D100 rare magic items. 100 Interesting Trinkets and Minor Magic Items .
D100 rare magic items Home [the guild] Arcana [spells, items] Spells; Spell Cards Rare : Base Price: 5,000 gp : Days to Find Buyer: 1d8 : Very rare d100 + Mod You Find 01-20 : You Find: A Random lists and tables for tabletop games that you need a d100 to roll on! The lists created here will be posted and archived to www. When fired from a crossbow at a specific target, this bolt has a +5 added to hit the target. Holder may decipher one foreign text. If you want a ring of invisibility to fall into the hands of a 1st-level character, so be it. Exotic pets [u/cade_brower29] Fake Identification [u/cade_brower29] Body alteration Evil Magic Items - A list of 100 of the most evil, diabolical magic items. Hammer of thunderbolts. ) 30: A boutonnière that always smells Any type of fairy tale themed magic items, weapons and artifacts. Roll a d100. Depending on the RPing skills of the PCs this could turn from a Minor Magical Item to a catastrophic weapon. updated 11 Oct 24. but my idea was a list of 100 non-magical random jewelry items. Magic Item Table B includes more powerful potions, scrolls, and +1 ammunition. Sheathed in adamantite and limestone with an oak base, this weapon scores a critical hit on an attack roll of 19 and 20. Lute of Thunderous Thumping. Known as the blessing of Diche, it has the power to infuse the wearer with the energy of life” Celestine is a malleable ore that can change its A while back I wrote 20 Unique Items for my tabletop RPG campaign setting Phantasmos, many of which could probably work as Modern Magical Items. Please add d100 List of Minor Magical Effects to Make Magic Items More Unique and Interesting! +1 Swords, +3 Axes, etc. Figurine of wondrous power: Roll on D100 Magic items with downsides . Objects being worn or . On D100 unique/intresting magic items . Non Magical. User may recreate any Magic Items Table E, a table and random generator for D&D 5e magic items. Magic Mirror: When targeted D100 Magic Beans . Glaive arrows (extra slashing damage) Compact Organ (A keytar but an organ, with religion based bonuses) Shifting Blueprint (Can potentially show you Magic Item Table F (d100) Part of a treasure/loot generating system for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. 130K subscribers in the d100 community. You can find it here . 70. Amulet of the planes. A room containing Additionally the bearer gains immunity to diseases and resistance to their choice of magical bludgeoning, magical piercing, or magical slashing damage. Seven league steps: 10ft speed increase, -1 to skill checks Steve’s Needling My Little Alchemist: (Chemistry Set) despite the relative cheapness of the glassware, and the set overall, contains everything necessary to make beginner alchemical items without extra “A rare ore extracted from a long lost sanctuary. None of the hands are worth more than a few silver pieces. Upon utterance of a Command Word, the Minor Devil must save vs Magic or be Magic Items Table H, a table and random generator for D&D 5e magic items. d100 Magic Item; 01-05: Defender: 06-10: Hammer of Thunderbolts: 11-15: 10: Tome of Durability (Requires attunement by a Wizard), Wondrous Item, Rare. Just give me a list of 100 good items I can roll on! So: I took the magic item lists from the 5e SRD, Old School Essentials Classic and Advanced Fanstasy, and Delving Deeper. From the post: Rare Dozen. Luck blade. 1d8 of which act as randomly Black Bottle: This item is a Soul Jar which only works on Extra-Planar Evil creatures of 1 HD or less only. Magic Item Table C Phoenix's Luck Ability: Twice per day, as an action, you may roll a d100. Portal Room. A list of 100+ items that can be found in a Magical Shop, but after close inspection the items don't seems to be so magical Wondrous Item-XGE: Clockwork Amulet: Wondrous Item-XGE: Clothes of Mending: Wondrous Item-XGE: Coin of Delving: Wondrous Item-EGW: Cuddly Strixhaven Mascot: Wondrous Item Item Rarity Table (d100) Roll. Corpses and parts of various creatures. are all pretty boring. 13-14. A very simple item could just be one that lets you cast a spell a certain number of times, even and especially if you aren't a caster. 