Code cleanup synonym Lists. A significant amount of code written is useful and makes it into the final releases. Refactor RegularlyRefactoring is the process of improving existing code without changing its behavior. 20 other terms for clean code structure- words and phrases with similar meaning. Synonyms for Clean code development. bringing into the twenty-first century. Synonyms for Code cleanup wizard. synonyms. Just keep these ideas in mind, and with time and patience, your code will start to get cleaner. thesaurus cleanup: killing net income Synonyms for cleanup Synonyms of cleanup: (noun) killing, net income, net, net profit, lucre, profit, profits, earnings (noun) cleanup position, cleanup spot, position (noun) cleaning, cleansing, improvement; Coding cleanup Download the free dictionary for Android → . Entire code Synonyms. single code. freshening up. Search for synonyms and antonyms. 2. As I'm not specifically just removing the code, I'm also rewriting a few other parts to fit around the new code structure. Want to reuse that code in a different project? You might need to make some changes to fit it in, and it's much easier when the code is clean. A project is feature complete when all features have been implemented. See more Another way to say Clean Up Code? Synonyms for Clean Up Code (other words and phrases for Clean Up Code). Tips for Writing Clean Code. Entire replaced . DRY is a key drive behind refactoring. sprucing up. Use tabs and enter when it is too messy. Cleanse implies a worse condition to start from, and more to do, than clean. 10 other terms for code cleanup wizard- words and phrases with similar meaning. So maybe typically: Time spent writing code: 10%; Time spent maintaining code: 90%; Clean Code geht auf Robert Cecil Martin zurück, der ihn in seinem Buch „Clean Code: Refactoring, Patterns, Testen und Techniken für sauberen Code“ als Begriff für sauber geschriebenen Code geprägt hat. Antonyms for Clean-up. Hercules cleansed the Aug Как по-другому сказать Comprehensive Code Cleanup? Синонимы для Comprehensive Code Cleanup (другие слова и фразы для Comprehensive Code Cleanup). Cleanup comes with the assumption that the previous code is not clean. 6 synonyms for clean up: neaten, square away, tidy, tidy up, straighten, straighten out. clean up > synonyms. External Links . Examples of cleaning up code could be changing variable names to better reflect what their purpose is, or cutting and pasting a block of code into a seperate function to improve In timeline order: A project is under feature freeze when no further functional requirements will be accepted. gussying up. Cleanup Antonyms. Dictionary Thesaurus code brown; shoot one in the sink; Resolution Funding Corp. What are synonyms for Clean-up? Find 233 different ways to say CLEANUP, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. green programming. Next lemmas: cleanup 370 other terms for cleanup- words and phrases with similar meaning Find 1281 different ways to say CLEAN UP, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. Antonyms for cleanup. Classic Thesaurus. common code. Vorteile von Clean Code sind stabilere und effizient “Code cleanup” is a phrase that sounds like it’s a lot of work. There are a whole lot more things to clean up your code, but these are just some examples. 5 synonyms for cleanup: killing, cleanup position, cleanup spot, cleaning, cleansing. Synonyms for clean up in Free Thesaurus. thesaurus. Synonyms for Clean code structure. Synonyms for Clean-up in Free Thesaurus. Login The STANDS4 Network The term 'Clean up' in classic thesaurus. Well, sometimes it may be an arduous task, indeed. thorough code. Random . sentences. clean code. 20 other terms for clean up code- words and phrases with similar meaning. cleanup synonym pronunciation - How to properly say cleanup synonym. Code cleanup refers to the act of writing so that it cleans up leftover and other unwanted materials from memory and the filesystem. 帮助我们改善此页面! (opens new window) Last Updated: 4/28/2021, 5:45:39 PM 第 1 章 Clean Code 整洁代码 → → Synonyms for cleanup in Free Thesaurus. Suggest synonym . definitions. absolute code. Typically you need to execute this code in the finally block of a try/catch block to ensure that the "clean-up" occurs even if exceptions are thrown while the resource is being used. Another way to say Clean Up Code? Synonyms for Clean Up Code (other words and phrases for Clean Up Code). Learning to Similar words for Cleanup. What's another word for bringing up to code. yardbird; biotechnology; Words near Cleanup in the Thesaurus clean Stack Overflow | The World’s Largest Online Community for Developers Как по-другому сказать Code Cleanup Tool? Синонимы для Code Cleanup Tool (другие слова и фразы для Code Cleanup Tool). If you were looking for a marketing term to tell a client, you might refer to it What is Code Cleanup? For this article, we will define code cleanup as how we should approach the removal of unused code. Synonyms for Clean Code Structure (other words and phrases for Clean Code Structure). Find out the synonyms, antonyms and definition. We couldn't find direct synonyms for the term antonyms of clean-up. When adding new codes to an existing code base, refactoring is done naturally due to DRY principle. To make the code look better and more efficient I would do something like this: Don't make the lines to long. perfect code. In modern java (SE 7 and later) you can also use "try Software developers may just be the original adherents of “the new minimalist gospel. exclusive code. Synonyms for Clean up code. What are synonyms for cleanup? Code cleanup(代码清理)是一种软件开发中的活动,旨在改善代码的质量、可读性和可维护性。它是在开发过程中对代码进行系统性的优化和整理,以去除冗余、重复或无用的代码片段,改善命名规范、代码结构和注释,以及修复代码中的潜在错误或漏洞。 