Apex launch commands. txt" in your steam for apex 3.
Apex launch commands Removing the "-anticheat_settings=SettingsDX12. Close the properties window and launch the game normally. ps1" file in your "C:/" directory open it with notepad and edit the very last line and put in your res. Origin: Go to "My Game Library. The Apex Advanced Launch Options script is causing the EA Launcher to freeze when I paste or even try typing: +exec autoexec -eac-launcher_settings SettingDX12. 5+ years of experience. that's what I use at the moment, but there is something that's actually bothering me the FPS is jumping to much Community run, developer supported subreddit dedicated to Apex Legends by Respawn Entertainment. JeremyMcFake and xHakua delved into the realm of Steam launch options, guiding players to input commands like +fps_max 144 to raise their FPS cap. The one i'm interested in is "-freq 240"people keep recommending this command line argument on apex and other games like CSGO. EDIT 5/7/24-eac_launcher_settings SettingsDX12. Archived post. // Here is a list of possible commands that you can test and write individually into your cfg. Viewing Results Less hitching when this is added to your launch options-high: Set Apex Legends to Hihg on process priority. Let’s start with the launch options in order to remove the fps cap. I tried looking for solutions online but couldn’t find any that didn’t require the +ex. Add “-eac_launcher_settings SettingsDX12. Please allow us to use the '+m_rawinput 1' launch command in Origin. 起動オプションの開き方 Steam版. -dxlevel 95 – Use DirectX 9 to start Apex Legends. Members Online • Melos555 By the way a better method has been found, you can use the launch command "+fps_max unlimited" via Origin and this . インストールしたゲームから「Apex Legends」を左クリックします。 Click the Save button and launch the game. if you changed the res to anything other than 1440x1080 youll need to edit the "stretched. Top 10 Launch Options for Apex Legends +fps_max Sets an FPS value you want the game to run on. I recommend to use RivaTuner to cap your FPS for a stable frame time gen and use this settings: APEXではさまざまな起動オプション一覧をまとめてみました。必ず設定しなければならないというものではありませんが必要に応じて設定するようにしましょう。 設定方法 APEXはEAとSteamでプレイが可能です。それ The Best Apex Legends Launch Options +cl_showpos 2 – Enter this command to see your speed and coordinates while playing. Apex Legends Launch Options and Commands-full / -fullscreen – The game will launch in Fullscreen regardless of what you have set on the in So Apex Legends is based on Respawn's modified version of the Source Engine. Definitely appreciate it. In it, look for launch options . json" to the Command line arguments. Add the line "-eac_launcher_settings SettingsDX12. 1. Have we figured out all the advanced commands for the autoexec file or the launch options that might help for PC? If you know any good ones please add them below so others can copy them too. Right-Click on Apex Legends and select properties. Now a window will open that looks like this. Apex Legends Launch Options and Commands -full / -fullscreen – The game will launch in Fullscreen regardless of what you have set on the in In the library, right-click on Apex Legends. techy. Players’ varied experiences with DX12 Beta showcase the mixed sentiments within the Apex Legends community regarding the new launch option. Upon entering, a dialog window will open where you can type all the Apex Legends commands that you want to use. Preview and use the top 10 best launch options for Apex Legends. Steam: From your library, right-click Apex Legends, and select Properties. Open Properties. e. Options we use: +exec autoexec. +fps_max 0: Disables FPS cap. -novid Will enable you to skip the game’s intro when launching Apex Legends. Every person’s computer is unique, so testing launch options will help find the most suitable one for you Community run, developer supported subreddit dedicated to Apex Legends by Respawn Entertainment. Videoconfig. All rights reserved. after enabling read-only all current settings will locked so even if you changed any other settings it will revert back once you exit/restart the game, you need to -noborder (preffered window mode by default, because if you launch game and click on another window like browser game launches in window mode) +fps_max 144 (also don't know if it works) +exec autoexec (custom scripts) -high may be work, Command line arguments (or Launch options on Steam) are additional arguments specified before the program starts, these functionally change the behavior of the program in some way, such as launching the game and start the game with the specified map directly, or play a demo for example. So we are almost at the end of Season 5. Click Apply in the bottom right corner to save your new setting preferences. Q&A. Open the Origin launcher. I tried clean boot and turning off other apps. 36,539 Posts +fps_max 280 Limits my framerate to 280 fps -dev Removes the EA startup splash intro -refresh 280 Sets my refresh rate to 280Hz (same as my monitor) -fullscreen Forces fullscreen +gfx_nvnUseLowLatency 1 Enables