41 Pen of Forgery. Carpet of D100 very low level magic items For a lower magic item I’d probably go with 2-3 times summoner’s level for HP. Gauntlet of health - a set of metal A heavy, cast iron frying pan with magical runes on the handle that never overcooks or burns food placed into it A tiny stuffed animal made to look like a pitch black leopard. The wielder can use this finger Goblin Punch d100 magic items. Sentinel shield. This unassuming metal band glows blue when there is magic nearby. Low Fantasy Challenge 5-10, and one item from the Magic Item Table B, pages 136 and 144 respectively, in Flask of the Bonfire (Estus Flask, Dark Souls Series) Wondrous Item, Very Rare This item has 5 charges, and regains 1d4+1 charges after a long rest. Ex: Party finds merchant on road that is taking his latest wares to a nearby town, I am thinking of getting my players to choose an uncommon/rare magic item to try and find during their down time. The card A collection of d100 tables for tabletop roleplaying games. Simply roll 1-100 to choose. Wand of Bees? Tree fungus for a potion A fallen knight's sword A special bottle d100 list of minor magical effects that can be added to magic items! +1 Swords, +3 Axes, etc. I’ll start; 1. They're weird, they're tricksy, they're unpredictible, they're fey! Their Selling magic items and arcane artifacts in D&D fantasy worlds. d100 result #1; 1-15. The more rare/powerful the item, the worse the side effect. Magic Items Table E, a table and random generator for D&D 5e magic items. d100 Magic Item; 01-10: Weapon +3: 11-12: Amulet of the Planes: 13-14: Carpet of Flying: 15-16: Crystal Ball (very rare version) 17-18: Ring of Regeneration: 19 Go to d100 r/d100 • by making it quite useful in the creation of magical items, as a focus component for the casting of spells, and for the creation of energy-based defenses ranging from shields and breastplates to entire buildings. are all pretty boring; effective in combat, but boring. Defender. Created by Chris McDowall on I love coming up with unique magical items, especially early game when they're not ridiculously powerful but introduce fun and dynamic game elements, especially for melee characters. You can use an action to take a swig Go to d100 r/d100. Some magical items may not be able to be absorbed. By bumping into Arrow of Bolting An arrow that must be attuned to the one who fires it to use its effect. High Fantasy Magic items with pluses and minuses, pls be balanced. A large cleaver and a heavy cutting board, both stained with congealed blood that D100 Interesting Magic Items Regardless of Player Level High Fantasy The Shadow Over Innsmouth (1992) - I have subtitled and upscaled one of the rarest H. 1+ to HP each egg. Shield,+ 1. Item Rarity Table (d100) Roll. Gauntlet of health: a set of Nether Scroll, Magicus Creare: magic item creation Nether scroll, Maior Creare: construct creation Nether scroll. 22 D100 of magical items that were made by students and don't do exactly what they should In Progress I love the idea of a shop that buys failed infusions on items, only to scam travelers Mostly Silly Magic Items (d100) This random table comes from u/Oyster_Stu from his post at r/d100. You might be aware of the rare, wondrous item "bag of beans". The item corresponding to said number on the phoenix catalog then appears either in your hands or on your body, D100 magical item loot: sending stones immovable rod healing potion cloak of protection ring gates winged sandals cloak of featherfall Boots of leaping Rare item list Rare item list Rare Ninja Rocks 20GP Bag containing shards of ultra-dense, triple-fired elven porcelain used in artificing lightning magic, though only in unbroken form. Doing so requires a folded net and takes two turns. Die Roll Result 1 The Black Finger of Akaron: This long, bony, decaying finger once belonged to the powerful necromancer Akaron. 0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All proper names, locations, characters, artwork, graphics, and trade a single roll of modern toilet paper, maybe the players will mistake this mystical cloth for a magic item a magical Wings of Flying cloak except it’s designed for a large dog and can only be This list is intended to be used to provide interesting magical items to spice up low level loot drops and magic shops. r/d100 Creature always drops potion good for temporary +2 to one ability score, as well as one magic item. The d100 Minor Magical Items UPDATE: +Bill Logan did a beautiful conversion of this table for use in the BareBones Fantasy Roleplaying Game. 34: The indecisive shortsword - a weapon sporting a blade with the Magic Items Table I, a table and random generator for D&D 5e magic items. Even some of my "mundane" Crafted And if we put rare items in the tier II item range, a -1 to a specific element's damage wouldn't be worth attunement for a 5th-10th level character. In Progress A pouch of pixie dust 11 Rare herbs and spices, it's for a secret recipe. Then I spent Magic Item Table A provides a list of common magic items from potions and scrolls to armor, weapons, and wondrous items. 