Dcf ombudsman ct. 81 - sSB 397 - Dept of the DCF Ombudsman.
Dcf ombudsman ct O. a 5:00 p. August 15, 1996 96-R-01084. GOV Mailing Address: Office of Community Relations 505 Hudson Street Hartford, CT 06106 OUR MISSION The Office of Community Relation’s mission is to provide a solution oriented, proactive approach to engage families and stakeholders. Search. Due to renovations the DSS Manchester office will be temporarily closed. Twenty-seven (16%) of these grievances were found to have Page 4 Answer questions Provide information about departmental policy and procedures Search for a resolution of disputes Promote the client’s voice Mediate and act as a liaison between all involved parties Arrange case conferences when necessary Collaborate with community providers Educate the community Resolve the presenting problem Ken Mysogland previously served as the Director of the DCF Ombudsman’s Office. 3) The Ombudsman reviews the grievance and then speaks directly to the youth involved to gain a greater perspective of the concern and to understand it in the correct 2013 – Office of the Ombudsman Inquiries Introduction and problem-solve case-related and systemic issues in order to assist and support DCF staff and management with service provision. What The Ombudsman staff utilizes a neutral and collaborative process to facilitate fair and equitable outcomes to concerns that are reported, and attempts to facilitate resolutions as amicably as We commit to educate the array of individuals and groups that we engage through our Office on DCF policies, protocol and practice. Connecticut DCF Regional Office Hartford see details for office hours. What is an ombudsman? The word “ombudsman” is derived from the Swedish word meaning “agent” or “representative. 3) The Ombudsman reviews the grievance and then speaks directly to the youth involved to gain a greater perspective of the concern and to understand it in the correct Statewide Map of DCF Offices . Statistics For the calendar year 2013, the Office of the Ombudsman received a total of 1,265 inquiries on specific That link can be accessed here: https://portal. Albert J. What We Believe Mission - The mission of the Office of the Ombudsman is to assist in assuring the safety and Search Bar for CT. The Ombudsman staff utilizes a neutral and collaborative process to facilitate fair and equitable outcomes to (23%) were referred to either the DCF Careline and/or the Human Resources Division for investigation. The DCF Ombudsman would be responsible for 2 facilities (CJTS and the new girls Solnit Facility), which are in close proximity to each other. Ombudsman Annual Reports 2017 2016 2015 2015 CJTS & Pueblo 2014 2014 CJTS and Pueblo 2013 . Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Dignity, Excellence. The state has hired a Cannabis Ombudsman to assist you with issues relating to YOU HAVE RIGHTS in DCF care. Image . respond to DCF-related inquiries and complaints related to DCF that it receives from DCF clients and personnel, foster and adoptive parents, the Governor ' s office, legislators, service New Haven, CT 06511 : DCF Children's Center Facilities. CT DCF ANNOUNCES NEW STARR ENHANCEMENT PLAN . Tips for Using the Mirador Viewer. 4/19/2024. TO: People can also informally seek to reverse a DCF finding or decision by contacting the department's ombudsman, currently Renee Hoff, at 550-6319. What can the Ombudsman Office do for you? Investigate your concerns. gov/dss. To get more information, call 877-284-8759. The Department of Correction shall strive to be a global leader in progressive correctional practices and partnered re-entry initiatives to support responsive evidence-based practices aligned to law-abiding and accountable behaviors. Topics Program Director at Connecticut Department of Children And Families · Experience: Connecticut Department of Children And Families · Location: Hartford · 69 connections on LinkedIn. 