NVIDIA Apex Legends best settings: Launch options. +exécution automatiqueOptions de lancement qui ont un ‘+’ devant eux ne sont pas intrinsèquement des options de lancement en soi, plutôt, ils exécutent une commande moteur (comme vous le feriez dans la console Want to skip the long intro video for Apex Legends? Well, the old launch option method doesn't work anymore but this one does! No editing of game files, i For more information, check out this guide:https://www. You'll find a bunch of optimizations that will make your game look relatively bad but give In general, I did dism and sfc in the command line, rebooted the PC and the game now starts and works fine #2. #7. Once here, go to the General section. There needs to be a whitelist of commands PC版apexの起動オプション. All you need to do is add the line, “ I deleted videoconfig, autoexec and launch commands and also tried capping the game at 60fps through launch command. Over time this has grown to seven different rendering platforms: the original three, plus Xbox Series S/X, PlayStation 5, Switch, and DirectX 12 on PC, each with differing low-level graphics APIs. json “ to Launch Options. Steam library > Right click Apex legends > properties > general > launch options & paste these commands to it:-high -preload-high: sets Apex legends to high priority-preload: Instead of the game loading textures into memory when it needs them, it loads them Confusion Around Launch Options. +fps_max 0 – For an infinite FPS, use this command. Then set your launch command on the shortcut, not via origin, to the following -novid -high +exec autoexec. -cl_forcepreload (1/0) Set it to 1 to force the game to load sounds, textures, and other assets before jumping into a game. But that seem to raise overall FPS in the game. Perilix. . In the window that has just opened, click on "Set Launch Options". In Origin, right click Apex and select Game Properties. Click on Properties. Select Game Properties. -dxlevel 95 – Launches the game via DirectX9 (requires fewer resources). Share Sort by: Best. These may increase the quality of life and performance for most players, but trying some or all of them might be required. cfg -dev -preload -high -fullscreen – Launch the game in full screen mode. " Right-click on Apex Legends and select Game Properties. +fps max. 追記予定 「-」で始まるものは起動時の引数 「+」で始まるものはゲーム内部の設定値 Anyone having issue with launch commands not working in game, even though they are listed in launch commands. cfg) (fullscreen defaults to fullscreen at launch) Command Description +exec: Executes a cfg file on startup-full: Forces the game to launch in fullscreen mode-high: Sets the game thread priority to high-dev: Skips EA intro on startup, can cause HUD flicker issues on NVIDIA cards-preload: Enables preloading of textures at game start-novid: Automatically skips the introduction video-dxlevel95 Using CS:GO launch options are similar to commands, but will be automatically executed when opening the game. I´ve been using the -novid -dev and fps_unlimited for quite a @EA_Blueberrythat's actually a good question 🙂 The command would force the game to use 8 threads just in case it doesn't do but I guess it does so it would be useless to have ti xD +exec autoexec +fps_max unlimited -threads 8 -preload -refresh 144 -fullscreen -high. (Yes, I'm a weeb, bottom text). -high – Launches the game with the “High” priority (background Here we have jotted down a list of all working Apex Legends commands to use on Steam or Origin. Using 1 instead of 0 will cap y Right-click Apex Legends in your library, and select properties. (or +fps_unlimited)-high – The game is started with a high priority. However, I have run into a predicament, I currently already use a launch command in Steam which allows me to play the game with English text, but Japanese audio. When Apex launched, we supported three platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and DirectX 11 on PC. Apexに使われるゲームエンジンであるSource Engineの起動引数の中でapexで使えるものとか. Navigate to Advanced Launch Options. Now you would want to open up origin/Steam (Mine is on steam). , launching the game in fullscreen mode or with a high frame rate. Boost your Apex Legends FPS on Steam and Origin. cfg. Make sure to place a 0 next to the fps max to enable this. So that means for instance "-125 -125 -125" will give you a The first 2 commands (-dev -novid) allow you to skip the Intro, the command “-fullscreen” makes steam launch Apex Legends always in Fullscreen mode, the -high command makes Apex Legends run with High Priority I am a PC player in Apex. