Customs office codes uk Guidance Freight location codes that do not have trade statistics available are included in the statistics of the port shown in the freight location code. Custom office Reference number: GB000001. The system will send you a Master The UK supervising customs office codes (SPOFF) list has been updated with two additions and four amendments. COMMODITY CODE STRUCTURE. These should be used in DE 5/12 where the office The UK Office of Exit codes that can be found in DE 5/12 may be found in Appendix 14: UK Customs Offices List (COL) Codes. 24 April 2024 Guidance Place of loading codes for Data Element 5/21 of the Customs Declaration Service. This information includes, value of goods, weight of goods, country of origin, commodity codes and incoterms. These should be used in DE 5/12 where the Office of Exit is in the UK. Customs procedure codes notes 1. 1 Restricted goods. Goods of a non-commercial nature imported to free circulation in the UK or EU for which Union Customs Code (UCC) implemented 1 May 2016. Place of loading codes for Data Element 5/21 of the Customs Declaration Service. Search for customs offices all over Europe with Opening hours and UK customs office codes for the Customs Declaration Service. Appendix 13 Country Codes Tilbury Details opening hours and responsibilities, Address, Contact, Traffic Types and Office roles, Phone and E-Mail. UK Border Force will process the LRN number and transmit the T documents to 1. Customs procedure codes (Box 37) The customs procedure codes (CPCs) identify the customs and/or excise regimes which goods are being entered into and removed Look up commodity codes, import duties, taxes and controls (UK Integrated Online Tariff) Commodity codes classify goods for import and export so you can: fill in declarations and other paperwork, check if there’s duty or VAT to pay, 263 Customs offices Poland (Page 1) Search for customs offices all over Europe with Opening hours and Office roles. E. UK customs office codes for the Customs Declaration Service; UK customs office codes for the Customs Declaration Service. Customs procedure codes starting with 06 3. The Border Force customs offices list has been updated. Please note that some of the customs offices Search and find the nearest customs office from all customs offices in Europe with opening hours and areas of responsibility. For a The UK introduced its 2022 integrated tariff on 1 January 2022, incorporating the World Customs Organisation’s (WCO) changes to the Harmonised System Nomenclature. Goods liable to Customs Duty and/or other charges declared for customs warehousing without Appendix 14: UK Customs Office List (COL) Codes. gov. You can use this link to find customs offices (europa. Search Customs offices GB004098 - Glasgow GLASGOW, GB Central Community Transit Office Details opening hours and responsibilities, Address, Contact, Traffic Types and Office roles. Customs procedure codes starting with 40 00 1. Importers and customs brokers can use these sublocation Belfast Details opening hours and responsibilities, Address, Contact, Traffic Types and Office roles, Phone and E-Mail. Customs authority responsible for granting the authorisation of authorised issuer (ACP). The customs office will check and validate your request before your goods are released. When importing goods into the UK, you must know your tariff code to pass through UK Customs. 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 The UK is introducing new customs and SPS requirements on all goods being imported into UK from January 31st 2024. Codes for supervising offices in Codes for supervising offices in EU member states may be found in the EU’s Customs Office List. Search and find the nearest customs office from all customs offices in Europe with opening hours and areas of responsibility. You can also use the service to: You’ll need a commodity code when you fill in a customs UK customs office codes for the Customs Declaration Service. Where an authorisation is granted under ‘Authorisation by Customs Declaration’, enter Supervising Customs Office code ‘GBBEL004’ for the HMRC National Imports Relief Unit Custom office Reference number: GB000080 Main office: Central Community Transit Office (GB000001) Address: E-Mail: BFNWCPTrade@homeoffice. 8 March 2024. The new requirements being implemented by the Department for Customs Office Code Customs Office Name 101 CO-Custom Hse(Longroom) 102 CTS-Airfreight(Luqa) 103 CTS-Baggage Rm-Grand Harbour 104 CTS-Arrivals-MIA 105 CTS-DWQ The list of freight location codes has been updated to include UK rail stations. Skip to main content. BFNWCPTrade@homeoffice. 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Custom office Reference number: GB005170 Main office: Central Community Transit Office (GB000001) Address: Killingholme Phone: +44(0)3000 739960 +44(0)3000 738724 Fax: E Customs, taxes and declarations From classifying your goods correctly to understanding rules of origin and customs declarations, our online export support can help you find the answers you In some situations, you can visit a customs office. UK Cookies on Fishguard Details opening hours and responsibilities, Address, Contact, Traffic Types and Office roles, Phone and E-Mail. It is 50 Customs offices United Kingdom Search for customs offices all over Europe with Opening hours and Office roles. Codes for Customs Offices/ Supervising Offices in other Member Use this service to find a commodity code for goods you’re importing to or exporting from the UK. Search Customs offices XI000142 3000 738256 E-Mail: Custom office Reference number: GB000052 Main office: Central Community Transit Office (GB000001) Address: Contact: Phone: +44 (0) 1255 242000 Fax: E-Mail: Document codes. Find the codes for Data Element 5/12 when completing the Customs Declaration Service (Appendix 14). 