More efficient. . We couldn't find direct synonyms for the term environmental cleanup. Login The STANDS4 Network Find 2,732 synonyms for "cleaning up" and other similar words that you can use instead based on 27 separate contexts from our thesaurus. fixing up. It is sometimes treated as a synonym of refactoring code, which involves making the source code itself easier to understand, maintain, and modify. Writing “spaghetti” is inevitable; everyone does it sometimes. align program. refactoring wizard. good code. format program. com, the largest free online thesaurus, antonyms, definitions and translations resource on the web. clean, cleansing, cleaner, cleaning. This is often referred to as paying down technical debt. Antonyms for clean up. unlimited code. pimping out. good code organization. Code cleanup can occur after feature complete. Die Clean-Code-Prinzipien sind allerdings wesentlich älter und haben ihren Ursprung eigentlich gar nicht in der Software-Entwicklung. Menu . C. konzipiert sind. However, Find all the synonyms and alternative words for cleanup at Synonyms. full code. Maybe you were looking for one of these terms? Synonyms for Clean Code Development (other words and phrases for Clean Code Development). Most of the changes will be literally stripping To clean is to make clean by removing dirt, impurities, or soil of any kind. Als „sauber“ (clean) bezeichnen Softwareentwickler in erster Linie Quellcode, aber auch Dokumente, Konzepte, Regeln und Verfahren, die intuitiv verständlich programmiert bzw. "Clean code" is important, because during the total life of the product, or product line, you have maybe spent some weeks to write that module, but it will "live" for years or decades in your code base. It's not necessarily true that clean codes are more efficient, in fact they are often inefficient in some ways, but messy codes tend to hide serious performance problems. Login The STANDS4 Network What's the definition of Clean code in thesaurus? Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Clean code meaning and usage. 5K Synonyms ; 213 Antonyms ; more ; 9 Broader; 18 Narrower; 181 Related? Synonyms for environmental cleanup en·vi·ron·men·tal cleanup This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word environmental cleanup. Cleanup should not occur during this phase unless it is related to a Another way to say Clean Code? Synonyms for Clean Code (other words and phrases for Clean Code). A project is code complete when coders are done doing anything other than reacting to defect reports. solid code. ['ˈkliːˌnəp'] the act of making something clean. Make it a habit to refactor as you go, rather than waiting until the end. Use Version ControlTools like Git help you track changes, experiment with new ideas, and revert to a clean state if something goes wrong. Use variables that make sense. antonyms. brightening up. I was wondering, is there a synonym for "removal" when talking about code? I was thinking maybe "refactor", but I'm only about 10-20% of the code change will be refactoring. doing up. outright code. As with many things in software development—and in general life—it’s often more comfortable, less painful and more productive to do an unpleasant task every day, little by little than let it accumulate and synonym for cleanup pronunciation - How to properly say synonym for cleanup. Cleanup Thesaurus. Synonyms for CLEANUP: killing, cleanup position, cleanup spot, cleaning, cleansing. Easy to reuse. What are synonyms for clean up? Find all the synonyms and alternative words for clean code at Synonyms. com. Find 1281 different ways to say CLEAN UP, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. 15 other terms for clean code development- words and phrases with similar meaning. But that doesn’t mean it’s the way it should be. If a code is good or bad is your own opinion. 10 other terms for comprehensive code cleanup- words and phrases with similar meaning code cleanup translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'coddle, condemn, crowded, cold', examples, definition, conjugation As mentioned in the comments, "clean up" means ensuring that any resources (open files, database connections etc) that have been acquired are properly closed or Как по-другому сказать Comprehensive Code Cleanup? Синонимы для Comprehensive Code Cleanup (другие слова и фразы для Comprehensive Code Cleanup). Definitions of Cleanup. Don’t try to write perfectly clean code, this will only lead to frustration. Listen to the audio pronunciation in several English accents. suggest new. Just my 0. Nearby Words . Other usefull sources with synonyms of this word: Synonyms for CLEAN (UP): tidy (up), clean house, set straight, straighten (up), pick up, order, arrange, clean (off); Antonyms of CLEAN (UP): mess (up), clutter Clean Code ist ein Begriff aus der Softwaretechnik, der durch das gleichnamige Buch von Robert Cecil Martin populär wurde. Definition: noun. Find all the synonyms and alternative words for clean code at Synonyms. In reality, developers refactor their code even the original code is already clean. clear code. Cleaning up code is a critical part of successful development, but doesn’t feel as exciting as adding new features. Synonyms for phrase Entire code. ”Overcoming that initial pang of apprehension and committing a small-but-purposeful act of decluttering, followed quickly by a flash of calm and (OK, fine) spark of joy — few know those feelings as innately as a developer who’s just chucked a line of superfluous code into the Code cleanup(代码清理)是一种软件开发中的活动,旨在改善代码的质量、可读性和可维护性。它是在开发过程中对代码进行系统性的优化和整理,以去除冗余、重复或无用的代码片段,改善命名规范、代码结构和注释,以及修复代码中的潜在错误或漏洞。 Code cleanup(代码清理)是一种软件开发中的活动,旨在改善代码的质量、可读性和可维护性。它是在开发过程中对代码进行系统性的优化和整理,以去除冗余、重复或无用的代码片段,改善命名规范、代码结构和注释,以及修复代码中的潜在错误或漏洞。 Synonyms for antonyms of clean-up antonyms of clean-up This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word antonyms of clean-up. Synonyms for Code Cleanup Wizard (other words and phrases for Code Cleanup Wizard). define clean up. 02 Code Cleanup is a tech company dedicated to doing the work your developers wish they didn’t have to do. 83 andere Begriffe für clean code- Wörter und Phrasen mit ähnlicher Bedeutung If you know synonyms for Cleanup, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words. Phrase thesaurus through replacing words with similar meaning of Entire and Code.
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