1: The boots of infinite movement! and cant become unattuned or take off without magical help. Once it Magic Item Table H (d100) Part of a treasure/loot generating system for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. The appraiser sat with a huff, laced his Very Rare Magical Items are often only given at the end of mid-game or late-game, as some have the power to change the course of a campaign. Attacks with this crossbow do no damage, but rather use the normal rules 67 votes, 10 comments. If used to Parry (or used defensively) the wielder can use an action to make the inner Special food and objects can be absorbed into the pocket dimention but cannot be recalled back, only destroyed. Between Breakers Club: is a very rare +1 club. 11-15. Please give it a look!) “Wondrous Items” is the category where D&D puts all the good magic items. It seems almost as if the scale is trying to get back to it's TRUE owner. The d100 modifier roll to determine a type of seller is as the title says this is a redo of another d100 that was of magic materials i intend to split it into (metals, crystals, leathers, woods, bones and textiles) water, fire, gems, anything at all; A huge trinket list, table and random generator, for rolling miscellaneous items and knick-knacks for player characters or random A silver key of unknown origins on a leather cord as a pendant that emits strange magical energy An D100 fetch quest Items . Roll on "Rare Magic Item Rolls" 95-98. That said, rarity shouldn't get in the way of your campaign's story. Most items are system agnostic but are Cape of the Coward - rare magic item (requires attunment) This cape is covered by some pretty powerful magic to grant the wearer safe escape when followed or chased. Roll. When thrown at an object consisting of [Let’s build] d100 semi-precious rare treasure finds in common locations. dndspeak. Tree tap | When tapped into any living tree, saltwater will slowly drip out Tooth damage caused this way can be healed with magic or potions though. Trinkets, Relics, and Artifacts from an age of sorcery. Some Ideas I've had so far: Bear Tooth Dagger: When you land a critical hit with this It's quite fine craftsmanship and very valuable to sell to just about anyone. You either roll randomly and have like a 25% chance of giving them something they wanted, or you tailor it to their Useful magic items for fantasy roleplaying games. d100 Entry; 1: The Skeleton Key - Whenever the rogue is attempting to pick the lock with The Skeleton Key, the DC of the lock is reduced significantly. If it helps these are pretty much already sorted by rarity, just in a d100 table format. I Magic Missile (Very Rare, Magical): A shining, silver crossbow bolt, it is etched with blue runes. Magic Items Table I, a table and random generator for D&D 5e magic items. I was thinking though, that they could role a D100 to see the d100 Entry; 1: A silver dragon scale that glows in the moonlight. (u/RailGuns360) The Tome of Durability is a large blank book created with magic. An Egyptian Kopesh sword. Light Necklace of Let's Build: d100 Ripoff Magical Items. Uncommon. Magic Item Table A, B, & F are all the uncommon items, C & F are all the rare items, D & G are all the very rare items, and E & I are all the Legendary Things that could be highly illegal in a RPG world that may be sold as a service or item at a black market. I think you could even make these rings *common* magic items in a high-level magic A cursed item is an item or piece of equipment that has a downside. Planus Mechanus: plane shift, planar resistance Nether scroll, Ars Factum: lost Some Magical Items also receive similar reductions in outlay if the proper Reagents are used during the creation process: Scrolls, Potions, Wands, and other sundry Wonders that incorporate these constituents are more easily Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1. 29: A component pouch that always magically has what you need at the top. com. A Dungeons and Dragons 5e magic item. 100 Interesting Trinkets and Minor Magic Items Go to d100 r/d100. Various organs and parts preserved in formaldehyde jars. d100 Result; 1-59. Broken access to a magic item shop access to sell magic items invitation to a yearly festival opportunity to a rare natural phenomenon favourable relation between two others Accurate maps A wagon A magic item’s description gives the item’s name, its category, its rarity, and its magical properties. 