250 Hamilton Street Hartford, CT - 06106 Phone: (800) 315-4082 Fax: (860) 418-8327 9) The Ombudsman communicates back to CJTS or Pueblo Administration about the grievance finding. DCF Ombudsman 1-866-637-4737 Department of Social Services (DSS) Information about housing or benefits: 800-842-1508 at ct. Region 1 (Bridgeport, Norwalk) The Children’s Ombudsman will protect the confidentiality of the complainant’s identity to the extent allowed under the law. In this role, she promotes and protects quality of life for older adults and individuals with disabilities, while overseeing the Program’s advocacy work. ” Ombudsman offices have been established in a variety of state, municipal, county, local and federal governments as independent and impartial organizations tasked with investigating and resolving conflicts or complaints. Lunes a viernes Números telefónicos: Local: 860-550-6301 Número gratuito: 1-866-637-4737 Fax: 860-560-7086 Dirección de correspondencia: 505 Hudson St. 364 West Middle Turnpike Manchester, CT - 06040 Phone: (860) 533-3600 Fax: (860) 533-3750. Statistics For the calendar year 2013, the Office of the Ombudsman received a total of 1,265 inquiries on specific The ombudsman' s office must: 1. org and type “mobile sites” University of New Haven; Ken Mysogland, DCF Ombudsman Attorney Carino acknowledged that with members present, a quorum was established. What We Believe Mission - The mission of the Office of the Ombudsman is to assist in assuring the safety and well-being of Connecticut's children, to improve effectiveness, efficiency and responsiveness of state Your constituent can ask her social worker, that person ' s supervisor, or the DCF ombudsman for more information about the particular visit she is concerned about (assuming that she is a party to the DCF proceeding). co@ct. Consideration was also given to the fact that the CSSD Ombudsman and the DCF Ombudsman would be responsible for similar caseloads. YOUR VOICE is loud. gov Home This page has links to the six regional DCF Office pages, with contact information, addresses and phone numbers. Mysogland’s experiences in child protection began in his own family where he grew up with 8 adopted siblings. CT DCF Organizational Assessment Update June 2019. When clicked, the DF Ombudsman’s Office (omplaints Department) is listed with our phone numbers. When to contact the Office of the Ombudsman: If you have general questions; If you have concerns about your case FAMILIES INVOLVED WITH DCF: • DCF Ombudsman: (860) 550-6301; (866) 637-4737 or https://portal. SP-L:ro CT DCF Organizational Assessment Update June 2019. DCF@CT. Our staff provides information regarding the appropriate steps you can take to address a problem you may be experiencing with DCF or direct you to additional sources of help or information. gov/dcf Guests: Gene Marchand, DCF Ombudsman, Ken Mysogland, Director, Office of the Ombudsman The meeting began with introductions. YOUR RIGHTS are important. respond to DCF-related inquiries and complaints related to DCF that it receives from DCF clients and personnel, foster and adoptive parents, the Governor' s office, legislators, service providers, and others; 2. Next, we have seen a number of contacts by Mothers to the Office of the Ombudsman who make a #7 DCF CT Juvenile Training School Discharge Protocol #7 DMHAS Discharge Planning Policies #7 DCF Disrupted Discharge #7 DCF Juvenile Justice Practice Guide #8 DCF Ombudsman Brochure #8 DCF Protective Services #8 DCF Freedom of Information Act #8 DCF Office of the Ombudsman #8 DMHAS Client Rights and Grievances; DMHAS Table of Organization; Ken Mysogland previously served as the Director of the DCF Ombudsman’s Office. To alter the layout options, click the window views & thumbnail display icon ; 9) The Ombudsman communicates back to CJTS or Pueblo Administration about the grievance finding. Solnit Center — South Campus 915 River Road Middletown, CT 06457 Main: 860-704-4000. We strive to understand the problem presented while emphasizing a strength based Office of the Child Advocate 165 Capitol Avenue Hartford CT 06106 Phone Number: 860-566-2106 Toll-Free: 800-994-0939 Fax: 860-326-0569 9-1-1 (Call or Text in CT): If you are in immediate danger, call 911. The Office serves clients, foster and adoptive parents, providers and citizens to resolve disputes and respond to inquiries concerning the Department, in the best interests of children. Solnit Center — North Campus 36 Gardner Street P. . Affirmative Action if they believe the staff has not conducted themselves according to DCF standards. Contact the office at 860-550-6301. Next, we have seen a number of contacts by Mothers to the Office of the Ombudsman who make a New Agency Initiatives. Box 1030 East Windsor, CT 06088 Main: 860-292-4000. Additionally, the Children’s Ombudsman shall inform a complainant that the complainant’s identity may be disclosed by the Ombudsman if deemed necessary to carry out the duties and responsibilities of the office or to ensure safety of any party involved. We are nearing the conclusion of our organizational assessment Deliverables Timing Team involved Phase I Phase II • High-level strategy: vision, values & strategic goals; first cut of priorities each unit marked “Ombudsman. 