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Toldstyrelsens opgave er at gøre det nemt for borgere og virksomheder at betale deres told. 1 71 00 000 Goods covered. Appendix 15: DE 5/21: Place of Loading Codes Appendix 15A: DE 5/21: Foreign Airport Zones and Percentages Search and find the nearest customs office from all customs offices in Europe with opening hours and areas of responsibility. 1 06 10 040. Thames@homeoffice. The French Customs office code to use for Fish/Seafood in transit to Boulogne is FR000630, which uk y країнська; zh when Control Results are communicated to the Customs Office of Departure, NCTS will inform AES that there are positive/negative Control Results. Opening Season: All Customs Procedures Import Procedures The Brexitguidance ended on 31 December 2020 and new rules applying for businesses and citizens in the EU and the UK came into force on 1 List of country and currency codes to be entered onto an import/export declaration in Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF). 84. Please contact the customs office in advance and check if the service you need is available. Basic declaration of non-UK and non-EU goods for home use and free circulation by payment Enter the supervising customs office code applicable for the TA authorisation held from Appendix 17: DE 5/27 Supervising Office Codes. Item Area imported from Customs procedure code; End-use relief: Third countries: 40 00 023 40 00 024: End-use relief (military equipment imported under Regulation 150/2003 - This section reproduces notes from the EU Customs Code, Appendis D1. UK Force operate between the hours of 05:00am until 10:00pm 7 days a week. The Border Force customs offices The Customs office codes for other Member States may be found in the EU’s customs office A list of the UK supervising office (SPOFF) codes may be found in Appendix Codes for supervising offices in EU member states may be found in the EU’s Customs Office List. Requested and previous procedure codes for Data Element 1/10 The list of Community and Common Transit UK offices is for traders who deliver goods to customs offices and want to know where the most convenient customs office is. Read here to learn more about customs clearance at Dover Port. This is an The UK Office of Exit codes may be found in Appendix 14: DE 5/12 UK Customs Offices List (COL) Codes. 24 April 2024 Guidance Goods Vehicle Movement Service codes for Data Element 5/23 of the Customs The UK office of exit codes that can be used in DE 5/12 may be found in Appendix 14: UK Customs Offices List (COL) Codes. It is possible to open transit declarations at the Port of Dover with Find a list of codes which may be used in Data Element 5/23 to identify the location where the goods may be examined for airports (Appendix 16A). shedcompliance@hmrc. Codes for Customs Offices/ Supervising Offices in other Member London Heathrow Cargo Details opening hours and responsibilities, Address, Contact, Traffic Types and Office roles, Phone and E-Mail. Enter the supervising customs office code applicable for the Customs Warehousing authorisation held from Appendix 17: DE 5/27 Supervising Office Codes. 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Please ensure that your customs department or customs agent is being made aware of this and that you will prepare the correct documents as from immediate effect. Codes for the UK The Border Force customs offices list has been updated. Search for import and export commodity codes and for tax, duty and licences that apply to your goods. 3. Chapter. The sublocation codes listed below identify customs offices that can receive customs clearance information through ACROSS. To find which documents are needed, you need to check the conditions shown in the trade tariff tool for the commodity code, by selecting the country of Where this Data Element (DE) is required by the DE 1/10 (Procedure Code), enter code ‘GBBEL004’ as the supervising office code for UKIMS and the UK Carrier (UKC) customs offices located in mainland Great Britain, pre-existing EORIs and related guarantees will therefore keep their GB prefix for the Great Britain NCTS service; customs The customs office of exit is the customs office of the Learn all about the topic of customs office of exit in the Customs dictionary of Gerlach. See more Choose the relevant supervising office (SPOFF) code, for the UK supervising customs office from the list. Customs offices; Definitions; Customs duties; Combined Appendix 14: UK Customs Office List (COL) Codes. Heading. Address: Dover/folkestone Eurotunnel Freight Details opening hours and responsibilities, Address, Contact, Traffic Types and Office roles. Send us your commercial documents and we will take care of the rest . 21 December 2017. The customs office of departure will be notified. Choose the relevant supervising office (SPOFF) code, for the UK Custom office Reference number: GB000246 Main office: Central Community Transit Office (GB000001) This Appendix contains a list of the UK Customs Office List (COL) codes for the UK to be used in data element (D. Commodity codes are used to quickly . Choose the relevant supervising office (SPOFF) code, for the UK Managed Customs Clearance. wp-grid-builder . Customs declarations and commodity codes are a shared responsibility between the Search and find the nearest customs office from all customs offices in Europe with opening hours and areas of responsibility. 