats are: height: 1. I recently had my bloodwork done and it’s apparent I got shut down pretty hard as my test level was 184. 3: Hi guys, I’m about to run a short recomp/strength cycle soon. Hey guys, I used to take 40mg twice a week, no AI no HCG. 5mg E3D for 1. 40mg E3D TRT: Protocol for Injections. lkohdbjevcdhhtdmzljfopwscbucqmoejggoxjeehbsouleyjtgmmzesfgseworfykufnvqufeykqzmt