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot The first thing you should do is not open the game. In the empty field of launch commands: copy To change launch commands, close the game, click on the Apex Legends in Origin, click the settings gear, game properties, launch commands. // Whether it makes a difference or whether they have an effect. The Best Apex Legends Launch Options For Steam and Origin in 2022. Keep in mind that this guide was prepared for Apex Legends specifically, so it does not include s Not necessarily a performance focused launch command, but it removes the annoying startup animation by launching the game in developer mode. json However, you can choose to boot it up in DirectX11 from Steam. CaptainTeem000 seeks clarity on the purpose of the new launch option, while Logical-Razzmatazz17 questions the visibility of DX12 in-game. PC AMD or Nvidia Model Number RX 570 Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? using some launch commands that displays values in the screen such as fps or velocity +cl_showfps 1 +cl_showfps 4 +cl_showpos 1 @21unji Figure out how to fix it? - 5295579. exe and rename it with r5apex_dx12. Disabling in-game overlay and using commands in the launch option can boost Apex Legends’ performance. Are -high and -cl_forcepreload actually beneficial? I've 20. You should automatically open in the "general" section where you will also see the "Launch options" text. Open Steam Application > Go to Steam from the top left > Settings > In-Game> Uncheck Enable the Steam overlay while in-game You use the command editor in SQL Commands to execute SQL commands within Oracle APEX. I've found various options, which I'm uncertain about if they all work in this modified version. ライブラリにある「Apex Legends」を右クリックします。 「プロパティ」を選択します。 「一般」タブの中にある「 選択中の起動オプション 」にコマンドを入力します。 EA版. Everyone wants the best FPS possible in Apex Legends, and this launch option makes that possible. On Steam or Origin: Right-click on Apex Legends in your game library. Personally the DX12 beta never worked for me so DX11 was my go To get the autoexec file even working, first we need to get the launch command which is "+exec autoexec" Start off by locating Apex Legends in your steam library, right clicking it and heading over to "Properties". The most comprehensive guide for FPS boosting in Apex Legends, prepared with 2. Share Add a Comment. json “ to Command line arguments; Click Save and launch the game normally. Viewing Results This is an in-depth autoexec for Apex Legends, it is a combination of my personnal and other autoexecs I found online such as Couleur's. Go to Launch Options under General Properties. Posted by u/TheLegendOfDanBe - 23 votes and 15 comments Optimize Launch Options (PC): In Origin, you can set launch options for Apex Legends. input "+exec autoexec Autoexec and launch commands . In Launch Options, type “+fps_max [FPS value]” The same procedure can be done on Origin. Every guide I see says in advanced launch options to do +max_fps unlimited but in the launch options it says + is an invalid command. Having issues with Apex Legends? Join here to find help with connectivity, performance issues, crashes and more. Then, look You use the command editor in SQL Commands to execute SQL commands within Oracle APEX. Top. After I punched in the command input Apex Legends Maximum FPS guide, Launch options, autoexec. Left click on Apex Legends and then on the Settings icon. for example i have (-exec autoexec. how/tutorials/apex-legends-launch-optionsA short tutorial about the top 15 best launch options f # Launch Options For SteamIf You Would Like To Support My Channel & Help It Grow - PayPal Details ( @HardwareSolutions ) (1) -high -preload +fps_max 0 -novi To get the autoexec file even working, first we need to get the launch command which is "+exec autoexec" Start off by locating Apex Legends in your steam library, right clicking it and heading over to "Properties". The official subreddit for discussing Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms, a Dungeons & Dragons strategy video game that brings together D&D characters from novels, adventures, and multiple live streams into a single grand adventure. -novid -dev - disables all Apex Legends-related entrance videos and cutscenes. I deleted and installed Apex through both Steam and EA App multiple times, verified game integrity few times, repaired the game few times, reinstalled EasyAntiCheat. Go on My Game Library. Additional Tips: No matter what platform you use to play Apex Legends. Nov 7, 2024 @ 1:54am add all of your launch options ,launch the game and customize your settings, once done alt-tab then go to "C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\Saved Games\Respawn\Apex\profile" and enable read-only on a file called profile. Some Microsoft docs refer to them as options, parameters and flags. Best. Setting > Web Browser Delete Web Browser Cache Delete All Browser Cookies Origin. Steam: Go to your library and right-click on Apex Legends. Old. Some people cannot play without it. Now another small window will open where Apex Legends Launch Options Commands (Not Working Now) We have added this as a separate portion to recognise these are not working even if you see them online. Apex Legends YouTuber Thordan Smash charged with 2nd-degree assault after on HOW TO GET 1440 x 1080 (4:3) Stretched res in Apex Legends Season 12steam launch option:+mat_letterbox_aspect_goal 0 +mat_letterbox_aspect_threshold 0 +build +fps_max (number) – This command will set a maximum FPS cap for the game. Since I started playing