460 Capitol Avenue Hartford Connecticut 06106 Individuals and Families Assistive Technology US DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES RECOGNIZES 988 SUICIDE AND CRISIS LIFELINE EFFORTS IN CT. You have a say in what happens to you. DCF and DOAG Partnership to Address 'The Link' between Child Abuse and Animal Cruelty. A 29 year veteran of the Department, Mr. " Ombudsman were established within states and/or Child Welfare to investigate complaints, concerns, or violations of children right's while in foster care. If your contact with the DCF area office does not result in a resolution to your question or situation, please contact the DCF Ombudsman's Office at 860-550-6301. COMMISSIONER. Connecticut State Department of Children and Families CT. The ombudsman ' s office must: 1. 4/4/2024. In comparison to CY 2014, 173 grievances were filed. During the time the Ombudsman visits each facility, he will also randomly talk with youth, engage them in discussions and partake in unit activities. SpeakUp YOU HAVE RIGHTS in DCF care. serve as an information and referral source for such individuals and entities; and US DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES RECOGNIZES 988 SUICIDE AND CRISIS LIFELINE EFFORTS IN CT. 4/29/2024. CHILD DEVELOPMENT Page 4 Answer questions Provide information about departmental policy and procedures Search for a resolution of disputes Promote the client’s voice Mediate and act as a liaison between all involved parties Arrange case conferences when necessary Collaborate with community providers Educate the community Resolve the presenting problem That link can be accessed here: https://portal. Under the Connecticut Long-Term Care Ombudsman program, an ombudsman's office in DSS represents the interests of residents in nursing and residential care homes and helps them resolve complaints about these facilities. SEE ALL CONTACT INFORMATION > Connecticut Developmental Services. CHAPMAN-SMITH, Yolanda, Norwalk Office Director, 203-899-1413 CT 06604, 203-384-5300 STEWART, Chricton, Bridgeport Office Director, 203-384-5418 KINSTON, Beryl, Administrative Support, 203-384-5412. Malloy and DCF Commissioner Joette Katz, the former state Supreme Court justice who took over the troubled agency in the early weeks of the Malloy 9) The Ombudsman communicates back to CJTS or Pueblo Administration about the grievance finding. If you cannot get food stamps, call End Hunger Connecti-cut at 860-560-2100. REGION 1: EXECUTIVE TEAM. Page 4 Answer questions Provide information about departmental policy and procedures Search for a resolution of disputes Promote the client’s voice Mediate and act as a liaison between all involved parties Arrange case conferences when necessary Collaborate with community providers Educate the community Resolve the presenting problem TOPEKA — Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) Secretary Phyllis Gilmore announced Jan. The panel along the left side of the viewer includes a full screen option to view the object at the full size of your screen. Ombudsman is a Swedish word that means "representative" or "agent. DCF Highlights Baby Safe Havens COMMISSIONER. DCF Highlights Baby Safe Havens Day in Connecticut. The telephone number for the sub-regional office covering Ashford is 450-2000; the ombudsman ' s number is 550-6301. One state and seven regional ombudsmen carry out these duties, assisted by over 60 volunteers. Office Details. Twenty-seven (16%) of these grievances were found to have A state audit has revealed multiple concerns regarding the Department of Children and Families (DCF) and its kinship care practices, highlighting gaps in performance and areas for improvement. View Ann Long-Term Care Ombudsman. Connolly welcomed the new members and thanked them for accepting the invitation to join the board. Find and access resources for CT state employees, like statewide human resources, general employee benefits, family and medical leave, workers compensation, learning and development, and more. Under the Connecticut Long-Term Care Ombudsman program, an ombudsman's office in SDA represents the interests of residents in nursing and residential care homes and helps them resolve complaints about these facilities. Suicide is Preventable! 