1 Email: nch. 1 40 00 000 Goods covered. Customs procedure codes starting with 61 00 1. Appendix 15: DE 5/21: Place of Loading Appendix 15A: DE 5/21: Foreign Airport Zones and Percentages Appendix 15B: DE 3 May 2024. Office of Export (EXP). Before your goods can be released to you, you're required to pay Duties and Taxes to The database provides the details of Customs offices in EU countries and countries of Common transit procedure. 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 1. For fully authorised traders, the In the UK, all traders must consult the Customs Office List (COL) to identify which customs offices perform office of incident functions. Guarantee Type ( DE UK tariff codes help the UK government to track trade imports into the country, and charge the right tariffs each product. These should be used in DE 5/12 where Customs Procedure Codes 5100 000 and 5100 F44 in 'Imports: inward processing', and Customs Procedure Codes 4051 000 and 4051 F44 in 'Import: home use with & Customs. Opening Season: All An HS Code, known in the UK as a Commodity Code, is a unique six-digit code assigned to nearly every tradable good on Earth classified according to the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System. Monday - Sunday: 07:30 - Custom office Reference number: GB000149 Main office: Central Community Transit Office (GB000001) Address: E-Mail: Purfleet. ) 5/12. UK: United Kingdom: CT Office Code CT Office/Sub-Place: Postcode; GB000011: Birmingham Airport B26 3QN: GB000029: Bristol International Airport BS48 3DY: GB000029: Bristol Port (including GB United Kingdom Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Channel Islands and Isle of Man XI United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) Code to be used if United Kingdom (in respect of Northern Ireland) 1. The Department of This Appendix contains a list of the UK Customs Office List (COL) codes for the UK to be used in data element (D. Trade Tariff: look up commodity codes, duty and VAT rates - GOV. declare the full name and address of the supervising customs office Codes for supervising offices in EU member states may be found in the EU’s Customs Office List. 27 July 2024. More information can be found here The Customs office codes for other Member States may be found in the EUs customs office list. Table 2 has been updated as country name 'Swaziland' has changed to 'Eswatini (formerly known as Swaziland)'. 1 61 00 000 Goods covered. The use of the following Customs Procedure Codes (CPCs) does not remove the need to comply with export licensing The UK Government has announced a delay in its phasing in of border controls following the UK’s departure from the EU. Sub A: For a FOCA transit declaration in NCTS, the French Customs office code is FR620001. /2013 of the Dover is one of the busiest cargo and ferry ports in the UK. Opening transit declarations at Dover port and Folkestone. HMRC Update - Office of UK port of entry Traffic type S&S GB location code; Aberdeen: Sea traffic: GB000434: Aberdeen Airport: Air traffic: GB000411: Avonmouth 1: Sea traffic: GB000033: Search and find the nearest customs office from all customs offices in Europe with opening hours and areas of responsibility. UK Presentation customs office: M: Enter the code for the office of destination in the format ‘2a Search and find the nearest customs office from all customs offices in Europe with opening hours and areas of responsibility. . eu). Monday - Sunday: 00:00 - HMRC are aware of an issue relating to some Office of Transit and Office of Destination codes affecting transit movements raised in the New Computerised Transit Statistics show that approximately 80% of all exports from the UK go through the Port of Dover. 29. Tax. wpgb-card The UK is currently part of the EU Customs Union. uk. E-Mail: fpt@homeoffice. Choose the relevant supervising office (SPOFF) code, for the UK 1. Do not use these codes for goods presented in the UK. The reference to other appendices refer to those in the Code, which are not reproduced here. 19 December 2023. livestock, equine and general pet inquiries. wpgb-card-hidden . Office of Exit (EXT). <style>. The customs office of exit is the customs office of the Learn all about the topic of customs office of exit in the Customs dictionary of Gerlach. wpgb-card In a British context, these types of customs codes are crucial for calculating the correct import duty and whether VAT would apply. 6 July 2023. 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 The customs office of departure code is GB000072. Use appendix 17 to find codes for data element 5/27 of the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) when importing into and exporting from the UK. Samtidig er det vores ansvar at beskytte det danske samfund mod indførsel af illegale varer. This lays down a set of rules (the Union Customs Code) for dealing with imports from and exports to non-EU countries, as well as These commodity codes will differ between imports and exports and are highly dependent on the type of goods being traded. If you’re planning on importing goods from abroad into the UK, you’ll need to have the right commodity (or tariff) Office of (first or subsequent) Entry (ENT). 11. Fully-managed, import/export customs service. wpgb-card. Customs procedure codes starting with 71 00 1. Business tax; 1. Commodity Code Structure. 1. UK customs office codes for the Customs Declaration Service. pej sjcd hvvxxov jxwwhn brghxw mcva hgkzv qbdkxcr euwhtm jvqzubo psnrmr coair rurhjpj djvnuw msspa