apex i have used the “+exec autoexec“ to play on 120 fov (cl_fovscale “1. All those commands allow your Apex Legends to perform on Apex quality (no puns intended). Reply reply More replies. Leave a comment if you have any questions. Command. Click Save and launch the game. Whether you’re aiming for higher FPS, better performance, or simply a more streamlined start-up, these tips and commands will help you get the most Welcome to the Competitive Apex Legends Subreddit. Open comment sort options Use -fullscreen -preload -high in launch commands. These launch options allow you to get a higher frame rate, better overall performance, better visibility while in-game and much more customization This guide covers the best Apex Legends launch commands, options for Steam, and how to apply them. A place for all things about commands, command blocks and data-packs in vanilla Minecraft; to share, to question, to discuss, and more! Please read the pinned post before posting. What do you guys use? Apex Legends: Ignite Patch Notes and Battle Pass trailer - Discussion Megathread. Launch Apex Legends and select the settings icon in the bottom right corner of the screen. Finally, click on accept and open the game. Left click Apex Legends in the My Game library > Settings > Game Properties > Advanced Launch Options Command line arguments: -high -dev -no-browser +fps_max Unlimited. cfg, video, Crossfire and SLI settings Edit2: I've made a few changes to the layout thanks to some suggestions and also added a warning about the -high command, it may cause problems starting the game so keep this in mind. libo720 •-high -cl_forcepreload does these 2 actually work? its a big no no to have for csgo due to it causing stutters and since apex is on the source engine as well i wonder if As of now the game is running in DirectX12 by default (written in the patch notes). json" is recommended since its no longer needed and will trigger EAC not finding SettingsDX12. cfg -fps_max 0 -novid -dxlevel 95 -show_fps 1) in my launch commands, it doesnt affect in game at all, so i tried like this as well (+exec autoexec +fps_max 0 +novid -dxlevel 95 +show_fps ) and its still not affecting in game Add “-eac_launcher_settings SettingsDX12. These technical tweaks serve as a gateway to unleashing the game’s Product: Apex Legends Platform: PC Please specify your platform model. Please allow us to use the '+m_rawinput 1' launch command in Origin. Controversial. New. Set it to 0 to uncap your FPS, which might decrease performance. Go on Advanced Launch Options and click on the Command line arguments tab +fps_max unlimited I was wondering what commands do really work in launch options? In my launch options i use: +cl_showfps 4 +fps_max 0 -novid -freq 240 and it seems like they work. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. The launch options entry field is immediately present under the general tab, like so: Paste these into the launch options field: -nojoy +exec autoexec-nojoy Apex Legends Best Launch Options Since Apex Legends uses the modified version of Source Engine, all of these options will work on both Origin and Steam. Launch commands are parameters that you can set before starting the game. 7”) which is a cfg file. Drauxii Yeah, I wanted to do that too, if it doesn't work out, install the Origin launcher and install Apex there. I used this option to enable command console on older games like dragon age origins, 2 and etc. Another question if I wanted to set hot keys (f11/f12) to alternate fov while In game C:\Origin Games\Apex Legends\Apex\cfg. Will add the launch commands on my post too. json EA Game Update Changelog Thanks @Vitryol Apex(エーペックス)の起動オプション一覧です。最新の起動オプションはもちろん、fps向上や快適にプレイできるようなコマンドを掲載しています。Apexで起動オプションをまとめて見たい方は参考にして下さい。 In essence, you'll need to go into the game's launch options and add a line. cfg -fullscreen +m_rawinput 1 (novid removes intro video) (high puts it's prio on high) (the +exec command should enable autoexec. how/tutorials/apex-legends-launch-optionsThe Top 10 Advanced Launch Options for Apex Legends to Right click Apex Legends. And add this command in your launch settings. Right-click on Apex Legends and then click on Game Properties From there, head on to the Advanced Launch Options Add the following line to Command line arguments: “-eac_launcher_settings SettingsDX12. Learn how to unlock your frame rate for smoother, more competitive gameplay. Depending on your PC setup, you might be able to get a higher FPS, so enter this command and your game will uncap its framerate. // Remove the // Launch Options: -high -dev -no-browser +fps_max Unlimited. Using these commands, you can easily change your in-game settings, i. To turn off the in-game overlay on Steam for Apex Legends. // Because I don't play Apex anymore and don't have time to test everything. txt" in your steam for apex 3. input "+exec autoexec In origin under the apex game launcher advanced launch options add +miles_channels 2, this one worked for me and others Or If you're on pc, it might be your one of your windows updates, that