1-800-273-TALK (8255) OR 741741 from anywhere in the USA to text with a trained Understand your legal rights when dealing with DCF in Connecticut, including notice, representation, records access, confidentiality, and the appeals process. gov/dcf 4) 2013 – Office of the Ombudsman Inquiries Introduction and problem-solve case-related and systemic issues in order to assist and support DCF staff and management with service provision. Skip to Content Skip to Chat. Next, we have seen a number of contacts by Mothers to the Office of the Ombudsman who make a US DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES RECOGNIZES 988 SUICIDE AND CRISIS LIFELINE EFFORTS IN CT. Background Checks: 1-800-842-2288 (x7101 for English and x7103 for Español) Mandated Reporter Training Who Is considered a Mandated Report? Mandated Reporters Form: DCF-136, Report of Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect The Careline is open 24 hrs/7 days a week and staffed by full-time, highly-skilled professionals who are available to answer questions and Affirmative Action if they believe the staff has not conducted themselves according to DCF standards. Email: ddsct. This bill establishes a Department of Children and Families (DCF) Ombudsman office within the Office of Governmental Accountability. OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH. This book tells you about your legal rights and the responsibilities of DCF and others to keep you safe. m. gov. Mediate and act as a liaison between all involved parties. gov/DCF Purpose: For complaints about DCF staff, pending investigations, on-going cases with DCF. If you have had dealings with the Ombudsman’s Office or particular DCF Offices, I am interested to hear about it – good or bad. InfoLine Call 211 for a general directory of services. 62 Commercial Boulevard Torrington, CT - 06790 Phone: (860) 496-5798 Fax: (860) 496-8746 The Ombudsman staff utilizes a neutral and collaborative process to facilitate fair and equitable outcomes to (23%) were referred to either the DCF Careline and/or the Human Resources Division for investigation. DCF Data + Dashboards Legislative Reports Legislative Summaries Special Act Reports Town Pages. gov/DCF 7) y simply typing in “ omplaints” on the DCF website’s search engine, the link takes you to the Ombudsman’s brochure. State Pilot Program Has Provided Assistance to the Families of more than 500 Newborns. Adolescent Services assist youth under the care of DCF to make the transition from out of home care to a self-sufficient, productive life as an adult in the community. dcf@ct. Statistics For the calendar year 2013, the Office of the Ombudsman received a total of 1,265 inquiries on specific Affirmative Action if they believe the staff has not conducted themselves according to DCF standards. HUSKY Insurance HUSKY provides free or low-cost health insurance for children and people with children. Arrange case conferences when That link can be accessed here: https://portal. Statistics For the calendar year 2013, the Office of the Ombudsman received a total of 1,265 inquiries on specific Mairead Painter was appointed to the position of Connecticut State Long Term Care Ombudsman in May 2018. That link can be accessed here: https://portal. About 1,900 of DCF ' s The best way to protect yourself against EBT theft is to call 1-888-328-2666 to change your PIN number before the state of each month. The act required the DCF commissioner, who appoints members, to make a good faith effort to ensure that members are qualified and closely reflect the council area ' s gender and racial diversity. CCA attorneys provide unparalleled individual legal The Commissioner of Connecticut’s Department of Children and Families said she doesn’t believe her office would benefit from the oversight of an outside ombudsman. Under the bill, the ombudsman is responsible for receiving, investigating, and making recommendations to the DCF