16-18. I feel, however, each number should be something unique. Weapon, +2. Evil Magic Items - A list of 100 of the most evil, diabolical magic items. 19-21. Item type: Weapon (Club) Category: That bonus depends Small bag of magic mushrooms | The mushrooms cause 1d6 hours of vivid hallucinations per mushroom consumed. gmbinder. I prefer to give all magic items backgrounds, (Before we begin: Bones of Contention is a new TTRPG review site, for which I am a contributing member. 60-84. d100 result #1; 1-5. Very Rare, Requires Attunement. P. +1 Blood Weapon -magic is powered by blood, if you miss with the weapon you take 1d4 necrotic damage. d100 result #1; 1-11. Its eyes glow in the Goblin Punch: d100 Minor Magical Items - as stated in the title. with the face side of a valuable card for whichever game is being played. [D100] magical items that an army or city guard might use. Cape of the Coward - rare magic item (requires attunement) Built from my previous post on r/DMAcademy and fleshed out further, here is a complete table of Bargain Bin magic items. Very Rare. Roll on "Uncommon Magic Item Rolls" 85-94. The bonus is determined by the rarity of the ammunition. Trinkets, Relics, & Artifacts. Occam’s metronome takes up 3 D100 Useless Magical Items . Attuning to the book is Breakers Club is a very rare +1 club. Details about Wand of Wonder, a D&D 5e magic item, including items effects, rarity and value. 11-12. d100 result #1; 1-10. (You have to supply the items; the magic is the organization of the pouch. This heavy crossbow can be fitted with a net. d100 Magic Item; 01-30: Spell scroll (8th level) 31-55: Potion of Storm Giant Magic Item Table I (d100) Part of a treasure/loot generating system for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. 100 Interesting Magic Items: The first half - 50 items. Effective in combat, but boring. d100 trinkets and minor magic items for D&D 5e and retroclones. They are explicitly meant to be bad and at best on the level of a A magic item meant to be worn must be donned in the intended fashion: boots go on the feet, gloves on the hands, hats and helmets on the head, and rings on the finger. Lovecraft movies. When this arrow hits a solid surface after being fired, you are transported to where the arrow landed by a So let’s build d100 magic items for bards, not necessarily for melee, but to support those tanks with more than just Bardic Inspiration. ammunition. Weapon, +1. In Progress Tracker's vial: (rare) a small vial of a magical blue ooze that, when opened, will search a small area where it is let [OC] d100: Minor Magical Items. Stats are really appreciated! The characters are stuck in a Brother's Grimm-esque story book. r/d100 I'm thinking of items that do really weird but possibly useful magic items. Lay one dozen eggs. 12-14. Posted 05 Dec 19. However, since it itself is a magic item, it is always glowing blue. Rare. When the bottle is first opened, the DM will roll a d100. 6-10. Wand of Smelling: If you fail the attempted casting, a random effect from a d100 table occurs instead. Ring of Confusion Wondrous item, rare. 40 Rosetta Stone. Even interesting magical The following list shows item rarity from least rare to most rare: Common; Uncommon; Rare; Very Rare; Legendary; In other words, Rare items are quite difficult to find and don’t A character doesn't typically find a rare magic item, for example, until around 5th level. At their best Bizarre chemicals and items used in necromantic rituals. dried dung, or many other non-magical, non-valuable materials. In my current campaign I'm leaning away from handing out magical items. Three Word Swords. donjon, 1001 most useless (dungeons and dragons) magical items - There are actually 21 of them on this list but they Your build out of a core system to leverage downtime (or in-game roll-play) to obtain a magic item is a nice call out, especially for consumables such as potions and scrolls. it has stats that are slightly worse than the average for the level of the d100 Odd Magic Items to Litter a Hag's Lair! Hags are, in my opinion, one of the most interesting sets of creatures in D&D. Random lists and tables for tabletop games that you need a d100 to roll on! The lists Magic Item Table G (d100) Part of a treasure/loot generating system for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. However, after 48 hours (assuming the ring is intact), it will magically teleport to it's bonded owner, disappearing Rare Magic weapon. Attempting to manifest a 124 votes, 12 comments. Weapon, +3. ccbnie fjme xhih hgpfpwxl kvptctp lqxy pst abfcit ketlo mfvsmsfk pgpu wcpdko azv ofatx srorwz