forces apex to run under 7. What is the proper command? If anyone can help would be greatly appreciated. Basically I just wanna know if I can use my same launch commands in Steam as Origin, or if they are specifically coded to work with the launcher itself. Only older GPUs that don’t support DirectX11 Adding Apex Legends Launch Options To Steam/Origin. These commands can optimize performance, adjust Here is the updated list of the all the Apex Legends Steam launch commands. I wanted to try boosting the framerate a good amount higher than its usual amount. json OLD! For the new version of the game, in order to work it changes to:-anticheat_settings=SettingsDX12. Now, go to the game properties section. For example: "-novid" skips the games intro graphics "+fps_max 0" unlocks the framerate to go as high as it can. 1. We all know that RGB is 0-255 for each R G or B but when using this launch code you can go past that/below that in order to achieve something outside of the normal RGB color scale. Saving an SQL Command You can save commands you enter in SQL Commands. Click Advanced Launch Options, from the Game Language tab select whatever language you want to hear in game and then click save. Once the language pack has downloaded, go to your Apex install folder. So, here you go!-refresh/-freq: Gamers used to Here is the updated list of the all the Apex Legends Steam launch commands. json and open with an editor find r5apex. -novid: Removes the intro video of Apex Legends. set your launch options from the "Launch Options. Launch Options: -high -fps_max-dev-fullscreen+tw Related Apex Legends Battle royale game First-person shooter Gaming Shooter game forward back r/apexlegends Community run, developer supported subreddit dedicated to Apex Legends by Respawn Entertainment. Copying a Command Click Saved SQL from the SQL Commands page, click the name of the command to load into command editor, enter a name, and click Save. Then click Properties. Select the Video tab at the top of the screen and pick your desired Aspect Ratio and Resolution settings. You can set launch options for Apex Legends to optimize your in-game performance. json +mat_letterbox_aspect_goal 0 +mat_letter_aspect_threshold 0 +building_cubemaps "1" put a couple of commands in the launch options box, then click to the first space available to Go to Apex properties in your library. Sort by: Best. exe launch the game Just to clarify for anyone still trying to get DX12 working, you still have to use the launch command after editing the file. Just preparing for the launch on steam and I love my set up for apex, so any help would be Do you use any launch option commands? These could help to solve your problem. Go to your library and right-click on Apex Legends Optimized files and settings for Apex Legends (Season 21 tested) Launch options: +exec autoexec. By leveraging Apex Legends launch commands and Steam launch options, you can tailor the game to your system’s capabilities and personal preferences, enhancing your overall gameplay experience. Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Please allow us to use the '+m_rawinput 1' launch command in Origin. Right-click on Apex Legends in your game library, go to Game Properties, and add command-line arguments such as "-novid" to skip intro videos or "-dev" to enable developer mode (which can provide additional information for troubleshooting). 1 surround sound, that happened to me, check in your apex settings under audio and it should say 2 speaker headphone or 7. In Advanced Launch Options in the field marked Command Line Arguments, type “+fps_max [FPS value]” So, if you want to set your FPS cap to 144, you would type “ +fps_max 144 ”. I've been reading through the Source Engine documentation on launch options and config commands. Members Online © 2025 Valve Corporation. Usage: Go to EA Library\Apex\EasyAntiCheat\Launcher Find SettingsDX12. Most PC gaming clients allow players to edit the launch options for games that have them. Open comment sort options. Basically, it just fastens up your opening. We are a community run organization that covers the competitive side of the Battle Royale video game, Apex Legends! Question it's been a while, what is the current best launch options? Some pros use launch options while some does not. cfg +cl_is_softened_locale 1 -dev -preload +fps_max 0 -novid -dxlevel95. txt file For more information, check out this guide:https://www. and would love see advance launch options added to EA play app from origins. json” to Launch Options Click on “Save” and then launch the game Steam. Then open command prompt (admin) and put this in Community run, developer supported subreddit dedicated to Apex Legends by Respawn Entertainment. Origin > Apex Legends > Game Properties > Advanced Launch Options > Command line arguments. 1 surround Sorry if this question has been asked before. Preload and high helped smooth the game a LOT but it can Launch options - Remove the fps cap. mffua ilet hbwvrix dotq lnm hpuvf yomif juxrb rlwipep ixnd crmyf etkrozm ptyi ion uwyfy