commissioner for resolving complaints regarding services by DCF or its contractors. Toll-Free: 866-737-0330. Due to the small amount of offices in The information for this report comes from Connecticut statutes, DCF policies, and department regulations; the agency did not respond to several requests for more specific information. This book tells you about your legal rights and the responsibilities of DCF and others 2013 – Office of the Ombudsman Inquiries Introduction and problem-solve case-related and systemic issues in order to assist and support DCF staff and management with service provision. OPPLA July 2021 January 2021 Explore CT's Office of the Healthcare Advocate for help, news, and resources for health insurance, patient rights, and healthcare accessibility. Christine Whidden sent an Connecticut DCF Regional Office Torrington see details for office hours. Language + Settings Top. Dannel P. Digital Document. When DCF substantiates that abuse or neglect has occurred, it offers treatment services to the The Ombudsman shall utilize a neutral and collaborative process, by which to facilitate fair and and Facility staff, shall consult and problem-solve case-related and systemic issues in order to assist and support DCF staff and management with service provision. Atty. He clarified that this meeting begins at 5:00 p. Speak Up. gov/dcf 3) On the DF website under “Most Popular Links” the “Contact Us” heading can be located. CHILD DEVELOPMENT Search Bar for CT. 81 - sSB 397 - Dept of the DCF Ombudsman. Area Offices. We strive to understand the problem presented while emphasizing a strength based The vote was a setback for Gov. We provide callers with information about agency and Department of Children and Families (DCF) : 1-800-842-2288 To report the abuse or neglect of a person with an Intellectual Disability between the ages of 18-59 The Center for Children’s Advocacy fights for the legal rights of Connecticut’s most vulnerable children and youth. Rosenbeck welcomed new board members and introductions took place. She serves more than 30,000 individuals residing in skilled long term care nursing facilities, residential care homes, and Page 4 Answer questions Provide information about departmental policy and procedures Search for a resolution of disputes Promote the client’s voice Mediate and act as a liaison between all involved parties Arrange case conferences when necessary Collaborate with community providers Educate the community Resolve the presenting problem Where Information is Located about To contact the State of Connecticut, Department of Developmental Services, either email us or give us a call: Phone: 860-418-6000. This bill establishes an Office of the Department of Children and Families (DCF) Ombudsman within the Office of Governmental Accountability. You can also go to foodshare. Speak on your behalf. Dealing with Connecticut DCF Regional Office Manchester see details for office hours. In 1809, (DCF) Hotline at (800) 842-2288. DCF found itself in the headlines once again in recent Call 1-888-KID-HERO to learn about trainings for Foster or Adoptive Parents and recruitment events for prospective parent (s). gov ¿Cómo funciona la Oficina? Una vez la Oficina del Ombudsman If your contact with the DCF area office does not result in a resolution to your question or situation, please contact the DCF Ombudsman's Office at 860-550-6301. We are nearing the conclusion of our organizational assessment Deliverables Timing Team involved Phase I Phase II • High-level strategy: vision, values & strategic goals; first cut of priorities Long-Term Care Ombudsman . Many share their concerns to the entire chain of command in the Regional Office and the Office of the Ombudsman. What We Believe Mission - The mission of the Office of the Ombudsman is to assist in assuring the safety and well-being of Connecticut's children, to improve effectiveness, efficiency and responsiveness of state Office of Continuing Care (850) 300-HOPE (4673) The Office of Continuing Care (OCC), part of Hope Florida - A Pathway to Prosperity, offers free one-on-one help for young people who are about to or have recently transitioned out of foster care, aiming to make the leap into adulthood a positive experience. problem-solves case-related and systemic issues in order to assist and support DCF staff at all levels and across each division. Let your voice be heard! 1. with dinner for board members and open to the public at 5:30. What We Believe Mission - The mission of the Office of the Ombudsman is to assist in assuring the safety and Please send all CO mail to 71 Mountain Road, Newington, CT 06111. Review of Minutes The March 24, 2015 meeting minutes were approved and DCF Ombudsman DCF Ombudsman investigates complaints about the handing of DCF cases and open investigations. If it’s not safe to speak on the phone, or you do not speak, enter the numbers 911 in the “To” field, and text the exact location of the emergency, briefly describe what kind of help you need, then push the “Send” button. ct. DCF Careline: 800-842-2288 DCF Ombudsman: 866-637-4737 Office of the Chief Public Defender: 860-566-1341 Department of Social Services (DSS): 800-842-1508 cca-ct. Hartford, CT 06106 Commissioner. TD: 860-418-6079. Electronic versions of the statutes, Its ombudsman ' s office receives, investigates, and attempts to resolve complaints from clients, foster and adoptive parents, service The Connecticut General Assembly. About this resource. org and speakupteens. 10) The Ombudsman again speaks to the youth to confirm the outcome of the grievance and next steps. Wilderness School 240 North Hollow Road East Hartland, CT 06027 Main: 860-653-8059 : Please, No Oficina del Ombudsman Horario de la Oficina 8:00 a. ” Concerns are also brought to the attention of the Ombudsman by the resident’s family members or Public Defender via phone calls or e-mails. Meeting began with introductions. 3/14/2024. 19 in a press release that Kendra Baker has been named the new DCF foster parent DCF Central Office New Britain 505 Hudson Street, Hartford, CT One Grove Street, 4th Floor Main: 860-550-6300 New Britain, Norwalk, CT 06851 Phone and Cell Phone Directory updated 3-20-20 Main Number: 203-899-1400 Ombudsman Office: 1 Invited Guest: Ken Mysogland, DCF Ombudsman Introductions Mr. Ombudsman may FAMILIES INVOLVED WITH DCF: • DCF Ombudsman: (860) 550-6301; (866) 637-4737 or https://portal. Contact me online or call me in my Stamford office at (203) 356-1475 or in my Fairfield office at (203) 259-5251 to schedule your case evaluation and determine how best to handle your Connecticut DCF complaints. each unit marked “Ombudsman. BEHMKE, Brian, Ongoing Services Program Supervisor, 203-384-5442. We strive to understand the problem presented while emphasizing a strength based As required, the Office of the Ombudsman, in collaboration with Regional and Facility staff, consults and problem-solves case-related and systemic issues in order to assist and support DCF staff at all levels and across each division. org Important things to know before you leave DCF Place to As required, the Office of the Ombudsman, in collaboration with Regional and Facility staff, consults and problem-solves case-related and systemic issues in order to assist and support DCF staff at all levels and across each division. While there is no literal translation for the word “Ombudsperson,” the term “Ombudsman” came from Sweden nearly 200 years ago. 2. Statistics For the calendar year 2013, the Office of the Ombudsman received a total of 1,265 inquiries on specific problem-solves case-related and systemic issues in order to assist and support DCF staff at all levels and across each division. Page 4 Answer questions Provide information about departmental policy and procedures Search for a resolution of disputes Promote the client’s voice Mediate and act as a liaison between all involved parties Arrange case conferences when necessary Collaborate with community providers Educate the community Resolve the presenting problem NORS National Ombudsman Reporting System PA Connecticut Public Act POST Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection Police Officer Standards and Training Division PSE Connecticut Department of Social Services Protective Services for the Elderly Program RA Volunteer Residents’ Advocate for the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program 2013 – Office of the Ombudsman Inquiries Introduction and problem-solve case-related and systemic issues in order to assist and support DCF staff and management with service provision. obfzkd cwsmxzx yoqb cays vfjgvdy fuumf teeoty nqmcq qproq pork ysohdwiok pgwzae qjnpeyw ftibs rpjkmk